application for Individual Student-based Project - SET-BC


SET-BC Individual Student Projects


Purpose of SET-BC Individual Student Projects

We invite classroom teachers, resource teachers or school based teams to apply for consultation, training, technology, and funding support for projects that explore the innovative use of assistive technologies to help a SET-BC student gain better access to his or her curriculum and to meet his or her individual education goals.

Funding for these projects is limited and those considering applying for support should consider the following guidelines when completing the SET-BC project proposal form (attached).

Guidelines for Projects

Projects must:

Include one SET-BC student.

Include current SET-BC technologies or technologies currently being considered for the loan bank – additional technologies if needed will also be considered depending on project need.

Be based on the student ’s curricular goals, activities and/or outcomes that can be met, for the most part, in the classroom environment and during this school year.

Include a description of the final curricular project outcome(s).

Include permission to freely share project outcome(s) including student photos/videos, examples of work, staff interviews and so on depending on project.

Include a description of the general support and technology needed to complete the project. SET-BC is interested in working in partnership with the district or school and can only approve projects that have school or district support as well.

Provide evidence that by completing the project, school and district capacity for using technology to support personalized learning is developed.

Be supported by district Special Education Administration and district IT departments.

Projects may:

Include other technologies commonly available in school districts (e.g. PowerPoint, digital cameras, and video recorders).

Include a variety of project outcomes (e.g. lesson plan examples featuring technology integration, student videos documenting project development and outcome, video interviews with team members describing project, webbased resource highlighting project strategies and resources.

Some examples of SET-BC student projects:

Student with Asperger syndrome investigate the use of iPod Touches for prompting/cuing and for scheduling tasks and events.

The accessibility of an iPad for a student with low vision is investigated to determine how the device can be used to support the student’s classroom reading and writing tasks.

Investigation of the use of a netbook as a smaller, more portable option for completing work a high school student who spends considerable time commuting to and from school each day.

A SET-BC student will use WordQ to assist with the reading and writing of emails to friends and families


- 1 - September 2012

SET-BC Individual Student Projects


Project title:

School: School District:

Key Project Contact:


Role (e.g. classroom teacher, resource room teacher, etc.):

Phone number:


Project Participants


Project Description

Project Summary:

Curricular Goals:

Project Timeline:


Final Project Outcome(s):

Project Evaluation:


- 2 - September 2012

SET-BC Individual Student Projects


Project Support Request

Please describe anticipated technology needed to complete the project:

Please describe anticipated release time, travel and other miscellaneous support needed to complete the project:

School / District Contribution

Please describe your school or district contribution (committed) to this project:

Additional Information:

Key Project Contact Signature : Date:

District Special Education Administrator’s Signature: Date:

District IT’s Signature: Date:

Submit project proposals to:

Flo Wong (SET-BC Provincial Centre) at

DEADLINE: 4:00 p.m. October 5


, 2012

Note: Proposals will be reviewed October 9 th & 10 th at the SET-BC Provincial Centre. All Key Project

Contacts will be contacted after the review is complete. You will be contacted to arrange a teleconference to complete the proposal process. If we are able to support your project, you will be asked to identify the specific support you require for project completion and schedule technology delivery and training as required.

If you have any questions about SET-BC projects, please contact Flo Wong -

or 604-269-2231


- 3 - September 2012

SET-BC Individual Student Projects


Project title: Supporting Organization for Student with Asperger Syndrome

School: Southeast Winds Secondary School School District: #107 (New River)

Key Project Contact:

Name (Role): Ms. Krista Lee (Inclusion Support Teacher)

Phone number: 250-555-9876


Project Participants


James McDaniels

Project Description

Staff: Learning Support team including Krista Lee

(Inclusion Support), Brielle Travis (Classroom teacher) Caleb Blainstaff (SEA)

Project Summary:

James requires support when it comes to organizing his day, tasks and homework. James relies on his SEA

Caleb to prompt him throughout the day. The team would like to investigate the efficacy of using a handheld device with scheduling applications to prompt/cue James for the organization of his daily tasks, schedule and homework assignments. It is hoped that James will become more independent and will develop and improve his organization skills.

Individual Education Goals:

James will demonstrate independence in organizing his daily schedule and attend classes punctually with the support of scheduling software prompts

James will enter in new tasks and events into scheduling software independently

James will complete and hand in assignments by the due date using the support of scheduling software.

Project Timeline:

November 2011 – delivery of project materials and/or technologies

December 2011 / January 2012 – student will work with support staff to develop prompting/scheduling prompts for daily tasks

February 2012 – student will use device to support his scheduling needs

March 2012 – student will be responsible for entering new events and tasks, be responsible for maintaining device

April 2012 – project report and support materials sent to SET-BC

Final Project Outcome(s):

Video interviews of student – beginning, middle and end of student project (describing process, how technologies are used, etc)

Final project report (publishable on SET-BC website)

Project Evaluation:

The project will be successful if the student is able to effectively use the device to organize himself around daily events. The student will also complete a self-evaluation which will help determine if the use of the technology and the acquisition of curricular goals was achieved.


- 4 - September 2012

SET-BC Individual Student Projects


Project Support Request

Please describe anticipated technology needed to complete the project:

An iPod Touch

Please describe anticipated release time, travel and other miscellaneous support needed to complete the project:

One day release time for classroom teacher and SEA for setting up and learning apps

School / District Contribution

Please describe your school or district contribution (committed) to this project:

All apps needed: iCalendar, TimeTimer and WhatNext

Additional Information:

Classroom teacher and SEA have experience with iOS devices. They use it daily for personal organizational tasks and are comfortable with supporting and modeling for James in this endeavor.

Key Project Contact Signature :


Date: October 12, 2012

District Special Education Administrator’s Signature:

A Jones-Lee

Date: October 10, 2012

District IT’s Signature:

Amanda Kekuchi

Date: October 13, 2012


- 5 - September 2012
