Blue Air Terms and Conditions

Anywhere with you
General conditions
General medical insurance conditions for travels abroad.
Chapter I – Definitions
1. Accident
Sudden event whose unfolding can endanger the life of the Insured Person due to external,
involuntary and unpredictable causes occurring independently of the Insured Person’s will and
can cause death or determine bodily injuries that can be objectively established;
2. Insurer
S.A. – R CITY INSURANCE S.A., located in Bucharest, 5-7 Constantin Aricescu Street,
Ground Floor – Underground, 1st District, authorized by the Insurance Supervisory
Commission, registered in the Insurers Registry under the number RA-008/10.04.2003
National Trade Register Office for Bucharest Court of Law registration number
J40/3150/1998, Unique Identification Code 10392742, share capital subscribed and paid of
93.284.350 LEI, National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing registration
number 4110, from here on called the Company;
3. Insured Person
Any person living or residing on the territory of the European Union or the Republic of
Moldavia, aged up to 80 years, which has concluded an insurance policy and travels to other
countries than those whose citizenship he has, during the insured period.
4. Preexisting Condition
Any condition that manifests itself prior to the beginning of the trip or with symptoms that
confirm the diagnosis of the medical team during the insured period, condition for which a
course of treatment was established, recommended, requested or should have reasonably been
requested at a date prior to the beginning of the insured period.
5. Natural Catastrophe
Events caused by the manifestation of the following natural disasters: earthquakes with a
magnitude higher than 6 on the Richter scale, floods and storms.
6. Assistance Expenses
Expenses other than those required by medical emergencies, of a collateral nature and that are
included in the insurance conditions, assumed by the Insurer only if they are directly related to
an insured event and only until the moment the health status is stabilized.
7. Emergency medical expenses
All expenses relative to medical services that must be performed without delay with the
purpose of improving or stabilizing the health of the Insured Person, as a result of the
occurrence of an insured event. Medical expenses include hospitalization, surgical and
pharmaceutical expenses. Those situations when the intervention of the physician, regardless
of its nature, is postponed for more than 24 hours since the occurrence of the insured event are
not considered an emergency; medical expenses arising in such circumstances are not
considered as being urgent in nature, therefore, they do not constitute the object of the present
Policy. Medical expenses requested in such conditions that the medical services performed
cannot or can no longer target the stabilization of health or those medical services that are
rendered for a period superior to 15 days are not considered as having an urgent nature.
8. Domicile and Residence
The address of the Insured Person, such as it is inscribed in identity and travel documents,
mentioned in the Policy.
9. Medical Team
The team comprised of physicians from the medical facility where the Insured Person is
treated, along with the physicians that will take over the case at the assistance center of the
Service Provider.
10. Insured Event
Any event outlined within the insurance conditions, which occurs exclusively during the
insured period.
11. Illness
Organic or functional modification of health that could cause including the death of the Insured
Person, occurring during the insured period and excluding any pre-existing diseases.
12. Authorized Physician
Natural person holding a valid medical degree, specifically authorized to practice medicine in
the country where the Insured Person receives medical assistance, except for the Insured
Person itself, the husband/wife, relatives or people accompanying the Insured Person during
the trip.
13. Insured Period
The time span for which the Insurer collected advance in full payment of the insurance
premium according to the Insured Person’s request. The Policy enters into force only after the
advance in full payment of the insurance premium.
14. Insurance Policy/Certificate
It represents the document issued by the Insurer, attesting the insurance contract was
concluded; it includes details regarding the Insured Person, the insured period, the territory
where the insurance is valid, as well as the value of the insurance premium. The Policy is
subject to Romanian legislation. The Policy is not valid in Romania or on the territory of the
state whose citizenship the Insured Person has.
15. Service Provider
The company that offers, on behalf of City Insurance S.A., assistance according to the present
conditions, outside Romanian territory.
16. Proportionality rule
Those insured by City Insurance and involved at the same time in one the same insured event,
will benefit from indemnities in direct relation to their number; if the number is higher than 30
(thirty), the following are taken into consideration: the limits established according to the
consequences of the event, the expenses and location of the event; the addition of the respective
indemnities cannot exceed the limit the insured sum per event and the limit of the insured sum
per person.
17. Extreme Sports and High Risk Activities
The following are considered extreme sports and high risk activities: mountain climbing, sky
diving, ski jumping, snowboarding, skateboarding, rafting, paintball, cave exploring,
underwater diving, jet-skiing, surfing, hang-gliding, paragliding, bungee jumping, gliding.,
aeronautics, hunting, horse-riding, mountain-biking, motor sports, shooting firearms or
weapons of other nature, as well as the voluntary maneuvering of industrial equipment and
machinery of any kind, tools, ammunition, weapons etc.
