Q&As – National Drug Policy (NDP) Introduction to the NDP and reason for refresh What is the NDP? The National Drug Policy (NDP) is New Zealand's policy framework for coordinated and consistent action by government and the sector in relation to alcohol, tobacco, illegal and other drugs. The policy focuses efforts on priority areas in order to maximise impact and minimise drug-related harm. The NDP uses a 3 pillar framework – supply control, demand reduction and problem limitation. Why is the government refreshing the NDP? The most recent policy expired in 2012. It needs refreshing to respond to the latest evidence and trends, and to set a pathway over the next few years to achieve desired outcomes. What does the 3 pillar framework mean? The NDP works to an overarching aim of minimising drug-related harm. In order to achieve this aim, the NDP targets three areas: 1. 2. 3. Supply control: to prevent or reduce harm by restricting or regulating the availability of alcohol, tobacco, illicit and other drugs, such as through border control, domestic enforcement and trading hours. Demand reduction: a wide range of activities to reduce an individual’s desire to use alcohol, tobacco, illegal and other drugs. These include health promotion, social marketing, and community action. Problem limitation: to reduce harm from alcohol, tobacco, illegal and other drug use that is already occurring, such as through treatment interventions. The three pillar framework approach is also used in Australia, the United Kingdom, and many European countries. Together these pillars provide a way of thinking about the range of interventions that are required. Why is the government keeping the 3 pillar framework? The three pillars framework is aligned with what other countries do and is fit for purpose to reduce drug-related harm in New Zealand. It ensures we take a multifaceted approach to reduce drug-related harm 1 Why is the government expanding its view of harm? This change in focus formalises how the Government is approaching complex social policy problems. Traditionally, the NDP mostly focused on minimising harm to the users of alcohol and drugs, by controlling drug supply, dissuading use and providing users with access to treatment. However, families, communities and society are also impacted by these substances and the children of drug users are at greater risk of growing up to become drug users themselves. Breaking this intergenerational cycle requires a whole-of-system response, including an emphasis on how whānau, communities and settings such as schools can be supported to minimise drug-related harm. What might a wider view of harm look like in practice? We are still thinking about what the opportunities are in taking a wider view of harm and our view on this will be informed by the themes raised in public submissions. Some examples of what a wider approach to harm minimisation might look like in practice include: accommodating a shift in service delivery for alcohol and drug treatment from a focus on the individual to one that captures and intervenes earlier for children affected by a family members’ alcohol and drug misuse. This will do more to prevent children developing their own addictions and will reduce other impacts of substance misuse in the family. investing in vulnerable children and youth by leveraging off successful government, community and school-based programmes such as DHB-led Children of Parents who have Mental Health and Addictions (COPMIA) services, the Social Sector Trials and the Waikato-based Project Energise to keep kids safe and help them make good choices. building and supporting resilient whānau and community settings to deliver change. For example, this is already happening with the Police’s Prevention First strategy where staff are encouraged to look beyond single issues and leverage off community services and networks. partnering with the Ministry of Education and Boards of Trustees to help minimise the incident and impact of drug-taking by youths, with the aim of keeping them in school longer and contributing to the Better Public Services educational achievement target. 2 What government agencies are involved in the NDP? Drug policy cuts across a wide range of government portfolios and interests. While the Ministry of Health is leading the development of the Policy, collaboration, leadership and alignment across agencies, as well as outside government, is required to achieve results. Reducing the impact of drugs will also support the achievement of other government goals such as the reduction in welfare dependency and improving educational achievement better public services targets. The Policy will help ensure alignment. For example: Supply control responses include classification and regulation by the Ministries of Health and Justice and detection and enforcement by New Zealand Police and Customs. Demand reduction responses include building resilient families and communities through support services and providers run or funded by the Ministries of Social Development, Justice and Health; media campaigns and school curricula to promote healthy choices through the Health Promotion Agency and the Ministry of Education. Problem limitation responses include funding of treatment services for addiction through Vote Health and responding to unlawful behaviour through detection, sentencing, detention