SYLLABUS FOR PHYSICS I Mr - Loudoun County Public Schools

Advanced Placement Chemistry
INTRO: This course is designed to be the equivalent of a general chemistry course taken
during the first year of college.
GOAL: The goal of this course is to provide students with a solid knowledge of the principles
and practices of chemistry. It is also intended to prepare students to take the Advanced
placement test offered in the spring.
1. Textbooks: Chemistry, Zumdahl Fifth Edition
2. Dedicated Chemistry notebook for taking notes in class.
3. TWO pens blue or black ink only
4. Ruler with metric scale (centimeters)
5. 1” three ring binder to hold lab reports
6. Scientific graphing calculator.
7. Lab notebook (carbonless duplicating).
GRADING: The grade will be computed on a weighted average basis with tests and quizzes
counting 60% of the total average, laboratory assignments 35%, problem sets 5%.
Tests and quizzes are one way to determine that you have mastered material. Major tests
modeled after the AP chemistry test will be given at the end of units. These unit tests will
include a multiple choice section and a free response section. Smaller quizzes should be
expected on a weekly basis. Unit tests may be retaken after the student has discussed and
carried out a recovery plan with the instructor and at the instructor’s discretion. This must be
done within a reasonable amount of time. The study of chemistry is cumulative. Failure to
master one area often causes subsequent difficulty in mastering later material.
Laboratory assignments are crucial to the study of chemistry. The ability to communicate
techniques, findings and conclusion is important to all scientists. Each lab report will include
an abstract that summarizes what was done, how it was done, what are the conclusions and
what is the significance of the finding. This will be submitted to TURNITIN.COM and you will
receive instruction on how to accomplish this. Calculations with empirical data demonstrate
mastery of the theoretical concepts from the class.
Problem sets are a way of demonstrating ongoing mastery of class material. They will cover
material previously mastered and give clear evidence of progress in the study of chemistry.
RULES: Rules are guidelines for behavior. The three principles that guide all rules and
procedures are Safety, Respect and Integrity. Everyone will practice these principles. All of
Loudoun County Public School Rules (Code of Behavior), Freedom High School Rules and
General Classroom Guidelines apply in this class. Students have the responsibility of coming
to class prepared to participate in the specific job of learning chemistry. This preparation
requires relevant materials, proper preparation, and a willingness to learn.
LABORATORY: The laboratory assignments are an integral part of the learning experience
for chemistry. To complete the exercises you need to be present in class. Attendance is
very important. Safety is also a major concern for lab work. Proper attire is required to
participate in lab activities. Such attire includes closed toed shoes, clothing that is in
accordance with the LCPS dress code, safety equipment (goggles and aprons which are
provided). Some cosmetics are extremely flammable and should not be used or worn in the
chemistry lab. This includes but is not limited to acrylic nails and hairspray.
Freedom High School Advanced Placement Chemistry 2011-12 Gulden
Advanced Placement Chemistry
EXAMS: Students will be required to take a cumulative midterm exam that will be averaged
into the first semester average (10%). The final is mandatory as well unless a student
meets upper class exemption requirements. The final is averaged into the second semester
grade (10%)
LATE WORK: Late work is defined as work that is not turned in by the due date. It is
extremely important for students to be prepared for class daily with materials and
assignments! If a student is not able to meet a deadline that should be discussed with the
instructor prior to the due date. The due date extension form must be completed to allow late
work to be considered. Problem sets do not require parental signature but major
assignments will require a contact from the parent/guardian to the instructor. These actions
may allow the student to complete an alternate assignment or receive additional time. If a
student is having difficulty meeting a deadline please contact me as soon as the problem is
evident to work out alternate arrangements (
COURSE OBJECTIVES: The following outline is from “Advanced Placement Course
Description Chemistry” published by the College Board. It is available in complete detail on
line at
1) Structure of matter
a) Atomic theory
b) Chemical bonding
c) Nuclear chemistry
2) States of Matter
a) Gases
b) Liquids and solids
c) Solutions
3) Reactions
a) Reaction types
b) Stoichiometry
c) Equilibrium
d) Kinetics
e) Thermodynamics
4) Descriptive Chemistry
5) Laboratory
GENERAL: Students are expected to spend a minimum of five hours weekly outside of
class time working problems and studying. It is expected that students will work
collaboratively with their peers. Collaborative work does not mean copying. Any identical
assignments coming in will receive no credit and will be handled as cheating per the
Freedom High School guidelines. You are free to use room 404 before and after school
(check with me) for a study location. I am available at school from 8:00AM until at least 4:30
PM daily and will stay longer by special arrangement. There will be a scheduled AP
chemistry help session each week. I am looking forward to working and learning with you
this year.
Class information will be posted on the AP Chemistry Vision site. This can be accessed at Schedule of weekly activities and assignments can be found there. We
will also be using the discussion function.
The fastest way to contact me will be via e-mail.
Freedom High School Advanced Placement Chemistry 2011-12 Gulden
Advanced Placement Chemistry
Mrs. Gulden
Freedom High School Advanced Placement Chemistry 2011-12 Gulden