18. Stabilization of Health
The situation when the risk regarding the evolution, immediate complications or death
19. Medical Transport
A service that requires the use of a means of transportation, medically equipped, intended to
take over the Insured Person from his whereabouts at the time the event occurred in order to
transport him to the nearest specialized medical unit or that assumes moving the Insured Person
from a medical unit to another, only at the request of the attending physician, with the formal
approval of the Insurer or the Service Provider and only before the Insured Person’s health
situation is stabilized.
20. Bodily Injury
Any harm brought to the health or bodily integrity of the Insured Person, as a result of the
unfolding of an insured event.
Chapter II – Object of the Insurance
The assumption of emergency medical expenses, as well as other assistance expenses of the
Insured Person, as a result of the occurrence of insured events, accidents or unpredictable
illnesses respectively, during the insured period, according to the present conditions.
Chapter III – Expenses and assistance services covered by the medical insurance
1. Medical assistance
Subsequent to the occurrence of an insured risk and since the assistance procedure begins, the
medical team that takes over the case will:
Offer information regarding the health status of the Insured Person;
Consults, if necessary, with the Insured Person’s general practitioner;
Supports or offers counseling to the Insured Person regarding the necessary documents
needed for the claim proceedings;
Establishes, if required, the necessary emergency medical assistance, based on the
nature and gravity of the event;
Organizes the medical transport of the Insured Person to a medical unit, if the Insured
Person is unable to do it.
2. Other covered assistance services, according to the CITY INSURANCE S.A.
decisions, by means of the Service Provider
a) the cost of the first phone call made by the Insured Person to the call-center of the Service
Provider (phone call, fax, telegram or telex), in order to notify the occurrence of the insured
event, if it implies the assignment of assistance services based on the present conditions
and to the extent it can be proved by supporting documents (invoices, bills);
b) Medical repatriation of the Insured Person that is unable to move. The moment and the
means of transportation used for the repatriation are decided by the attending physician, in
agreement with the medical team. In order to limit the expenses, the repatriation is done as
soon as the attending physician, the Service Provider or the Insurer decide the patient is fit
to travel. Similarly, if the Insured Person is hospitalized and requires a surgical intervention
that can be postponed for a couple of days and during this time the repatriation can be
logistically organized, then the Insured Person will be transported in order to undergo the
surgical intervention in the country where he resides or lives (valid only for European
Union countries). The Insurer bears the abroad emergency medical costs, as well as those
medical costs occasioned by the repatriation. Thus, the Insured Person’s repatriation can
be organized:
i. to a specialized hospital unit, according to the medical case or to a hospital unit
near his residence or dwelling place, if it is necessary to continue the treatment in
the country where the Insured Person resides/lives or if the cost of the treatment in
that respective country is lower;
ii. at the formal request of the Insured Person, to his residence or dwelling place
(valid only for the territory of the European Union).
c) Repatriation in case of death: the repatriation of the human remains of the Insured Person
to his residence or dwelling place (valid only for European Union countries), due to death
occurring during the validity period of the Policy, as a result of an insured risk. If the time
period necessary for the assistance services extends beyond the insured period, the Insured
Person will benefit from assistance according to the present conditions, until the
termination of the repatriation process or until the health status stabilizes, whichever occurs
first, up to the limit of the insured sum. The denial of the Insured Person to comply with
the instructions of the medical team or the refusal to undergo repatriation at the date and
with the means established by the medical team leads to the loss of the services offered by
the medical insurance and the loss of the rights given by the present conditions.
3. Expense coverage
At the occurrence of an insured event, the medical insurance covers the emergency medical
expenses (including medical transport, pharmaceutical, surgical objects and hospitalization),
as follows:
A. For persons aged up to 64 (inclusive):
a.1 for European countries, up to a maximum amount of 50.000 EUROS, the expenses shall be
assumed as follows:
a.1.1. hospitalization expenses, up to a maximum amount of 10.000 EUROS;
a.1.2. surgical expenses, up to a maximum amount of 15.000 EUROS;
a.1.3. pharmaceutical expenses, up to a maximum amount of 5.000 EUROS;
a.1.4. emergency medical transport expenses, up to a maximum amount of 5.000 EUROS;
a.1.5. medical repatriation expenses, up to a maximum amount of 10.000 EUROS;
a.1.6. expenses for repatriation in case of death (expenses required for the preparation of
the transport and transport services), up to a maximum amount of 2.000 EUROS;
a.1.7. other medical and assistance expenses, up to a maximum amount of 3.000 EUROS.
a.2. for countries outside Europe, up to a maximum amount of 25.000 EUROS, the expenses
shall be assumed as follows:
a.2.1. hospitalization expenses, up to a maximum amount of 5.000 EUROS;
a.2.2. surgical expenses, up to a maximum amount of 7.500 EUROS;
a.2.3. pharmaceutical expenses, up to a maximum amount of 2.500 EUROS;
a.2.4. emergency medical transport expenses, up to a maximum amount of 2.500 EUROS;
a.2.5. medical repatriation expenses, up to a maximum amount of 5.000 EUROS;
a.2.6. expenses for repatriation in case of death (expenses required for the preparation of
the transport and transport services), up to a maximum amount of 1.500 EUROS;
a.2.7. other medical and assistance expenses, up to a maximum amount of 1.000 EUROS.
