PES/NPEC SUBCOMMITTEE 4 Meeting Minutes for S12 -02 San Diego, CA July 23 & 24, 2012 1. Welcome and Introduction Chair D. Goodney called the meeting to order at 7:30 AM, on Monday, July 23, 2012 at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina, San Diego, CA. Thirty-one (31) voting members, one (1) corresponding member and six (6) guests were in attendance. 2. Review S12-02 Agenda and S12-01 Meeting Minutes: The agenda for S12-02 was reviewed and the agenda was approved with revisions. The S12-01 minutes were reviewed. No changes were made to the draft meeting minutes, and the minutes were approved. 3. General Announcements and Awards WG Chairs were requested to submit meeting minutes to the SC4 Webpage Coordinator for website posting. WG Awards were presented to WG 4.6 and WG 4.9 members in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the development of their respective standards. Recipients were: WG 4.6 T. Womack, M. Bowman, G. Attarian, T. Sims, D. Gladey, H. Leake, B. Carruth, G. Reimers, S. Simon and M. Tucker WG 4.9 D. Goodney, K. Bush, P. Baughman, J. Carter, B. Gardes, P. Johnson, J. Thompson, M. Tucker, J. Zarea 4. Review of and Membership Action Items: The following action items listed in SC-4 meeting minutes S12-02 were closed: Closed Items: 502, 523, 542, 548, 549, 550, and 551 Refer to the attachment for a complete status of SC-4 action items including those that remain open, are revised, or are new as of the conclusion of the S12-02 meeting. SC-4 Membership Up-Date and Assignments SC4 will install a new slate of officers commencing S13-01, in accordance with the SC4 succession plan as shown below: David Gladey – Chair Keith Bush – Vice Chair Mark Bowman - Secretary Kenn Miller - Alternate Secretary Two (2) new SC4 Members were voted into the working groups as follows: Nader Eldeiry, WGs 4.4, 4.7 Christopher Georgeson, WGs 4.2, 4.6, 4.7 E-mail sent to Justin Lane requesting Working Group participation prior to S13-01, as a perquisite for future consideration as SC4 Member. Page 1 of 7 PES/NPEC SUBCOMMITTEE 4 Meeting Minutes for S12 -02 San Diego, CA July 23 & 24, 2012 5. Summary of NPEC Activities & NPEC Areas of Interest Chair Goodney summarized the minutes from NPEC meeting 12-02. Topics of discussion were: 6. International participation Joint Logo Standards Standards updates IEEE Standards process changes Status of Standards Copies of Working Group reports will be emailed to SC-4 members following the S12-02 meeting. WG 4.1, IEEE 308: IEEE Standard Criteria for Class 1E Power Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations (Chair Kali Hara, Vice-Chair Bob Fletcher) PAR approved by IEEE Standards Board for next revision. Initial balloting is complete with greater than 75% of votes. Comment resolution in process with recirculation ballot to follow. WG 4.2, IEEE 387: IEEE Standard Criteria for Diesel-Generator Units Applied as Standby Power for Nuclear Power Generating Stations (Chair Paul Johnson, Vice-Chair Mark Bowman) PAR approved by IEEE Standards Board for next revision. WG continues to work on draft document. The current WG Chair is stepping down, and the SC Chair is seeking a replacement. Current PAR expires December 2012 and will need to be extended. WG 4.3, IEEE 317: IEEE Standard for Electric Penetration Assemblies in Containment Structures for Nuclear Power Generating Stations (Chair John MacDonald, Vice-Chair Keith Bush) PAR approved by IEEE Standards Board for next revision. SC4 approved the draft revision for Preview during N12-02. WG 4.4, IEEE 1290: Guide for MOV Motor Application, Protection, Control and Testing in Nuclear Power Generating Stations (Chair Bruce Lord, Vice-Chair Joe Krvavac) PAR approved by IEEE Standards Board for next revision. WG continues to work on draft document. A Work In Progress presented in SC4 S12-02 and NPEC N12-02. Target preview N13-01. WG 4.5, IEEE 690: IEEE Standard for the Design and Installation of Cable Systems for Class 1E Circuits in Nuclear Power Generation Stations (Chair Bob Stark, Vice-Chair Rich Casalaina) PAR approved by IEEE Standards Board for next revision. The target preview is set for N13-02. WG 4.6, IEEE 765: Preferred Power Supply for Nuclear Power Plants (Chair George Attarian, Vice-Chair David Gladey)) PAR approved by IEEE Standards Board for next revision. Initial balloting is complete with greater than 75% of votes. Comment resolution in process with recirculation ballot to follow. WG 4.6, IEEE 1792: Nuclear Power Generating Station Preferred Power Supply Reliability (Chair George Attarian, Vice-Chair David Gladey) Approved by IEEE Standards Board December 2011, and was published in February 2012. Page 2 of 7 PES/NPEC SUBCOMMITTEE 4 Meeting Minutes for S12 -02 San Diego, CA July 23 & 24, 2012 WG 4.7, IEEE 741: IEEE Standard Criteria for the Protection of Class 1E Power Systems and Equipment in Nuclear Power Generating Stations (Chair David Gladey, Vice-Chair Harvey Leake) Work continues to develop a scope for a future revision. Possible topics include Annex A revision, and consideration of recent operating experience (Byron Station OE). Target a PAR submission at NPEC N13-01. WG 4.8 IEEE 833: IEEE Recommended Practice for the Protection of Electric Equipment in Nuclear Power Generating Stations from Water Hazards (Chair Bob Fletcher, Vice-Chair Joe Krvavac) Re-affirmation recirculation was approved by the IEEE Standards Board in December 2011. WG 4.9, IEEE 628: IEEE Standard Criteria for the Design, Installation and Qualification of Raceway for Class 1E Circuits in Nuclear Power Generating Stations (Chair Dale Goodney, Vice-Chair Paul Johnson) Revision was approved by IEEE Standards Board December 2011, and published in February 2012. 7. Presentations The following presentations were made and submitted for posted to website. 8. Presenter Topic H. Leake / E. Kozo Off Site Voltage Prediction K. Fleisher Diesel Generator voltage and Frequency affect Liaison Reports Liaison reports were submitted as shown below. Copies of Liaison reports will be posted to the SC4 website. SC-2 – Qualification Report submitted John MacDonald is liaison. SC-3 - Operations, Surveillance and Testing Report submitted Ken Miller is liaison SC-5 - Human Factors and Reliability No Report submitted Bo Thompson is liaison SC-6 - Safety Related Systems No Report submitted John Bonner is liaison. NRC Report submitted Ken Miller is liaison. ED&PGC Station Design Subcommittee: Report submitted. Tom Sims is liaison. Page 3 of 7 PES/NPEC SUBCOMMITTEE 4 Meeting Minutes for S12 -02 San Diego, CA July 23 & 24, 2012 PES Battery Committee Report submitted Robert Fletcher is liaison. NERC Report submitted John Disosway is liaison. 9. Future Meetings S13-01, January 21-22 Double Tree by Hilton, Orlando, FL S13-02, July TBD 10. Items of Interest - Membership Experiences Since Last Meeting SC-4 members reported on topics of interest to the group from their recent experiences at their company, plant or job function. A summary of these discussions will be emailed to SC4 members following the meeting. 11. New Action Items SC4 secretary reviewed the closed actions items and the new action items established during the S12-02 meeting. 12. Adjournment Chair Goodney thanked everyone for attending the meeting and provided closing remarks, emphasizing the need for SC-4 WG’s to focus on updating standards in accordance with NPEC goals, and thanking the members for their support while servings SC4 Chair. Chair Goodney adjourn the meeting. Submitted by: Keith Bush, Secretary SC-4. Page 4 of 7 PES/NPEC SUBCOMMITTEE 4 Meeting Minutes for S12 -02 San Diego, CA July 23 & 24, 2012 Attachment SC-4 Action Items Item Assigned Dated Identified S09-01 Due Action S13-01 SC4 chairman to review the NPEC O&P changes as they pertain to WG members of SC4. Adhoc group on DG voltage and Frequency affects (WCAP 17308). (Lead Fleischer) Bush Hara Heacock Colaianni Snider Tucker Goodney Bowman Lord Prepare a draft white paper on Off Site Voltage Prediction based on EPRI Study 1018535. Contributors: