Elementary Physics--PHYS 1010

Rebecca Orozco
Phys. 1010
Chapter Project
Chapter 24-Page 484
Dear Grandma,
I just learned that the colors we see aren’t necessarily those colors but is actually others colors
reflecting things. For example why is the sky blue? It’s blue because when light is reemitted to all
directions, we say the light is scattered. There’s different frequencies of sunlight reflected like violet is
scattered the most by nitrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere, and blue, green , yellow, orange, and red
follow. But violet is scattered more than any of this colors, we don’t really see this light because our
eyes are not very sensitive to it so since the blue light is the one that predominates our eyes, we see a
blue sky. Also sunsets are red because of the absence of high-frequency light that has been scattered
beyond the horizon. This high-frequency light is the one that makes it so that we see different colors
during the sunset. When the Sun is descending lower in the sky, the more violet and blue are scattered
from the sunlight, but when the removal of the violet and blue leaves the transmitted light gets redder.
And finally why are the clouds white? Clouds are made of water droplets in a variety of sizes. These
different- size droplets produce a variety of scattered frequencies the tiniest scatter bluer than other
colors; slightly larger droplets scatter light of higher frequencies like green, and larger like red. The result
of all this is a white cloud. By knowing all this I still think the beauty of nature is awesome!! God made
this world so perfect, He also made all this scattering of lights, all this colors for a reason and this all
process that works perfectly! I don’t know about you grandma but all this amazes me. Hope you’re
doing good, love you and God bless.
Rebecca Orozco
Rebecca Orozco
Phys. 1010
Chapter Project
Chapter 11- Page 210
Dear Grandpa,
I wanted to write you a little about how long the atoms that make up their bodies have been
around. They say that atoms are ageless and are nearly as old as the universe itself. Even when you
breathe you breathe in atoms and exhale atom. You don’t own the atoms that make up your body you
borrow them. We all share the same atoms, they just forever migrate around. The origin of the lightest
atoms goes back to the origin of the universe, and heavier atoms are older than the Sun and Earth.
There are atoms in your body that have existed since the first moments of time, recycling throughout
the universe among innumerable forms, both nonliving and living. There are as many atoms in a normal
breath of air as there are breathfuls of air in earth’s atmosphere. I think this is pretty crazy! How this
atoms have been everywhere! And we live with them every day and your generations like me and my
generations are going to be living and breathing the same atoms we exhaled and inhaled. Well just
wanted to let you know a little more about all this atom information and show you how fascinating it is!
Take care gramps, Love u! God bless!
Rebecca Orozco