Learning French at The Rural Enterprise Academy The AQA specification is used for French GCSE. There are four tested skill areas in the GCSE syllabus with their weighting: Listening 20% (Two tier exam, Higher or Foundation) Speaking 30% (One tier exam - Controlled Assessment. 2 pieces each worth 15%) Reading 20% (Two tier exam, Higher or Foundation) Writing 30% (One tier exam – Controlled Assessment.2 pieces each worth 15%) Controlled Assessments are carried out during class time and two are submitted for marking/moderation. Content There are four main "Contexts" which are spread over Years 10 and 11: 1. Lifestyle and Relationships/Choices 2. Leisure and Holidays 3. Home and Environment 4. Work and Education The context of the course leads neatly into the AQA AS Modern Languages. Students are expected to understand the meaning of the vocabulary included in the specification. This is the vocabulary they will be tested on across all 4 forms of assessment. Students will be given a hardcopy of this at the start of year 10. P 20-46 from the link below: http://filestore.aqa.org.uk/subjects/AQA-4655-W-SP-14.PDF 1a) Lifestyle • Healthy and unhealthy lifestyles and their consequences Week Content Progress question Grammar Skills 1 Intro to GCSE, How are we alphabet and Pronunciation how it is expanding our numbers assessed; basic vocab from KS3? General revision revision 2 Food + Healthy Can we use a -er verbs and Eating range of verbs boire , some tackling reading and varied vocab to talk about our eating preferences? 3 Sports Are we becoming jouer, faire, aware of how to adverbs of use different frequency learning speaking verbs and adverbs when talking about sport? 4 Alcohol, smoking, How do we negative drugs formulate a sentences, avoir, negative être giving opinions sentence? 5 Describing a Are we able to healthy lifestyle confidently use the new vocab faire and dormir Il faut… using context in reading from this unit into our written work? 6 Future plans for Can we use the je vais + inf, memory and a healthy future tense in adverbs for speaking lifestyle our work to future enhance the vocab expressions in our work? question words answering unexpected q’s 1b) Relationships and choices • Relationships with family and friends • Future plans regarding: marriage/partnership • Social issues and equality Week Content Progress Grammar Skills Possessive pronouns Working out the question 1 Family members Are we able to and descriptions give details of Page 32-33 and vocab page 4445 2 what they look like? meanings of words P33 Character Can we use a Adjectives and their Spelling descriptions wide range of use strategies Page 32-33 and vocab page 4445 3 our family and Recap avoir/être adjectives to describe personalities of family members? Relationships Do you feel with others confident in Page 34-35 and vocab page 4445 P42, p161 and 162 describing your reflexive verbs p35 Silent endings (pronunciation) relationship with others? Best friends, boy/girlfriend 4 Relationship Can we put our advice modal verbs into sentences to talk about the Modal verbs P43 –ir and –re verbs Learning speaking 5 The future P36-37 future? Page 39 Can you convey Je your plans for voudrais/j’aimerais/j’ai questions the future l’intention de/j’espère fluently? + infinitive Asking p42 2a) Leisure • Free Time and the Media • Free time activities • Shopping, money, fashion and trends • Advantages and disadvantages of new technology Week Content Progress question Grammar Skills 1 Revise sport and Have you Prepositions with Extending leisure identified how to jouer and faire sentences Page 52 Page 55 ASTUCE Can you make Perfect tense Recognising time complex with avoir expressions Page 55 Page 54 Page 52 use jouer and faire + du/de la/de l’/des correctly? 2 Hobbies at home Page 54-55 3 sentences to Vocab page 68- describe what we 69 do at home? Hobbies outside Are you able to Perfect tense Using use different with être connectives Page 56-57 Vocab page 6869 tenses in the same sentences when talking about your hobbies? Page 57 ASTUCE Page 57 4 Money and Can you now try to Perfect tense of Using more than shopping use all 3 time irregular verbs just one time Page 58-59 Vocab page 68- frames when answering a Page 59 Page 59 - question? stratégie 69 5 Revise clothes Page 52 6 Are you able to Agreement of describe what you adjectives wear and give Vocab grid page 61 Are you beginning Verbs for Tackling a to use a wider opinions, difficult reading range of vocab to adjectives before text give your opinion? nouns details of colour, 61 material etc? Fashion Vocab page 68- Full descriptions Page 61 Exercise 5 page Page 60-61 frame 69 Page 67 ex. 4, Page 60 bottom right page 69 ex.2 Page 61 top right 7 New technologies Page 62-63 Are you able to Comparative Justifying say what you adjectives, use of opinions gadgets you have ‘on’ and can you say that something is better/worse than something else? Page 63 top right Page 67 and p164 P63 stratégie 2b)Holidays • Plans, preferences, experiences • What to see and getting around Week Content Progress question Grammar Skills 1 Revision of Can you say what Prepositions with Using what you countries, countries you have places (à/au/en) know weather, been to/will go, transport what the weather P 53 was/will be like and how you got/will get there 2 Holiday When/where do Recap verb Recognising time preferences you go on holiday? conjugations, frames Why do you like especially opinion it? Is a holiday in verbs P 70-71 the UK better than abroad? What do you pack in your suitcase? Documentation required? When do you book your holiday? 