2015 - Re

Merge, Week 8
Understanding Your Spouse
– Pre-Class Table Time
– Opening , 90’s game
- Discussion Time #1
– Teaching Time #1 - Scott & Kristen
– Table Time #2
– Closing / Evaluations/Final Challenge (Scott)
6:25-6:32 – Pre-class table time
6:32-6:45 – Intro/Announcements – Lance
A. Schedule for the evening
a. We will give you some time at the end of the night – sign each other’s Merge
books, take pictures, make a bunch of empty promises that you will be
BFF’s, etc…
B. Page 111 in your book
C. Certificates – if you requested one you should have it. If you don’t we must have
missed it. (“just because you don’t have one doesn’t mean we don’t think you
should get married”)
D. 90’s Game
E. 10 minutes of discussion time to catch up, share prayer requests, debrief sex talk
F. Pray
6:45-6:55 – Table Time #1
6:55-7:35 - Teaching Time #1 (Lance & Mandy)
7:35-8:05 – Table Time
8:05-8:30 – Closing / Evaluations (Lance)
A. Homework despite no class next week
B. Next steps sheet
a. clear next steps, remove the excuses….
b. Membership Class
c. Foundation groups/community - singles
i. Community – build relationships, connect with friends here, etc…
d. Please get plugged in at a church or WCC
e. re:generation (CR)
f. Premarital mentoring
g. How to not be overwhelmed… take one step
C. Thank Emily & a/v peeps, and your leaders
a. Come find Emily with any questions, next steps, etc…
D. Keep going on your purity pledge – just because class is over doesn’t mean purity is
a. Psalm 24.3-5, Ephesians 5.3, 1 Corinthians 6.18
Merge, Week 8
Understanding Your Spouse
b. Some may mock you – be different than the world
Facebook, Twitter, Tell friends to sign up for Merge
a. Invite cards – on their tables
Fill out evaluations – don’t forget session 8 – turn in at back of the room
Page 113 - Class Summary? This is a BIG DEAL!!!
GABE & WHITNEY Video & Story
a. Change the details – abuse, porn, skin color, your merge leader won’t
bail you out
b. Changed lives lead to changed lives
i. G & W
Be open, transparent, do the work
It’s not about you, choose wisely, change the world through you
Sisco Challenge!!!
a. Don’t isolate… don’t hide.
b. Share Gospel
c. Invite you to Watermark…not our goal…but please know you are invited
Merge, Week 8
Understanding Your Spouse
Leaders Meeting
1. Schedule for the night: Understanding Your Spouse & Wrap up/Next Steps
a. Table time
b. 10 minutes of table time – prayer requests, catch up, etc…
c. 35 minutes of teaching (differences: understand, embrace, celebrate)
d. 30 minutes of table time
e. 25 minutes for wrap-ups / good bye
2. Leaders Out:
a. Fellmans – Jacob & Katherine Fauss
b. Barretts – Holly & Kleinn Swannie [show Nathaniel & Margaret’s Baby]
i. Ad-lie Ethan Barrett, born sept 8, 6lbs 14oz, 19.75”
3. Leader Discussion - Merge doesn’t end tonight!
a. What are some best practices, post merge, that you’ve used in the past?
b. How have you encouraged your couples moving forward?
i. Take the next best step
c. How do you plan to stay connected with your couples?
d. What conversations do you still need to have?
4. Announcements
a. Twogether in Texas Certificates on the tables – only printed out if they
asked us – you probably won’t have one for every couple at your table
b. Let them know about evaluations - Leaders fill them out too
c. 2on2 mentor training – October 20th
i. Clarify 2-on-2 mentoring, next steps – ask who’s eligible for 2on2
d. Remind about BFE – September 23rd
e. Need for leaders – always….
i. Merge 2015 – Dallas – WE NEED LEADERS
1. We will probably have 160-170 couples
2. And I currently need about 20 more leaders
ii. Opportunities in re|engage & FG
iii. Expectations around subs – be available, be an owner!
f. Send me A SELFIE of the two of you – working on leader tracking
5. Thank you! I know I say it a lot, but I mean it a lot.