B. For persons aged over 65 (inclusive): for all geographic areas, up to a maximum amount
of 5.000 EUROS, the expenses shall be assumed as follows:
b.1 hospitalization expenses, up to a maximum amount of 1.000 EUROS;
b.2 surgical expenses, up to a maximum amount of 1.000 EUROS;
b.3 repatriation expenses in case of death, up to a maximum amount of 2.000 EUROS, of
which expenses required for the organization of the transport up to a maximum amount of
1.000 EUROS and expenses connected to the transport service up to a maximum amount
of 1.000 EUROS;
b.4 other medical and assistance expenses, including pharmaceutical, medical transport,
medical repatriation, up to a maximum amount of 1.000 EUROS.
C. Regarding the insured sums stipulated at A.i.7, A.ii.7 and B.4, the Insurer covers the
mentioned expenses as follows:
c.1 The maximum amount of the diagnostics expenses covered by the Insurer is up to 300
EUROS for the entire insured period. The diagnostic expenses are covered by the Insurer
only for insured events occurring during the insured period.
c.2 The diagnostics expenses are included in the maximum amount of the expenses for the
first medical visit and cannot exceed 500 Euros, for the entire insured period.
c.3 In this context, the medical expenses generated by repeated medical visits – justifiable
in connection to the insured event – will be covered by the Insurer only if they maintain
the urgent character and if they occur prior to the stabilization of the health status, up to
the sum of 700 Euros, for the entire insured period.
D. For any geographic area and regardless of age, all emergency dental expenses are covered,
up to a maximum amount of 300 EUROS.
E. For events occurring during sports activities practiced by the Insured Person outside an
official competition, except for those mentioned in the EXCLUSIONS section, as well as
for those that occur during training sessions, other than those mentioned in the
EXCLUSIONS section, the emergency medical expenses and emergency medical
assistance expenses are covered up to a maximum insured sum of 5.000 Euros, exclusively
for the persons aged up to 65 years, regardless of the geographic area where the event took
place. The coverage the Insured Person benefits from based on the present conditions
depend on the geographic area mentioned in the Policy, age, the paid insurance premium,
according to the maximum insured sum established by the present general conditions, on
expense types and for each geographic area.
If more insured events occur during the same insured period, provision 3 from Chapter V
applies to all insured sums.
1. Exclusions
The following will not be covered:
A. Death occurring due to events that are not covered by the present insurance policy.
B. Direct and indirect consequences of:
a) existing medical conditions, affections, pathological states or chronic diseases that
the Insured Person suffered from prior to the conclusion of the policy, including
their consequences, as well as those of reoccurrences and convalescences of
unconsolidated affections;
b) any preexisting conditions, as well as any accidents or illnesses generated or caused
by them, prior to entry into force of the policy;
c) diagnosis, treatment or experimental medical procedures or procedures not
medically recognized, as well as other unknown diseases or diseases that have
medically unknown causes;
d) pregnancy, in any stage, termination of the pregnancy or birth, as well as any other
diseases or complications of the reproductive organs, venereal diseases, AIDS;
e) any intentional act of the Insured Person which can trigger bodily injuries, illnesses
or death;
f) events occurring while carrying out remunerated activities abroad, based on a work
contract or another type of agreement done abroad or in their absence;
g) professional diseases, work related accidents;
h) the use of alcohol, drugs, excessive use of medication or medication obtained
without a medical prescription;
i) the Insured Person’s fault;
j) mental illnesses, psycho-motor conditions, apoplexy, depressive states, neuropsychic and psychiatric affections, congenital malformations;
k) practicing extreme sports and other high risk activities, practiced individually or
during sporting events or competitions, during their progress, as well as during
l) participation at official sporting competitions;
m) war, invasions, actions of a foreign enemy, hostilities (whether the state of war is
declared or not), civil war, revolts, rebellion, revolutions, conspiracies,
insurrections, military uprisings whether the power is usurped or not, mutinies,
martial law, acts of ill-willed people acting for or in connection to any political
organization, the confiscation, requisition, destruction or damaging of property
ordered by the lawful or de facto government or any public, local or municipal
authorities, official interdictions or restrictions, sabotage or terrorist acts, terrorism
as it is defined by internal law or in international conventions/treaties, natural
n) nuclear accidents, radiations or substances containing radioactive isotopes;
o) the following diseases or affections, regardless if diagnosed or not prior to the
validity period of the Policy: arterial hypertension, cancer, tuberculosis, renal
lithiasis, biliary lithiasis, diabetes, osteoporosis and arteriosclerosis;
C. Expenses regarding:
a) diagnosis and treatment undertaken or prescribed in the country where the Insured
Person resides or lives;
b) surgical interventions or medical treatment that can be postponed until the Insured
Person return to the country of domicile or residence;
c) surgical interventions for organ transplants, as well as surgical interventions for
artificial organ implants or devices that replace or support the function of certain
organs, surgical interventions for the implantation of a stent and pacemaker, as well
as those regarding the consequences of transplants or implants (complications,
adjuvant treatment);
d) examination and medical treatment not justified by the occurrence of an insured
risk, vaccines and vaccinations, preventive medicine actions, physiotherapy, diets
of any kind;
e) any treatment, investigations, consults occurring subsequent to the stabilization of
the Insured Person’s health status;
f) esthetic, dietary, homeopathic, geriatric, chiropractic, balneal, acupuncture
treatments, as well as those not recognized by social insurance system;
g) treatment determined by epidemics affecting the area where the Insured Person is
h) the purchase or repairing of glasses, contact lenses, medical devices, prosthesis and
orthoses of any type;
i) the purchase or repair of any medical accessories of long use which do not
contribute directly and substantially to the stabilization of health or that are
indicated by the attending physician in case of an insured event that requires
medical treatment superior to 15 days;
j) dental interventions or definitive dental treatments, root canals, physiognomic and
non-physiognomic coronary obturations, crowns, bridges, prosthesis, implants,
orthodontic treatments, dental brushing, treatment of parodontopathies;
k) assistance services received after repatriation.
