JOINT COMMUNITY GOVERNMENT REFERENCE GROUP – Draft Minutes Meeting No. 92, Friday, 26 September 2014, 9:30am-11:30am Economic Development Directorate, Telstra House, 490 Northbourne Ave, Dickson ACT 2602 Attendees Ms Susan Helyar Mr Dave Peffer Ms Maureen Cane Mr Paul Flint Ms Louise Gilding Ms Dira Horne Ms Elizabeth Jolley Ms Louise Keightley Ms Kirsty Linehan Mr Andrew Mehrton Mr Ross O’Donoughue Mr Geoffrey Rutledge Ms Melanie Saballa Community Co-Chair and ACT Council of Social Service (A/g) Government Co-Chair, Community Services Directorate Volunteering ACT Council of the Ageing Chief Minister Treasury and Economic Development Directorate Belconnen Community Service Environment and Planning Directorate Education and Training Directorate Department of Social Services Chief Minister Treasury and Economic Development Directorate Health Directorate Chief Minister Treasury and Economic Development Directorate Community Services Directorate Guests Ms Nicole Moore Ms Gemma Wood Community Services Directorate Community Services Directorate Apologies Mr Karl Alderson Ms Rikki Blacka Ms Helen Board Ms Leanne Cover Ms Darlene Cox Mr Stephen Fox Mr Robert Gotts Ms Nicole Masters Mr Tim Reddel Mr Simon Viereck Ms Trish Woolley Justice and Community Safety Directorate Volunteering ACT Department of Social Services Education and Training Directorate Health Care Consumers Association National Disability Services Community Services Directorate Chief Minister Treasury and Economic Development Directorate Department of Social Services Mental Health Community Coalition ACT Department of Social Services Secretariat Mr Rowan Ford Community Services Directorate Item 1 Discussion a. Welcome and apologies (Mr Peffer) Government Co-Chair Dave Peffer opened the 92nd meeting, welcomed members, noted apologies and provided an Acknowledgement of Country. b. Input from Economic Development Directorate (Ms Gilding) Mr Peffer thanked Ms Gilding for hosting the meeting. Ms Gilding introduced the work of the Economic Development Directorate, including its work to improve rental affordability for the bottom two quintiles, and improved ACT vacancy rates [note: quintile 1 = below $53k; quintile 2 = $53-90k]. Action 1 JOINT COMMUNITY GOVERNMENT REFERENCE GROUP – Draft Minutes Item Discussion Action 2 Previous meeting, 25 July 2014 (Mr Peffer) a. Draft minutes - members agreed to the minutes of the previous meeting b. Actions – were noted as completed (see below) c. Correspondence – Ms Leigh Watson concluded with ACT Shelter on 24 September 2014; Mr Paul Flint concludes with Council on the Ageing on 25 October 2014. Secretariat has emailed both Ms Watson and Mr Flint to thank them for their work with the community and with the JCGRG and to wish them well in the future. Minutes – updated and endorsed Actions 1. Mr Gotts to provide the November 2014 JCGRG meeting with a report on the outcomes of the Prequalification Review. 2. Mr Thompson to provide Secretariat with details of the consultant being used to refresh the website. 3. Mr Thompson to send consultation strategy of Time to Talk to Secretariat. 4. Members to send their feedback or comments to Secretariat, who will forward to Mr Thompson. 5. Mr Thompson to monitor the activity of the website over the next three months and report back to the November 2014 meeting of the JCGRG. 6. Secretariat to email DSS paper to members. 7. Secretariat to issue JCGRG members with a list of members of the Better Services Taskforce and any of its working groups. 8. Secretariat to invite Melanie Saballa and /or David Matthews to the next JCGRG meeting to discuss Blueprint implementation, including alignment with other initiatives and service gaps. 9. Secretariat to send to members any available updates of the Blueprint. 10. Secretariat to send updated JCGRG membership list to members Actions – 1. On agenda for November 2014 meeting. 2. Completed 25/8/14. CMTEDD is not engaging a consultant due to limited resources. Working with Canberra Connect to determine any changes to functionality and look and feel. 3. Response from CMTEDD, 25/8/14: the Strategy is currently being developed, in the context of a broader review of digital engagement ‘tools’ as part of the Digital Communications Strategy. The consultation will likely occur in October 2014, once the overall strategic direction for digital communications is approved. 4. This will not be possible as the Strategy will occur after the next JCGRG meeting in September 2014. 5. Secretariat to liaise with Mr Thompson regarding this action. 6. Completed 14/8/14 7. Completed 25/8/14 8. Completed 19/8/14 9. Update anticipated in September 2014. 