Mathematician Project Mathematician:Albert Einstein Name:Andrew Waxman Name: Date: 11/4/11 Pd:All of them Research Worksheet 1. Full name/name at birth:Albert Einstein (Nobel Lectures) 2. Date of birth: 3/14/1879 (Nobel Lectures) Place of birth:Ulm, Germany (Nobel Lectures) 3. Date of death: 4/18/1955 (Nobel Lectures) Place of death:Princeton, New Jersey (Nobel Lectures) 4. Education: a. Pre-College: Luitpold Gymnasium, Munich (Nobel Lectures) b. College:Swiss Federal Polytechnic Institute, Zurich (Nobel Lectures) (Vujovic) 5. Five major life-events (with date and/or year): 1905: “miracle year,” papers on quantum theory, photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, & special relativity, earned doctorate degree (Nobel Lectures) (Levenson) 1921: awarded Nobel Prize in Physics for describing photoelectric effect (All About Science) 1933: moves to the United States (Nobel Lectures) 1939: writes to President Roosevelt warning about the possibility of Germany building an atomic bomb (Argonne) (Atomic Archive) 1940: becomes U.S. citizen (Vujovic) 6. Major Contributions to Mathematics: e = mc2, which explains the mathematical relationship between energy & matter. Redefined the idea of gravity as the bending of space rather than a force of attraction between two objects (Nobel Lectures) (Levenson) (All About Science) 7. Important Publications/Works: a. Title:Special Theory of Relativity (Nobel Lectures) Year:1905 (Nobel Lectures) What is it about?States that there is no absolute frame of reference in the universe (All About Science), identifyes the relationship between energy & matter (Levenson) b. Title:General Theory of Relativity (Nobel Lectures) Year:1916 (Nobel Lectures) What is it about?Adds the effects of large masses to the Special Theory of Relativity (All About Science), redefines gravity (Levenson) c. Title: Quantum Theory of Light (Levenson) Year:1905 (Levenson) What is it about?Describes light as both a particle & a wave (Levenson), states that when quanta of light strike metal, they force atoms to release electrons (Vujovic) 8. Famous quote (from him/her or about him/her): Said by:Einstein “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe” (Brainy Quote) 9. Interesting/Funny Fact:In 1919, he married his cousin, Elsa Lowenthal (Nobel Lectures) 10. Mathematician lived from 1879 to 1955. Five major world events that happened during his/her lifetime: Year: 1914-1918 Event:World War I ( Year: 1932 Event:Nazi discrimination against Jews (Time Line) Year:1939-1945 Event:World War II (Stokes) Year:1942-1945 Event:Manhattan Project (Atomic Archive) Year: 1948 Event:Founding of the nation of Israel (Palestine Facts) 11. Five contemporaries/people of interest mathematician knew/worked with/was influenced by (at least one other mathematician, at least one personal, at least one political): Name:Elsa Lowenthal Relationship:cousin/wife (Nobel Lectures) Name:Dr. Chaim Weizmann Relationship:collaborator in establishing Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Nobel Lectures) Name:Franklin D. Roosevelt Relationship:discussed Germany’s pursuit of an atomic weapon during WW II (Argonne) (Atomic Archive) Name: Max Planck Relationship:colleague at the University of Berlin (Nobel Lectures) Name:Maurice Solovine/Conrad Habicht Relationship:group of friends who gathered to discuss philosophy & physics (Goldsmith) BIBLIOGRAPHY (Include sources for pictures) Albert Einstein, All About Science. 7, Oct., 2009. Albert Einstein, Nobel Lectures. 1967. 7, Oct., 2009. Albert Einstein Quotes, BrainyQuote. 7, Oct., 2009. Goldsmith, Donald & Bartusiak, Marcia. E=Einstein: His Life, His Thought, and His Influence on Our Culture. Sterling Publishing Co., New York. 2006. 19, Oct., 2010. Israel’s Independence, Palestine Facts. 2009. 7, Oct., 2009. Levenson, Thomas. Genius Among Geniuses, Einstein’s Big Idea, Nova Science Programming On Air and Online. 2005. 7, Oct., 2009. Stokes, Phil. Phil’s World War II Pages. 1995-2004. 7, Oct., 2009. The “Last Universal Scientist” Takes Charge. Argonne National Laboratory, U.S. Dept. of Energy. 7, Oct., 2009. The Manhattan Project: Making the Atomic Bomb, 1998-2008. 7, Oct., 2009. Time Line of Albert Einstein’s Life. Einstein’s Big Idea, Nova Science Programming On Air and Online. 2005. 7, Oct., 2009. Vujovic, Ljubo. Albert Einstein. 7, Oct., 2009. 2006. 7, Oct., 2009.