Chapter IV – Obligations of the Insured Person
A. General obligations
1. Prior to signing the insurance Policy/Certificate, the Insured Person must declare, in a
correct and complete manner, to the Insurer the status of his health and the risks he is
exposed to during his trip abroad. This is done by filling in an indent form of the written
statutory declaration, which is part of the Policy.
During the validity of the Policy, the Insured Person is obligated to inform the Insurer
regarding any modification of his health status occurring subsequent to the conclusion of
the Policy. The absence of the Insured Person’s declaration can affect the validity of the
Policy if it is proven that the Insured Person suffered from existing diseases or conditions
at the time the Policy was concluded. The issuance of the Policy in absence of the
declaration does not represent a relinquishment, on behalf of the Insurer, of the Insured
Person’s obligation to respect the requirement of the present paragraph. At the formal
request of the Insured Person, the Insurer can offer a model guide of this declaration.
2. The Insured Person must carry, at all times during the trip abroad, the Policy, as well as the
identity documents, in order to be identified in case an insured event occurs;
3. If an event covered by the medical insurance occurs, the Insured Person is obligated to
contact the Service Provider’s call center before contacting an authorized physician, in
order to receive guidance to the nearest medical unit where the expenses are guaranteed to
be covered. If the Insured Person cannot contact the Service Provider, due to objective
reasons and a grave insured event that required the emergency transportation of the Insured
Person to the nearest specialized medical unit, the Insured Person must contact afterwards
the Service Provider at the following numbers: +4021-201.90.44 or +4031-730.99.44 and
fax number +4021-201.90.40 (available around the clock), in order to provide all
information requested and ask for instructions. In this case, the Insured Person must contact
the Service Provider in maximum 48 hours since the occurrence of the insured event. The
languages used to communicate with the call center operators are: Romanian, Hungarian,
German, French and English.
4. The Insured Person must communicate to the Service Provider or to the Insurer, depending
on the case, all information he possesses regarding the occurrence of the insured event and
submit any document related to the event.
5. The Insured Person must follow the instructions of the medical team, as well as those of
the Service Provider or the Insurer.
6. The Insured Person must declare the existence of other insurance policies concluded for
the same risks with other insurance companies.
7. S.A. – R. City Insurance is entitled to refuse the payment of expenses if the Insured Person
did not comply with the above mentioned obligations.
Chapter V – Settlement and payment of indemnities
1. The Insurer will indemnify, based on the medical insurance, the expenses occasioned by
the insured event guaranteed by the Service Provider indicated by the Insurer, as a result
of the notification done by the Insured Person regarding the insured event.
2. 2 If the Insured Person operated direct payments connected to the unfolding of the insured
event, the Insurer will indemnify only those expenses recognized as necessary by the
Service Provider. The respective indemnification is paid in RON, by equivalence, at the
exchange rate established by the National Bank of Romania for the day the insured event
3. If several insured events occur during the same insured period, the insured sums diminish,
starting with the second event, with the sum paid by the Insurer for the services the Insured
Person benefitted from. The amounts paid for expenses types will be discounted from the
respective maximum insured sums for the geographic area where the Insured Person is or
will travel to during the insured period. The value of all indemnifications cannot exceed,
in any circumstance, the maximum insured sums for each geographic area and cannot be
calculated by adding up the insured sums for every geographic area.