3 Past holidays – Can you give where and when details of a past Perfect tense Using connectives holidaywhere,when and how you go there? Who with? Opinion? 4 Past holidays- Can you give Perfect tense of Using more than activities details of Past – opinions and one time frame activities you did? reasons irregular P74-77 5 Past – opinions verbs Can you give Agreement of and reasons opinions and adjectives Full descriptions Future holiday Verbs for Justifying plans opinions; opinions reasons of past holidays? 6 adjectives before 72-73 nouns 3a) Home • Home and Local Area • Special occasions celebrated in the home • Home, town, neighbourhood and region, where it is and what it is like Week Content Progress question Grammar Skills 1 Revision of To be able to Use of Learning rooms, furniture identify different prepositions, meanings and prepositions names of house P 90-91 types, describe il y a your house and what there is inside it 2 Festivals P 94-95 Talk about your Perfect and Negative birthday – what imperfect use expressions Habiter + depuis Qualifiers and you normally do for your birthday, what you did for your last birthday – perfect and imperfect tense, give details of your favourite festival and how you celebrate it 3 My house P 96-97 To be able to talk about where you live and for how intensifiers long, describe the rooms in your house and what there is inside it, where did you live before, do you like your house 4 Daily routine and Describe what you Reflexive verbs helping at home do to help at home and adverbs of and be able to frequency P 92-93 Using times give details of your daily routine 5 My town P 98-99 To be able to On peut + Detailed describe what infinitive descriptions there is in your town e.g. for young people, tourists; say what there is on, weather and what you can or cannot do there 6 My area – Give your opinion Verbs for Giving balanced advantages and of why your local opinions; justified disadvantages area is good as adjectives before opinions well as giving nouns details of why it may not be good 3b) Environment • local environmental problems and your contribution • future problems of the environment on a larger scale Week Content Progress question Grammar 1 Environmental What are the Superlatives problems environmental P 106-107 2 What Pouvoir, devoir, should/could be should/could be falloir done for the done to help town/area protect the P103/169 environment? P109 What you do to What do you/and Present participle protect the your family do to environment protect the P 108-109 4 area? What P107, 108-109 3 problems in your P107/112/168 environment? Future plans to What will you do be more in the future to environmentally ensure you friendly continue to help protect the environment? Future tense P167-168 4a) Education • School/College and Future Plans • What school/college is like • Pressures and problems Week Content Progress question Grammar Skills 1 Introduction to Are you able to talk Negative + de, Pronunciation school and about the definite and work revision facilities/rooms in your indefinite (equipment, school? articles time etc) Subjects, likes/dislikes and reasons P 123/160 Are you able to say what subjects you study and give an opinion? P 122-123 Opinion verbs (Je pense que, Je crois que …) P129 2 School routine Are you able to give Connectives Understanding – English vs details of your school in (especially for a difficult text French system the UK and compare it to comparisons) a school in France? What are the School uniform P127 differences/similiarities? P 124-127 3 School What are the problems problems at your school? P128-129 4 5 It/them ; Opinions Cognates and false friends P 129 Trips Perfect tense Listening for revision detail Future study What do you plan to do Future and Improving your plans once you leave school? conditional range of P130-133 P 167/168 structures 4b) Work • Current and Future Jobs • Looking for and getting a job • Advantages and disadvantages of different jobs Week Content Progress Grammar Skills Do you have a Recognising the Listening for part time job? passive form detail question 1 Part time jobs P 136 - 137 Where? Do you enjoy it? How P144/168 much do you earn? How many hours do you work? 2 Work experience P 136 - 137 3 Where have you done work experience? P137/163 Recognising tenses Jobs and places Are you able to Masculine/feminine Identifying of work link jobs with forms relevant details their correct place of work? 4 Forming adverbs Job adverts P 138 -139 Can you answer some job interview style P138 Vous form of verbs in texts Asking questions P139/ 164 questions? 5 Future career What are your Future and Future time wishes future job plans conditional phrases P 140-141 and dreams? P141 Why pursue Languages? Better communication skills More cultural and linguistic knowledge Better CV for universities and work placements 75% of the world DO NOT speak English as a first language French is spoken in many countries throughout the world British Business has the poorest language skills in Europe - this would put you at the top of the "employable rank" Other European countries are aiming for employees with three languages 60% of British Trade is with non-English speaking countries British Trade loses millions of pounds each year because they are unable to communicate in another foreign language. Over 128 million French speakers throughout the world