Prehistoric Cultures of N. America

Prehistoric Cultures of North America
Paleo Indian
__________________________ of the Americas who were present at the end of the
last Ice Age
Village Names of Paleo Indians:
Folsom used spears
Plano drove animals off cliffs
Came from _________________???
these people were ______________________________ – followed animal migration
type of N American natives who constructed various styles of earthen mounds for
burial residential and ceremonial purposes
lived during the first thousand years AD
Village Names of Moundbuilders:
Mississippian (lived in the Mississippi area)
Ancient ________________________________________
lived in the ____________________________ portion of the U.S.
Village names of southwestern pre-historic Natives:
Dating Methods
how do historians know how old things and people are?
Ice Age
Mogollon = stone workers
Hohokam = ________________________________
Anasazi = basket makers
calendar ages (ex. dendrochronology – tree ring dating)
numerical ages (ex. _________________ – looks at the amount of carbon)
correlated ages (ex. volcanic ash)
_______________________ (geologic time – “Middle Ages”, “Ice Age”)
a period of long term reduction in the temperature of Earth’s climate
results in an expansion of ice sheets …__________________________
_______________________ – tip between Russia and Alaska - a natural land bridge
spanned this distance between the two continents; not there anymore… it melted