Network installation of Compass Software - RTC West

Network installation of Compass Software
Warning : we recommend that you ask for your IT manager to follow these instructions as a
mistake on your server configuration can cause some troubles on your network behaviour.
CBA cannot be responsible of damage on your installation.
1- Installation on the SERVER
First, check that you have Administrator rights before starting the installation!
Connect the USB Key and install the driver. When Windows asks for it, you have to choose
the right folder on the installation-cd:
o Driver\Windows32Bit: For 32 bits systems
o Driver\Windows64Bit: For 64 bits systems
Start the installation of the software by double-click to CDSTART and choose “installation”
Choose the “NETWORK INSTALLATION” then click “Next”
Choose the drive where you want to install the PROGRAM then click “Next”
Choose the temporary folder for the installation (normally “c:\temp”) then click “next”
In the next dialog, check the languages that you need and check:
o Server database
o Licence Key Server
Then Click “Next”
Choose the drive where you want to put the DATABASE and click “Next”. We recommend
keeping the default path. If you changed the path of the program in the previous step, please
change it also here.
---- Now you have to reboot your server ----
Configuration of DCOM
On the server, you need to configure the rights on the “Compass Licence Server” service. This part is
generally the source of 99% of malfunctions in Compass-network installations:
Where to go?
In the Control panel of Windows, go to “Administration tools” and then “Component
Then go to the point “component services -> Computers -> Workstation -> DCOM
On the right panel, search for “Compass licence server”, right click and go to the properties:
What to change?
In the second tab, be sure that all the checkboxes are unchecked:
In the third tab (security), you have to define the rights like this:
Click on the tree buttons “customise”
Then add to the each one, the user(s) that will connect to the system. Especially if
users has minimum rights (as the student users for e.g.). And you can allow ALL
permissions to ALL users in the list, this will not affect your network security, it is
only for the Compass Software installed on the client’s computers.
In the last tab, configure one user to execute the licence service. You can use the same user
as the client computer like the student account or the Administrator account.
Click ok
Important notes!
The users who will use Compass software (the clients) have to be included in the “Distributed
DCOM users” group from the Built-in folder of Active Directory. If not, you will get a
permission error while starting Compass Software at the client’s computers.
Each user who will connect to Compass through the network has to have a password! A
blank password can be rejected by the operating system!
---- Now reboot the server ----
2- Installation of client computers
On the clients, you can log on Windows with the final user. For example the student account with
limited rights. You can also install with the administrator account then switch to the final user after.
Start the setup as we did for the server and choose a network installation:
Then choose the languages you need and click:
o Database Client
o Licence Key Client
Then in the Windows where you define the database server:
Enter the name or the IP address (if fixed…) of the computer SERVER
Enter the directory of the database: BE CAREFUL THAT THIS PATH IS NOT A
For example, if on you server you have installed your database on “C:\Program
Files\Compass Software\Staircase-Software Programs ND\DATABASE” you have to
write exactly this path on this dialog here.
Then the installation asks for the computer where the LICENCE KEY is connected, normally
this is the same name/IP address as before.
Then click “Next” and start the installation.
Note: The firewall from Windows can ask to allow the setup, you have to click “allow”!
Installation notes to use the server also as a Workstation
It is not recommended to work with the server as a workstation but on the classrooms it can be
necessary because the server computer is also the computer from the teacher…
If you want to do this kind of installation, we recommend that you test first in “normal mode” as
described until now then check that you can open and work into Compass simultaneous on several
If it works, you can start the setup again to the server, chose “modify” and follow all steps as before
but in this dialog, check the options:
Server Database
Licence Key Server
Server Client
Licence Key Client
Important: When the setup asks for the computer where the database and the protection key are,
don’t use the “LOCAL” name ! The name or IP address typed on this field has to be the same on
every client installation! That means that even on the server, you have to use the computer name! If
not, you will not be allowed to start Compass simultaneous on the server and on the clients.
Special note about Windows Server and the POET.CFG file
If you get some trouble with the installation and you use Windows Server, maybe you have to follow
this procedure:
Go to the cd of Compass in the folder \Tools\Sonstige\Windows2003\Poet\
On the SERVER computer search and replace the file PoetObjectServer\ptserver.cfg from
your installation path* by the one from the cd in Server\PoetObjectServer.
On the SERVER computer again, copy the file CLIENT\poet.cfg from the cd in your installation
On every CLIENT computers, copy the file poet.cfg also in your installation path.
* Installation path is for example “C:\Program Files\Compass Software\Staircase-Software Programs
Please be sure that if there is a port number (service=xxxx) written inside the PTSERVER.CFG, you
have to copy the poet.cfg on every clients and, inside this poet.cfg, you have to write the same
port as specified into the PTSERVER.CFG.
The default port is 7002, do not change it unless it is absolutely necessary!