Student Exchange - University of Portsmouth

Site Visit Report (SVR) for Student Exchange
University of Portsmouth – Quality Management Division – Collaborative Programmes
ONLY use this site visit form for partnership proposals that must undergo the relevant memoranda approval and
renewal processes for:
 Student Exchange (non-Erasmus), including dual award arrangements;
Note: This form is NOT for full collaborative arrangements, collaborative specific credit, or support providers which have
a specific site visit report (SVR) form available from here.1
What this form is for:
Assessment and verification of the prospective partner’s premises is an integral part of the approval process for student
exchange proposals which require further due diligence checks. The requirement of a site visit will be decided by the Deputy
Academic Registrar (Quality and Partnerships)(DAR) upon receipt of Stage ONE of the MAF03, this decision will be recorded
on Stage One of the MAF03 and returned to the proposer.
Who completes this form:
A site visit should be conducted by a senior member of University staff. As a general rule it is acceptable for a senior
lecturer/senior administrator to undertake a site visit. In all cases, persons conducting a site visit must understand the
purpose and requirements for the visit and act and report impartially.
Name of partner institution and inspector
Name of Partner Institution:
Date of Visit:
Inspector’s School / Dept.:
Inspector’s Faculty:
Schedule of activity
For example:
Names of partner staff, their position & department, campus tour, student accommodation tour, etc.
Suitability and location of premises, teaching facilities, student facilities
Briefly describe below, taking the following points into consideration:
Learning resources
Briefly describe below, taking the following points into consideration:
Location of campus in relation to travel and local facilities - are there opportunities for students to visit areas of interest;
Describe the campus surroundings, buildings and facilities, and any plans for improvement;
Student accommodation, student facilities, student population and activities, leisure facilities;
Study areas;
Teaching accommodation – lecture and seminar rooms;
Teaching equipment and facilities, laboratories, computing facilities, workshops, studios etc., technical support, specialist
Are the facilities provided sufficient and suitable?
Library facilities, range and currency of stock, borrowing right, opening times;
Online learning facilities, such as a Virtual Learning Environment, knowledgebase, online resources;
Email, Internet access, open access computing, general software;
Are the facilities provided sufficient and suitable?
Facilities and resources
Are any of the premises, facilities or learning resources, given in questions 3 and 4 above, shared with another
institution or body, leased, or provided by a third party organisation (i.e. not the partner institution itself)?
For example: facilities or buildings may be
If so, detail the nature
and extent here:
Are any additional charges or fees or payments, on top of the full tuition fees paid by a student for their course of
study, made by students to access any of the above facilities or learning resources?
This would not normally include material costs
If so, detail the nature
(e.g. printing, textbooks, stationary, art
and extent here:
Meetings with Partner Academic/Administrative Staff
Include any actions proposed and include their timescales or deadlines, include any issues raised:
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Students’ work sampled
Note: If the site visit is being carried out by a senior administrator or officer rather than a senior academic then the sampling of
student work should be conducted by correspondence with the appropriate senior academic at UoP.
Describe below the nature of the work sampled, with reference to the following considerations:
1) In your view are the standards set for the assessments appropriate for a qualification at this level in this
2) In your view are the standards of student performance comparable with similar programmes or
subjects at UoP or in other UK institutions with which you are familiar?
Meetings with students
Discuss with students their satisfaction with their experience at the partner institution.
 Some of the lines of enquiry suggested in the appendix of this form may be useful.
Student support and welfare services and resources
Describe the support and welfare services provided for students:
This should include tutorial, administrative and study support, pastoral care and counselling, and students’ health and
Are any additional charges or fees or payments, on top of the full tuition fees paid by a student for their course
of study, made by students to access any of the above services / resources?
This would not normally include material costs
If so, detail the nature
(e.g. printing, textbooks, stationary, art
and extent here:
Are these services available to all students?
Detail the nature and
extent here:
Staff support and welfare services and resources
Describe the development, support and welfare services provided for staff of the partner institution:
Are any additional charges or fees or payments made by an employee / staff member required in order to access any
of the above services?
If so, detail the nature
and extent here:
Are these services available to all staff?
Detail the nature and
extent here:
Does the institution differentiate between
part-time, lecturers/ teachers, instructors,
support staff?
Assessment, examination and invigilation arrangements
Describe details of examination venues/invigilation arrangements/security of coursework and exam scripts. Provide details of
coursework assessment practices. Provide details of the process of assessment feedback that is given to students:
Summary of visit
Recommendations / Conditions
I have completed this form, visited the partner institution and met with its representatives to gather and verify information to
assist in the assessment of a partner institution’s suitability to collaborate with the University of Portsmouth.
Job title
eSignature or type “Agreed” below
& confirm by email
Thank you for completing this form.
Please email this form and any supporting documents (such as photographs etc.) to the AD(A) or FVO of the proposing Faculty.
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APPENDIX to Site Visit Report (SVR)
Meeting with students – possible lines of enquiry
This is based on the guidance given for the Collaborative Partner visit & student meeting - areas for discussion.
 Is your course what you expected it to be?
 Are there opportunities to transfer to other courses? At what stages? (If beyond first year do they have to meet
certain criteria?)
 Do you have sufficient option choice?
 Are you aware of progression in the course you are doing – is it getting more challenging as you move through
the levels?
 How does the fieldwork/placement complement the curriculum? Are the arrangements well managed? (as
 Choosing projects / topics?
 Do health and safety issues form part of the curriculum? (where relevant)
Teaching & Learning:
 How do you find the strategies/methods used?
 Do you have a tutorial programme? Does it include study and key skills?
 How good is the quality of the teaching?
 Do you receive guidance for independent study?
 Are you clear about what you have to do? Are you given the timetable for assessment at the start of the
 Appropriate load/types?
 Do you receive marking criteria explaining how you can achieve the best grades?
 How is feedback on your work given to you? (coursework and exams? Feedback sheets? Generic comments?
Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)?)
 How helpful do you find the feedback given to you?
 What sort of timescales are there for you receiving marked work back?
 Is fieldwork/placement work assessed? (as relevant)
 Do you have group work? How widespread is that? How do you find it?
 Do you have formative assessment/feedback?
Student Progression & Achievement/Student Support:
 How did you find the Induction? (check all years)
 Do you know who to go to if you need help? With academic work? With other matters?
 Do you have a personal tutor? – meet with her/him?
 Are staff available/supportive? Academic/Admin/Technical (if appropriate)
Learning Resources:
 Are rooms/equipment appropriate?
 Is the Library accessible?/well stocked – books and journals?/Online resources?/Guidance?/staff supportive?
 Is the IT appropriate?/Guidance/staff supportive?
 Do you receive your timetables in good time? Do they work?
Quality Assurance:
 How are your views sought? – Induction feedback? Unit/module/course feedback? SSCC/BoS or equivalent?
 ONLY For revisiting student exchange: how were the action plans used in UoP SSCC?
 Is there feedback to you on your feedback issues?
 Are you aware of any changes that have come about from your comments?
 What messages would you particularly like us to take back to improve or praise?
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