Biological level of Analysis Sample Questions Updated June 2011 8

Biological level of Analysis Sample Questions
Updated June 2011
8 Mark Questions
General Learning Outcomes
1. Explain how one principle that defines the biological level of analysis may be
demonstrated in one empirical study.
Physiology and Behaviour
Explain one study related to the localization of function in the brain.
Using one example, explain the effects of neurotransmission on human behaviour.
Using one example, explain the function of one hormone on behaviour.
Explain how one hormone influences behaviour.
Describe one effect of the environment on physiological processes.
Outline one study which shows the interaction between cognition and physiology.
Explain how brain technologies can be used to investigate the relationship between
biological factors and behaviour.
Genetics and Behaviour
9. Use one research study to describe the influence genetic inheritance has on behaviour.
10. Outline one evolutionary explanation of behaviour.
11. Describe one ethical consideration in research into genetic influences on behaviour.
Research Methodology
12. Outline one research method used by psychologists working from a biological level of
analysis and describe how this method has been applied in one psychological study.
13. Explain why one research method is used at the biological level of analysis.
14. Briefly describe one method used at a biological level of analysis and one strength and
one limitation of this method.
15. Describe how one research method associated with the biological level of analysis is
16. Outline one ethical controversy associated with one method used in the biological level
of analysis.
22 Mark Questions
Marks will be awarded for demonstration of knowledge and understanding (including the use of
relevant psychological research), evidence of critical thinking (e.g. application, analysis, synthesis,
evaluation), and organization of answers.
General Learning Outcomes
17. Outline how principles that define the biological level of analysis may be demonstrated
in research (that is, theories and/or studies).
Physiology and Behaviour
18. Examine the effects of neurotransmission on behaviour.
19. To what extent do hormones influence human behaviour?
20. Discuss two effects of the environment on physiological processes.
21. Examine one interaction between cognition and physiology in terms of behaviour.
22. Discuss the use of brain imaging technologies in investigating the relationship between
biological factors and behaviour.
Genetics and Behaviour
23. With reference to relevant research studies, to what extent does genetic inheritance
influence behaviour?
24. Examine one evolutionary explanation of behaviour.
25. Discuss ethical considerations related to research conducted into genetic influences on
Research Methodology and Ethics
26. Discuss the use of research methods (e.g. experiments, case studies) in the biological
level of analysis. Use relevant research studies in your response.
27. Discuss ethical considerations related to research studies at the biological level of
28. Examine ethical controversies related to research methods used within the biological