Task Force Water Governance Project fiche for project ideas and proposals Date: 20-02-2013 Applying agency (authority, organization, company, River basin Commission, etc.) Institute: Kastoro Consulting Contact person: ir. Gijsbert P.J. Tweehuysen Postal address: Luiperbeekstraat 23 Klimmen Visiting address: Luiperbeekstraat 23 Postal code: 6343 PT City: Klimmen Country: the Netherlands Telephone: +31 (0) 653693382 E-mail: g.tweehuysen@hotmail.com Project proposal Category/Sector (technical, institutional, legal, policy, financial, communication, others (please specify): technical Brief description of the project: River Litter sampling: a new method to assess the amount of litter in a river (this project is an integrated part of the Mosa Pura project) Objective Please formulate the project’s goals in a few sentences: Plastic litter pollutes the oceans. Most of this litter originates from land, transported by rivers to the sea. There is no method to date that can quantify this contribution. Last year a sampling method has been developed, but further development and testing is needed to be able to assess the contribution of European rivers to the amount of marine debris in the European seas. This project can support European authorities with a measuring tool to set standards, develop legislation and define mitigating measures aimed at reduction at source. It will also support industries to develop products and services to recover or prevent river litter. Key question your project aims to answer: How can the developed sampling method be further optimized to quantify the presence of river litter as an indicator for the land-based contribution to marine debris and as a tool for assessment the potential of solution-oriented products and services? Beneficiaries Who will benefit from the project’s results: River authorities, industries, water users and the general public, municipal, regional, national and supra national authorities. Location Where is the project located: In 4 European rivers (apart from the Meuse, no other rivers are selected yet) Actors Lead partner: ? Partners requested: Local and national authorities, Water boards, RBC’s (IMC), Universities, companies (recovery and recycling companies) Project duration What will be the duration of the project: 4 years Budget estimation What is the estimated budget needed: Budget based on the costs for (additional) equipment development, sampling, analyzing and (scientific) reporting for 1 year in 1 river: € 75.000. Total budget for 4 rivers, for 4 years: € 1.200.000. Type of program for funding (INTERREG V, FP7, LIFE +, etc.) Indicate which type of funding you have in mind: ? ? Do you need help with finding the right funding? Yes Task Force Water Governance (TFWG), with special focus on border regions Task Force Water Governance Project Development Team Phone: +31 (0)43 3897487; Postal address: P.O. Box 5700 | 6202 MA Maastricht | The Netherlands General email: taskforcewg@prvlimburg.nl Contacts: Alfred Evers: ajgm.evers@prvlimburg.nlm. +31 6 5495 6148 Harry Tolkamp: hh.tolkamp@prvlimburg.nlm. +31 6 5237 5690 Fred van den Brink: fwb.van.den.brink@prvlimburg.nl t: +31 43 3897499