1979 _ 1985 - Sudan University of Science and Technology

*Personal Information:Name: Hassan Ahmed Ali Ahmed.
Date Of Birth: 1/1/1947.
Religion: Islam.
Languages: Arabic, English.
Marital Status: Married.
*Qualifications:B.V.Sc University Of Khartoum.
M.V.Sc(1975)University Of Khartoum.
Ph.D (1979) University Of Edinburgh.
*Working Experience:1971 _ 1972 : Veterinary Officer, Ministry Of Animal
1976 _ 1975 : Teaching assistant, Department Of Anatomy ,
Faculty Of Veterinary science .
1976 _ 1979: Postgraduate Student school Of Veterinary
science. University Of Edinburgh Scotland.
1979 _ 1985 : Assistant Professor ,department Of anatomy ,
University Of Khartoum .
1979 _ 1985: chief invigilator Of final examinations,
Secretary to Faculty Research Board, Internal examiner in
Surgery For Final Students, Supervisor Of Student Class
Tours Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine .
1985 _ 1987 : Seconded To Elfateh University Tripoli,Lybia.
1987 _ 1993 : Rejoined the Same college as Associate
1987 _ 1993 : Actively participated in the arabicization
program by teaching gross anatomy and embryology in
1993 _ 1994 : Participated in the arabicization program Of the
University Of Khartoum.
1994 _ 2006 : Professor Of anatomy , University Of Bahr
Elghzal, Khartoum. Head, department Of anatomy , Secretary
Of the central research committee .
Participated in the arabicization Program by translating an
anatomy textbook (Essentials Of bovine anatomy ).
2000 _ 2002 : Dean , Graduat College.
Established the College and formulated the ordinances
organizing the activity Of the Graduate College .
2002 _ 2004 : Dean, College Of Veterinary Science
developed new labs and rehabilitated old labs by providing
funds from governmental bodies.
2004 _ 2006 : Seconded to College Of Veterinary Medicine
and Animal Production University Of Sudan for Science &
Technology as prof. Of Anatomy.
2006 : Retirement.
2006 _ 2010 : College Of Veterinary Medicine University Of
Albutana As Professor Of Anatomy and head department .
2010 _ 2015 : Professor Of Anatomy, Sudan University for
Science & Technology as prof. Of Anatomy.
*4 - Research :1- Ali,H.A (1975) On the morphology and histochemistry Of
the accessory glands Of the one humped camel .M.V.Sc
thesis University Of Khartoum.
2- Ali , H.A , Moniem, K.A .and Tingari , M.D.(1976).
Some histocherrical studies on the prostate urethral and
bulboure thrall
Glands Of the one humped camel (Camelus dromedaruis).
This to chem.J.8:565-578.
3- Ali,H.A , Tingari , M.D. and Moniem, K.A (1977) . On the
morphology accessory onale glands and histochemistry Of
the accessory glands Of the one humped camel (Camelus
dromedaruis) Vet.Bull. 7(3) No1810.
4- Ali , H.A , Tingari , M.D and Moniem, K.A (1978) On the
morphology Of the accessory male glands and histochemistry
Of the ampulla ductus deferentis Of the Camel (Camelus
dromedaruis ) .
J.Anat. 125; 277_ 292.
5- Ali , H.A (1979). Light microscopic and ultrastruclural
studies on the enteric nerve plexuses Of the domestic fowl .
Ph.D thesis University Of Edinburgh.
6- Ali , H.A (1985). Ultra structure Of the avian intestinal
Acta Vet .Bron. 54- 23-33.
7- Ali , H.A and Mc Lelland,J (1978) Avian enteric nerve
Plexuses, a histochemical study. Cell Tiss Res. 189, 537,
8- Ali , H.A , and Mc Lelland,J (1978a) histochemical
observations on the avian enteric Plexuses . J. Anat. 126,
9- Ali , H.A , and Mc Lelland,J (1978c) . Quantitative
observations on the my enteric Plexus Of the domestic fowl.
J.Anat 127, 216, 217.
10- Ali , H.A and Mc Lelland,J (1980) Variations in neuron
size in the aviran intestinal my enteric Plexus . Anz.147, 348.
5- Assessment of postgduate degrees:- Evaluated 20 theses for the degree of master of veterinary
science (MVSC), University of Khartoum, and Sudan
University for science technology .
- Assessed theses for the degree of Doctor of philosophy in
Veterinary science (Ph.D), University of khartuom, sudan
University for science technology .
6- Supervision of post graduate studies:-Participated as a co-supervisor for a student doing a (Ph.D)
degree in radiology, Sudan University for science of
- supervised a MVSc student.
- Currently supervising 5 PhD students in anatomy.
‫)‪*Books:- (In arabic‬‬
‫‪ .1‬د‪ .‬حسن أحمد على و د‪ .‬عبدالرحيم إدريس أساسيات تشريح االبقار‬
‫(‪ )1191‬مطبعة جامعةالخرطوم ‪.‬‬
‫‪Translation Of Essentials Of bovine anatomy ,by Dyce, K.M.‬‬
‫)‪and Wensing, C.I.G(1941‬‬
‫‪ .2‬الهجن العربية األصيلة (دراسة تحليلية عن هجن السبان ف قطر )‪.‬‬
‫تأليف ‪-:‬‬
‫د ‪ .‬حسن أحمد على و د‪ .‬عادل فاروق الطحان (‪. )2001‬‬
‫دار الثقافة للطباعة والنشر‬
‫الدوحة – قطر ‪.‬‬