300 Iliad Theme 95-

In most stories there is an underlying idea or moral that anyone can relate to and think
about for the rest of their life. This idea or philosophy from a story that stays with you is called
a theme. A theme is a subject, message or broad idea of a story. A theme does not appeal to a
specific group of people, it is part of the human condition that is inherent and not connected to
gender, race, class, etc. The theme in the movie “300” and “The Iliad” by Homer both have
similarities in which the characters strive to achieve excellence, yet they have differences as
well. The movie “300” is about Leonidas and his path from a 7 year old kid to one of the most
honored and well known kings of all time. The Iliad is about how multiple heroes are
determined to excellence but they are stopped by their own greed, arrogance and selfishness.
In the movie “300” Leonidas’ motivation and his effort has brought a wimpy kid to the
strongest leader of all time. From this story, I think we can learn that hard work and
determination will lead to a path of excellence. King Leonidas strived to be the best and pushed
himself to his limits to achieve greatness among his peers. The narrator says that Leonidas was
“baptized in the fires of combat” while it shows Leonidas being knocked down by a fighter
much stronger than him, but Leonidas gets back up and continues to fight. This scene shows
how Leonidas was constantly tested; he had to prove that he was worthy to become a warrior.
Despite Leonidas being pushed to his limits, he was too dedicated on achieving honor and
continued to fight[WU1]. Later in the story, a scene shows Leonidas getting whipped while tied
to a pole but refuses to show any signs of pain or despair. This scene shows how Leonidas was
willing to give up all earthly emotions in order to achieve excellence. Leonidas attempts to
achieve perfection by having complete focus on achieving honor and glory, his dedication
allowed him to ignore the pains of being whipped. Another scene shows Leonidas battling
against a gigantic wolf like a machine. Leonidas has perfect form and reads the wolf’s attacks
perfectly. In one graceful strike, Leonidas kills the wolf as a white moon glistens in the
background. This scene shows how Leonidas’ hard work and dedication has paid off; he is truly
a master on the battle field[WU2]. Leonidas’ pursuit of honor and glory has transformed him
into an excellent warrior. In a way, I don’t think we are that different from Leonidas, we all
strive for to achieve our dream. Whether it is a kid in India, or a grandma in Italy we all have a
goal that gets us up in the morning every day. Leonidas’ goal was to become the King of
Sparta, but yours doesn’t have to be. Our dreams may be different, but I think everyone has a
goal in life that they want to work towards. I want to become an engineer, go to college and
help others in need. The story of Leonidas inspires me because he has accomplished so much in
life using nothing but hard work and determination. The movie 300 shows that anyone can
achieve greatness as long as they are dedicated to achieving it[WU3].
In “The Iliad”, just like the movie “300”, the characters all strive for excellence.
Achilles strives for material prizes and to be looked up to by his peers. “Win enough glory that
the Greeks will return Briseis to me along with many impressive gifts, but not so much glory
that your success will lessen my own value and my own honor” (p.142). Achilles values honor
and glory so much, that he becomes jealous if any of his soldiers achieve too much. This quote
shows how Achilles will not let anything get in the way of achieving honor and glory, not even
his own soldiers. I think that Achilles could relate to Leonidas because he thirsts for excellence
and strives for honor[WU4]. Agamemnon is character that strives for a different kind of honor,
he says “No! If the great-hearted Greeks give me another prize that pleases me, I will accept it.
Otherwise, I will seize a prize of honor from you, or rom Ajax, or from Odysseus by force.” (P.
129). In this quote Agamemnon shows that he is willing to take honor that he did not earn. He
is ruthless to his own friends in order to achieve honor and glory. This quote is an example of
how honor and glory is the most important to a hero, which relates to “300” even though
Agamemnon idea of honor is more materialistic than the Spartans. Patroclus is another hero in
“The Iliad” that craved honor; he tried to sack Troy in order to achieve excellence. Hector says
“Patroclus, you thought you would sack Troy! You wanted to make slaves of our women and
return with them to your homeland. You were a fool!” (P. 144). Patroclus wanted to be glorified
as a great hero that was able to single handedly sack Troy. Patroclus can relate to Leonidas
because they both have big aspirations and ached to achieve great things. The difference
between “The Iliad” and 300 is that in the Iliad the characters have personality faults that make
achieving honor and glory impossible. Achilles was too childish selfish, he let thousands of
Greeks die just because of a dispute with Agamemnon. “The wrath of Achilles brought
numerous troubles upon the long haired Greeks and sent down to Hades the shades of many
brave warriors.” (P. 128). Agamemnon is too greedy, he thinks he can take whenever he wants
when he wants. Agamemnon says “Apollo has taken my Chryseis from me; I will come to your
hut and take your prize of honor, fair Briseis, from you” (P. 130). Patroclus has no common
sense, his lack of responsibility gets him killed. The narrator says “Then did the great-hearted
Patroclus foolishly relate to Achilles the plight of the Greeks and his wish to lead Myrmidons
into battle in Achilles’ place[WU5]”. In order to achieve excellence, you must constantly
improve yourself and correct your mistakes[WU6]. The characters in the Iliad made no effort to
improve themselves, they is why they did not achieve excellence. The characters in the Iliad
failed to realize that they were hurting their community by their own selfishness, greed and
arrogance. No one is perfect, not even the Spartans from 300, I make mistakes all the time. I
ignore advice from my friends and family, I can be selfish, and I can judge people too quickly. I
know that I have to work on improving these faults day by day if I ever want to achieve
excellence. Faults and weaknesses can be extremely harmful if they keep you from achieving
your goals.
The movie “300” and “The Iliad” by Homer both have similarities, but they have
different themes. In 300, The Spartans never admit defeat and fight tooth and nail in order to
excellence. While in “The Illiad” characters strive for excellence but numerous flaws in their
personality prohibit it from being achieved. Everyone has flaws but it is important to control
them so that they do not keep you from achieving what you want in life. These two stories show
that only through working to achieve your goals can one improve themselves and achieve
excellence. The difference between “The Illiad” and the movie “300” is that is that one
succeeded in achieving excellence and one failed. I recommend that you stay focused on what
you want to achieve and try to improve elements about yourself that can potentially harm your
future. What can you do to stay focused on your path to excellence?
Beautiful work. Your best yet!
[WU1]Excellent use of quote: You’ve got background/context + the quote +
interpretation/explanation + commentary to drive home your point. Perfect.
[WU2]It’d be great if you used the word “beast” here and developed this as a symbol.
[WU3]Excellent job bringing this paragraph to a close.
[WU4]Nice way of relating the two.
[WU5]You have begun rushing through the essay now. None of these examples is thoroughly
developed. Compare how these examples are developed with your work in 300.
[WU6]YES!!!! Now you’ve brought the essay home. Develop this and you’re there.