Chemistry - Carlin Combined Schools




Ms. Jones

Course Syllabus

Course Description

A range of topics will be covered including: stoichiometry, gas laws, chemical equilibrium, acids and bases, acid and base equilibrium, and aqueous solution equilibrium (including solubility product constants, complex ion formation, etc.). It is hoped that you will develop new skills in chemistry and new insights into the chemical workings of everyday life.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:


Process a variety of scientific information


Select the problem, hypothesis, data, control, and conclusion of an experiment


Recognize and classify reaction process and chemical


Demonstrate the relationship between acids, basis, and buffers and their importance to life


Describe various elements on the periodic table and recognize the trends and relationships among them


Develop psychomotor skills in laboratory exercises


You will need to bring with you everyday:


Three Ring Binder


100 page Spiral Notebook






Your grade will be based on formative and summative assignments. Formative assignments will be weighted at 30% and include your homework, etc. Summative assignments will be weighted at 70% include tests, quizzes, laboratory write-ups, binder checks, etc.

Tests will be given in a midterm and final format.

Grading Scale:

100-90% = A

89-80% = B

79-70% = C

69-60% = D

59-0% = F

Class Policies

The following class policies are non-negotiable. See the instructor if you have any concerns with your ability to follow these policies.


It is important that you be in class. Your participation is valued. Nothing can take the place of being in class, hearing the lectures, seeing the demonstrations and videos, doing the laboratory experiments, and interacting with your classmates. If it is necessary for you to be absent from class, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to get the notes from a reliable classmate. You will be held responsible for everything that went on in class. You will also need to pick up handouts that were given out. Follow your chapter outline and do the assigned reading and homework. If you are absent the day before the test, you are still expected to take the test with your class. If you are absent the day of a test, you are expected to take the test in accordance to school policy.

If you are absent the day of the lab, you will be exempt from the lab.

***TARDY POLICY*** You are expected to be in your seat and ready to start when the bell rings (completing the daily bell work, with backpacks under your seat). We will start on time. If you are not in your seat you will be considered tardy.


Homework will be given and will be collected the next day or on a day specified by the instructor. Students get two days for everyday they were absent, for excused absences, to get their written work turned in.


You may use pen (blue or black) or pencil on your homework and lab write-ups.

Handwriting must be legible. If I can’t read an answer, I will mark it wrong.


Homework is due at the beginning of the period, unless otherwise stated.


Homework is to be an individual effort unless otherwise directed. Do not loan your homework to any other student. If your homework is caught with someone else, both students will receive a zero for the assignment.


Late work will not be tolerated and is unacceptable.


Ms. Melissa Jones


Tips for the Student:


I want you to succeed in Chemistry and have a great time. Your success and happiness in

Chemistry will be affected by the attitude with which you come to class and the respectful way that you behave towards your classmates and me. The following are a list of behaviors that I expect from you. Following these suggestions will help you learn, have fun, and succeed in Chemistry.


One person talks at a time (and the teacher gets to decide who that one person is!). There will be lots of opportunities for discussion and questions. I want to hear what you think. However, we can’t have everyone talking at once. Raise your hand when you have a question or comment, and only one person will talk at a time.


No eating or drinking in lab. Consumption of anything (including water, chewing gum or breath mints) in a science lab is dangerous.


Never throw anything. Chemistry is a “no projectile” zone. Nothing should ever be thrown – this includes throwing paper at the trash can.


Stay in your seat. Class begins the moment that the bell rings, and you should be in your assigned seat with your textbook and notebook out. If you are not you will be considered tardy . You are not to leave your seat without permission.


Treat other students with respect. Avoid any behavior that would prevent another student from learning (anything that would distract or irritate.)


Treat school property with respect. This would include treating lab equipment carefully, and taking care of desks and chairs. Items on my desks or lab tables are not to be played with.


Serious behavior during labs. Chemistry labs can be dangerous to those who are not paying careful attention. While labs should be fun, it is not a time for play.

To sum it up in one word: Respect. Respect the instructor, respect the materials, respect our time and respect your classmates.

Instructor Contact Information

Office Hours: I am willing to meet students after school. Making an appointment with me will ensure your questions and concerns will be resolved.




Perform laboratory work only when your teacher is present. Unauthorized or unsupervised laboratory experimenting is not allowed.


Always read and think about each laboratory assignment before starting. Read, understand, and follow (in order) all written and verbal lab instructions.


Know the location and how to use all safety equipment in your laboratory. These should include the eyewash, first-aid kit, fire extinguisher, and fire blanket.


When necessary, wear a laboratory apron and protective glasses or goggles for laboratory work.


When doing laboratory experiments, remember to wear long pants, closed toed shoes (no sandals or bare feet), roll up loose sleeves, and tie back loose hair.


Clear your bench top of all unnecessary materials such as books, backpacks, and clothing before starting your work.


Read the label on all laboratory supplies before using the material. Many materials/specimens have similar names that can easily be confused.


You may be asked to transfer some laboratory materials from a common bottle or jar to your own test tube or beaker. DO NOT return any excess material to its original container unless authorized by the teacher.


Avoid unnecessary movement and talk when working in the laboratory.


Never taste laboratory materials.


Never place chemicals directly on the pan balances. Use weighing paper or container to hold your chemicals.


Be cautious of glassware that has been heated.


Point test tubes that are being heated away from you and others. The heat may splatter liquids.


If you are instructed to smell something, do so by fanning some of the vapor toward your nose. DO NOT place your nose near the opening of the container.


NEVER look directly down into a test tube; view the contents from the side.

Never point the opening end of a test tube toward yourself or your neighbor.


Report all accidents regardless of how minor to your teacher.


Any laboratory spill; however small, should be reported immediately to your teacher. Clean up spills only as directed by the teacher.


DO NOT pick up broken glass with your hands. Sweep it up with the dustpan and broom, and then dump the broken glass in the broken glassware box.


In case of chemical spills on your skin or clothing, rinse the affected area with plenty of water. If the eyes are affected, use the eyewash immediately and continuously for 10-15 minutes. Your partner should immediately notify the teacher while you are washing/rinsing your eyes.


Minor skin burns should be placed under cold running water.


Use extreme care with all sharp instruments such as scalpels, sharp probes, and knives.


When discarding laboratory materials, carefully follow the instructions provided by the teacher.


Return all equipment: aprons, goggles, beakers, books, etc to their designated locations.


Wash your hands thoroughly after completing your lab, before you leave the laboratory/classroom.


If in doubt, ask!


Student Safety Contract

Read the Student Safety Contract below. Fill in the first blank with your name. At the bottom, print your name, the date, and your class period. Have your parent/guardian sign the statement below your

signature, and then return this to your teacher. Please return signed statement by August 26, 2011.

I will:

 Read all lab direction completely before beginning the lab activity.

 Ask for clarification of any directions that are unclear.

 Come to class prepared to work.

 Wear personal protective equipment as directed: safety glasses, lab apron, closed toed shoes, long pants, etc while conducting any lab activities.

 Follow all posted classroom safety rules.

 Follow all instructions both written and verbal given by the teacher.

 Conduct myself in a responsible manner at all times in a laboratory situation.

I, , have read and agree to abide by the safety regulation set forth above and also any additional printed instructions provided by the teacher or school district.

I further agree to follow all other written and oral instructions given in class.

Class period Name (print)

Student Signature

Parent/Guardian Signature


