Winter Puppet Scripts DOCX

WINTER 2015-16
Session 1, December 6
Indie says: Hi! Boys and girls! I’m a dog. What are you? Did you know that dogs
don’t fly? Can you name something that flies? (Let the children respond.)
Some people say that angels fly, but I don’t really know for sure.
What is an angel? (Let the children respond.) An angel brings messages from God. In
today’s Bible story, a young woman named Mary is visited by an angel.
What do you think the angel tells Mary? The angel tells Mary that she will have a
very special baby from God and that she should name him Jesus.
At first, Mary is a little frightened. Wouldn’t you be frightened to see an angel and
then find out that you’re going to have a baby?
But the angel says something very important to Mary. The angel says, “Be happy,
Mary, God is with you.” Let’s everybody say that together: “Be happy, Mary, God is
with you.” The angel let Mary know that she should not be afraid because God was
always with her, and God loved her and would always help her and take care of her.
Today, I want you to tell someone you know to be happy and that God is always with
him or her.
Let’s PRAY: Dear God, thank you for always being with us even when we have
something scary to do. We know that you love us and will always take care of us.
Session 2, December 13
Indie says: In today’s Bible story, a baby is born. It’s not Jesus. This baby is Jesus’
cousin. His parents are called Elizabeth and Zechariah. His name rhymes with “bon.”
Do you know the baby’s name? (John)
John had a special purpose. God sent John to tell people that Jesus was coming. We
are getting ready for a special birthday. Whose birthday will it be? (Jesus) Let’s not
forget that this time before Christmas is when we get ready to let Jesus into our
hearts and lives. Christmas is a time to get ready for Jesus. Can you think of a way to
get ready for Jesus?
One way of getting ready is to pray every morning. Another way is to tell everyone
you know to get ready because Jesus is coming. I want all of you to stand up right
now and yell out: Jesus is coming!
Let’s PRAY: Dear God, thank you for your Son, Jesus. Help us to remember to open
up our hearts and lives and get ready to let him in. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Session 3, December 20
Indie says: In today’s Bible story, Jesus was born. I guess God likes animals because
Jesus was born in a stable—in a place where animals live.
Let me tell you about the night when Jesus was born. When I make a sound, you
copy me. Let’s start:
I’m a puppy, and I live in a stable. (Woof! Woof!)
One night, a man and woman came into my stable. The woman laid down. Soon they
were asleep. (Snore)
In the middle of the night, I woke up because I heard a baby cry. (Wah! Wah!)
I thought, “Wow! A baby was born right in my stable.
The cow was excited, too, and she said, “Moo.” (Moo-moo)
The dove was excited, and she said, “Coo-coo.” (Coo-coo)
The woman leaned down and showed me her sweet baby. The woman said, “His
name is Jesus.” (His name is Jesus.)
Now, that was a very special night in my stable!
Session 4, December 27
Indie says: Did you know that I was born at Christmastime? Who else was born at
Christmas? (Jesus)
When I was born, nothing too exciting happened; but when Jesus was born, special
things happened. Angels sang, sheep went “baa.” Shepherds went to visit Jesus, and
Mary and Joseph were very excited.
Here’s a Christmas song that I sing to myself every night during Christmas. It
reminds me how excited I can be because Jesus was born. Say, “Ding, dong” every
time you sing the word, “bell.”
SING: Hear the bells ring, (Ding, dong)
Hear the bells ring. (Ding, dong)
Ding, dong, ding.
Ding, dong, ding.
Telling us it’s Christmas.
Telling us it’s Christmas.
Ding, dong, ding.
Ding, dong, ding.
(This should be sung to the tune of “Are You Sleeping?”)
Session 5, January 3 “Follow the Star”
Indie says: Once there were some wise men. The wise men saw a big star in the
sky—way up high. (Point upwards.)
The wise men said, “Let’s follow that star. It appears to go far.” (Move your pointed
index finger across the sky.)
