
Focus Guide – Test 2 – Human Growth & Development
1. Differentiate between Piaget’s concrete and formal operational periods.
List some of the skills associated with each period.
2. Describe the roll of a psychometrician.
3. List and describe 9 types of intelligence as defined by Gardner.
4. Describe the relationship of the bell curve to modern IQ scores.
5. Describe Dynamic Testing.
6. Differentiate between divergent and convergent thinking. How do these
relate to creativity and intelligence?
7. What percentage of mental retardation is due to organic causes?
8. Differentiate between mental retardation and a learning disability.
9. List and describe the characteristics of successful schools and successful
10. Describe the two main dimensions of parenting.
11. List and describe four parenting styles.
12. Differentiate between reinforcement and punishment.
13. Differentiate among four types of child abuse.
14. Describe two characteristics of friendships found in the definition.
15. Describe four benefits of friendship.
16. Define dominance hierarchy.
17. What does research show to be the effect of watching aggressive
actions on TV or playing violent video games?
18. Relate TV to the development of prosocial behavior.
19. Define puberty.
20. Define menarche and spermarchae.
21. Describe common problems with the teenage diet.
22. List ways parents can prevent childhood obesity.
23. Describe the mental processes that lead to risk taking behaviors.
24. Describe Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development.
25. List and describe four stages of the search for identity according to
26. What is the defining characteristic of adolescent egocentrism? How
does this differ from the egocentrism of early childhood?
27. List and describe 3 forms of adolescent egocentrism.
28. Differentiate between self-esteem and self-concept. When is selfesteem the highest?
29. List and describe three steps in teen career development.
30. What is the Strong Interest Inventory designed to assess?
31. How many hours of part-time work are correlated with poor school
32. Differentiate between status and index crimes of juvenile delinquency.
Practice questions for Test 2 HGD
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. The third stage of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, which typically occurs between ages 7
and 11 years, is the ________ operational period.
a. formal
b. concrete
c. pred. post____
2. “Nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah,” Diane says to her younger sister Rhonda. “I have reached the formal-
operational stage of thinking, so according to Piaget I can now think ________ and you can’t!” As
ridiculous as this conversation is, if Diane is 13 and Rhonda is 9, what would the correct answer be?
a. logically
b. hypothetically
c. tangibly
d. postformally
3. Your authors note that as children progress through the elementary-school years, they become more
adept at selecting appropriate strategies for learning and remembering. These skills fall under the
larger heading of
a. metacognition.
b. metamemory.
c. meta-analysis
d. metamorphosis
4. Your textbook notes that three of the types of intelligence proposed in Howard Gardner’s theory of
multiple intelligences are included in traditional theories of intelligence. Those three include all but
which of the following?
a. linguistic intelligence
b. logical-mathematical
c. interpersonal intelligence
d. spatial intelligence
5. Regulating the way one feels, recognizing how others feel, and correctly interpreting the facial
expressions of others are all elements of ________ intelligence.
a. fluid
b. crystallized
c. emotional
d. componential
6. Which of the following is the correct formula for determining one’s intelligence quotient (IQ), a
measure that was first employed in intelligence testing by Lewis Terman in 1916?
a. CA/MA + 100
b. MA/CA X 100
c. CA/MA X 100
d. MA/CA / 100
7. On modern tests of intelligence, IQ scores are determined
a. by comparing a child’s score with the average score of other children of the same
b. by using the same IQ calculation as on the original Stanford-Binet exam.
c. based on a child’s gender and race.
d. by subtracting a child’s chronological age from their mental age.
8. Intelligence is to ________ as creativity is to ________.
a. divergent thinking; convergent thinking
b. formal operational processing; postformal processing
c. convergent thinking; divergent thinking
d. postformal processing; formal operational processing.
9. Intellectual disability used to be called ________, and many federal and state laws in the United
States still use that term.
a. mental retardation
b. emotional impairment
c. cognitive delay
d. autistic disorder
____ 10. Which of the following are the two dimensions that differentiate various parenting styles?
a. warmth and responsiveness & expressed emotionality
b. parental control & expressed emotionality
c. warmth and responsiveness & parental control
d. style of discipline & assignment of responsibilities
____ 11. P.J.’s parents provide neither warmth for him nor control of his actions. They do not spend much
time with him, and they do give him much opportunity for any real emotional bonding with them.