4. If more than 30 (thirty) Insured Persons involved at the same time in the same insured event
request indemnities or the payment of the expenses according to the insurance conditions:
 the Insured Person agrees to the opening of a claim proceeding by S.A. – R. City
Insurance for each insured party involved, and solve separately each request;
 the Insured Person agrees that the maximum limit of the indemnities paid by S.A.
– R. City Insurance will not exceed the insured sum per event, in the amount of
500.000 Euros, regardless of the total value of the indemnities claimed, via the
proportionality rule.
5. If the Insured Person does not contact the Service Provider, the Insurer can decide, in
extraordinary situations, y waiving the present conditions, to indemnify expenses up to a
maximum amount of 500 EUROS. In this situation, the claim for the indemnification of
expenses must be submitted in 4 business days since the Insured Person returns to the
country. The respective indemnification is paid in RON, by equivalence, at the exchange
rate established by the National Bank of Romania for the day the insured event occurred.
6. The indemnification request must be accompanied by the following documents:
a) A statement of the Insured Person regarding the unfolding of the insured event and the
assistance services he/she benefited from;
b) The original invoices and cash notes attesting the expenses made, including a detailed
description of the assistance services paid for;
c) The patient’s observation sheet, with the physician’s daily observations;
d) The medical documents that contain the diagnosis and treatment plan indicated by the
attending physician;
e) The insurance policy;
f) Any other document necessary in order to solve the claim. The Insured Person is
responsible for the translation of the documents that accompany the indemnification
request into Romanian or English.
7. All documents requested by the Insurer must be submitted in original. As a rule, the original
documents must remain with the Company’s claim file, as a justification for the payments
8. By signing the Policy, the Insured Person agrees, in case an insured event occurs, to allow
his general practitioner, as well as any attending physician, to reveal any medical
information necessary for solving the claim. Correspondingly, the Company is entitled to
request and the Insured Person involved in an insured event is obligated to accept to be
also examined by physicians appointed by the Insurer. If the Insured Person cannot move
on his own, he is obligated to accept to be examined by these physicians at his residence.
The expenses occasioned by the consult done in the conditions of the present paragraph are
borne by the Company. The information obtained by the Insurer according to the present
paragraph will be used exclusively to solve the claim.
9. Those who obtain or attempt to obtain by any means unjust indemnities or those facilitating
such actions are sanctioned according to the provisions of the Penal Code, for every
instance the elements of a felony are present.
10. The Insurer is entitled to decline the payment of the indemnification if:
 the Insured Person does not comply with the instructions given by the Service
 the statement made by the Insured Person at the closing of the Policy or
subsequently, including the indemnification form, contains false information,
forgeries, fraudulent aspects or blatant exaggerations; in such situations, the policy
is null and void, no longer producing legal effects;
 any clause of the present conditions is not respected.
11. If the illness or accident is included in the insured events, according to the present
conditions, the Insurer will pay the respective indemnities within 15 business days since
the last document necessary in order to solve the claim was submitted.
Chapter VI – Final instructions
1. If the Insured Person requests the cancellation of the insurance policy, he is entitled to the
reimbursement of the insurance premium, minus the policy management expenses, in the
mount of 1.5 RON, based on a written request submitted to City Insurance, prior to the
beginning of the insured period. For thoroughly justified situations, the reimbursement
request can be done in a maximum of 3 (three) days since the beginning of the insured
period, minus the penalties representing 10% of the paid insurance premium.
2. Any inconsistency between the requests made by the Insured Person and those inscribed in
the Policy are notified by means of a written address sent to the Insurer, in a maximum of
two business days since the signing of the present Policy. Subsequently, the Policy is
considered validly concluded.
3. By signing the policy, the Insured Person expressly and unequivocally agrees that its
personal data inscribed in the policy or other documents submitted to the Insurer for the
closing of the insurance policy to be used by the Insurer for statistic and inventory purposes.
The data will only be processed by the Insurer, which assumes the obligation not to disclose
the respective data to third parties.
4. If a clause included in the present contract is declared null and void or inapplicable, the
validity of the rest of the provisions shall not be affected. The parties agree that any such
clause be replaced with another valid clause that best fits the spirit of the contract.
5. The titles of the articles do not produce legal effects, and only serve as a guide. The content
of the articles is the most important. The interpretation of the content of an article or a
paragraph must be done within the context of all the provision of the present contract.
6. The present insurance entitles to indemnification only for those expenses not covered by
the effect of other insurance policies and only if the indemnification is not contrary to the
legal provisions in force at the time the insured event occurred.
7. Any deadline mentioned in the policy must be calculated starting from midnight (00:00)
the next day after the occurrence of the insured event or after the Insured Person entered
the country.
8. The indemnification rights acquired based on the present insurance policy cannot be ceded
or transferred to a third party without the written consent of the Insurer.
9. The absence of an appeal to a right or benefit recognized as belonging to a part of the
present contract does not represent a renouncement to the respective right or benefit.