and rehabilitation action by the criminal justice sector. Additionally, the central agencies (Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, the Treasury and the State Services Commission) have an overarching interest in the effectiveness and efficiency of government action and spending. Where do the not-for-profit sector and service providers fit? The not-for-profit sector and service providers play vital roles in minimising drug-related harm. These organisations work with individuals, families and communities that are affected by drugs and are often embedded within the communities they serve. Their services are also often partly or wholly taxpayer-funded. It is accordingly important that government agencies, the not-for-profit sector and service providers work in partnership. The NDP will look at priorities and approaches to best minimise drug-related harm regardless of who will carry out the work and where the levers lie. The Government has a responsibility to hear and learn from the experiences and wisdom of these organisations through this consultation and ongoing engagement. The resulting Policy and action plans will seek to build a shared vision and language (where appropriate) for minimising harm where all actors can see the role they play. 3 Content for refresh What is being consulted on? The purpose of consultation is to determine what outcomes we need, where priorities for action should lie, and how to measure success, so they can be incorporated into the new NDP. Your responses will help shape a draft Policy. Will existing programmes under the NDP be stopped? Refreshing the NDP won’t result in duplicating or sacrificing programs that are working well. Tobacco for example already has a clear strategy and a defined action plan. Smoking cessation is a government priority area and has well developed actions for the next 5 years. There is a clear strategic vision for New Zealand to be smoke-free by 2025. Are you changing the law? The NDP will set out how the Government will approach drug policy and where the focus should lie. It will not change the law – this means that things with a legal basis like the offences and penalties for drugs like cannabis are off the table. The NDP will, however, provide a framework for reviewing whether existing legislation is achieving the outcomes we want and determine whether changes are necessary. What will be different about the new Policy? Building on the feedback received from submissions and stakeholder workshops, the new Policy will: 1. Address the impact of drug use on others, consistent with the Government’s key outcomes to reduce crime, support vulnerable children, and boost employment. 2. Involve a wide range of agencies – beyond the Justice sector – including MSD and Education. 3. Specify measurable outcomes that will guide the development of action plans. These may be substance-specific, similar to Tackling Methamphetamine: An Action Plan, or population-specific, such as focussing on youth. 4. Trial innovative ways of delivering services to ensure the right people get the right support at the right time. What will success look like? The previous NDP did not specify a clear future state for New Zealand with supporting targets and measures to help define, measure and evaluate success. We want to build outcomes, actions, indicators and measures into the new policy and supporting action plans so that we are able to track our progress and understand what is and isn’t working. 4 Process for refresh What is the process for submitting? You can share your views by emailing ndp_discussion@moh.govt.nz or posting your feedback to us at the following address: NDP Discussion Sector and Services Policy Policy Business Unit Ministry of Health PO Box 5013 Wellington 6145 The discussion document can be downloaded from the Ministry’s website www. If you don’t have access to a printer and would like a printed copy, please request a copy using the email address below. Public consultation on the discussion document is open for public submission from 16 December to 28 February 2014. How are key stakeholders being involved? Key stakeholders have been engaged in the development of the discussion document and will continue to be involved as the Policy is developed. The Ministry of Health held workshops with key stakeholders and senior officials from across government between June and October to inform the discussion document and new NDP. What are the next steps? Following the closing of public consultation, the Ministry of Health will analyse submissions together with the findings of the key stakeholder workshops and report to government with recommendations for the new Policy. A summary of submissions will be made available on the Ministry’s website in the first quarter of 2014 and it is expected that a draft policy will be considered by Ministers in June 2014. Will you be consulting on a draft policy? We have chosen to consult before a draft policy is written, because we want to use your experience to shape the policy from the outset. We will not be consulting widely on a draft policy, but will continue to engage with key stakeholders as the draft policy is developed for government consideration. When the discussion period finishes we will analyse everyone’s feedback and provide it to Government with recommendations for the new policy. 5