Attarian, Leake, Reimers, Simon 496 SC4 Chair 502 SC4 AdHoc Group S09-01 S12-02 523 H. Leake S11-01 S13-01 539 B. Stark S11-02 S13-01 540 D. Gladey S11-02 S13-01 542 J. MacDonald S11-02 S12-02 DG-1240 to be reviewed for applicability to IEEE 690 DG-1264 to be review for applicability to IEEE 741 WG 4.3 Submit previews for S12-02 543 B. Lord S11-02 S13-01 WG 4.4 Submit previews for S12-02 Page 5 of 7 Status Item remains open until S12-02. Draft O&P manual has been issued for comment. Discussions with ADCOM by SC4 Chair planned N12-01. Awaiting approval of O&P manual to complete action item. Work continues, item to remain open with S12-02 as a new target completion. Prepare presentation for S12-02 meeting (Fleisher). Closed Presentation to be made during S12-02, new action items resulting from the presentation will be created. Prepared draft white paper, EPRI study performed, and now reviewing for changes to white paper. Prepare presentation for S12-02 meeting (Leake/Kozo). Closed Draft white paper prepared and a presentation given during S12-02. White paper sent to SC4 members. Copy of presentation sent to D. Sehi for upload to web site. Closed Preview of IEEE 317 presented to SC4 at S12-02. WIP presented to SC4 during S1202, anticipate preview to be prepared for S13-01. PES/NPEC SUBCOMMITTEE 4 Meeting Minutes for S12 -02 San Diego, CA July 23 & 24, 2012 Item Assigned 547 WG Chairs Dated Identified S12-01 Due Action 548 SC4 Chair S12-01 S12-01 Request ADCOM on how to process interpretations now that the interpretation process of IEEE Standards has been canceled. Issues of liability need to be clarified. 549 SC4 Chair S12-01 S12-02 WG Chairs not currently members of NPEC to be nominated for NPEC membership 550 SC4 Chair S12-01 S12-02 Ensure that NPEC issues Interpretation submitted to NPEC for IEEE 765 and IEEE 387. 551 SC4 Secretary S12-01 S12-02 552 SC4 Chair S12-01 S13-01 553 G. Attarian S12-01 S13-01 554 E. Heacock S12-01 S13-01 555 S. Thakur S12-01 S13-01 556 A. Kozo S12-02 S13-01 557 G. Attarian S12-02 S13-02 558 SC4 Chair S12-02 S13-01 559 K. Miller S12-02 S13-01 560 SC4 Secretary S12-02 S13-01 Submit Corresponding Membership acknowledgement form to Richard Daverio Appoint Chair to WG 4.2 to replace the outgoing Chair Paul Johnson WG 4.6 to evaluate FERC position on frequency relaxation. Prepare presentation on South Texas Project Generator Fault Event. Prepare presentation for S12-02 IEEE Generator Protection Prepare IEEE paper for Off Site Voltage Prediction. Co-authors are A. Kozo, H. Leake and G. Attarian. WG 4.6 to determine if the white paper on Off Site Voltage Prediction should be included IEEE 1792. Request ADCOM to offer PE Education Credits resulting NPEC technical presentations. Approach Om Chopra on becoming a corresponding member of SC4. Send new membership package to new members accepted during S12-02 Page 6 of 7 S13-01 Review IAEA Electrical Safety Guide for incorporation into standards. Status Provide latest IAEA Electrical Safety Guild. The safety guide has a current issue date of August 2012. Closed SC4 Chair discussed with ADCOM the expected action by WGs receiving requests for interpretations. Responses to questions would be unofficial IEEE responses, and any written correspondence should state such. Closed Bob Start and Bruce Lord submitted for NPEC membership. Closed SC4 Chair submitted interpretations to IEEE. Closed PES/NPEC SUBCOMMITTEE 4 Meeting Minutes for S12 -02 San Diego, CA July 23 & 24, 2012 Item Assigned Dated Identified S12-02 Due S13-01 561 SC4 Chair 562 D. Goodney S12-01 S13-02 563 SC4 Secretary S12-01 S13-01 Action Request ADCOM to consider negotiate reasonable rates for high speed internet availability during subcommittee meetings. WG 4.2 to determine if WCAP 17308, Treatment of Diesel Generator (DG) Technical Specification Frequency and Voltage Tolerances should be included IEEE 387. Submit to SC4 members and corresponding members for continued involvement in SC4 for the calendar year 2013. Page 7 of 7 Status