Science Performance Grade 6 Topic – Microbes Title Microbial Movement Performance Expectation: S5O1b - Compare characteristics common in observed organisms (e.g., color, movement, appendages, shape) and infer their function (e.g., green color found in organisms that are producers, appendages help movement). Performance Expectations: Students will classify organisms according to the structure they use for motion. Student Science Performance Gathering To introduce the concept of classification, students will work in a group of 4 to sort and classify a sample of mixed beans. Students will describe what criteria was used for each group in their classification and defend their classification. ?Article on reclassification of archeobacteria – emphasizing changes in classification systems Students work in groups of 2-4 to observe and record their observations of various microbes from a collection of pictures and video clips. Based on their observations, students construct a classification system in which to sort their microorganisms. Reasoning Construct an Explanation from Evidence Students must construct an explanation for the classification of their microbes, supporting their explanation with evidence from their observations. Students work in their small groups to develop explanations for why one group of organisms would have a shared feature. What is the function of the trait shared among organisms placed in the same group? For example, what would be the function of the flagella (tails) in a group in which they shared this trait? Students individually write in their notebooks the explanation and evidence to support their classification and argument. Develop an Argument from Evidence Class Discussion – These are sample questions to initiate discussion. The actual questions used will vary depending on the classification systems students develop and the direction the discussion heads. What are the similarities of the microbes in each group? Compare each group to the other groups. How are the groups different from each other? How are the groups alike? What is the function of the structure (appendages) you observe on the microbes? What evidence supports your explanation of the function of the appendages? Why might we classify green organisms different than other organisms? Given the following picture/video, how would you classify this organism? Justify your choice with evidence. Communicating In groups, have students do online research of a paramecium, euglena, amoeba, spirogyra, hydra, daphnia, and diatoms. Present to the class on which group their microbe belongs and justification for why, describe structures that facilitate movement of the microbe (if any) and how this structure allows for the function of movement. Science Practices Constructing Explanations Science Essentials (Student Performance Expectations From Appendix C, D, E) Work collaboratively to construct science explanations Compare multiple explanations of the same science phenomena Engaging in Argument from Evidence Crosscutting Concepts Patterns Use evidence to support ideas Use evidence to generate or support explanations Listen to others’ explanations Identify and describe patterns in the natural world Use patterns to identify and classify objects, mechanism, and organism. Use patterns as evidence to support scientific explanations Structure & Function Relate the structure to the mechanical functioning of a machine or organism Explain the function of microscopic structures on organisms Investigate phenomena and describe the structure/function relationship Disciplinary Core Ideas Living Organisms . Moulding, 2011) Unity and diversity of living organisms Organisms have characteristic structures and function to meet needs