Call for papers

Upcoming Calls for Papers
Inspire - sharing great practice in Social Science teaching and learning
3-4 December 2015
The Studio, Manchester
Call for papers
Deadline: 11 October 2015
The theme for this year’s social science conference is how can we inspire, support and share excellent practice
in social science teaching and learning. Each of the conference streams focus on aspects of our pedagogical
practice which support engaged learning and student success. Teaching quality has rapidly moved up the policy
agenda, and this year’s conference this provides a great opportunity for us to contribute to the debate.
Conference streams:
Innovate: Exploring innovative practice in social science teaching and learning.
Assessment: How can we meet the assessment & feedback challenges in social science?
Achievement: How can we support student retention and attainment in the social sciences?
Embedding employability: How can we embed employability and prepare students for their transition into
the world of work or postgraduate study through our teaching and learning strategies?
Developing our practice: How do we drive our own practice forwards, what are effective strategies for
continuing professional development?
The call for papers, workshops, Inspire lab and poster submissions is now open to all Fellows of the HEA and
National Teaching Fellows. Download the call for papers document and guidance for contributors for more
information on preparing your submission.
Conference formats
Contributions should be grounded in your current work (teaching or research) which help us to better understand
what supports great teaching and learning in your discipline or subject area. We are asking for submissions in
one of the following formats:
Hour long interactive workshops: a longer format to allow you to run an interactive session – themed by
Half-hour presentations: (20 minutes for presentation, 10 minutes Q&A) themed by stream.
How to? sessions (20 minutes for presentation, 10 mins Q&A): short, practical bursts of learning about
‘how to’ implement specific teaching and learning approaches in social science subject areas (for example – how
to flip a classroom in sociological theory, how to build a peer assessment process for a tourism module).
Ignite presentations for our Inspire lab: we invite submissions for our Inspire lab (based on the Ignite
format) the lab will accept proposals on any topic related to teaching and learning in the social sciences.
Poster presentations: we invite poster presentations sharing innovative practice in social science
teaching & learning or key findings from pedagogic research in the social sciences.
For more information about the conference and to download a submission form, visit the conference page.
Join the conversation #HEASocSci15
And look out for monthly Twitter chats to be held on the last Tuesday of the month, 18:30-19:30, starting 29
September 2015 on the theme of teaching in the social sciences. Future themes to be announced.
About the Higher Education Academy
The Higher Education Academy (HEA) is the national body for learning and teaching in higher education. We
work with universities and other higher education providers to bring about change in learning and teaching. We
do this to improve the experience that students have while they are studying, and to support and develop those
who teach them.
For more recent news, events and funding opportunities, subscribe to Academy Update and follow us on Twitter
The Higher Education Academy is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales no.
04931031. Registered as a charity in England and Wales no. 1101607. Registered as a charity in Scotland no.
SC043946. Registered Office: The Higher Education Academy, Innovation Way, York Science Park, Heslington,
York, YO10 5BR, United Kingdom. The Higher Education Academy and its logo are registered trademarks and
should not be used without our permission.
Inspire to succeed: Transforming teaching and learning in STEM
28-29 January 2016
East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham
Call for papers
Deadline: 8 November 2015
The theme for this year’s STEM conference is how we can inspire, support and share excellent practice in STEM
teaching and learning. Each of the conference themes focus on aspects of our pedagogical practice which
support engaged learning and student success. Teaching quality has rapidly moved up the policy agenda, and
this year’s conference provides a great opportunity for us to contribute to the debate.
Conference themes:
Embedding employability: How can we embed employability and prepare students for their transition
into the world of work or postgraduate study through our teaching and learning strategies?
Retention: How can we enhance retention and attainment for STEM students?
Assessment: How can we meet the assessment and feedback challenges in STEM?
Innovate: Exploring innovative teaching and learning practice in STEM.
The call for papers, workshops and poster submissions is now open to all Fellows of the HEA and
National Teaching Fellows.
Download the call for papers document and guidance for contributors for more information on preparing your
Conference formats
Contributions should be grounded in your current work (teaching or research) which help us to better understand
what supports great teaching and learning in your discipline or subject area. We are asking for submissions in
one the following formats:
Interactive workshops: a longer format of either an hour or 45 minutes to allow you to run an interactive
Half-hour paper presentations: presentations should aim to give a brief summary of a piece of
pedagogical research or a teaching and learning project (20 minutes for presentation, 10 minutes Q&A).
