1 Sulfur Chemistry in the Middle Atmosphere of Venus 2 3 Xi Zhang 1*, Mao Chang Liang 2,3,4, Frank P. Mills 5, Denis A. Belyaev 6,7 and Yuk L. 4 Yung 1 5 6 1 7 Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, 91125, USA 8 2 Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan 9 3 Graduate Institute of Astronomy, National Central University, Zhongli, Taiwan 10 4 Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan 11 5 RSPE/AMPL, Mills Rd., Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia 12 6 LATMOS, CNRS/INSU/IPSL, Quartier des Garennes, 11 bd. d’Alembert, 78280, 13 14 Guyancourt, France 7 Space Research Institute (IKI), 84/32 Profsoyuznaya Str., 117997, Moscow, Russia 15 16 17 *Corresponding author: xiz@gps.caltech.edu 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 32 Abstract 33 34 Venus Express measurements of the vertical profiles of SO and SO2 in the middle 35 atmosphere of Venus provide an opportunity to revisit the sulfur chemistry above the 36 cloud tops (~58 km). A one dimensional photochemistry-transport model is used to 37 simulate the behavior of the whole chemical system including oxygen-, hydrogen-, 38 chlorine-, sulfur-, and nitrogen-bearing species. A sulfur source is required to explain the 39 SO2 inversion layer above 80 km. The evaporation of the aerosols composed of sulfuric 40 acid (model A) or polysulfur (model B) above 90 km could provide the sulfur source. 41 Measurements of SO3 and SO (a1∆→X3∑) emission at 1.7 μm may be the key to 42 distinguish between the two models. 43 44 Keywords: Venus, atmosphere; Atmospheres, chemistry; Photochemistry; Atmospheres, 45 composition; 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 2 63 1: Introduction 64 65 Venus is a natural laboratory of sulfur chemistry. Due to the difficulty of observing the 66 lower atmosphere, we are still far from unveiling the chemistry at lower altitudes (Mills 67 et al., 2007). On the other hand, the relative abundance of data above the cloud tops (~60 68 km) allows us to test the sulfur chemistry. Mills et al. (2007) summarized the important 69 observations before Venus Express and gave an extensive review of the chemistry of 70 sulfur on Venus. 71 72 Recently, measurements of Venus Express and ground-based observations have greatly 73 improved our knowledge of the sulfur chemistry. Marcq et al. (2005; 2006; 2008) 74 reported the latitudinal distributions of CO, OCS, SO2 and H2O in the 30-40 km region. 75 The anti-correlation of latitudinal profiles of CO and OCS implies the conversion of OCS 76 to CO in the lower atmosphere (Yung et al., 2009). Using the latitudinal and vertical 77 temperature distribution above 70 km obtained by Pätzold et al. (2007), Picciani et al. 78 (2008) deduced the dynamic structure, which is consistent with a weak zonal wind field 79 above ~70 km. The discovery of the nightside warm layer (Bertaux et al., 2007) is strong 80 evidence of substantial heating in the upper mesosphere. Near the antisolar point, this 81 heating is consistent with the existence of a subsolar-antisolar (SSAS) circulation in the 82 lower thermosphere (above 90 km). However, the nightside warm layer has been reported 83 in SPICAV observations at all observed local times and latitudes and does not appear to 84 be consistent with ground-based submillimeter observations (Clancy et al., 2008). 85 Through the occultation technique, Solar Occultation at Infrared (SOIR) and the 86 Spectroscopy for Investigation of Characteristics of the Atmosphere of Venus (SPICAV) 87 onboard Venus Express carry out measurements of the vertical profiles of the major 88 species above 70 km, including H2O, HDO, HCl and HF (Bertaux et al., 2007), and CO 89 (Vandaele et al., 2008), SO and SO2 (Belyaev et al., 2008; 2010). Aerosols are found to 90 be in a bimodal distribution above 70 km (Wilquet et al., 2010). These high vertical 91 resolution profiles are obtained mainly in the polar region. The ground-based 92 measurements also provide valuable information. Krasnolposky (2010a; 2010b) obtained 93 spatially resolved distributions of CO2, CO, HDO, HCl, HF, OCS and SO2 at the cloud 3 94 tops from the CSHELL spectrograph at NASA/IRTF. Sandor et al. (2010) reported 95 ground-based submillimeter observations of SO and SO2 inversion layers in the lower 96 thermosphere (above 85 km). The submillimeter results are qualitatively consistent with 97 the vertical profiles from Venus Express (Belyaev et al., 2010). However, only the 98 smallest SO and SO2 abundances inferred from the SPICAV observations (Belyaev et al., 99 2010) are quantitatively similar to those inferred from the submillimeter observations 100 (Sandor et al., 2010). Spatial and temporal variability may explain at least some of the 101 differences among the observations (Sandor et al., 2010), but detailed inter-comparisons 102 are required. These measurements and the proposed correlation of upper mesosphere SO2 103 abundances with temperature open up new opportunities to study the photochemical and 104 transport processes in the middle atmosphere of Venus. 105 106 Sandor et al. (2010) found that SO and SO2 inversion layers cannot be reproduced by the 107 previous photochemical model (Yung and DeMore, 1982). Therefore they suggested that 108 the photolysis of sulfuric acid aerosol might directly produce the gas phase SOx. A 109 detailed photochemical simulation by Zhang et al. (2010) shows that the evaporation of 110 the H2SO4 aerosol with subsequent photolysis of H2SO4 vapor could provide the major 111 sulfur source in the lower thermosphere if the rate of photolysis of H2SO4 vapor is 112 sufficiently high. Their models also predict supersaturation of H2SO4 vapor pressure 113 around 100 km. The latest SO and SO2 profiles retrieved from the Venus Express 114 measurements agree with their model results (Belyaev et al., 2010). This mechanism 115 reveals the close connection between the gaseous sulfur chemistry and aerosols. 116 Previously sulfuric acid was considered as the ultimate sink of gaseous sulfur species in 117 the middle atmosphere. If it could also be a source, the thermodynamics and 118 microphysical properties of H2SO4 must be examined carefully. Alternatively, if the 119 polysulfur (Sx) is indeed a significant component of the aerosols as the unknown UV 120 absorber, Carlson et al. (2010) estimated that the elemental sulfur is about 1% of the 121 H2SO4 abundance. This might be also enough to produce the sulfur species if there is a 122 steady supply of Sx aerosols to the upper atmosphere. 123 4 124 The purpose of this paper is to use photochemical models to investigate the sulfur 125 chemistry in the middle atmosphere and its relation with aerosols based on our current 126 knowledge of observational evidences and laboratory measurements. We will introduce 127 our model in section 2. In section 3, we will provide a detailed discussion on the two 128 possible sulfur sources above 90 km, H2SO4 and Sx, respectively, the roles they play in 129 the sulfur chemistry, their implications and how to distinguish the two sources by the 130 future observations. The last section provides a summary of the paper and conclusions. 131 132 2: Model Description 133 134 Our photochemistry-transport model is based on the one dimensional Caltech/JPL 135 kinetics code for Venus (Yung and DeMore, 1982; Mills, 1998) with updated chemical 136 reactions. The model solves the coupled continuity equations with chemical kinetics and 137 diffusion processes, as functions of time and altitude from 58 to 112 km. The atmosphere 138 is assumed to be in hydrostatic equilibrium. We use 32 altitude grids with increments of 139 0.4 km from 58 to 60 km and 2 km from 60 to 112 km. The diurnally averaged radiation 140 field from 100-800 nm is calculated using a modified radiative transfer scheme including 141 the gas absorption, Rayleigh scattering by molecules and Mie scattering by aerosols with 142 wavelength-dependent optical properties (see Appendix A). The unknown UV absorber is 143 approximated by changing the single scattering albedo of the mode 1 aerosol beyond 310 144 nm, as suggested by Crisp (1986). Because the SO, SO2 and aerosol profiles from Venus 145 Express are observed in the polar region during the solar minimum period (2007-2008), 146 our calculations are set at a circumpolar latitude (70N) and we use the combination of 147 the low solar activity solar spectra for the time period of the Spacelab 3 ATMOS 148 experiment with an overlay of Lyman alpha as measured by the Solar Mesospheric 149 Explorer (SME). 150 151 In this study we select 51 species, namely, O, O(1D), O2, O2(1∆), O3, H, H2, OH, HO2, 152 H2O, H2O2, N2, Cl, Cl2, ClO, HCl, HOCl, ClCO, COCl2, ClC(O)OO, CO, CO2 , S, S2 , S3, 153 S4, S5, S7, S8, SO, (SO)2, SO2, SO3, S2O, HSO3, H2SO4, OCS, OSCl, ClSO2, four 154 chlorosulfanes (ClS, ClS2, Cl2S, and Cl2S2) and eight nitrogen-containing species (N, NO, 5 155 NO2, NO3, N2O, HNO, HNO2, and HNO3). The chlorosulfanes (SmCln) are included 156 because they open an important pathway to form S2 and polysulfur Sx(x=2→8) in the region 157 60-70 km (Mills and Allen, 2007), although there are significant uncertainties in their 158 chemistry. The chlorosulfane chemistry is not important for the sulfur cycles above ~80 159 km because the SmCln abundances are low. Nitrogen-containing species, especially NO 160 and NO2, can act as catalysts for converting SO to SO2 and O to O2 in the 70-80 km 161 region (Krasnopolsky, 2006). The nitrogen chemistry is not important above 80 km. 162 163 In Zhang et al. (2010), the chemistry is simplified because (SO)2, S2O and HSO3 are 164 considered only as the sinks of the sulfur species. This may not be accurate enough for 165 the lower region chemistry below 80 km where there seems to be difficulty in matching 166 the SO2 observations below 80 km. Instead, a full set of 41 photodissociation reactions is 167 used, along with about 300 neutral chemical reactions, as listed in Table 1 and 2 168 respectively. We take the ClCO thermal equilibrium constant from the 1-sigma model in 169 Mills et al. (2007) so that we can constrain the total O2 column abundances to around 170 2×1018 cm-2. In addition, we introduce the heterogeneous nucleation processes of 171 elemental sulfurs (S, S2 and polysulfur) because these sulfur species can readily stick to 172 sulfuric acid droplets and may provide the source material for the unknown UV absorbers 173 (Carlson et al. 2010). But we neglect all the heterogeneous reactions within the 174 condensed elemental sulfur species on the droplet surface. The calculation of the 175 heterogeneous condensation rates is described in Appendix B. The accommodation 176 coefficient is varied from 0.01 to 1 for the sensitivity study (section 4). 