Honors Chemistry - Northwestern Schools

AP Chemistry Guidelines 2015 – 2016
Mr. David L. Emrick
Parents and Students:
Please choose a convenient time to read and review these guidelines sometime in the next week. Please sign and
detach the confirmation attachment and return to me by Friday, August 21, 2015.
Welcome to AP Chemistry! We have a very exciting year ahead of us. The goal of this class is to allow students the
opportunity to take a difficult college level class, have the opportunity to complete and earn credit for five semester
hours of college chemistry at Clark State College, and have the opportunity to earn credit through the AP Chemistry Test
at those colleges and universities that participate in the AP programs of the College Board. I will also attempt to help
your child become a chemist, scientist or, a more critical and analytical thinker.
I hope that I will get a chance to meet you at our Parent-Teacher conferences. Please contact me with any questions
you have after reading through this. This class should be challenging for every student. To help you be successful in
class, you should follow a few guidelines:
 Class starts at 7:15 AM .
 Find a study partner
 Come to class prepared for that day’s lecture.
 Become an independent learner.
 Take careful notes in class.
 As soon as you feel behind or are having trouble,
 Turn in all assignments on time.
 See my website for further help.
 Spend some time on chemistry every night.
Contact Information
Email: EmrickD@nwls.education - best way to reach me
Home Phone Number: (740) 506-1666
To Leave Message: School Phone Number: (937) 964-3233 Extension: 2105
Room: 105
Help Sessions
I will be available during the “Pride” period.
Sometimes I am here the entire day. I will let you know during class if I will be available.
Supplies (Need by Friday, Aug. 21st)
 3-inch, 3-ring binder
 dividers
 white notebook paper
 pencils
calendar/planner to record assignments
scientific or graphing calculator
safety goggles
home computer
 Grading Scale- refer to student handbook
 Grade Status- it is your responsibility to keep track of your own grades on Progress Book. Ask me before or after
class or during PRIDE if you have questions. I will post updated grades online every week.
Unit Tests
Semester Exam
Lab Reports
30 points/each
100 points/each
20 points/each
Extended Lab Report
50 points/each
10 points/each
 Weekly Assignments will be posted on my website. northwestern.k12.oh.us (see Teacher’s Websites)
 Failure to turn in ANY assignment may result in a zero.
 A quiz will be given at the completion of each lecture set. There is no particular day of the week when the
quiz will be given. Since there are 37 Lectures during the year and the AP Exam is given the first Monday in
May, there will be 4 or 5 weeks where two quizzes will be given.
 One quiz per quarter may be retaken within one (1) week of that quiz.
 A exam will be given at the completion of each unit.
 There will be a semester exam given at the end of each semester. AP Students cannot exempt the first
semester exam. The second semester exam can be exempted if you take the AP Chemistry Exam.
 Labs are a very important part of AP Chemistry and should not be missed unless completely necessary. A
minimum of 25% of your time in class will be in lab as required by the new College Board AP Chemistry
Curriculum Requirements. All data and write-ups for a lab (Lab Report) will be kept in a lab notebook that
students will receive on the first day of school. It is a duplicate page notebook and, at the end of a lab
period, you will turn in your duplicate page to your instructor. If you miss a lab due to an excused absence,
you are still responsible for obtaining data from you lab partner and completing the write up. The writeups are individual and plagiarism will not be tolerated.
 Keeping an organized AP Chemistry notebook will make you more efficient in class and home study time.
Make-up Work
 YOU are responsible for getting your missed assignments and notes. Lab Reports due during unexcused
absences cannot be made up and result in a zero. Exams and quizzes can be made up.
 ALL work (including tests) must be made-up within two days after returning from the absence unless there
has been an extended illness. A 10% deduction per day will be assessed for each additional day late.
 Labs reports are due on assigned days (usually one week after completion of the lab or activity). After that
time, 2 points will be taken off for each additional day late.
Discipline Plan
 Be quietly seated in assigned seat when bell
 Treat each other with respect.
 Listen respectfully to whoever is speaking.
Be on-task at all times.
Follow directions as soon as they are given.
Positive Recognition (not in any order)
 Vocal praise
 Positive note placed in Progress Book for your
parent/guardian to see
Positive note to student
Positive email sent to parents
Consequences (in order)
1. An unhappy, stern look from me
2. Warning and note placed in Progress Book
3. Call home to parent and note to Principal
4. Referral to Principal
You need to go to the bathroom during class or go get something from your locker
 If we are working on a lesson, bring to me your filled-out Student Handbook to sign.
 If someone is speaking, wait until finished, then bring to me your filled-out Student Handbook to sign.
My parents and I have read and discussed the information given in the above pages.
Student’s Signature - _________________________________________________
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature - __________________________________________________
Date Returned _______________________________ Teacher’s Initials _____________
My parents and I have read and discussed the information given in the above pages.
Student’s Signature - _________________________________________________
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature - __________________________________________________
Date Returned _______________________________ Teacher’s Initials _____________
My parents and I have read and discussed the information given in the above pages.
Student’s Signature - _________________________________________________
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature - __________________________________________________
Date Returned _______________________________ Teacher’s Initials _____________
My parents and I have read and discussed the information given in the above pages.
Student’s Signature - _________________________________________________
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature - __________________________________________________
Date Returned _______________________________ Teacher’s Initials _____________