One wise man said, “I think that star means that a new king has been born.”
(Pretend to rock a baby.)
So the wise men got on their camels and rode across the land. (Gallup)
Soon the wise men came to Jerusalem. They could tell they were getting close to the
place where the star shone above. (Point up to the sky.)
The wise men asked King Herod, “We’ve seen a star in the sky. We think it means
that a new king has been born. Is the new king here?” (Bow down.)
King Herod said, “No new king is here, but I’d like you to tell me if he’s near.” (Put
your hands on your hips.)
The wise men got back on their camels and traveled to Bethlehem. (Gallup)
In Bethlehem, they found the newborn king. He was a little boy, and his name was
Jesus. (Everyone say, “Jesus.”)
The wise men kneeled down and worshipped Jesus. (Kneel down.)
PRAY: Thank you, dear God, for your precious Son, Jesus. Amen.
Session 6, January 10 “Jesus Is Baptized”
Indie says: Here’s a Bible story that you’re going to love. When you hear the word,
“baptize,” tap your head. When you hear the word, “Jesus,” cross your heart.
Elizabeth and Zechariah had a baby they named John. When John grew up, he
BAPTIZED people in the Jordan River. John said to the people, “Ask God to forgive
you and change your hearts and lives.”
The people wondered if John was God’s Son. John said, “I am not God’s Son.”
JESUS went to the Jordan River. JESUS wanted John to BAPTIZE him. While JESUS
was praying, a dove flew down and settled on him. A voice from heaven said, “You
are my Son, whom I dearly love; in you I find happiness.”
Jesus belonged to God, John belonged to God, and you belong to God.
PRAY: Dear God, thank you for your love and care. Thank you for being with me
here and everywhere. Amen.
Session 7, January 17 “Jesus Chooses”
Indie says: Have you ever wanted to do something that you know is wrong? Even
Jesus was tempted, but Jesus always said, “No.” I’m going to ask you some questions,
and if you should not do it, stand up, shake your finger, and say, “No, no, no!”
1) Should you interrupt people where they are talking? (No, no, no!)
2) Should you steal cookies when your mother isn’t looking? (No, no, no!)
3) Should you say mean things to your friends? (No, no, no!)
4) Should you hide your brother’s toy, so he can’t play with it? (No, no, no!)
5) Should you turn up the television really loud so no one can talk? (No, no, no!)
Jesus is always with you and will help you keep from doing the wrong thing—
just ask Jesus for help.
PRAY: Dear Jesus, keep us from doing the wrong things. We love you, and we want
to do the right things. Amen.
Session 8, January 24 “Jesus Brings Good News”
Indie says: Sometimes it’s hard to believe that somebody can grow up to be
somebody different.
Do you think a little girl can become a doctor?
Do you think a boy who can’t read very well can become an astronaut?
Do you think a girl who has red hair and freckles can become a beautiful ballerina?
Do you think a boy who is afraid of dogs can become a veterinarian?
All these things seem impossible, but with help from God, everything can become
Jesus was a little boy in a town called Nazareth. Everyone knew him as Joseph’s son.
The people in Jesus’ hometown could not believe that Jesus could grow up and
become the man he did.
PRAY: Dear God, help us to become the grownup women and men that you want us
to be. Amen.
Session 9, January 31 “Jesus Heals”
Indie says: I have a friend named Speedy, the Turtle. Speedy moves really fast.
That’s unusual for a turtle, isn’t it? Most of the time, turtles are slow.
One day, Speedy was moving just a little too fast, and he ran into a tree. He almost
cracked his shell! Speedy rolled over, and that was bad because he couldn’t turn
himself around. I watched Speedy suffer lying on his shell. I thought, “God, help me
to know how to help Speedy.”
I went over to Speedy and with a few nudges from my nose, I was able to turn over
Speedy! We both cheered!