177 178 The temperature profiles are shown in Fig. 1 (left panel). The daytime temperature profile 179 below 100 km (solid line) is obtained from the VeRa observations of Venus Express near 180 the polar region (71N, figure 1 of Pätzold et al., 2007). Above 100 km the temperature is 181 from Seiff (1983). The nighttime temperature profile (dashed line) above 90 km is 182 measured by Venus Express in orbit 104 at latitude 4° S and local time 23:20 h (black 183 curve in the figure 1 of Bertaux et al., 2007). The nighttime temperature profile is used 184 only to calculate the H2SO4 saturation vapor pressure. 185 [Figure 1] (see page 43) 6 186 187 In the 1-D model, species are assumed to be mixed vertically by turbulent eddies. 188 Molecular diffusion becomes important above the homopause region (~130-135 km). The 189 eddy diffusivity increases with altitude in the Venus mesosphere for reasons discussed 190 later. Since the zonal wind is observed to decrease with altitude above 70 km due to the 191 temperature gradient from pole to equator (Piccialli et al., 2008), we assume that vertical 192 transport of gas species is predominantly due to mixing caused by transient internal 193 gravity waves, as proposed by Prinn (1975). In this case the eddy diffusion coefficient 194 will be inversely proportional to the square root of the number density (Lindzen, 1971). 195 Von Zahn et al. (1980) derived the eddy diffusion coefficient ~1.4×1013 [M]-0.5 cm2 s-1 196 from of the number density around the homopause region, based on mass spectrometer 197 measurements from Pioneer Venus. In our model we use slightly larger values Kz = 198 2.0×1013 [M]-0.5 cm2 s-1 above 80 km to include an additional contribution above 80 km 199 due to the SSAS circulation. In the region below 80 km. Woo and Ishmaru (1981) 200 estimated the diffusivity 4.0×104 cm2 s-1 at ~60 km from radio signal scintillations. 201 Therefore our eddy diffusivity profile from 58-80 km is estimated by linear interpolation 202 between the values at 80 and 60 km. The eddy diffusion profile is shown in Fig. 1 (right 203 panel). However, the vertical advection due to the SSAS circulation might be dominant 204 above 90 km. The SPICAV measurements show that the SO2 mixing ratio from ~90-100 205 km is almost constant with altitude, which implies a very efficient transport process. 206 207 Since Zhang et al. (2010) has already shown that the model without additional sulfur 208 sources above 90 km cannot explain the observed SO2 inversion layer, we focus on two 209 models in this study: model A with enhanced H2SO4 abundance above 90 km and model 210 B with enhanced S8 abundance above 90 km. In both models we fix the vertical profiles 211 of N2, H2O, and H2SO4. The N2 profile is given by a constant mixing ratio of 3.5%. The 212 H2O profile (see Fig. 3) is prescribed on the basis of the Venus Express observations 213 (Bertaux et al., 2007) above 70 km and is assumed to be constant below. The 214 accommodation coefficient of the sulfur nucleation is set to unity (the upper limit) in the 215 standard model. 216 7 217 The H2SO4 saturation vapor pressure (SVP) and the photolysis cross sections are 218 discussed in the Appendices C and D, respectively. Model A uses the nighttime H2SO4 219 vapor abundance (Fig. A6) and the H2SO4 photolysis cross sections with high UV cross 220 section in the interval 195-330 nm (dashed line in Fig. A7). The H2SO4 abundance above 221 90 km is scaled to reproduce the observed SO and SO2 data. The day and nighttime Sx 222 saturated mixing ratio profiles based on Lyons (2008) are shown in Fig. A6. The S8 223 mixing ratio under nighttime temperature could achieve ppb levels at ~96 km. Based on 224 this, we fix the S8 profile in model B as the sulfur source. The S8 profile is composed of 225 two parts: (1) below 90 km, we use the output from model A, which shows the S8 226 concentration is undersaturated; (2) above 90 km, we scale the S8 saturated vapor 227 abundances under nighttime temperature to match the observations. We also adopt the 228 daytime H2SO4 vapor abundance and the H2SO4 photolysis cross sections with low UV 229 cross section in the interval 195-330 nm (solid line in Fig. A7); therefore the H2SO4 230 photolysis has almost no contribution to the sulfur enhancement in model B. 231 232 The SO2 and OCS mixing ratios at 58 km are set to 3.5 ppm and 1.5 ppm, respectively. 233 The upper and lower boundary conditions for the important species are listed in Table 3. 234 We set the HCl as 0.4 ppm at 58 km, which is about factor of 2 larger than the Venus 235 Express observations (Bertaux et al., 2007). However, other observations support the 0.4 236 ppm HCl (Connes et al., 1967; Krasnopolsky, 2010a). We argue that since ClC(O)OO is 237 the key species to convert CO and O2 to CO2 (Mills, et al., 2007), 0.4 ppm HCl is needed 238 in our model to constrain the total column abundances of O2. 239 240 3: Model Results 241 242 Enhanced H2SO4 case (Model A) 243 244 In model A, the saturation ratio of H2SO4 is 0.25 (sub-saturated H2SO4 under nighttime 245 temperature), corresponding to the peak value ~0.2 ppm at 96 km. Figures 2-8 show the 246 volume mixing ratios of oxygen species, hydrogen species (including HOx), chlorine 247 species, chlorine-sulfur species, elemental sulfurs, nitrogen species, and sulfur oxides, 8 248 249 respectively. The observations of SO, SO2 and OCS are also plotted in Fig. 8. [Figures 2-8] (see pages 44-50) 250 251 The model outputs of oxygen, hydrogen and chlorine species generally agree with the 252 previous studies (model C in Yung and DeMore, 1982; the one-sigma model in Mills, 253 1998). The differences arise mainly from the differences of the temperature profiles and 254 radiation field between the polar region in our model and the mid-latitude in the previous 255 models. Compared with the temperature profile from Seiff (1983) used in the previous 256 models, the current profile at 70ºN is colder in the upper cloud layer (58-70 km) but 257 warmer between 70 km and 80 km. The O2 profile is consistent with the one-sigma model 258 in Mills (1998). The concentrations of chlorine species in model A are lower than those 259 in model C of Yung and DeMore (1982) mainly because of the lower boundary values of 260 HCl (0.8 ppm in their model C and 0.4 ppm in our model). The chlorine-sulfur species in 261 our model are slightly larger than those from Mills (1998) near the lower boundary 262 because there is more OCS at the lower boundary of the model A. The nitrogen species in 263 our model is less than that in model B of Yung and DeMore (1982) simply because their 264 lower boundary value of NO is 30 ppb, which is about 6 times larger than the observed 265 values, 5.5 ppb on average at 65 km (Krasnopolsky, 2006). Since the polysulfur 266 chemistry has been updated based on Moses et al. (2002), model A results are different 267 from those of Mills (1998). But the polysulfur chemistry has large uncertainties and more 268 laboratory measurements of the reaction coefficients are needed (see discussions in 269 section 4). Concentrations of sulfur oxides are obviously different from those of early 270 models when we include the sulfur source above 90 km. 271 272 The photolysis of the parent species CO2, OCS, SO2, H2O and HCl, which are transported 273 by eddy diffusion from 58 km, provides the sources for the other species. Although the 274 sulfur chemistry is closely coupled with the oxygen and chlorine chemistry in the region 275 60-70 km, the sulfur species have little effect on the abundances of the oxygen species 276 (including HOx) and chlorine species above 70 km, but not vice versa. In other words, the 277 model without sulfur chemistry would produce roughly the same amount of oxygen and 278 chlorine species as the model with sulfur species does above 70 km where the sulfur 9 279 species are less abundant and can no longer tie up the chlorine and oxygen species. The 280 free oxygen and chlorine bearing radicals, such as O, OH, Cl and ClO, are the key 281 catalysts in recycling sulfur species. On the other hand, the sulfur species do not act as 282 catalysts. Therefore, to some extent the sulfur cycle in the mesosphere can be separated 283 from the other cycles above the cloud tops. Fig. 9 illustrates the important pathways of 284 the sulfur cycle. For simplicity, the chlorosulfane chemistry and polysulfur chemistry are 285 not shown here. See Mills and Allen (2007) and Yung et al. (2009) for detailed 286 discussions. A fast cycle, including the photodissociation and oxidization processes, 287 exists among the sulfur species. Below 90 km, H2SO4 and Sx act as the ultimate sinks 288 rather than the sources of the sulfur species in the region. The total production rate of 289 H2SO4 from 58-112 km is 5.6×1011 cm-2 s-1 with a peak value of 1.3×106 cm-3 s-1 around 290 64 km, while the total loss rate of gaseous elemental sulfur to aerosol through 291 heterogeneous nucleation processes is 2.6×1012 cm-2 s-1, when summed across all Sx that 292 are lost, equivalent to a sulfur atom loss rate ~3.3×1012 cm-2 s-1. Therefore, the major sink 293 of sulfur species is the nucleation of the polysulfur aerosol. The polysulfur sink decreases 294 with altitude mainly because both the aerosol and gaseous sulfur species are less 295 abundant at higher altitude (Fig. 6, also see the discussion in Section 4). For reference, 296 the Krasnopolsky and Pollack model [1994] requires the H2SO4 production rate of 297 2.2×1012 cm-2 s-1. Some previous models range from 9×1011-1×1013 cm-2 s-1 (Yung and 298 DeMore, 1982; Krasnopolsky and Pollack, 1994). So the H2SO4 production rate in model 299 A is lower than those previously modeled values. 