10. The Insured Person is responsible before the Insurer for the damage caused by acts that
could prevent the exercise of the right to sue for compensation the persons responsible for
the occurrence of the insured event. If the Insured Person renounces his right to be
indemnified or makes a transaction etc., the respective indemnification will be reduced
accordingly, with the amounts that were the object of judicial acts. If the indemnities were
already paid, the Insured Person is obligated to reimburse the received indemnities.
11. Through the payment of the indemnification, any other demands of the Insured Person
involving the Insurer and regarding the respective event are extinguished.
12. Any litigation or dispute arising between the Insured Person/Beneficiary/Contracting party
and the Insurer will be settled amicably or through mediation; if the dispute continues, it
will be submitted to the be solved by the competent Romanian court of law. If the parties
do not convene regarding the amount of the insurance indemnification, the sum that is not
the object of the litigation will be paid by the Insurer before the settlement of the cause by
the Court.
13. By signing the policy/insurance certificate, the Insured Person declares that the Insurer/his
intermediaries have provided all information, according to the legal provisions.
14. By signing the Policy, the Parties expressly declare they have analyzed and are aware of
the time and content limitations included in the present insurance conditions and consider
them reasonable, useful and necessary for the development of their legal relationship.
General conditions for baggage delay, loss or theft
1. Definitions
1.1 Insurer
S.A. – R CITY INSURANCE S.A., located in Bucharest, 5-7 Constantin Aricescu Street,
Ground Floor – Underground, 1st District, authorized by the Insurance Supervisory
Commission, registered in the Insurers Registry under the number RA-008/10.04.2003
National Trade Register Office for Bucharest Court of Law registration number
J40/3150/1998, Unique Identification Code 10392742, share capital subscribed and paid of
93.284.350 LEI, National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing registration
number 4110, from here on called the Company;
1.2 Insured Party
Any person living or residing on the territory of the European Union or the Republic of
Moldavia, which has concluded an insurance policy and travels to other countries during the
insured period.
1.3 Insured baggage
The totality of the touristic baggage (including the content), closed with a zipper or a cap (bag,
suitcase, trunk, portmanteau), used to transport objects with a combined weight superior to 5
kilograms, accompanying the Insured Person during the insured period.
1.4 Domicile and residence
The address of the Insured Person, such as it is inscribed in identity and travel documents,
mentioned in the Policy.
1.5 Insured period
The insured period is set and inscribed on the insurance policy, according to the Insured
Person’s request. The policy enters into force subsequent to the payment in advance and in full
of the insurance premium.
1.6 Insured events
The delay and loss of the baggage while in the custody of the airline carrier (the interval
between baggage check-in and claiming it to and from an airline carrier, during a plane trip),
occurring exclusively during the insured period, due to the fault of the airline carrier,
recognized by the same as such.
Baggage theft from vehicles, mobile homes or buildings by breaking and entering.
1.7 Delayed baggage
The piece of baggage that is not found at the designated place at the destination airport shortly
after leaving the plane and is returned to the Insured Person by the airline carrier after more
than five hours, taking as reference point the time of landing, as confirmed by airport
authorities or the airline carrier.
1.8 Lost baggage
The baggage or piece of baggage delayed for a long time period since leaving the plane for
which it was checked-in, and is declared as lost by the airline carrier to which it was entrusted.
1.9 Stolen baggage
It is considered as stolen the baggage or pieces of baggage declared as such by the penal
investigation bodies, baggage illegally taken from the possession of the Insured Person,
without his consent, by breaking and entering into vehicles, trailers or locked buildings, except
for the instances mentioned at paragraph 3 of the present insurance policy.
1.10 Aggregate event
An aggregate event is an insured event which caused damage to 30 or more persons insured by
City Insurance.
1.11 Insurance policy
Document issued by the Insurer, attesting / certifying the insurance contract was concluded; it
includes details regarding the Insured Person, the insured period, as well as the insurance
premium’s value. The insurance policy is subject to Romanian legislation.
1.12 Insurance plan
It represents the indemnification plan of the Insurer for the Insured Person, applied if an insured
event occurs. The insurance plan is different from the insurance premium, indemnities and
insured events.
1.13 Natural catastrophes
Events determined by the manifestation of natural disasters, such as earthquakes with a
magnitude higher than 6 on the Richter scale, floods and storms.
1.14 Aerial catastrophe
Event occurring on board the airplane the Insured Person travels with, taking place between
boarding and the moment all passengers leave the plane, and which results in severe injuries
or death of any of the persons on board or the substantial damaging of the plane.