10. Completed 25/8/14 Other: JCGRG Communique was posted 27/8/14 2 JOINT COMMUNITY GOVERNMENT REFERENCE GROUP – Draft Minutes Item Discussion Action 3 JCGRG Work Plan Priority 1: Human Services Blueprint Implementation (Ms Saballa, Ms Moore) The JCGRG heard from representatives from Strategic Implementation (CSD) and considered how members could be involved in the implementation of the Blueprint. Members to review the Blueprint implementation handout and provide feedback out of session to the Secretariat. a. Engagement strategy Ms Saballa, Acting Director, Strategic Reform and Governance (CSD), emphasised that the Blueprint was more than just the three advertised flagships of Local Services Network Launch, Strengthening Families and Human Services Gateway. It involves joined-up responses from across Government (Community Services, Education and Training, and Justice and Community Safety) and the community sector. Secretariat to prepare a consolidated list of feedback on the implementation handout. Ms Moore, Better Services Launch Coordinator (CSD), indicated that the Blueprint has moved into the co-design stage, involving a range of strategies to enhance the participation of individuals, families and services, including three full-day workshops targeted at particular groups, a postcard drop of all West Belconnen households and a ‘roving story board’ to capture input. The first workshop was held the previous day (25 September) with the following workshop scheduled for 15 October. The members of the Blueprint team and the community sector members of the JCGRG who attended the workshop were pleased at the strong attendance at the workshop and participants’ high degree of commitment to the Blueprint. The Group agreed that the Blueprint was testing various engagement strategies, often extending the ideas in Engaging Canberrans, and providing insights as to when co-design was a relevant process. b. Work that aligns with Better Services projects Ms Saballa noted that alignment tools will be available soon. The implementation of the Blueprint is incremental, so not all tools and policy work will be in place at the commencement of the Local Service Network. c. Feedback sought on implementation Ms Saballa distributed an A3 handout outlining some key initial activities to implement the Blueprint, to achieve an integrated and person-centred service system, through three frames: place-based, client journey and service continuum. It also proposes some engagement activities that members may wish to progress. Members agreed to review the handout and provide feedback out of session to the Secretariat, who would prepare a consolidated list of feedback. 3 JOINT COMMUNITY GOVERNMENT REFERENCE GROUP – Draft Minutes Item Discussion Action 4 JCGRG Work Plan Priority 2: Government/community/business engagement (Mr Peffer) Group members were asked to consider their interest in the following agenda items for future meetings: Digital Communications Strategy; and Budget Strategy. Digital Strategy The Group discussed agreed to invite the Digital Canberra Team to the next meeting to discuss its mechanisms for engaging the community. Budget Strategy The Group discussed the possibility of greater community sector input into the ACT Government’s Budget development process. Members agreed for Mr Rutledge (CMTEDD) to lead discussion next meeting of how the Government can improve its process of engagement with the community, in relation to the Budget strategy and priority-setting process. Secretariat to invite the Digital Canberra Team to the next JCGRG meeting to discuss its mechanisms for engaging the community. 5 JCGRG Work Plan Priority 3: Emerging Issues Issue: Demographics and service delivery (Ms Wood) Ms Wood, Senior Manager, Data and Evaluation (CSD) presented a PowerPoint on A Picture of the ACT and distributed a range of fact sheets and copies of the Australian Government publication The People of the ACT – Statistics from the 2011 Census. Points raised during discussion included: The high percentage of ACT residents born overseas The large growth in single person households (possible explanations: ageing population, grandparents don’t live with their children as much, single overseas students in apartments) First transitions (leaving home, giving birth) are getting older The increasing level of drinking in the ACT ACT’s low smoking rate (11%), among the lowest in the developed world, although rates are high among economically disadvantaged people, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, Asian students, and young women. The 2016 Census will have a SEIFI disadvantage index Ms Wood recommended ABS ACT at a glance and ABS Quick Stats as useful data sites for members. The Budget consultation process to be an agenda item for the next JCGRG meeting, with Mr Rutledge (CMTEDD) to lead the discussion of how the Government can improve its process of engagement with the community sector. Secretariat to circulate the slides from the presentation to members for their information. In the discussion, Ms Helyar noted the service delivery implications of single person households. Ms Horne indicated that Belconnen Community Service has identified 300 elderly people without family and friends. 4 JOINT COMMUNITY GOVERNMENT REFERENCE GROUP – Draft Minutes Item 6 Discussion Key issues (Mr Peffer) a. Community Government Partnership Improvement Group (Mr Peffer) Updates from the Community Sector Reform Program, distributed to members out of session before the meeting, were noted: Minutes and actions arising from the Community Government Partnership Improvement Group (CGPIG) – formerly the Community Sector Reform Advisory Group (CSRAG) – meeting of 4 September 2014. The name change better reflects the nature of the Group’s work and is accompanied by new Terms of Reference (as of 24 July 2014) and new administrative arrangements for the Reform Program. The latest report on Community Sector Reform Projects (August 2014) – including Red Tape Reduction, Sector Development and Outcome Reporting Frameworks The Group agreed to ask Mr Gotts to address the next meeting and provide an