300 [Figure 9] (see page 51) 301 302 Below ~65 km, ClSO2 is roughly in chemical equilibrium with SO2. SO2 reacts with the 303 chlorine radical: Cl + SO2 + CO2 → ClSO2 + CO2, and ClSO2 reacts with O, S, S2, SO, 304 ClSO2, etc. (Reactions R293-R300 in table 2) to return back SO2 and produce chlorine 305 species including chlorosulfanes. Above ~65 km, photolysis of SO2 becomes the 306 dominant sink, with a minor branch of oxidization to SO3. The three-body reaction O + 307 SO produces more SO2, and ClO and ClC(O)OO reacting with SO also play important 308 roles in SO2 production. The major production and loss pathways for SO, SO2 and SO3 in 309 model A are plotted in Fig. 10. 10 310 [Figure 10] (see page 52) 311 312 The SO and SO2 inversion layers above 80 km are successfully reproduced in model A 313 (Fig. 8) although the agreement between the model and observations is not perfect. We 314 attribute the discrepancy to the constant H2SO4 saturation ratio above 90 km. The SO2 315 measurements imply that the H2SO4 abundance in model A might be underestimated 316 above 100 km. The chemistry is mainly driven by the photolysis and reactions with O and 317 O2. The fast recycling between the sulfur species can be seen from the largest production 318 and loss rates in Fig. 10. At 96 km where the peaks of the reaction rates are, the SO3 319 photolysis rate (~1.5×103 cm-3 s-1) and SO3 + H2O rate (~1.5×103 cm-3 s-1) are roughly 320 comparable, which implies about half of the sulfur in H2SO4 goes into SOx and produces 321 the inversion layers of SO2 and SO. Model A predicts the existence of an SO3 inversion 322 layer, with a peak value of ~13 ppb at 96 km. More discussion will be provided in 323 Section 4. 324 325 Enhanced Sx case (model B) 326 327 The Sx aerosol might be another possible sulfur source in the upper region because S x 328 could react with atomic oxygen to produce SO. But this possibility is more ambiguous 329 because: (1) The Sx aerosol has not been indentified although it is the most likely UV 330 absorber (Carlson et al. 2010); (2) As shown in the Fig. 6, the production of Sx is mainly 331 confined to the region below 65 km. So the Sx in the haze layer might be not sufficient to 332 supply the sulfur source; (3) The Sx chemistry has large uncertainty due to the lack of 333 laboratory experiments. The reaction coefficients for Sx + O in our model were estimated 334 by Moses et al. (2002) based on that for S2 + O. 335 336 The required saturation ratio of S8 is only 3×10-4 in order to produce the SO and SO2 337 inversion layer. That means we need only 0.1 ppt Sx vapor above 90 km. The blue lines in 338 Fig. 11 show that model B could also reproduce the inversion layers above 80 km. The 339 SO and SO2 profiles (and other sulfur species) from models A and B are really similar 340 mainly due to the fast sulfur cycle. However, there is a large difference in SO3 profiles 11 341 because the SO3 in model B is derived mainly from SO2 but not from the photolysis of 342 H2SO4 as in model A. The SO3 at 96 km predicted by model B is ~0.1 ppb, which is two 343 orders of magnitude less than that in model A. Therefore, future measurement of SO3 344 could distinguish the two mechanisms. 345 [Figure 11] (see page 53) 346 347 The major production and loss pathways for SO, SO2 and SO3 in model B are plotted in 348 Fig. 12. Note that not only S8 + O produces SO but other Sx derived from S8 also react 349 with O to produce SO, so in fact one S8 gas molecule could eventually produce about 350 eight SO molecules. The major differences between models A and B are the SO and SO3 351 production mechanisms. 352 [Figure 12] (see page 54) 353 354 4: Discussion 355 356 Summary of Chemistry above 80 km 357 358 The results of models A and B are summarized in Table 4. 359 For model A, the simplified SOx chemistry from Fig. 9 can be illustrated as: 360 à ààEvaporation àà àà àà ààÜ à ààhà àà SO3 á à ààhàà Ü à ààhàà Ü à ààhààÜ à àà àà àà ààÜ Aerosol á à H 2 SO4 á àÜ à SO2 á à SO á à Sá à Sx Condensation H O O O O O(weak ) 2 361 362 2 Similar to model A, the chemistry in model B: H2O O à ààEvaporation ààààààààÜ à ààààOà à ààOàà Ü à ààOàà Ü à àààà ààààÜ Aerosol á à Sx á àààààÜ à SO á à SO2 á à SO3 á à H 2 SO4 2Ü Condensation h h h (weak ) ààà S á à àà SO h 363 In fact OCS, S2O and (SO)2 are also in photochemical equilibrium with the species above 364 but not shown here (see Fig. 9). Therefore, the fast cycle allows us to derive the ratios of 365 the sulfur species above 90 km analytically by equating the production and loss rates for 366 each species (the subscripts refer to the reaction numbers in Tables 1 and 2): 367 [OCS] k183[ClCO] k185 [CO][M ] S k302 [S] J 31 (1) 368 [S] J 27 [SO] k166 [O2 ] (2) 12 [SO] J 29 [SO2 ] k240 [O][M ] (3) 371 [SO2 ] J 30 k177 [H 2O] [SO3 ] k258 [O][M ] (4) 372 But in model A, SO3 is approximately independent of other SOx because of the photolysis 373 of sulfuric acid is the principal source: 369 370 In model B: [SO3 ] 374 J 32 [H 2 SO4 ] J 30 k177 [H 2O] (5) 375 Again, SO3 is the key species to distinguish the two pathways because other sulfur 376 species are closely coupled to SO2 no matter what causes the inversion layers. 377 378 The S2O and (SO)2 chemistry is less clear so it needs a more careful study in the future. 379 In models A and B, the steady-state results are given by: 380 [S2O] k250 [O] [(SO)2 ] J 33 k266 [O] (6) 381 [(SO)2 ] k249 [SO][M ] [SO] k246 [O] k254 [M ] (7) 382 The total column abundance of O2 is about ~2.2×1018 cm-2 in models A and B. The 383 atomic oxygen (O) column production rate above 80 km is ~4.3×1012 cm-2 s-1. The O flux 384 required to reproduce the mean O2 emission of 0.52 MR in the nightside is ~2.9×1012 cm- 385 2 -1 386 latitude) instead, we obtain ~6×1012 cm-2 s-1. This suggests that about 50% of the O atoms 387 produced in the dayside are transported to the nightside and recombine to form O2. 388 Therefore, the transport process is at least as fast as the chemical loss processes. The loss 389 timescale of O is ~105-106 s above 80 km. The transport timescale is estimated to be ~104 390 s, based on the SSAS downward velocity ~ 43 cm/s around 100 km in the night side from 391 Bertaux et al. (2007) and the scale height of 4 km in the lower thermosphere. s (Krasnopolsky, 2010c). Note that our calculation is at 70N. If we use 45N (mid- 392 393 Both the SO and SO2 profiles are derived from the observations above 90 km. They 394 provide a test of the three-body reaction SO + O + M → SO2 + M in the low temperature 13 395 region, for which there are no laboratory measurements. The reaction coefficient k240,0 396 derived from observations is about 3×10-30 at 100 km (168 K). The value adopted in our 397 models is from Singleton and Cvetanovic (1988) at 298 K, k240,0 = 4.2×10-31 cm6 s-1and 398 k240,∞ = 5.3×10-11 cm3 s-1, and has been enhanced by a factor of 8.2 for the third-body 399 CO2. This reaction coefficient produces the [SO2]/[SO] ~2, which lies in the Venus 400 Express observations range (Beyleav et al., 2010) and the dayside submillimeter 401 observation range (Sandor et al., 2010). The nightside submillimeter observations, 402 however, find [SO2]/[SO] ~15-50 (Sandor et al., 2010). It implies that this reaction may 403 have no or very weak temperature dependence between 160-300 K. Grillo et al. (1979) 404 and Lu et al. (2003) measured the temperature dependence in the high temperature region 405 (~300-3000 K) and the two papers provided the dependence as T-1.84 and T-2.17, 406 respectively. However, this temperature dependence is too steep for the low temperature 407 region. 408 409 One puzzle from the observed [SO2]/[SO] ratio is that the ratio seems to increase with 410 temperature at 100 km (Belyaev, et al., 2010), although this difference is within the 411 uncertainty associated with fewer measurements in the high temperature region (the T2 412 (180-185 K) and T3 (190-192 K) regions). In addition, there is difficulty in separating the 413 SO signal from the SO2 signal in the spectrum. 414 415 Sensitivity Study 416 417 Due to the uncertainty in the adopted value of the accommodation coefficient, we test the 418 sensitivity of the model by slowing down the heterogeneous nucleation processes 419 (reducing ). As decreases, the formation of Sx aerosols is slower so there are more 420 sulfur species in the gas phase. Therefore, the model requires less SO2 at the lower 421 boundary to reproduce the SO2 observations. The left panel of Fig. 13 summarized the 422 cases with 1 (model A), 0.1 and 0.01 . All three cases show that the major sink of 423 sulfur species is the polysulfur aerosol. As the polysulfur nucleation process slows down, 424 the H2SO4 production rate also decreases because of the lower SO2 abundances around 425 62-64 km where the H2SO4 production peak is. One interesting phenomenon is that, when 14 426 the nucleation process is slower, the production rate of condensed Sx aerosol is less but 427 the equivalent sulfur atom loss rate increases. This is because more high order polysulfur 428 molecules are produced and condense rapidly to form aerosols. Therefore, it is the result 429 of the competition between the cycling of polysulfur and the nucleation processes. The 430 region above 85 km is almost unaffected because the polysulfur sink at those levels is 431 negligible. 432 [Figure 13] (see page 55) 433 434 The middle and right panels of Fig. 13 show the sensitivity to different lower boundary 435 values of SO2 (2.5-5 ppm) and OCS (0.3-5 ppm). These cases all lie in the observational 436 error bars. The change of SO2 boundary conditions mainly impacts the region below 85 437 km. The OCS boundary conditions affect only the upper cloud region. 