2. Object of the insurance
It is represented by the indemnities paid in case insured events occur during the insured period,
respectively baggage loss or delay while in the custody of the airline carrier, or baggage theft
(exclusively for the PREMIUM plan), according to the clauses of the present insurance
3. Exclusions
The following will not be covered:
a) pieces of baggage used to transport objects with a combined weight inferior to five
kilograms, such as: purses, fanny packs, handbags, bags, plastic bags;
b) delay of the pieces of baggage that do not comply with the limits for dimension, weight
and number specified by the airline carrier the Insured Person is traveling with;
c) the pieces of baggage that are not transported with the same flight as the Insured Person;
d) delays in recovering the baggage when the Insured Person is not allowed to travel (boarding
is denied or he is obligated to leave the plane before take-off), after the baggage was
deposited for transport;
e) baggage detained by authorities;
f) theft of the pieces of baggage from vehicles, caravans or buildings left unlocked or that do
not have signs of breaking and entering;
g) theft of the pieces of baggage left in plain sight in vehicles, caravans or buildings, even if
they are locked;
h) theft from vehicles or caravans left unsupervised (not in guarded and lighted parking lots),
between 22:00 and 07:00 o’clock;
i) baggage that are not the Insured Person’s property;
j) baggage stolen due to the Insured Person’s negligence;
k) baggage left unsupervised in open spaces (balconies, terraces, corridors);
l) baggage theft on the territory of the countries whose citizenship the Insured Person
possesses or where he resides/lives;
m) damages caused by airline, airport employee strikes, security agents strikes, customs
officials strikes;
n) events occurring due to wars, invasions, actions of a foreign enemy, hostilities (whether
the state of war is declared or not), civil wars, revolts, rebellions, revolutions,
conspiracies, insurrections, military uprisings whether the power is usurped or not,
mutinies, martial law, acts of ill-willed persons action on behalf of or in connection to
any political organization, the confiscation, requisition, destruction or damaging of
property ordered by the lawful or de facto government or any public, local or municipal
authorities, official interdictions or restrictions, sabotage or terrorist acts, terrorism as it is
defined by internal law or in international conventions/treaties, natural or aviation
4. Insured sum
At the occurrence of an insured event, the Insurer indemnifies the Insured Person based on the
chosen insurance plan:
4.1 At the occurrence of an insured event, the Insurer indemnifies the Insured Person according
to the STANDARD plan up to 500 Euros for the entire insured period, as follows:
4.1.1 Lost baggage: 250 Euros.
4.1.2 Baggage delayed more than 5 hours since leaving the plane: 5 Euros per hour, including
the first 5 hours and up to a maximum of 50 hours.
5. Obligations of the Insured Person
5.1 If, after leaving the plane, the Insured Person does not find the baggage in the baggage
claim area, he must immediately address the office that handles this type of situations and
fill-in a special form including personal data, flight itinerary and information regarding the
5.2 If the Insured Person is the victim of baggage theft, he must notify the corresponding penal
investigation bodies immediately or as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours after the
event occurred.
5.3 If an insured event covered by the present Policy occurs, the Insured Person must notify
the Insurer as soon as possible, but no later than 48 hours since the insured event occurred
or three business days after returning in the country, at the following phone numbers: (+40),,, available Monday to Friday, local
hours 09:00 – 17:00, fax number, e-mail: or for the Claims Department.
5.4 The Insured Person must provide the Insurer with all the information he has regarding the
occurrence of the insured event and submit any document related to the event he has.
5.5 The Insured Person must declare if he has concluded other policies for the risks covered
by the present Policy.
5.6 The Insurer can decline the payment of indemnities if the Insured Person does not comply
with the above mentioned obligations.
6. Settlement and payment of indemnities
6.1 The Insurer will pay indemnities based on the present conditions, at the occurrence of
insured events. The respective indemnities are paid in RON, by equivalence, at the
exchange rate established by the Romanian National Bank at the date the insured event
6.2 The baggage and contents are insured for a fixed value, depending on the plan chosen by
the Insured Person at the conclusion of the Policy, regardless of the number and type of
objects they are made of. The insured sums are detailed in article 4 of the present
6.3 If two or more insured events occur during the insured period, the total value of the
indemnification cannot exceed, under any circumstance, the insured sums for each type of
event for the entire insured period.
6.4 If more than 30 (thirty) persons insured by City Insurance are involved at the same time in
the same event, request the payment of indemnities according to the present insurance
 Those insured by City Insurance and involved at the same time in one the same insured
event, will benefit from indemnities in direct relation to their number; according to the
chosen insurance plan, within the limits of the total insured sum for aggregate events
and within the limits of the insured sum per person, regardless of the total amount of
requested indemnities.
 The Insurer agrees to open claim proceedings for each Insured Person and solve
separately each request.
6.5 The Insured Person can benefit from indemnification for baggage delay only if the baggage
is recuperated from the airline carrier he traveled with. If the baggage is not recuperated
and the airline declares it officially lost, the Insured Person can benefit from the
indemnification for baggage loss. The Insured Person is not entitled, under any
circumstance, to the payment of both indemnifications for the same piece of baggage,
implicitly, for the same insured event.
