The goal of these instructions is to make a drawing using one point

The goal of these instructions is to make a drawing using one point perspective. This gives the illusion of 3
dimensions (height, width, depth).
First, it’s easier to draw in layers in Photoshop. If you make a mistake or if you want to move something, then it’s easier
to fix or move that single item if that item is on it’s own layer. If all items you draw are on one layer, then, if you want to
move or erase something, it cuts a big hole in your picture. Then when you are done with the complete picture, you can
flatten all layers into one single layer.
Second, we will use the “guideline, rulers, and snap features” of photoshop to help our accuracy.
Third, we will also make a guideline layer that will “guide” us to our vanishing point in our one point perspective
1. Start by making a guideline layer. Click on Layer – go to New – and then click on Layer
2. Name the layer “Guidelines” and click okay.
3. While on the “Guidelines” layer choose a vanishing point (I brush one in toward the middle of my drawing
4. Make a new layer. Name it House 1.
5. On the House1 layer, use the rectangular select tool to drag out the
front of your house Measure the width to have an odd number of
vertical lines. (mine stretches across 7 vertical lines) You’ll see why
when I make the roof.
a. Fill the selection with a gradient (this makes a surface area for
your wall)
b. Click the rectangular select tool again then right-click inside your selected area.
c. Click Stroke (this adds an edge to your wall)
6. Now we’ll use the Polygonal select tool to make the triangular roof.
a. Click the polygonal select tool
b. Start your triangle on the left upper corner of the rectangular wall. Click mouse
once. It should snap into place. Move mouse (select line will follow the mouse) to
the middle vertical guideline and click (select line should snap into place)
c. Move mouse down to the other rectangular wall corner and click mouse.
d. Move mouse back to the beginning corner of the rectangle. When you click the
mouse this time you should have a triangular selected area.
e. Fill area with gradient.
f. Click the polygonal select tool in the tool bar.
g. Right click in the middle of the triangular selected area.
h. Click Stroke – make sure your color is black – you should end up with edges on
your triangular roof.
7. Next, you’ll make guidelines for the house on the guideline layer. If your layers aren’t
showing up, click Window, then click Layers. The layers should show up on the right.
a. In the layers window, click the Guideline layer.
b. Click the polygonal select tool
c. Start with the roof, click your polygonal tool at the peak of
the roof
d. move your mouse back to the vanishing point and click
e. Move mouse back to the bottom right vertex of the
triangular roof and click your mouse
f. Move mouse to house peak and click mouse (should have
made complete triangle)
g. Right Click in middle of the new triangular selected area.
h. Click stroke and complete the stroke actions.
i. Now, use the line tool and draw a guideline from the bottom right corner of the
rectangular wall back to the vanishing point. (Remember, stay on the guidelines layer)
8. Now you’ll draw over the guidelines to make the house surfaces
These lines should
a. In the layers window, click on the House1 layer
be parallel
b. Click the polygonal select tool
c. Start with the roof, click your polygonal tool at the peak of the roof
d. move your mouse about a third of the way toward the vanishing point
and click there
e. Follow the guidelines to make a complete surface area.
f. Put your gradient into the roof surface area
g. Click the polygonal select tool and right click in middle of the surface
h. Click stroke and complete the stroke actions.
i. Now use the polygonal select tool to do the side wall surface area.
j. You can add windows and doors (If it helps, turn the snap function off)
Make a Road on your House1 layer with your polygonal select tool.
Once the road is complete, you can delete your guidelines layer.
Use your select tool to copy the house, paste the house and flip it horizontally.
Place the house opposite of the first house.
Click View and turn off the Snap and rulers. Also, “Clear Guides”.
Layer to New Layer.
Use the Lasso select tool to make your ground on the new layer
Make a new layer, then click select and click inverse
Make a sky on this new layer.
Finish the picture with moon or sun, stars, etc.
Save the project
Layer to Flatten Image
Save As and give a new file name
Change the format from Photoshop to jpg.
These lines should
be parallel