ASSESSMENT FOCUS 2C 1 Use a range of strategies including accurate decoding of text to read for meaning. 2 Understand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas and use quotation and reference from text. 3 Deduce, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from text. 4 Identify and comment on the structure and organisation of texts, including grammatical and presentational features. 5 Explain and comment on writers’ use of language inc. grammatical and literary features at word and sentence level. 6 Identify and comment on writers’ purposes and viewpoints and the overall effect of the text on the reader. 7 Relate texts to their social, cultural and historical traditions. I can quickly segment and blend CVC, CCVC and CVCC words. I can chunk words and use regular long vowel phonemes (g-r-ee-n). I can use one other decoding strategy (eg missing the word out, context, hiding words). I can read all of the Y1 and some of the Y2 words. I am aware of how . ! ? and , are used and I am beginning to use expression. I am reading for meaning and beginning to self correct. I can begin to recall the main points of any text eg character names, main ingredients. I can talk about my book and make comments. I can begin to locate information about characters. I can begin to use a contents page to find information. I am beginning to make plausible inferences (eg how a character is feeling). I make comments about illustrations, diagrams and changes to the text with support (eg why is the text in capitals?). I am beginning to be aware of how fiction and non fiction texts are organised and use this in reading simple texts. I can begin to identify some familiar patterns of language (eg once upon a time, time words). I can give plausible reasons why an author might have chosen a particular word independently. I am beginning to understand why a text has been written (that it has a purpose). I can tell you what I like and dislike about the text. I am beginning to recognise that texts are set in different times and places. 2B 2A I can use segmenting and blending effectively and independently, identifying a range of long vowel sounds. I can use more than one other decoding strategy. I can read all of the Y1 and most of the Y2 words. I take account of . ! ? , … “ “ I can read with some fluency and expression. I can self correct independently. I can use a range of strategies including segmenting, blending, missing the word out, context, hiding words, chunking etc to read unfamiliar words. I can read all of the KS1 words. I read with fluency and expression and take account of punctuation ( . ! ? , … “ “ ‘ ) I can recall some specific information about texts including main events, characters and main points. I know where to locate specific information in my book. I can begin to locate information to support my comments. I can recall specific information about the text and begin to tell you about the main points. I know where to find information in a fiction and non fiction book. I can locate some information to support my comments. I can make plausible inferences and I am beginning to be able to show you which part of the text makes me think this. I make comments about illustrations, diagrams and changes to the text with increasing accuracy. I can comment on how fiction and non fiction texts are organised and sequenced. I have some awareness of the types of punctuation I might see in a book. I can make plausible inferences about information and events and use the text to support these. I can make comments based on textual and pictoral clues independently . I can show you where writers have used effective words (eg slimy, dull). I notice familiar patterns of language. I can show you where writers have used effective words (eg slimy, dull) and when prompted I can begin to tell you why they have chosen these words. I am beginning to understand why some features of organisation are used (eg diagrams and bullet points). I understand the purpose of the text at a basic level. I am beginning to show awareness of writers’ viewpoints (eg she thinks it is not fair). I can tell you my likes and dislikes about the text and begin to give reasons. I can comment on writers’ purposes and viewpoints at a basic level. I can give simple statements about likes and dislikes of texts and give some valid reasons. I can identify the setting and period in which the book is set. I am becoming aware when a book is set in a different culture.