update on implementation of the Community Sector Reform Program and Red Tape reduction commitments. Action Secretariat to ask Mr Gotts to address the next meeting and provide an update on the Community Sector Reform Program. In particular, the update will cover timeframes on reforms including pilot programs and timeframes on broader roll out. DSS to consult with ACTCOSS about arranging a consultation workshop with ACTbased organisations on data requirements. b. Commonwealth update (Ms Linehan) The DSS funding round has closed and announcements will be made later this year. Ms Helyar asked if organisations who are unsuccessful or receiving reduced funding could be notified sooner, to maximise quality of service continuity and workforce change management. Ms Linehan indicated that announcements would be made as soon as possible. Mr Peffer to follow up with Kate Starick (NDIS) the issues raised by Mr Fox and the ensuing Group discussion. DSS is standardising its data requirements to be focused more on outcomes. DSS agreed to discuss with ACTCOSS about arranging a consultation workshop with ACT based services on data requirements. Secretariat to issue Communique out of session. c. National Disability Services (Mr Peffer) Mr Peffer provided the Group with a written report from Mr Fox, the main points of which were: Design of transition to the NDIS has been good Slower than expected phasing of clients, so cash flow and cash management will become increasingly important, including arrangements NDS is negotiating with the ACT Government on block funding adjustments for January and three monthly thereafter Pricing for personal care and community access is still a major issue, particularly given that these were calculated on a level 2 pay point 2 and our levels in the ACT are often much higher Continuity of support for those ineligible for NDIS is a significant issue to be resolved, as is on-going funding for various types of support/advocacy/information/referral (tier 2). Will decision making by Commonwealth on its attitude to these matters be resolved by early 2015 as planned? The Community Sector will need to be talking with Governments about these matters. 5 JOINT COMMUNITY GOVERNMENT REFERENCE GROUP – Draft Minutes Ms Helyar indicated that HACC services have limited capacity to take on new clients, and raised concerns about the mechanisms through which community would be involved in development of service model for nonNDIS services. Mr Peffer agreed to follow up with Kate Starick (NDIS) the issues raised by Mr Fox and the ensuing Group discussion. d. Other business – none. e. Communiqué – to be organised out of session. 7 Actions arising from the meeting (Mr Peffer) 1. Members to review the Blueprint implementation handout and provide feedback out of session to the Secretariat. 2. Secretariat to prepare a consolidated list of feedback on the implementation handout. 3. Secretariat to invite the Digital Canberra Team to the next JCGRG meeting to discuss its mechanisms for engaging the community. 4. The Budget consultation process to be an agenda item for the next JCGRG meeting, with Geoffrey Rutledge (CMTEDD) to lead the discussion of how the Government can improve its process of engagement with the community sector. 5. Secretariat to circulate the slides from the presentation to members for their information. 6. Secretariat to ask Mr Gotts to address the next meeting and provide an update on the Community Sector Reform Program. In particular, the update will cover timeframes on reforms including pilot programs and timeframes on broader roll out. 7. DSS to consult with ACTCOSS about arranging a consultation workshop with ACT-based organisations on data requirements. 8. Mr Peffer to follow up with Kate Starick (NDIS) the issues raised by Mr Fox and the ensuing Group discussion. 9. Secretariat to issue Communique out of session. 1. Implementation handout issued to members 8/10/14. No feedback received as of 6/11/14. 2. n/a. No feedback received. Feedback can still be sent to the Secretariat. 3. Digital Canberra Team and Service ACT not available for November meeting but may be able to attend in February 2015. 4. Invitation sent 9/10/14. Agenda item for meeting 14/11/14. 5. Slides circulated to members 8/10/14. 6. Invitation sent 9/10/14. Agenda item for meeting 14/11/14. 7. DSS is holding information sessions in capital cities across Australia in November to familiarise organisations about the content in new grant agreements. This includes a strong focus on the DSS Data Exchange, the policy principles, the way this is reflected in grant agreements and training about how this can be practically applied and integrated to align with an organisations existing business processes. The presentation will also be available on the DSS website. 6 JOINT COMMUNITY GOVERNMENT REFERENCE GROUP – Draft Minutes 8. Completed. 9. Communique issued to members 8/10/14 and posted to CSD website (WAC/Strategic Policy) and Open Government (Inform) on 9/10/14. 8 Next Meeting: Friday 14 November 2014 The next meeting will be held on Friday 14 November 2014, 1pm-2:30pm, Volunteering ACT, Level 2, 202 City Walk, CANBERRA ACT 2601. Possible agenda items for the next meeting include: Budget consultation process (Mr Rutledge) Digital Canberra Team – engagement mechanisms Community Sector Reform Program Report (Mr Gotts) Blueprint implementation – feedback 7