GENERATOR WASTE PROFILE SHEET Section 1 - General Information Generator Name: Site Address: Town, State, Zip: Mail Address: Town, State, Zip: Facility Contact/Title: E-Mail address: Phone: Fax: EPA ID#: Section 2 - Billing Information Name: Mail Address: Town, State, Zip: Contact/Title: E-Mail address: Phone: Fax: EPA ID#: Section 3 - Waste Composition Name and Description of Material: Process Generating Waste: Estimated Annual Volume: Quantity: Units/Size: Shipping Frequency: Type of Shipment: Bulk Drums Other Waste Description (Chemical Composition)* *Attach additional pages if needed. All substances that are regulated by 29CFR 1910.1000 Subpart Z and 29CFR 1910.1200 must be listed. % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % Section 4 – Material Properties Total Metals Arsenic < 40 ppm Barium < 500 ppm Beryllium < 10 ppm Cadmium < 20 ppm Chromium < 70 ppm Lead < 100 ppm Mercury < 2 ppm Molybdenum < 70 ppm Nickel < 150 ppm Selenium < 20 ppm Silver < 80 ppm Zinc < 5000ppm TX(For Oil Only)<1000ppm Yes No N/A Btu/pound: Flashpoint Sulfur Bromine Chlorine Fluorine Iodine Reactive Cyanides Reactive Sulfides Aluminum Oxide Silicates Silicone This determination was based upon: Analytical Data Physical State: Liquid Pumpable Single Phase Sludge Pourable Bilayered Solid Dumpable Multilayered Water Reactive Oxidizer Acid Reactive None Reactivity: F % ppm % ppm ppm ppm % % % % Generator Knowledge Powder Other:_________________ Alkaline Reactive: Color: Odor: None pH: <2 Mild >2-6 Strong >6-9 Describe:_____________________________ >9-12.5 >12.5 NA Section 4 – Regulatory Waste Classification Is the waste an EPA Listed Waste per 40 CFR 261? Yes No Is the waste an EPA Characteristic Hazardous Waste per 40 CFR 261? Yes No The regulatory classification determinations above were based upon: Analytical Data (attach all relevant analysis) Generator Knowledge: (check all that apply) Knowledge of the waste regulations MSDS provided for material(s) Information describing the process and materials generating the waste Proper DOT Shipping Description: Shipping Name: UN/NA: PG: Hazard Class Waste Codes: Attach all relevant Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), Laboratory Analyses, Waste Sampling Plans, Flow Chart or Process Schematic if available. Attach separate sheets to disclose all known and suspected hazards, special handling precautions and additional comments. Desired Destruction Method: Waste to Energy Landfill Recycling/Treatment Engineered Fuel Section 5 - Certifications GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATIONS I hereby certify the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that WRS will be notified in writing of any process changes, which could significantly alter the composition, and/or chemical/physical properties of the waste described above. I further certify that the waste has not been intentionally mixed with hazardous materials and that all known or suspected hazards have been disclosed. I further certify that this material neither contains nor has been mixed in any way with Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), Pesticides, or Herbicides to the best of my knowledge and is non-hazardous based upon Federal, State and local Regulations. RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITIES NON-HAZ CERTIFICATION I certify that the waste materials consigned to WRS for recycling/reuse/ treatment or destruction by incineration at a Resource Recovery facility are classified as nonhazardous according to federal regulations, 40 CFR Part 261. The waste does not exhibit the RCRA characteristics of ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity. It does not contain any hazardous levels of toxic metals, air emissions metals, volatile or semi-volatile organics, pesticides or herbicide constituents, nor is it a listed hazardous waste. This determination has been made based upon generator knowledge and/or analytical data. Print Name: Title: Generator Signature: ____________________________________ Date: (Your profile sheets must be signed) Section 6 - WRS Review Residual Waste Code: ____________________________ Destination: ____________________________________ Approval Code: __________________________________ Reviewed By: ____________________________________