How to? sessions (20 minutes for presentation, 10 minutes Q&A): short, practical bursts of learning
about ‘how to’ implement specific teaching and learning approaches in STEM subject areas (for example
– how to flip a classroom, how to build a peer assessment process).
Poster presentations: we invite poster presentations sharing innovative practice in social science
teaching and learning or key findings from pedagogic research in STEM.
For more information about the conference and to download a submission form, visit the conference page.
Join the conversation #HEASTEM16
And look out for monthly Twitter chats to be held on the last Tuesday of the month, 18:30-19:30, starting 29
September 2015. Themes to be announced.
About the Higher Education Academy
The Higher Education Academy (HEA) is the national body for learning and teaching in higher education. We work with universities
and other higher education providers to bring about change in learning and teaching. We do this to improve the experience that
students have while they are studying, and to support and develop those who teach them.
For more recent news, events and funding opportunities, subscribe to Academy Update and follow us on Twitter @HEAcademy.
The Higher Education Academy is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales no. 04931031. Registered as a
charity in England and Wales no. 1101607. Registered as a charity in Scotland no. SC043946. Registered Office: The Higher
Education Academy, Innovation Way, York Science Park, Heslington, York, YO10 5BR, United Kingdom. The Higher Education
Academy and its logo are registered trademarks and should not be used without our permission.
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Inspire to succeed - sharing great practice in Arts and Humanities
teaching and learning
3-4 March 2016, venue tbc
Call for papers
Deadline: 11 January 2016
The theme for this year’s Arts and Humanities conference is how we can inspire, support and share excellent
practice in Arts and Humanities teaching and learning. Each of the conference streams focus on aspects of our
pedagogical practice which support engaged learning and student success. Teaching quality has rapidly moved
up the policy agenda, and this year’s conference this provides a great opportunity for us to contribute to the
Conference streams:
Innovate: Exploring innovative practice in Arts and Humanities teaching and learning.
Assessment: How can we meet the assessment & feedback challenges in Arts and Humanities?
Achievement: How can we support student retention and attainment in Arts and Humanities?
Embedding employability: How can we embed employability and prepare students for their transition
into the world of work or postgraduate study through our teaching and learning strategies?
Developing our practice: How do we drive our own practice forwards, what are effective strategies for
continuing professional development?
The call for papers, workshops, Inspire lab and poster submissions is now open to all Fellows of the
Academy and our National Teaching Fellows. Download the call for papers document and guidance for
contributors for more information on preparing your submission.
Conference formats
Contributions should be grounded in your current work (teaching or research) which help us to better understand
what supports great teaching and learning in your discipline or subject area. We are asking for submissions in
one of five formats:
Hour-long interactive workshops: a longer format to allow you to run an interactive session - themed
by stream.
Half-hour presentations (20 minutes for presentation, 10 minutes Q&A): themed by stream
How to? sessions (20 minutes for presentation, 10 mins Q&A): short, practical bursts of learning about
‘how to’ implement specific teaching and learning approaches in Arts and Humanities subject areas (for
example – how to flip a classroom in Literary Theory, how to build a peer assessment process for a
Drama module).
Ignite presentations for our Inspire lab: we invite submissions for our Inspire lab (based on the Ignite
format) the Lab will accept proposals on any topic related to teaching and learning in Arts and
Poster presentations: we invite poster presentations sharing innovative practice in Arts and Humanities
teaching & learning or key findings from pedagogic research in Arts and Humanities.
For more information about the conference and to download a submission form, visit the conference page.
Join the conversation #HEAArts16
And look out for monthly Twitter chats to be held on the last Tuesday of the month, 18:30-19:30, starting 29
September 2015. Themes to be announced.
About the Higher Education Academy
The Higher Education Academy (HEA) is the national body for learning and teaching in higher education. We work with universities
and other higher education providers to bring about change in learning and teaching. We do this to improve the experience that
students have while they are studying, and to support and develop those who teach them.
For more recent news, events and funding opportunities, subscribe to Academy Update and follow us on Twitter @HEAcademy.
The Higher Education Academy is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales no. 04931031. Registered as a
charity in England and Wales no. 1101607. Registered as a charity in Scotland no. SC043946. Registered Office: The Higher
Education Academy, Innovation Way, York Science Park, Heslington, York, YO10 5BR, United Kingdom. The Higher Education
Academy and its logo are registered trademarks and should not be used without our permission.
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