I believe that God helped me help Speedy. Today’s Bible story is about a time when
Jesus helped people by healing them from their sicknesses. Anytime you need help,
all you have to do is pray and ask God for help, like I did, and God will be right there
with you.
PRAY: Help us to remember, God, that you are always with us, and you will give us
all the strength we need to help others. Amen.
Session 10, February 7 “Jesus Calls the Fishermen”
Indie says: Let’s play a game called “Fish for Me.” Everyone sit in a circle. One of you
will be Jesus and tap one child on the head and say, “Come and fish for me.” The
person who is tapped gets in front of the person who did the tapping, and that
person becomes the new tapper. Pretty soon, all of you will be fishing for Jesus.
(Play this game until everyone has been tapped and is in a long line behind each
PRAY: Dear God, help us to tell others about you and the love you have for them.
Session 11, February 14 “Jesus Calls Levi”
Indie says: Everyone needs Jesus all the time. In today’s Bible story, a man named
Levi needed Jesus because he was a tax collector, and sometimes he stole and
cheated and took more tax money from people than he should have. People did not
like Levi because he was a cheater and a thief, but somebody did love Levi. Who was
that person? (Jesus)
Jesus knew that he could tell Levi about God and help Levi become a better person.
Sometimes it’s hard to love someone who might need to know about Jesus the most.
Not only do you have to love people who are hard to love, but you have to be a good
example to them and show and tell them the way that God wants them to live.
I’m going to say some examples, and if you think that Jesus wants you to love that
person, yell out: Jesus loves!
When a mean boy calls me a mean name, what should I remember? (Jesus loves!)
When a girl won’t let me play with the other girls, what should I remember? (Jesus
We can pray for those people who are mean and troubled. Let’s do that right now:
PRAY: Dear God, help those people who hurt other people. Help them to know how
you want them to live. Help me to love them. Amen.
Let’s sing “Jesus Loves Me:”
Jesus loves me! This I know, for the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to him belong; they are weak, but he is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.
Session 12, February 21 “Go Two by Two”
Indie says: I’m going to tell you today’s Bible story, and you act it out.
Everybody find a friend. That friend will be your partner, and you pretend you’re
going out two-by-two to tell everyone about Jesus!
Jesus called his twelve friends and said “I have something that you must do—I want
you to go out healing and preaching, go two by two.” (Walk around the room once
with your friend—go two-by-two.)
Jesus said, “Take nothing with you on your trip—you may only take a walking stick.
(Pretend to hold on to a walking stick by your side.)
‘Don’t take bread, or bags, or money in your belts. You may wear sandals, but don’t
wear two shirts.’ (Pretend to put on a belt.)
‘Then Jesus told his friends how to behave.’” Jesus said, “Choose a house where you
are welcome to stay. (Point to a pretend house in the corner where you might be able
to stay.)
‘If the people in a town don’t welcome you, leave that town and shake the dust off
your shoe. (Shake pretend dust off your shoe.)
‘Go from town to town and place to place, telling people about God’s love and grace.
(Yell out: God loves you!)
‘Pray for people, heal them, and make them well, and of God’s love and goodness to
them you must tell.’” (Quietly say: God loves you!)
I wonder if the disciples of Jesus ever ran into any dogs like me on their travels?
Session 13, February 28 “Women Follow Jesus”
Indie says: Jesus was a different kind of teacher. Jesus taught men, but he also
taught women, and he especially loved children. How do you think Jesus felt about
Let me hear you bark like dogs. Now, every time I ask you if Jesus loves certain
people, you answer me by barking.
Jesus loves all people even people who have trouble walking. (Bark)
Jesus loves all people even people who have trouble talking. (Bark)
Jesus loves all people even people with black hair. (Bark)
Jesus loves all people even people with red hair. (Bark)
Do you think Jesus loves puppies like me?
Let’s pray. PRAY: Thank You, God, for loving each one of us. We know your love is
strong and good. Amen.