
Mr. Vancil
Chemistry 1
General rules for classroom conduct
Treat other people with respect at all times.
If the teacher asks you to stop doing something or to do something, comply.
All attendance and homework policies in the student handbook apply and will be followed.
Late work will be accepted only when stipulated in the student handbook.
Stay busy working on Chemistry. When your Chemistry is finished, you are expected to find other
homework to work on. Students who do not use class time may be required to make up time after
school, as assigned by the teacher.
Make-up work.
a. Students will get one day for every consecutive day absent plus one extra day to turn in
make-up work from an excused absence. Late homework from an unexcused absence will
result in no grade.
b. Due to safety considerations some Labs may be difficult to make up. Chemicals need to be
put away within a reasonable time after the lab. The teacher will set up one or two lab makeup sessions. Students will be expected to make them up at those times.
c. Students who miss due to an unexcused absence are not allowed to hand in make-up work.
d. It is the responsibility of the student who has missed any portion of a class to find out what
make-up work they need to turn in and get it in on time.
e. At the end of each unit all labs that are a zero can be changed to match the grade they receive
on the unit test.
f. If you miss school because of an illness between the dates the work was assigned and when it
was due, you will be expected to complete the work in on schedule.
g. If absences are planned ahead of time (field trips, college visitation, athletic events, or any
other school-related absence), deadlines will not be extended. The assignment is due the next
class period you attend.
h. If you are absent due to an illness and miss a test, you may delay the test date by one day for
every day of consecutive absence.
If you are absent the day before the test you will be expected to take the test on time unless
you were absent two or more consecutive days just prior to the test or the test day was
announced while you were you were absent and had no way of knowing the date of the test.
If mitigating circumstances exist that you feel warrant the teacher making an excepting to the
above rules, you will need to talk to the teacher in private before or after school. The student
can explain the special circumstances and make an appeal for exceptions.
k. If you miss school because of an illness the day an assignment is assigned and have not
attended class between the time it was assigned and when it is due, the due date will be
moved back one day for each day you were absent (not to exceed three days).
If you are late to class because of another teacher or being called to the office, make sure you get a
pass from that teacher or the office BEFORE coming to class. All students who come to class late
without a pass will be marked as tardy.
Each student will be issued two Hall Pass Coupons each nine week grading period. Students must
use one of these passes every time they leave the classroom (except when the office calls and asks
that a student be sent to the office). If students do not have their passes or run out of passes and still
have an emergency, they will be required to make up the time after school at the rate of five minutes
for every minute they are out of the room. Unused passes can be redeemed at the end of the nine
weeks. Each coupon can be used to drop a low quiz grade.
Students are expected to check Planbook DAILY. Sometimes plans change depending upon the
progress that is made each day.
10. Students are expected to do their own work. Cheating will result in a zero.
Testing Rules
Students are to spread themselves out during a test. Only one student per lecture table and two per lab
table (at opposite corners).
Student’s eyes are to remain on their own paper. A student caught looking at another student’s paper
will be handled as if they are cheating.
Students are not to talk during tests!!! It does not matter what the topic is. All talking during a test will
be handled as if the students are cheating.
Students are not to talk to each other after they are finished with a test as long as others are still taking
the test. Students who refuse to comply with this request will likely receive a detention.
Any short answer or essay questions must be written in complete sentence/paragraph form. Poor and/or
lazy writing will result in a deduction from the grade.
Laboratory Rules
Safety goggle must be worn in lab at all times unless the teacher tells you they are not necessary.
No horseplay or joking around in lab.
Stay at the lab station you are assigned unless you are getting supplies or need to mass a sample.
Never work alone in lab. Never wonder off and leave your partner alone during a lab.
Do not conduct unauthorized experiments. Do only the experiment you have been assigned and follow
the directions carefully.
Be obsessed with safety. Accidents are not accidents if you know they are going to happen.
Know and understand all the safety rules in your lab safety handout and in safety video.
Failure to comply with these rules will result in the student’s removal from lab for at least one lab up to
the remainder of the school year (at the teacher’s sole discretion). Students kicked out of lab will receive
a zero for missed labs.
Grades will be updated on a regular basis and can be accessed on Power School. Students are expected
to use Power School to look up their grades and are not allowed to look at the teacher’s computer. If
students have inquiries about their grade they are expected to address these concerns outside of class in
The grading scale for Chemistry is:
90% or above
A (Excellent)
80 to 89
B (Good)
70 to 79
C (Basic)
60 to 69
D (Poor)
Below 60
F (Failing)
The grade will be calculated mathematically from the following criteria:
Daily work average
Lab Average
Quiz Average
Test Average
All tests will contain information from previous chapters.
Each Semester Grade will be calculated by averaging the two quarter grades. The cumulative finals will
be weighted twice as much as a regular test.
All students will be allowed an opportunity to improve poor test grades.
The student will be required to come in before or after school to relearn the Unit material. Expect it
to take between 2 to 6 hours to complete remediation work.
The student must complete all the remediation work to get points added to the test.
Fifteen (15) points will be added to the test upon completion of work or a 70%, which ever is higher.
The final adjusted grade on the test cannot exceed 95%.
Remediation is not possible for the last test of the semester or for the semester final.
All students scoring below 70% on a test are strongly encouraged to come in for remediation.
Class Rules:
Chemistry 1
I have read and understand that the above rules and policies and agree to comply with them.
Student Signature
I have read and understand that the above rules and policies apply to Mr. Vancil’s Chemistry 1 classes. I
understand that all students are expected to know and comply with these rules and policies.
Parent/Guardian Signature