438 439 The major uncertainties of model A arise from the H2SO4 vapor abundances and the 440 photolysis rate of H2SO4. Since half of the sulfur in H2SO4 goes into SOx, we would 441 expect a linear relationship between [SO2] and the product of J32 and [H2SO4]. In model 442 A, the J32 and [H2SO4] at 96 km are 6.7×10-6 s-1 and 5.0×108 cm-3, respectively, so 443 J32[H2SO4] is ~3.3×103 cm-3 s-1. For model B, although the relationship between the S8 444 and SO2 abundances is not derived explicitly, we also expect a linear relationship 445 between the two species because all the major sulfur oxides in model B above 90 km are 446 linearly dependent with each other. The reaction coefficients of S8 + O (k233) and [S8] at 447 96 km are 7.0×10-12 cm3 s-1 and 7.1×102 cm-3 respectively, so k233[S8] (the product of k233 448 and [S8]) is ~5.0×10-9 s-1. Assuming that all eight sulfur atoms in S8 eventually go into 449 SO, the production rate is ~2×103 cm-3 s-1 given the O abundance is ~4×1010 cm-3 at 96 450 km. This value is of the same order of magnitude as J32[H2SO4] from model A. Therefore, 451 both models suggest that this magnitude of sulfur source is necessary to explain the 452 inversion layers. 453 454 Sulfur Budget above 90 km 455 15 456 The recycling of aerosols from the region below 90 km is essential to maintain the 457 inversion in steady state because sulfur will diffuse downward due to the inverted mixing 458 ratio gradient. The production rates of H2SO4 and Sx aerosol for models A and B are 459 shown in Fig. 14. The H2SO4 production rate in model A has a secondary peak at 96 km 460 where the SO3 peak is located. But the Sx aerosol production rate above 90 km is small 461 because the nucleation process is really slow when there are few due aerosol particles to 462 serve as condensation nuclei. 463 [Figure 14] (see page 56) 464 465 In model A, the net column loss rate of H2SO4 vapor above 90 km is ~5×108 cm-2 s-1, 466 corresponding to ~50% of the column photolysis rate of H2SO4 in that region. Only ~2% 467 sulfur is converted into polysulfur aerosol. So the total downward sulfur flux is ~5×108 to 468 maintain a steady-state above 80 km. For reference, the 5×108 cm-2 s-1 H2SO4 loss rate 469 above 90 km is roughly equal the H2SO4 column production rate in the region of 78-90 470 km through the hydration of SO3. However, it is difficult to transport the H2SO4 vapor 471 upward from below 90 km to compensate the loss above because the vapors will quickly 472 condense into the aerosols. Instead, the aerosols must be transported upward on the 473 dayside by the SSAS circulation. Assuming that all the aerosols above 90 km are the 474 mode 1 aerosols with mean radius ~0.2 m and density 2 g cm-3, the aerosol column loss 475 rate is ~1 cm-2 s-1. The column abundance of mode 1 aerosol above 90 km from Wilquet 476 et al. (2010) is ~5.0×106 cm-2. Therefore the aerosol lifetime is ~100 earth days in model 477 A. The loss rate implies that the upward aerosol flux is also ~1 cm-2 s-1 across 90 km to 478 supply the aerosol budget. Provided that the concentration of mode 1 aerosol at 90 km is 479 ~10 cm-3, the estimated flux is equivalent to an effective upward transport velocity ~0.1 480 cm s-1. If the SSAS circulation dominates the upper atmosphere, this velocity is readily to 481 be achieved. The SSAS circulation with a vertical velocity of ~43 cm s-1 (Bertaux et al, 482 2007) might be very efficient for transporting the aerosols in the upper regions. 483 484 In model B, the total equivalent sulfur column loss rate of the Sx vapor above 90 km is 485 ~4×108 cm-2 s-1, which is roughly the same magnitude as the net sulfur flux from H2SO4 486 photolysis in the model A, but the production rate of Sx aerosol is only ~1×107 cm-2 s-1. 16 487 The H2SO4 aerosol production rate in model B is ~2×107 cm-2 s-1. Therefore, most of the 488 sulfur from Sx aerosol diffuses downward as SO2 and SO. For reference, the equivalent 489 sulfur column production rate of the Sx aerosol above 78 km is ~4.0×108 cm-2 s-1. 490 Therefore, if those aerosols can be transported upward, it would be enough to compensate 491 for the loss in the region above 90 km. Assuming that all the polysulfur aerosol above 90 492 km has a mean radius of ~0.1 m (half of the H2SO4 aerosol) and the density is 2 g cm-3, 493 the aerosol column loss rate is ~3 cm-2 s-1. If the polysulfur aerosol abundance is about 494 1% of that of H2SO4 aerosol, Sx aerosol above 90 km will be removed in ~1 earth day. 495 The estimated upward flux cross the 90 km level is equivalent to an effective upward 496 transport velocity ~30 cm s-1, which is roughly in the same magnitude of the downward 497 velocity at 100 km in the nightside from Bertaux et al. (2007). Liang et al. (2009) derived 498 the velocity ~1 cm s-1 at 100 km, which might be too small. 499 500 Timescales 501 502 The dynamics in the 1-D photochemistry-transport model is only a simple 503 parameterization for the complicated transition zone between 90-100 km. The aerosol 504 microphysics is also simplified because we just assume the instantaneous condensations 505 of H2O and H2SO4 and ignore the aerosol growth and loss processes. Future 2-D models 506 including SSAS, zonal wind transport, microphysical processes and photochemical 507 processes for both the dayside and nightside hemisphere might be sufficient to represent 508 all the dynamical and chemical processes in the upper regions. We estimate some typical 509 timescales here. 510 511 (1) Transport: The timescale for the SSAS transport SSAS is ~104 s (section 3) for vertical 512 transport over the 4 km scale height near 100 km. Zonal transport timescale due to RZ 513 flow RZ is ~105 s for transport from the subsolar point to the antisolar point, provided 514 that the thermal wind velocity is ~50 m s-1 by Piccialli et al. (2008) based on the 515 cyclostrophic approximation. Eddy diffusion timescale eddy is also ~105 s near 100 km 516 (Fig. A3). 517 17 518 (2) Aerosol condensation: We assume the condensation is dominated by the 519 heterogeneous nucleation with timescale (Fig. A4) cond~104-105 s for the accommodation 520 coefficient =1. cond is inversely proportional to in the free molecular regime for the 521 upper region. Therefore, the lower value of might be more appropriate for the H2SO4 522 condensation in model A since the mechanism assumes that the nighttime H2SO4 vapor 523 could be transported to the dayside and undergo photolysis. Homogeneous nucleation 524 may be important in the dayside since both of H2SO4 and Sx are highly supersaturated. 525 For example, the dayside saturation ratios at 100 km are about 106 and 104 for H2SO4 in 526 model A and S8 in model B, respectively. In model A, these dayside condensation 527 processes will compete with the photodissociation of H2SO4. However, the homogeneous 528 nucleation rate markedly depends on the SVP, which is a steep function of temperature 529 but not well determined in the lower temperature range. If the dayside condensation 530 process were fast, a zonal gradient of the H2SO4 vapor abundance from the nightside to 531 the dayside would be expected. 532 533 (3) Chemistry: H2SO4 photolysis timescale photo depends on the cross section. For model 534 A, photo is ~105 s. Sx + O timescale sx+o depends on the reaction coefficient and the 535 atomic oxygen abundance, Sx+O is ~1-10 s in the model B. That is why ~0.1-1 ppt Sx 536 could provide a sulfur source as large as the photolysis of ~0.1 ppm H2SO4 does. The 537 reaction between polysulfur and atomic oxygen is so fast that it has to happen in the 538 nightside. However, as shown above, whether the circulation could support the Sx aerosol 539 upward flux across 90 km needs more future studies. 540 541 OCS above the cloud tops 542 543 The OCS mixing ratio in the upper cloud layer is puzzling. OCS originates from the 544 lower atmosphere. Marcq et al. (2005; 2006) reported an OCS mixing ratio ~0.55 0.15 545 ppm at ~36 km, decreasing with altitude with a gradient of -0.28 ppm/km based on the 546 ground-based telescope IRTF observation. The VIRTIS measurement (Marcq et al., 547 2008) found the OCS mixing ratio ranging between 2.5 1 and 4 1 ppm at 33 km, 548 agreeing with the previous value ~4.4 ppm from Pollack et al. (1993). Therefore, OCS 18 549 would only be ~0.1 ppm or less in the lower cloud layer (~47 km). However, a sensitivity 550 study of model A (Fig. 13) shows that 0.3-5 ppm OCS at the upper cloud deck (~58 km) 551 is required to reproduce the OCS mixing ratio at 65 km in the observed range 0.3-9 ppb 552 reported by Krasnopolsky (2010b). Krasnopolsky (2008) reported even larger values, ~14 553 ppb around 65 km and ~2 ppb around 70 km. Venus Express results suggest that the 554 upper limit of OCS is 1.6 ± 2 ppb in the region 70-90 km (Vandaele et al., 2008), and the 555 one tentative detection of OCS reported from ground-based observations near 12 m 556 (Sonnabend et al., 2005) found an abundance consistent with that calculated by Mills 557 (1998), which specified 0.1 ppm OCS at 58 km. But model A can produce only several 558 tens of ppt OCS around 70 km. Besides, the scale height of OCS in model A is ~1 km at 559 65 km, which matches only the lower limit of the observations (1-4 km from 560 Krasnopolsky, 2010b). It seems that the eddy transport in the upper cloud region might 561 not be efficient to transport OCS upward. This is also consistent with the ~4 km scale 562 height of SO2 around 68 km in the Venus Express measurements. Although the eddy 563 diffusivity at ~60 km has been estimated to be less than 4.0×104 cm2 s-1 (Woo and 564 Ishmaru, 1981), it could have large variations in the cloud layer, leading to large variation 565 in the detected OCS values and maybe related to the decadal variation of SO2 at the upper 566 cloud top (see Figure 7 of Belyaev et al., 2008). 