Team ID:_______ Code: ____ Name:____________________ Chapter:__________________ Official FFA Pet Health Record Today’s Date__________________ Client Name: _____________________________Address _________________________ _________________________________________Phone:_________________________ Employment_______________________________________Phone_________________ Animal's Name____________Breed_____________Color____________Species______ DOB__________Age______Sex______Altered________Date___________ Vaccination History Fecal Exams Date Vaccination Revaccination Date Results _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Dental Care Allergies _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Reason for Visit _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Weight____________________ Temperature________________ PRACTICUM A: FFA Animal Health Record & Haltering A Livestock Animal with Quick Release Knot Rubric FFA Pet Health Record 1. Owner's name, address phone number & employment information: 3= All information collected and spelled correctly 2= One piece of information missing or name misspelled 1=Name misspelled and one an/or more pieces of info missing 0=No information gathered 2. Pet's name: 2=Collected and spelled correctly 1=Collected but misspelled 0=Not collected 3. Breed/Dominant Breed if mixed and Species – written in scientific terms: 3=Breed and Species correctly identified (scientific name of species) 2= Breed and Species correctly identified (not scientific species) 1=One piece of info missing or incorrect 0=No information gathered 4. Age/birth date: 2= All information collected 1= DOB or Age missing or incorrect 0= Both DOB and Age missing or incorrect 5. Sex, castrated or spayed: 2= All information collected 1= Sex or Altered missing or incorrect 0= Both Sex and Altered missing or incorrect 6. Date of visit: 2=Collected correctly 0=Not collected or incorrect 7. Determined reason for visit during: 5=All underlined pieces of information collected (7) 4=5/7 pieces of info collected 3=3/7 pieces of info collected 2=1/7 pieces of info collected 1=Information collected but does not include underlined information 0=No information collected 8. Recorded weight and vaccination history 2= All information collected 1= Weight or vaccination missing or incorrect 0= Weight and vaccination missing or incorrect 10.File completed legibly. 4=Information is written clearly with no misspellings 3=Information is written clearly but spelling errors are frequent 2=Information is difficult to read 1=Information is difficult to read and spelling errors are frequents 0=Information is impossible to read 3 TOTAL POINTS TOTAL 25 50 Multiply subtotal by 2 to get total. 2 3 2 2 2 5 2 4 Score Name:____________________ Chapter:__________________ Possible Team ID:_______ Code: ____ PRACTICUM A: FFA Animal Health Record & Haltering A Livestock Animal with Quick Release Knot Rubric FFA Haltering a Livestock Animal & Quick Release Knot 1. Student places crown piece of halter over ears, then slips nose through nosepiece 5 2. Student properly adjusts the halter such that the nose band crosses over bridge of nose halfway between the nostrils and eyes. 5 3. Student ensures that the adjustable portion of the nose band is under the chin, not across the bridge of the nose. 5 4. Student keeps the standing end or lead rope portion on the left side of the animal’s head. 5 5. Student passes the rope around the post 5 6. Student passes the short end over and under the long end of rope. 5 7. Student creates an opening with short end. 5 8. Student then passes loop thru the opening from the top. 5 9. Student pulls loop tight. 5 10. Student talks through the practicum steps with judge 5 TOTAL POINTS TOTAL POINTS FROM HEALTH RECORD RUBRIC 50 50 TOTAL 100 Score Name:____________________ Chapter:__________________ Possible Team ID:_______ Code: ____