POSSIBLE MATHEMATICIANS FOR RESEARCH: John Nash Sir Isaac Newton Albert Einstein Rene Descartes John Napier Daniel Bernoulli Diophantus al-Khwarizmi Pierre de Fermat Blaise Pascal Archimedes Plato Euclid Leonhard Euler Ptolemy Pythagoras Thale Eratosthenes One of your choosing Your job is to research one of the following mathematicians for a 5 MINUTE presentation to the class. You are also to decorate a poster board that accurately reflects the mathematician you choose. Your presentation must cover the following topics: Brief biography (Where were they from, birthday, family life, interesting facts, date of death, etc) Where they studied and/or who they studied under (Did they have a mentor?) What theorems, contributions, and advances in mathematics are they most known for Describe these theorems and contributions in detail How we use these contributions in math and the real world today Poster Board Decorated Time of Presentation Biography Contributions Real World Usage of Contributions 1 Decoration is sloppy and poorly done. No details pertaining to research topic and the mathematician chosen 2 Poster is slightly decorated. Some usage of color and details that pertain to research topic 3 Moderately decorated. Decent usage of poster board space. Some detail that deals with research topic 4 Good usage of poster board space. Good amount of color and space. Details and facts of the topic provided. At least one minute long Dates are inaccurate and not organized. Not all topics covered. Poor effort clearly shown in research No mention of contributions to mathematics. At least two minutes long Minimal effort. Some accurate dates and facts but still very poorly organized. At least three minutes long Moderately done. Somewhat organized in facts and description of life At least 4 minutes long Good effort and organized. Facts are accurate with many topics covered in biography details. Little mention or understanding or contributions to the world of mathematics Moderate understanding of theorems and contributions. Some details but not many examples provided No mention of real-world contributions and applications Little mention of real-world usage for today Some mention of real-world usage and understanding of how it is used today. Good understanding of contributions. Organized thoughts and some examples provided to help others understand Decent understanding of usage. Correct examples and usage. Good amount of examples provided. 5 Excellent usage of space and color. Well organized and easy to interpret and follow the poster board. Facts and details of topic are clear and accurate 5 minutes or longer Exceptional effort. Clearly organized. Accurate details and broad range of topics for biography Excellent understanding of contributions and theorems. Multiple examples provided. Well organized. Clear understanding. Multiple in-depth examples of realworld usage.