567 568 The unexpected large amount of OCS will affect the polysulfur production. There are two 569 pathways to produce atomic sulfur (see Fig. 9). One is the photodissociation of SO and 570 ClS (Mills and Allen, 2007), The other way is from the photolysis of OCS. If the OCS 571 abundance is large (e.g. model A), the primary source of atomic sulfur below ~62 km is 572 from the photolysis of OCS instead of that of SO and ClS. There are also two pathways to 573 produce S2. One is from the chlorosulfane chemistry (Mills and Allen, 2007) and the 574 other is from the reaction between atomic sulfur and OCS. It turns out that the reaction 575 rate of S + OCS in model A is as large as the ClS2 photolysis below 60 km. Therefore if 576 there is an abundant OCS layer near the lower boundary, it may greatly enhance the 577 production of Sx in the 58-60 km region. 578 579 Elemental sulfur Supersaturation 19 580 581 Even using the highest nucleation rate ( = 1), the model A results show that the S2, S3, 582 S4 and S5 are highly supersaturated (see Fig. 6). The column abundances of gaseous S2, 583 S3, S4 and S5 above 58 km are 1.4×1013 cm-2, 9.0×1010 cm-2, and 2.1×1011 cm-2, 4.3×109 584 cm-2, respectively. S5 is supersaturated with the saturation ratio ~1000 peaking at 60 km 585 but decreases rapidly. The saturation ratio of S4 is about 107 at the lower boundary and 586 becomes moderately supersaturated above 76 km. S3 is oversaturated by a factor of 105- 587 1010 from 58 to 100 km. S2 is extremely supersaturated at all altitudes. The saturation 588 ratio is 108 at the bottom and the top, with a peak of 1015 at 90 km, where the 589 heterogeneous nucleation of S2 is negligible compared with the production processes 590 from atomic sulfur through the three-body reaction 2S + M, and the major loss processes 591 of S2 are oxidization to SO and the photo-dissociation to atomic sulfur. As illustrated in 592 Fig. 9, the main production processes of Sx can be summarized as S + Sx-1 → Sx and S2 + 593 Sx-2 → Sx, but the reactions ClS + S2 and S2O + S2O are also important for S3 production 594 at the bottom and top of the model atmosphere, respectively. The loss mechanisms of Sx 595 include the heterogeneous nucleation, conversion to other allotropes, and oxidization 596 through Sx + O → Sx-1 + SO. Fig. 15 shows the comparison of the diurnally-averaged 597 photolysis timescales of S2, S3 and S4 with those of the nucleation and eddy transport. 598 The S2 loss process is dominated by the nucleation from 58 km to about 72 km where the 599 photolysis is as fast as the nucleation, but the conversion from S2 to S4 is also important 600 around 60 km. The photolysis timescales of S3 and S4 are of the order of 1s, much smaller 601 than the nucleation timescale (~10 s at 60 km and ~100 s at 70 km). Therefore, for S 3 and 602 S4, photolysis by visible light is the major loss pathway and the heterogeneous nucleation 603 processes are negligible. Since the S3 and S4 aerosols are the possible candidates of the 604 unknown UV absorbers although they are unstable (Carlson, et al., 2010), the condensed 605 S3 and S4 are probably produced from the heterogeneous Sx chemistry over the H2SO4 606 droplet surfaces (Lyons, 2008). A proper treatment of the microphysical processes 607 coupled with atmosphere dynamical processes within the cloud layer is needed to 608 elucidate the Sx chemistry. 609 [Figure 15] (see page 57) 610 20 611 Alternative Hypotheses 612 613 Eddy diffusion is able to transport the species only from a region of high mixing ratio to 614 that of a low mixing ratio, and so it cannot generate an inversion layer. A sudden large 615 injection of SO2 from either volcano (Smrekar et al., 2010) or the instability in the cloud 616 region (VMC measurements from Markiewicz et al., 2007) may provide a sulfur source 617 at ~70 km, where the long-term natural variability of SO2 has been documented but not 618 understood. However, it is difficult for these mechanisms to explain the SO2 inversion 619 layer above 80 km because: (1) Volcano eruption could only reach 70 km but not higher 620 based on a recent Venus convective plume model (Glaze et al., 2010); (2) Even if the 621 sudden injection reaches ~100 km high, it’s also difficult to maintain the steady SO2 622 inversion for an extended period in the Venus Express era because the gas-phase SO2 623 lifetime is short (~a few earth days or less above 70 km). A continuous upwelling of SO2 624 from the lower region to the upper region (advection) is possible although the dynamics 625 maintaining the inversion profiles is not understood. The upward flux can be estimated by 626 balancing the downward flux by diffusion: K zz [M ] 627 df dz (8) 628 where is the vertical flux, Kzz eddy diffusivity, [M] number density, f mixing ratio, 629 and z altitude. Assuming the Kzz~106 cm2s-1, df ~ 10-7, [M]~ 1017 cm-3, dz~10 km (80-90 630 km), we obtain ~ 1010 cm-2s-1. The same magnitude of an upward flux at 80 km is 631 required to balance it. 632 633 Compared with the dynamical mechanism which transports SO2 directly from 80 km, our 634 mechanism is more plausible because: (1) the inversion can be explained by the shape of 635 the equilibrium vapor pressure profile above 90 km (models A and B); (2) it needs the 636 upward transport of aerosols only around the 90 km region, where the SSAS circulation 637 is strong and has been verified by the nighttime warm layer (Bertaux et al, 2007). 638 639 5: Summary and Conclusion 640 21 641 This study is motivated by the recent measurements from Venus Express, especially the 642 SO2 profile from 70 to 110 km and the SO profile above 80 km, and some ground-based 643 observations (SO and SO2 from Sandor et al., 2010; OCS from Krasnopolsky, 2010b). 644 The three primary chemical cycles: oxygen cycle, chlorine cycle and sulfur cycle are 645 closely coupled in the cloud region. We included the heterogeneous nucleation of 646 elemental sulfur and found that the S2, S3, S4 and S5 near the lower boundary are highly 647 supersaturated, even using the fastest removal rates by nucleation. Chlorosulfanes 648 chemistry may play an important role in producing the polysulfurs in the upper cloud 649 layer. However, in order to reproduce the recent ground-based observations, the required 650 OCS mixing ratio at the lower boundary (1.5 ppm) is found to be significantly larger than 651 the previous estimations (e.g. Yung et al., 2009). This enhanced OCS layer near 60 km 652 would greatly increase the polysulfur production rate through the photolysis to atomic 653 sulfur. But it is also possible to reduce the required OCS abundance at the lower 654 boundary if we increase the eddy diffusion transport in the upper cloud layer. 655 656 In the region above 80 km, we propose two possible solutions to explain the inversion 657 layer of SO2. The essence of our idea to solve this problem is to ‘reverse’ the sulfur cycle 658 in the region below 80 km. In 58-80 km, the SO2 and OCS are the parent species 659 transported from the lower atmosphere as the sulfur source, while the H2SO4 and possible 660 polysulfur aerosols are considered to be the ultimate sulfur sink and their production rates 661 are shown in Fig. 14. However, in the upper region the aerosols might become the sulfur 662 source rather than the sink to provide enough sulfur for the inversion layers but it requires 663 large aerosol evaporation. We relate this possible evaporation to the warm layer above 90 664 km in the night side observed by Venus Express (Bertaux et al., 2007). Therefore the SO 665 and SO2 inversion layers above 90 km are the natural results of the temperature inversion 666 induced by the adiabatic heating of the SSAS flow. While the inversion layers in the 667 region between 80-90 km are due to the downward diffusion from the lower 668 thermosphere. 669 670 If H2SO4 aerosol is the source, the cross section of H2SO4 photolysis and the SVP is 671 needed to be determined accurately. However, the laboratory work has yet to be done. 22 672 From the modeling results, the possible solutions are: 673 674 (1) Use the cross sections from Lane et al. (2008) for the UV region and Mills et al. 675 (2005) and Feierabend et al. (2006) data for the visible region, but the H2SO4 676 saturation ratio is about ~100 under nighttime temperature. That means the large 677 supersaturation exists not only in the dayside but also in the nightside. The 678 photolysis coefficient at 90 km is ~7.3×10-8 s-1. 679 680 (2) Use the UV cross sections from Lane et al. (2008) and H2SO4H2O cross sections 681 in the visible region from Vaida et al. (2003). This case requires that the hydrate 682 abundance be roughly the same order of magnitude of the pure H2SO4 saturated 683 vapor abundance. The photolysis coefficient at 90 km is ~6.8×10-6 s-1. 684 685 (3) Use the same cross sections as (1) but also use 1×10-21 cm2 molecule-1 in the UV 686 region of 195-330 nm, as shown by the dashed line in Fig. A7. The required 687 H2SO4 saturation ratio is ~0.25 under nighttime temperature. The photolysis 688 coefficient at 90 km is ~7.0×10-6 s-1. 689 690 The major difference between (3) and the other two possibilities is that, in (3) the 691 photolysis rate is contributed mainly by the UV flux, while in (1) and (2) the dominant 692 sources are the visible and IR photons. 693 694 In model A we discussed possibility (3), and the model B considers the Sx aerosol as the 695 source instead. The models A and B show some similar behaviors, which represent the 696 general features of the upper region chemistry despite the different sulfur sources. 