6.6 The Insured Person can request indemnification for baggage theft only if the respective
piece of baggage was not recuperated in 30 days since the insured event occurred. If, after
receiving the indemnification, the baggage is found, the right to its casing and contents is
claimed exclusively by the Insurer, who can return it to the Insured Person if such a request
is made in writing and the indemnification received is refunded in maximum 15 days since
the piece of baggage was found.
6.7 The indemnification request must be accompanied by the following documents:
a) Insured Person’s declaration regarding the occurrence of the insured event;
b) the form filled in at the destination airport’s Baggage Claims Office;
c) plane ticket/tickets for the trip/trips during which the insured events occurred, along with
the ticket received after handing over the piece of baggage involved in the insured event;
d) for baggage delay, the advice of delivery from the airline carrier attesting that the
baggage was received, including the date and time when it occurred;
e) for baggage loss, written notification from the airline carrier that it stopped searching
for the respective piece of baggage and it is considered definitively lost;
f) for baggage theft, a document attesting the penal investigation phase and a copy of the
complaint the Insured Person filed before the penal investigation authorities;
g) the Policy;
h) any other documents necessary to solve the claim.
The translation of the documents that accompany the indemnification form into Romanian
or English fall into the responsibility of the Insured Person.
6.8 All documents requested by the Insurer must be submitted or presented in original form.
As a rule, the original documents must remain with the Company’s claim file, as a
justification for the payments operated.
6.9 Those who obtain or attempt to obtain, by any means, unjust indemnities or those who
facilitate such acts are punished according to the penal code, for each instance of the
respective act.
6.10 The Insurer is entitled to decline the payment of indemnities if:
 The Insured Person does not comply with the obligations mentioned in the policy;
 In the declarations made by the Insured Person in order to close the policy or
subsequently, the following are ascertained: falsehoods, misrepresentations,
fraudulent aspects or obvious exaggerations; in these cases, the policy is null and
void and no longer produces legal effects;
 Any clause of the present policy are not respected.
6.11 If the theft, loss or delay of the baggage is an insured event according to the policy, the
Insurer will pay the respective sums within 15 business days since the last document necessary
in order to solve the claim was submitted.
7. Final instructions
7.1 If the Insured Person requests the cancellation of the Policy, he is entitled to the
reimbursement of the insurance premium, minus the Policy management expenses in
amount of 1.5 RON, based on a written request submitted to the Company, prior to the
beginning of the insured period. In thoroughly justified cases, the reimbursement claim can
be done in maximum 3 (three) days since the beginning of the insured period, with the
deduction of additional penalties of 10% of the paid premium.
7.2 Any inconsistency between the requests made by the Insured Person and those inscribed in
the Policy are notified by means of a written address sent to the Insurer, in a maximum
interval of two business days since the signing of the present Policy. Subsequently, the
Policy is considered validly concluded.
7.3 By signing the policy, the Insured Person expressly and unequivocally agrees that its
personal data inscribed in the policy or other documents submitted to the Insurer for the
closing of the insurance policy to be used by the Insurer for statistic and inventory purposes.
The data will only be processed by the Insurer, which assumes the obligation not to disclose
the respective data to third parties.
7.4 If a clause included in the present contract is declared null and void or inapplicable, the
validity of the rest of the provisions shall not be affected. The parties agree that any such
clause be replaced with another valid clause that best fits the spirit of the contract.
7.5 The titles of the articles do not produce legal effects, and only serve as a guide. The content
of the articles is the most important. The interpretation of the content of an article or a
paragraph must be done within the context of all the provision of the present contract.
7.6 The present insurance entitles to indemnification only for those expenses not covered by
the effect of other insurance policies and only if the indemnification is not contrary to the
legal provisions in force at the time the insured event occurred.
7.7 Any deadline mentioned in the Policy shall be calculated from 00:00 hours of the day
following the one the insured event occurred in or of the day when the Insured Person
entered the country.
7.8 The indemnification rights acquired based on the present Policy cannot be surrendered or
transferred to third parties without the formal agreement of the Insurer.
7.9 The absence of an appeal to a right or benefit recognized as belonging to a part of the
present contract does not represent a renouncement to the respective right or benefit.
7.10 Through the payment of the indemnification, any other demands of the Insured Person
involving the Insurer and regarding the respective event are extinguished.
7.11 Any litigation or dispute arising between the Insured Person and the Insurer will be settled
amicably, through at least a session of mediation at the headquarters of the Insurer; if the
dispute continues, it will be submitted to the be solved by the competent Romanian court
of law. If the parties do not convene regarding the amount of the insurance indemnification,
the sum that is not the object of the litigation will be paid by the Insurer before the
settlement of the cause by the Court.
7.12 By signing the policy/insurance certificate, the Insured Person declares that the Insurer
and/or his intermediaries have provided all information, according to the legal provisions.
7.13 By signing the Policy, the Parties expressly declare they have analyzed and are aware of
the time and content limitations included in the present insurance conditions and consider
them reasonable, useful and necessary for the development of their legal relationship.