Final Study Guide US HIS

US History
Semester One
Final Exam
Ms. Cherizard and Coach Cotton
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Early prospectors would extract shallow deposits of ore by ______mining.
2. Many of the first miners in the Colorado mountains did not find any minerals because__________
3. Settlement of the Great Plains was promoted by the railroads and supported by the ______
4. One approach to farming on the Great Plains was “dry farming,” in which farmers ________
5. The army encouraged the killing of buffalo in order to force Native Americans _____
6. The “long drive” was when cowboys _______
7. What effect did the use of barbed wire to fence off land on the open range have on cattle ranching?
8. _____was a hardship faced by settlers on the Great Plains?
9. Supporters of laissez-faire generally favor ________
10. Who began the first modern industrial research laboratory, resulting in many new inventions,
including the battery and the motion picture?
11. The first oil well was drilled near Titusville, Pennsylvania, by ______
12. One reason for the country’s industrial success was its vast abundance of natural ______
13. A shortage of workers in California forced the Central Pacific Railroad to hire about 10,000 workers
from _____
14. When a single company achieves control of an entire market, it is known as a ___________
15. A __________ was a technique for breaking a union through which the company refused to allow
workers onto their property.
16. Even before the invention of the automobile, petroleum was in high demand because it could be
17. Laissez-faire relies on ____ to regulate prices and wages.
18. People who risk their own money to organize and run businesses are known as _____
19. The total value of all goods and services that a country produces is its
20. The vast majority of immigrants arriving on the East Coast spent about a day at a processing center
located where?
21. At the end of the nineteenth century, immigrants made up a significant percentage of some of the
country’s largest
22. Most urban working-class families lived in multifamily apartment buildings called _____
23. In response to urban congestion, Boston and New York City built the first _______
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US History
Semester One
Final Exam
Ms. Cherizard and Coach Cotton
24. Who rose to become one of New York City’s most powerful party bosses?
25. The application of the theory of evolution and natural selection to human society was known as
26. The Gospel of Wealth was a philosophy that wealthy Americans had a responsibility to _____
27. Formed in 1869, the Cincinnati Red Stockings were the nation’s first _____
28. In the late 1800s, new technology helped farmers produce more crops, which tended to ____
29. What did the People’s Party—also known as the Populists—call for in 1892?
30. Mississippi took the first step to prohibit African Americans from voting when it required that all
citizens registering to vote pay a _____
31. The Supreme Court’s decision in Plessy v. Ferguson established a legal basis for ______
32. Ida B. Wells was an African American journalist who launched a campaign against ______
33. Nativists reacted to immigration in the late 1800s by _____
34. Political machines provided new city dwellers with necessities such as jobs, housing, and police
protection in exchange for _______
35. Passed by Congress in response to the assassination of President James A. Garfield, the Pendleton Act
did what?
36. The People’s Party, also known as the ____________________, was formed in 1890 to elect
candidates who would fight for the interests of farmers.
37. Beginning in the late 1800s, Southern states used a loophole in the wording of the Fifteenth
Amendment to impose restrictions that _____
38. What court case set out the doctrine of “separate but equal,” establishing a legal basis for segregation
that would last more than 50 years?
39. As Westward expansion slowed in the 1800s and Americans began looking for overseas markets,
many naturally tended to look toward _____
40. In 1898, President William McKinley sent the American battleship USS Maine to Havana to _____
41. When the Maine exploded, who did many Americans hold responsible?
42. On April 11, 1898, President McKinley asked Congress to authorize the use of force to end the conflict
in _______
43. Under the terms of the Treaty of Paris, Cuba became an independent nation, the United States agreed
to pay Spain $20 million for the Philippines, and the United States acquired Puerto Rico and _____
44. The Platt Amendment effectively made Cuba into an American ______
45. The Roosevelt Corollary was an extension of the ____________________ Doctrine.
46. In the 1880s, economic and military competition from other nations and a growing feeling of cultural
superiority convinced many Americans that _____
47. In the United States, public support for Cuban rebels was fueled in large part by what?
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US History
Semester One
Final Exam
Ms. Cherizard and Coach Cotton
48. The Treaty of Paris of 1898, which formally ended the Spanish-American War, granted independence
to which of the following?
49. Supporters of annexing the Philippines after the Spanish-American War believed that
50. What was the purpose of the Open Door Policy in China?
51. Progressivism was partly a reaction against ___________ economics, which emphasized an
unregulated free market.
52. Alice Paul was arrested after picketing the White House, an example of her attempts to ___
53. What did progressives think needed to play a more active role in solving society’s problems?
54. Which progressive government reform allowed voters to demand a special election to remove an
elected official from office before his or her term had expired?
55. In the coal strike of 1902, the United Mine Workers agreed to accept ______________________ a settlement
negotiated by an outside party, but the mine owners refused.
56. In what area did Taft’s contributions equal or surpass Roosevelt’s?
57. Tragedy at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company led to _____
58. What were crusading journalists who investigated social conditions and political corruption called?
59. One reason for the tension between the European powers was their intense pride in their homelands,
called _____
60. The event that touched off the first declaration of war in World War I was _____
61. According to the Zimmermann telegram, if Mexico allied with Germany, Germany would
62. The Triple Entente included what countries?
63. In World War I, the Central Powers included what countries?
64. Realizing a draft was necessary, Congress created a new system of conscription called______
65. To conserve energy, the Fuel Administration shortened workweeks for factories that did not make war
materials and introduced ______
66. In the case Schenck v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled that ______
67. During World War I, women officially served in the armed forces for the first time as _______
68. President Wilson called for the creation of a “general association of nations” known as the ______
69. What was used to defend soldiers against the use of mustard gas and chlorine bombs during World
War I?
70. What two new form of weapon was introduced during World War I, and led to a stalemate in the
71. In addition to the soldiers returning from Europe who needed to find employment, many African
Americans who had moved north were competing for jobs and housing, which resulted in _____
72. Who walked off the job in Boston in what was perhaps the most famous strike of 1919?
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US History
Semester One
Final Exam
Ms. Cherizard and Coach Cotton
73. World War I was the first war in which women _____
74. The Great Migration during World War I was the flow of ________
75. Criticism of the war at home was effectively silenced by ______
76. President Harding’s secretary of the interior, Albert B. Fall, secretly allowed private interests to lease
lands containing U.S. Navy oil reserves, causing a scandal that came to be known as the _____
77. What effect did the automobile industry of the 1920s have on American society?
78. Who made the first successful flight in history in 1903?
79. What is the name of the belief that one’s land needs to be protected against immigrants?
80. Many people viewed Sacco and Vanzetti with suspicion because they were _____ and _____
81. Many Americans feared that the country was losing its traditional values and responded by joining a
religious movement known as ________
82. The emergence of mass media helped make which baseball star a national hero?
83. The ____________________, including radio, movies, newspaper, and magazines, fostered a sense of
a shared experience that helped unify the nation
84. The flowering of African American arts in the 1920s became known as the ______
85. The Cotton Club was a ________
86. In the early 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan added to its membership by ________
87. John T. Scopes was put on trail for ______
88. After World War I, most Americans wanted to avoid future wars by _______
89. The purpose of the Volstead Act was to _______
90. Henry Ford was able to cut daily work hours and increase wages due to the success of ______
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