LIU-PM-MIN-0194 EDMS 1547781 LIU project team meeting Notes from the meeting held on 21 September 2015 Present: S. Gilardoni, D. Manglunki, M. Meddahi, G. Rumolo Excused: Progress on the main WP activities with spending status (S. Gilardoni) The EVM structure has been implemented in APT, only the WP on LLRF for slip stacking (+200 – 400 kCHF) is still missing. The CtC has not changed – budget to be defined for LEBT if work on improving brightness from the source is needed. Benoit is checking the data consistency All the contributions to the TDR have been received and first skeleton is available. The introduction is being edited. The part in which Heiko describes alternative production schemes will be published in a separated note, instead of being a part of the main body of the TDR. Linac3 (improvement of source – LEBT): No issues have been found with production of enlarged vacuum chamber and einzel lens so far. The pepper pot for emittance measurements had to be removed, because the device caused an aperture restriction and consequent reduction of the Linac current (not clear actually, because the current has got back to the value it had before the pepper pot removal). The pepper pot is still under guarantee and has been sent back to the manufacturer to possibly enlarge the aperture. It might then be re-installed at the next YETS. Anyway, a first set of data has been acquired with it and will be analysed by Giulia together with simulations to try to identify the ion distribution out of the source, although it won’t be probably sufficient. LEIR produced 4.6e8 ions at extraction, as in 2013. This is in spite of the lower current from the Linac3, because the only difference is that now the losses at capture are lower. This is consistent with what was observed in the past, even when you inject more beam into LEIR, the final value will not change due to the losses at capture. The program of LEIR studies is following the original planning. Most of the work on the RF capture losses can be done now that the performance for the operational beam has been re-established (instability, transverse damper, emittance blow up, space charge, etc.). There seems to be a manpower problem anyway, because machine development for ions is always considered low priority. It could be helpful to define a day per week in which the LEIR machine studies take place and the necessary experts should be available. This day could be Wednesday (Monday: Linac3, Tuesday: PS, Thursday & Friday: SPS). The problem of the low priority of the ions has been already raised several times with the higher management, but if nothing has changed so far, maybe it could be useful to have some concrete examples to present when the question is addressed. First report at the next general LIU-PT meeting on 8 October SPS 1) Slip stacking: LLRF Requirements were summarized at a dedicated LIUSPS Coordination meeting. An EDMS document on the LLRF specifications was released on Friday 19/09 and is presently in status of Engineering check. Concerning the resources, Philippe said that a full upgrade would also re-design 1 the Synchro module and Radial Loop, which is not strictly required for LIU but desirable considering the obsolescence of the hardware. A crude estimate for these two systems is an additional 200 kCHF and 2 FTE. This is in addition to the 200 kCHF + 2 FTE already requested. A fellow is planned for mid 2016 to work on the hardware, Elena might also need somebody to follow up on the simulation side. Some tests could be already done this year in MDs (beam lifetime without phase loop, momentum aperture, RF program optimization); 2) Christian Carli and Fanouria Antoniou (presently paid by HL-LHC, her work on LIU to be formally arranged in the next year) are presently looking into IBS models to estimate beam parameters dependencies at SPS flat bottom, but the losses seem more consistent with Touschek effect than with IBS. SPS MDs are planned to verify parameter dependencies of beam lifetime (bunch intensity, length, emittance). One Technical Student working with Fanouria will be requested. A parameter table including the HL-LHC target together with LIU achievable and achieved ion parameters at the SPS exit is being produced. The document is almost finalized, J. Jowett sent recently some numbers that were missing, but the number of bunches reported in this table needs to be double-checked. By the end of this week the final LIU table with all agreed scenarios will be released as an EDMS document (1533832). AOB The next ‘general’ LIU-PT meeting will be held on Thursday 8 October 2015 in Room 865-1-D17, from 09:00 to 10:00. Minutes by G. Rumolo 2