697 Although there are uncertainties of the model parameters, the SO2 mixing ratio merely 698 depends on the input sulfur flux: in terms of the H2SO4 photolysis production rate in 699 model A and the S8 oxidization rate in model B, respectively. Because of the existence of 700 the fast sulfur cycle, we consider all the sulfur oxides in the upper region as a box, and 701 the required sulfur flux inputs in the box above 90 km is ~5×108 cm-2 s-1, consistent in 702 both models A and B. All the sulfur oxides output from models A and B, except SO3, are 23 703 very similar. This is because that the gas phase sulfur chemistry in the upper region is 704 simpler than that in the lower region (below 80 km) because it is driven by the photolysis 705 reactions and backward recombination with O and O2. However, the complexity comes 706 from the coupling of the gaseous chemistry with the aerosol microphysics and the SSAS 707 and zonal transport, both of which are poorly determined at this time. Future observations 708 and more complete modeling work are needed to fully reveal the behavior of the coupled 709 system. 710 711 Here, we present several basic differences between model A and B for future 712 consideration. 713 714 First, the two mechanisms are probably applied to different regions. By roughly 715 estimating the chemical timescales and dynamical timescales, we found that the Sx + O 716 reaction in model B is much faster than the transport. As the Sx aerosols are evaporated in 717 the nightside, the Sx vapor will be oxidized in less than 10 s, therefore the SOx is actually 718 first produced around the anti-solar region and then transported to the dayside by the 719 zonal wind and photodissociated. On the other hand, H2SO4 photolysis has to happen in 720 the dayside in the model A. So the SOx should be first produced in the dayside and then 721 transported to the nightside. A big issue of the model A is the H2SO4 condensation rate in 722 the dayside since it is highly supersaturated. If the homogenous nucleation were very fast, 723 the supersaturated vapor pressure could not be maintained, and the production of SO2 724 from the photolysis of H2SO4 would be too small. Therefore, the nightside H2SO4 725 abundances would be also supersaturated in order to supply enough H2SO4 for the 726 dayside. 727 728 Secondly, the two mechanisms might require different aerosol flux from below. Since the 729 aerosols cannot be fully recycled above 90 km due to diffusion loss of sulfur, an upward 730 aerosol flux is needed. The estimated flux is ~1 cm-2 s-1 and ~3 cm-2 s-1, corresponding to 731 an effective upward transport velocity ~0.1 cm s-1 and ~30 cm s-1 for model A and model 732 B, respectively. However, the estimation of Sx transport velocity here is based on the 24 733 assumption of the Sx/H2SO4 ratio ~1% (Carlson et al., 2010), which remains to be 734 confirmed by future measurements. 735 736 Thirdly, in terms of the possible observational evidence, the model A requires the H2SO4 737 number density ~108 cm-3 around 96 km in the dayside, which might be observed in the 738 future. But the estimated abundance of S8 in the nightside is only ~102 cm-3 around 96 739 km, which would be hard to observe. SO3 might provide another possibility to distinguish 740 the two mechanisms because SO3 is controlled mainly by the H2SO4 photolysis in model 741 D but by the SO2 oxidization in model B. The abundance of SO3 at 96 km is ~3.3×107 742 cm-3 and ~2.2×105 cm-3 for models A and B, respectively. Future observations might be 743 able to detect this difference. On the other hand, if the SO radical is produced mainly by 744 the polysulfur oxidization in the nightside, it might be possible to observe the nightglow 745 of SO excited states, in analogous to the O2 nightglow. The electronic transition of the 746 SO (a1∆→X3∑) at 1.7 μm has been detected in Io’s atmosphere (de Pater et al., 2002). 747 748 Future work is needed to advance our understanding of Venus. We briefly summarize the 749 important tasks as follows. 750 751 (1) Observations of abundances of SO3 and H2SO4 in the lower thermosphere and SO 752 nightglow in the nightside and better constraints of SO2 and OCS abundances in 753 the upper cloud region. 754 755 756 757 (2) Measurements of photodissociation cross section of H2SO4 in the UV region, especially in the lower energy range (~195-330 nm). (3) Laboratory measurements of H2SO4 SVP in the lower temperature region (~150240 K). 758 (4) Determination of polysulfur reaction coefficients. 759 (5) An explanation of the longtime variation of SO2 at the cloud top ~70 km and the 760 possible variation of the OCS abundance in the upper cloud region. 761 (6) The microphysical properties of Sx and H2SO4 aerosols, their formation and loss 762 processes, transport, vertical profiles and the cause of the multi-modal 763 distributions. 25 764 (7) Coupled mesosphere-thermosphere (~58-135 km) chemistry including the neutral 765 species and ions to reveal the role of SSAS transport in both dayside and 766 nightside of Venus. 767 768 Acknowledgements 769 770 We thank A. P. Ingersoll and D. Yang for insightful comments, M. Gerstell, M. Line and 771 other members of Yung’s group at Caltech for reading the manuscipt. We are indebted to 772 T. Clancy for pointing out the importance of Sx aerosols as a potential source of SO2 in 773 the mesosphere of Venus. This research was supported by NASA grant NNX07AI63G to 774 the California Institute of Technology. M. C. Liang was funded by NSC grant 98-2111- 775 M-001-014-MY3 to Academia Sinica. F. P. Mills was supported by grants under the 776 Australian Research Council Discovery Projects and Linkage International schemes. D. 777 A. Belyaev acknowledges support from CNES for a post-doc position at LATMOS. 778 779 Appendix A 780 781 Radiative Transfer 782 783 The diurnally-averaged radiation calculation here is modified on the basis of Mills 784 (1998). The direct attenuated flux and Rayleigh scattering calculations remain the same 785 (see details in the Appendix H, and I of Mills, 1998). In this study we adopt 550 log- 786 linear optical depth grids, 112 wavelengths from 960-8000 Å, 14 zenith angles for the 787 incoming photons, 8 Gaussian angles for the diffused photons. The wavelength- 788 independent middle cloud albedo at the lower boundary is assumed to be 0.6. The 789 depolarization factor of CO2 Rayleigh scattering equals 0.443. 790 791 The absorption of the unknown UV absorber and scattering processes of haze and cloud 792 particles are crucial for the radiation field, especially in the upper cloud layer. We follow 793 the procedure described in Crisp (1986). First, we calculated the optical depths from the 794 bimodal aerosol profiles (see Appendix B) and scaled to match the optical depth values in 26 795 their table 2 (equatorial cloud model) in Crisp (1986). Aerosol optical properties are 796 calculated using Mie-code based on the parameters of equator hazes in Table 1 of Crisp 797 (1986). For mode 1, the refractive index is 1.45, radius 0.490.22 m. For mode 2, the 798 refractive index is 1.44, radius 1.180.07 m. Fig. A1 shows the scattering efficiencies 799 (upper panel) and asymmetry factors (middle panel) of the two modes. Since the 800 asymmetry factors do not vary significantly, we choose 0.74 as the mean value for all 801 wavelengths. The UV absorber is introduced by decreasing the single scattering albedo of 802 the mode 1 aerosol between 3100-7800 Å. We take the empirical absorption efficiency 803 values from the Table 4 of Crisp (1986). Fig. A1 (lower panel) shows the single 804 scattering albedo of the mode 1 aerosol mixed with the UV absorber. Because the single 805 scattering albedo is not constant (from 0.85 to 1) with wavelength, we use the 806 wavelength-dependent values in the calculation. The spectral actinic fluxes (in units of 807 photons cm-2 s-1 Å-1) for 58, 62, 70, 90 and 112 km at 45N are plotted as functions of 808 wavelength in Fig. A2, although in this study our calculation is at 70N. Due to 809 absorptions by CO2, SO2 and SO, the UV flux decreases rapidly as they penetrate deeper 810 into the atmosphere. Rayleigh scattering and aerosol scattering result in the larger actinic 811 flux in the cloud and haze layers than that at the top of the atmosphere. In the wavelength 812 range large than 2000 Å, the actinic flux peaks around ~65 km. The UV actinic flux at 813 the lower boundary (~58 km) between 2000-3000 Å is roughly anti-correlated with the 814 SO2 cross sections and the minimum in its the cross section profile near 2400 Å may 815 open a window for the UV flux to penetrate to the lower atmosphere of Venus. There is 816 an analogous spectral window in the terrestrial atmosphere between 200 and 220 nm 817 (Froidevaux and Yung, 1982). 818 [Figure A1] (see page 58) 819 [Figure A2] (see page 59) 820 821 Appendix B 822 823 Nucleation Rate of Elemental Sulfur 824 825 Aerosol profile 27 826 827 Above the middle cloud top (~58 km), the aerosols are found to exhibit a bimodal 828 distribution in the upper cloud layer (58-70 km) and upper haze layer (70-90 km). In this 829 study we combine the upper haze profiles from Wilquet et al. (2010) above 72 km and 830 upper cloud particle profiles from Knollenberg and Hunten (1980) from 58-65 km. Due 831 to the lack of data for the intermediate altitudes (65-72km) at present, interpolation is 832 applied. Fig. A3 shows the bimodal aerosol profiles (left panel). From the aerosol 833 abundances, we can estimate the sulfur content. Mode 1 aerosols are roughly 0.2 μm in 834 radius constantly for all altitudes. For mode 2 aerosols, we use 0.7 μm above 72 km 835 (Wilquet et al. 2010) for the haze particles and 1.1 μm below for the cloud particles 836 (Knollenberg and Hunten, 1980). The right panel in Fig. A3 shows the equivalent sulfur 837 mixing ratio (ESMR) by volume computed from the H2SO4 aerosol (solid line) 838 abundances by assuming that the H2SO4 aerosol density is 2 g cm-3 and weight percent 839 are 85% and 75% below and above 72 km, respectively. The ESMR in the H2SO4 droplet 840 is close to 1 ppm at all altitudes, which is enough for the enhancement of sulfur oxides 841 above 80 km. By assuming that the radius of elemental sulfur is about half of the H2SO4 842 aerosol radius and the density is also 2 g cm-3, we found the ESMR in elemental sulfurs 843 in excess of 1 ppb level at most altitude (Fig. A3, right panel, dashed line). 844 [Figure A3] (see page 60) 845 846 Heterogeneous Nucleation 847 848 The nucleation rate of elemental sulfurs onto H2SO4 droplets is estimated as follows. The 849 nucleation rate constant in the continuum regime (where the particle size is much larger 850 than the vapor mean free path ) is expressed as (Seinfeld and Pandis, 2006): 851 J c 4 Rp Ds , where Rp is the H2SO4 aerosol radius and Ds the molecular diffusivity of 852 elemental sulfur vapor. 853 854 However, in the Venus cloud layer, the Knudsen Number Kn = /Rp of Sx vapor is not far 855 from 1, so the nucleation process lies in the transition regime where the mean free path 856 of the diffusing vapor molecule (e.g., Sx vapor) is comparable to the pre-existing aerosol 28 857 size. Therefore, we adopt the Dahneke approach (Dehneke, 1983) modified to include the 858 molecular accommodation coefficient (Seinfeld and Pandis, 2006). The approach 859 matches the fluxes of continuum regime ( K n = 1 ) and free molecular regime ( K n ? 1 ) 860 by introducing a function f (K n ) : f (K n ) 861 1 Kn 1 2K n (1 K n ) / (A1) 862 where is the molecular accommodation coefficient, which is the probability of sticking 863 when the vapor molecule encounters a particle. Here the mean free path in Kn is 864 defined as 2Ds/v, where v is the mean thermal velocity of the vapor molecule. 865 866 Finally we obtain the nucleation rate constant: J f (K n )J c 867 4 Rp Ds (1 K n ) (A2) 1 2K n (1 K n ) / 868 The molecular diffusivity Ds of sulfur vapor can be estimated using hard sphere 869 approximation: Ds=b/N, where N is the total CO2 gas density in the environment and b is 870 the binary collision parameter: 2 kT (ms mg ) 3 b 4 (ds dg )2 ms mg 871 1/2 (A3) 872 where ds and dg are the diameters of sulfur vapor and CO2 gas molecule, respectively 873 (assuming ds = dg= 3 Å), k = Boltzmann constant, T = temperature, ms and mg are the 874 mass of sulfur vapor and CO2 gas molecule, respectively. Fig 15 shows the total 875 nucleation timescale (from two modes of aerosols) of S2 (roughly the same as other 876 allotropes), together with the eddy transport timescale and photolysis timescales of S2, S3 877 and S4. See the discussion in section 4. 878 879 Appendix C 880 881 H2SO4 and Sx vapor abundances 882 883 H2SO4 29 884 885 If sulfuric acid is in thermodynamic equilibrium with the surrounding atmosphere, the 886 saturation vapor pressure (SVP) over H2SO4 aerosol should mainly depend on the 887 temperature and aerosol composition. However, non-thermodynamic equilibrium in the 888 real atmosphere is common because the chemical and dynamic processes, such as the 889 chemical production, condensation and transport, are often involved and play important 890 roles. The condensation efficiency, which depends on many microphysical properties of 891 the system like the temperature, diffusivity, aerosol size, surface tension, and interaction 892 between molecules and aerosols, will greatly affect the H2SO4 vapor pressure over the 893 liquid droplets. The very low condensation rate could cause large supersaturation of the 894 H2SO4 vapor. For example, the saturation ratio of H2SO4 in the lower stratospheric sulfate 895 layer (Junge layer) on Earth has been observed to be as large as 102-103 (Arnold, 2006). 896 A similar situation may exist in the Venus upper haze layer on the dayside when the 897 H2SO4 vapor on the night side is transported to the dayside, because the SVP of H2SO4 in 898 the night side is several orders of magnitude larger than that in the dayside (Zhang et al., 899 2010) due to the large temperature difference above 90 km. Zhang et al. (2010) proposed 900 that this might be the key mechanism to explain the SO2 inversion layer because the 901 nighttime H2SO4 abundance could be enough to produce the observed SO2 under 902 photochemical processes if the H2SO4 photolysis cross section is 100 time larger than the 903 current data from Vaida et al. (2003). 904 905 In the condensation processes, we assume that the sulfate aerosol will quickly establish 906 equilibrium with respect to water because there are more collisions of aerosol particles 907 with H2O molecules than with H2SO4 molecules. Therefore, we could derive the H2SO4 908 aerosol composition (weight percent) from the water activity (or equilibrium relative 909 humidity) defined as the partial pressure of water vapor divided by the SVP over pure 910 water under the same temperature. The water activity is shown in Fig. A4 (left panel) for 911 day and night temperature profile, respectively. We used the H2O SVP as function of 912 temperature from Tabazadeh et al. (1997), which is valid between 185-260K. 913 PH 2 O 3.5052 10 3 3.3092 10 5 1.2725 10 7 exp(18.4524 ) T T2 T3 30 (A4) 914 where PH 2 O is the SVP of H2O in mbar and T is temperature. We extrapolated the formula 915 to the entire temperature range (156-274 K) of Venus mesosphere so there would be 916 some uncertainties above 84 km for the dayside temperature and in the 84-90 km for the 917 nighttime temperature. 918 [Figure A4] (see page 61) 919 920 The H2SO4 weight percent is therefore roughly estimated by comparing the observed H2O 921 mixing ratio profile with the theoretical profiles under different H2SO4 compositions, as 922 shown in Fig. A4 (the middle and right panels). For the 50-80 wt% H2SO4, we used the 923 table from Tabazadeh (1997), calculated based on the Clegg and Brimblecombe (1995). 924 For the more concentrated acids, our calculation is based on Gmitro and Vermeulen 925 (1964) although it may not be very accurate for the low temperature (Mills, 1998). There 926 are also some uncertainties in applying the Tabazadeh (1997) formula to Venus because 927 the Clegg and Brimblecombe (1995) is only valid if the water activity larger than 0.01. 928 The atmosphere of Venus is very dry (Fig. A4), and so actually only the results in the 929 region from 85-100 km in the dayside and 85-90 km in the nightside seem robust. 930 However, as we show in the last paragraph, the H2O SVP may have some uncertainties in 931 those regions. Therefore, the H2SO4 weight percent derived here is only a rough estimate 932 based on the current knowledge. 933 934 The H2SO4 weight percent falls with altitude, associated with the increase of relative 935 humidity due to the temperature decrease. The values are about 90%-84% in 58-70 km 936 and 84%-60% in 70-90 km, which are roughly consistent with the H2SO4 compositions 937 obtained from aerosol refractive indexes based on the photometry measurements (85% 938 and 75%, respectively). But in the region above 90 km, the large contrast of dayside and 939 nightside temperatures results in large difference of the local H2SO4 weight percent. For 940 example, H2SO4 at 100 km is ~75% in the dayside but can be larger than 96% in the 941 nightside. Actually the temperature profile above 90 km has been found to be a function 942 of longitude (Bertaux et al., 2007). Therefore, if the transport is efficient, the H2SO4 943 aerosols could have a broad range distribution of various concentrations above 90 km but 31 944 the H2SO4 vapor abundances might be mainly determined by the warmest nightside 945 temperature since the vapor abundances is extremely sensitive to the temperature. 946 947 The H2SO4 SVP is another uncertainty and maybe the major one. In the supplementary 948 material of Zhang et al. (2010), three H2SO4 SVP formulas as function of temperature 949 and H2SO4 concentration have been discussed in details. These formulas could differ by 950 several orders of magnitude but none of them has been verified in the temperature range 951 of upper atmosphere of Venus. Instead of using the H2SO4 weight percent profile derived 952 in Fig. A4, we simply assumed 85% H2SO4 below 70 km and 75% from 70-90 km and 953 used the vapor pressure formulas from Ayers et al. (1980) corrected by Kulmala and 954 Laaksonen (1990): 955 ln P 0H 2 SO4 16.259 1 0.38 T0 T0 10156 1 ln( ) 8.3143T T T T Tc T0 0 (A5) 956 where Tc = 905 K, T0 = 360.15 K, P0H2 SO4 is SVP of H2SO4 in atm, T is the temperature, 957 and 0 are the chemical potentials of H2SO4 solutions of certain composition and pure 958 acid, respectively. The values of -0 for the 85% and 75% H2SO4 are 1555 cal-1 mole 959 and 3681 cal-1 mole based on Giauque et al. (1960), respectively. 960 961 In fact the H2SO4 abundances in the region below 80 km are not important because the 962 H2SO4 photolysis is negligible for the lower region chemistry. But in the upper region the 963 H2SO4 might behave like a sulfur source rather than a sink, and large abundance of 964 H2SO4 is required in the upper region in order to reproduce the SO2 inversion layer 965 (Zhang et al., 2010). So we adopted the formula by Stull (1947) just for reference, simply 966 because it gives the largest SVP in the Venus temperature range: 967 PH2 SO4 103954.90/T 9.4570 968 where PH 2 SO4 is the SVP of H2SO4 in mmHg and T is temperature. The H2SO4 SVP 969 profiles in Fig. A5 (left panel) show large difference between the dayside and nightside 970 caused by the difference in temperatures. Since H2SO4 is very hygroscopic, the right 971 panel shows the abundance of monohydrate (H2SO4H2O), estimated based on the 972 extrapolation of the equilibrium constants from the Vaida et al. (2003) for the earth 32 (A6) 973 atmosphere (223-271 K in the literature). The abundances of H2SO4H2O above 90 km 974 are less than 5% and much less (<10-5) of that of pure H2SO4 for the dayside and 975 nightside, respectively, although the equilibrium constants have not been verified in the 976 Venus temperature region (~160-240 K). 977 [Figure A5] (see page 62) 978 979 Sx 980 981 Lyons (2008) summarized the previous laboratory measurements and computed vapor 982 pressure over the liquid sulfur allotropes and the total solid sulfur vapor pressures over 983 the orthorhombic sulfur and the monoclinic sulfur below the melting points. Based on the 984 data, he estimated the equilibrium vapor pressure over solid sulfur allotropes. In this 985 study, we follow the same method and calculated the monoclinic Sx saturated volume 986 mixing ratio profiles under the daytime and nighttime temperature situations. The results 987 are shown in Fig. A6. 988 [Figure A6] (see page 63) 989 990 Appendix D 991 992 H2SO4 photolysis cross section 993 994 H2SO4 was thought to be photodissociated by the UV photons only. Burkholder et al. 995 (2000) and Hintze et al. (2003) estimated the upper limits for the UV cross section of 996 H2SO4 based on the failure to detect any absorption beyond 140 nm. The upper limits are 997 assumed to be 1×10-21 cm2 molecule-1 in the interval 195-330 nm, 1×10-19 cm2 molecule-1 998 in 195-160 nm, and 1×10-18 cm2 molecule-1 in 160-140 nm. Lane et al. (2008) revisited the 999 UV cross sections by calculating the electronic transitions based on the theoretical twin 1000 hierarchial approach and they found that the cross section in the Lyman- region (~121.6 1001 nm) is about ~6×10-17 cm2 molecule-1, much larger than the previously assumed value. 1002 And it also seems that the cross section in the interval 195-330 nm is much smaller than 1003 the upper limits from Burkholder et al. (2000). 33 1004 1005 Vaida et al. (2003) proposed that in the visible region the excitation of the OH-stretching 1006 overtone transitions with 4 (~38.6 kcal mole-1, or ~742 nm) is also enough to 1007 photolyze H2SO4 because the energy required for H2SO4 + hυ → SO3 + H2O is only 32-40 1008 kcal mole-1. This mechanism has been verified by the laboratory experiments in 49 and 1009 59 bands from the cavity ring-down spectroscopy by Feierabend et al. (2006). Vaida et al. 1010 (2003) also proposed that, in the IR and visible regions the OH-stretching overtone 1011 transitions with 3 (~26.3 kcal/mole, or ~1.09 m) are able to generate the 1012 photodissociation of H2SO4H2O as well (required energy ~25 kcal mole-1) and the total 1013 photolysis coefficient is about ~100 times larger than that of pure H2SO4, although a recent 1014 simulation by Miller et al. (2006) suggested that the H2SO4H2O is more likely to 1015 thermally decompose to H2SO4 and H2O before photodissociation. 1016 1017 The solid line in Fig. A7 shows the cross sections from Lane et al. (2008) for the UV 1018 region and Mills et al. (2005) and Feierabend et al. (2006) data for the visible region and 1019 binned in our model spectral grid. As shown in Table 1, the H2SO4 photolysis coefficient is 1020 generally ~10-7 s-1 in the upper atmosphere. It is ~10-6 s-1 near the upper boundary (112 1021 km) due to the photolysis by the Lyman- line but only in a very thin layer (<1 km) 1022 because the Layman alpha intensity decreases very rapidly due to absorption by the CO2. 1023 The major contribution to the photolysis is the solar pumping of the vibrational overtones 1024 by the 740 nm red light (49 band, Vaida et al., 2003). The collisional deactivation mainly 1025 depends on the atmospheric pressure. In Miller et al. (2007) the quantum yield is nearly 1026 unity above 60 km where the pressure is 0.2 mbar in the Earth atmosphere. In Venus, this 1027 pressure level (0.2 mbar) is at ~90 km which is the lower boundary of the region we are 1028 interested here. Therefore the quantum yield is assumed to be unity above 90 km. 1029 [Figure A7] (see page 64) 1030 1031 However, Zhang et al. (2010) showed that the photolysis coefficient ~10-7 s-1 is not 1032 enough to produce the observed SO2, otherwise a very large supersaturation of H2SO4 1033 (~100) under nighttime temperature is needed. Although this supersaturation is possible 1034 (as seen in Earth), empirically they also found the required cross section is about ~100 34 1035 times larger than that of pure H2SO4 if keeping the H2SO4 vapor abundances roughly the 1036 same as the nighttime saturated abundances. This extreme situation may suggest the 1037 existence of large amount of H2SO4H2O and maybe other hydrates (like H2SO42H2O), 1038 although it seems not very likely not only because the equilibrium abundance of the 1039 monohydrate is small (see Fig. A5) but also because the sulfuric acid hydrates might 1040 readily condense into the crystal phase even under the nighttime temperature 1041 (McGouldrick et al., 2010). Alternatively, the required large cross section actually could 1042 be achieved by assuming the UV cross section as the upper limit of 1×10 -21 cm2 1043 molecule-1 between 195 and 330 nm, as shown in dashed line in Fig. A7. We consider this 1044 possibility in the model A. Note that this change of H2SO4 photolysis may not affect 1045 much for the earth stratosphere below 35 km because of the absorption of O3 Hartley 1046 band dominates the actinic flux in that region. However, this is very important for the 1047 Venus mesosphere above the cloud top since the SO2 absorption is not as strong as O3. 1048 The H2SO4 photolysis coefficient in this case is ~8.3×10-6 s-1 at 90 km, roughly the same 1049 as that of ~8.2×10-6 s-1 if we use the H2SO4H2O photolysis cross section instead (model 1050 B in Zhang et al., 2010). 1051 1052 References 1053 1054 1055 [1]Arnold, F., 2006, Atmospheric aerosol and cloud condensation nuclei formation: A possible influence of cosmic rays?, Space Sci. 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Same as Fig 2, for chlorine species. 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 46 1331 1332 Fig. 5. Same as Fig 2, for chlorine-sulfur species. 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 47 1338 1339 Fig. 6. Volume mixing ratio profiles (solid) of the elemental sulfur species from model A. 1340 The dashed lines are the monoclinic Sx saturated mixing ratio profiles over solid Sx based 1341 on Lyons (2008), in equilibrium with the daytime temperatures. 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 48 1357 1358 Fig. 7. Same as Fig 2, for nitrogen species. The NO measurement (5.5±1.5 ppb) is from 1359 Krasnopolsky (2006). 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 49 1369 1370 Fig. 8. Same as Fig 2, for the sulfur oxides. The SO2 and SO observations with errorbars 1371 are from the Belyaev et al. (2010). The temperature at 100 km is 165-170 K for the 1372 observations. The OCS measurement (0.3-9 ppb with the mean value of 3 ppb) is from 1373 Krasnopolsky (2010). 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 50 1381 1382 Fig. 9. Important chemical pathways for sulfur species. 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 51 1389 1390 Fig. 10. Important production and loss rates for SO (upper), SO2 (middle) and SO3 1391 (lower) from model A 1392 52 1393 1394 Fig. 11. Comparison of volume mixing ratio profiles of SO2 (left), SO (middle) and SO3 1395 (right) from models A (black) and B (red). 53 1396 1397 Fig. 12. Important production and loss rates of SO (upper), SO2 (middle) and SO3 (lower) 1398 from model B. 1399 54 1400 1401 1402 Fig. 13. Sensitivity studies based on model A. Left panel: cases for different 1403 accommodation coefficients (see labels) of the heterogeneous nucleation rate. Middle 1404 panel: cases with different boundary conditions of SO2 (see labels). Right panel: cases 1405 with different boundary conditions of OCS (see labels). 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 55 1415 1416 Fig. 14. Production rate profiles of H2SO4 (solid) and Sx (dashed) for models A (black) 1417 and B (red). 1418 1419 1420 1421 56 1422 1423 Fig. 15. Timescales for the heterogeneous nucleation, eddy transport and photolysis for 1424 S2, S3 and S4. 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 57 1431 1432 Fig. A1. Optical Properties of mode 1 (solid) and mode 2 (dashed) aerosols above the 1433 middle cloud top (~58 km) based on the parameters from Crisp (1985). Upper panel: 1434 extinction efficiency; Middle panel: Asymmetry Factor; Lower panel: single scattering 1435 albedo mixed with the empirical albedo of the unknown UV absorber from Crisp (1985). 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 58 1442 1443 Fig. A2. Spectral actinic flux in the middle atmosphere of Venus at 45 N. 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 59 1453 1454 Fig. A3. Left panel: Concentration profiles of mode 1 (solid) and mode 2 (dashed) 1455 aerosols based on the upper haze profiles from Wilquet et al. (2010) above 72 km and 1456 upper cloud particle profiles from Knollenberg and Hunten (1980) from 58-65 km. Data 1457 are not available in the red region (~66-70 km). Right panel: The equivalent sulfur 1458 mixing ratio (ESMR) by volume computed from the H2SO4 aerosol (solid line) and the 1459 polysulfur aerosol (dashed line). See the text for details. 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 60 1471 1472 Fig. A4. Left panel: water activity profiles based on the daytime and nighttime 1473 temperature profiles. Middle and Right panels: equilibrium H2O mixing ratio contours 1474 from which H2SO4 weight percent for each altitude could be inferred by comparing the 1475 observed H2O profile (dashed line). The middle and right panels are for the day and night 1476 temperature situations, respectively. 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 61 1483 1484 Fig. A5. Left panel: H2SO4 vapor mixing ratio profiles in equilibrium with the daytime 1485 (solid) and nighttime temperatures (dashed). Right panel: monohydrate (H2SO4H2O) 1486 vapor mixing ratio profiles. 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 62 1493 1494 Fig. A6. Saturated vapor volume mixing ratio profiles of Sx allotropes based on the 1495 monoclinic Sx saturated vapor pressure over solid Sx based on Lyons (2008), in 1496 equilibrium with the daytime (dashed) and nighttime (solid) temperatures. 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 63 1503 1504 Fig. A7. H2SO4 cross sections binned in the model grids. Solid: data from Lane et al. 1505 (2008) for the UV region, and Mills et al. (2005) and Feierabend et al. (2006) for the 1506 visible region. Dashed: same as the solid line but also with 1×10-21 cm2 molecule-1 in the 1507 UV region of 195-330 nm. 1508 64