According to Baumrind (1975, 1991), P.J. is receiving ________ parenting.
a. authoritarian
b. permissive
c. uninvolved
d. authoritative
____ 12. The ________ parenting style can be described as highly controlling but low in warmth.
a. authoritative
b. permissive
c. indulgent
d. authoritarian
____ 13. When an aversive stimulus is applied or a desirable stimulus is removed in order to discourage the
repetition of a specific behavior, ________ has taken place.
a. punishment
b. feedback
c. modeling
d. reinforcement
____ 14. A ________ is a voluntary relationship between two people involving mutual liking.
a. culmination
b. clique
c. group
d. friendship
____ 15. Yuri is the leader of a group called “The Wannabes.” All the other members know that Yuri is in
charge, and they respect that. What is the best term to describe this type of group structure?
a. clique
b. crowd
c. friendship
d. dominance hierarchy
____ 16. Cornelius is an elementary school child whose parents are having a conference with his teacher.
“I’ve noticed,” his teacher says, “that Cornelius is both intensely liked and disliked by several of his
peers.” Based on this observation, Cornelius would be regarded as a(n) ________ child.
a. controversial
b. average
c. popular
d. rejected
____ 17. There have recently been several high-profile cases of ‘cyber-bullying,’ where adolescents used
social networking websites to torment a peer. In one instance, the bullies called a young girl names,
interrupted her friendships with other classmates, and led her to feel very depressed and isolated.
Which of the following is the type of aggression that was used in these cases?
a. relational
b. vigilant
c. instrumental
d. peer-delimited
____ 18. The biggest positive influence of American television on children has been ________.
a. Sesame Street
b. Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood
c. Blue’s Clues
d. The Wiggles
____ 19. ________ refers to a collection of physical changes that marks the onset of adolescence, including
bodily changes and transitions in one’s sexual maturation.
a. Adolescence
b. Climacteric
c. Puberty
d. Menarche
____ 20. The result of too much fast food and other unhealthy eating practices is that many teenagers
consume too much/many _________ and not enough ________.
a. preservatives and minerals; lymphocytes and basophils
b. sodium and fat; iron and calcium
c. nitrates and nitriles; ketones and amino acids
d. cholesterol and vitamins; sugars and carbohydrates
____ 21. Jade is a child who is presented with a moral dilemma in the tradition of Lawrence Kohlberg’s
research. When she is asked what she would do, she answers, “I wouldn’t do anything that would get
me into trouble!” This answer reflects moral reasoning at the ________ substage of development.
a. social systems morality
b. interpersonal norm
c. obedience orientation
d. instrumental orientation
____ 22. In the Victor Hugo story Les Misérables, a character named Valjean steals a loaf of bread to feed his
starving niece. How would a person in the instrumental orientation of Kohlberg’s stages describe
Valjean’s theft?
a. “It is okay that he took the bread, because his niece will probably give him a big
hug and kiss for getting her something to eat.”
b. “It isn’t okay that he took the bread because the police will probably come arrest
c. “It is okay for him to take the bread, as long as he goes back the next day to work
to pay for it.”
d. “It isn’t okay for him to steal the bread because stealing is wrong and nobody
should ever steal.”
____ 23. Preconventional moral reasoning is based on ____ forces.
a. internal
b. biological
c. external
d. universal
____ 24. Substage 1 of preconventional morality is to ________ as substage 2 of preconventional morality is
to ________.
a. interpersonal norms; social systems morality
b. an obedience orientation; an instrumental orientation
c. social contract; justice, compassion, and equality
d. early adulthood; middle and late adulthood
____ 25. What type of reasoning skills, usually developed during the formal-operational stage of Piaget’s
theory, are needed for an adolescent to experiment with different selves to learn more about possible
a. deductive reasoning skills
b. hypothetical reasoning skills
c. intuitive reasoning skills
d. expansive reasoning skills
____ 26. P.J. is in 10th grade, and has some incredible skill at ballet. He has been dancing since he was young,
invites his friends and his girlfriend to all of his performances, and has expressed to his parents that
this is what he wants to do for his future. His parents, though supportive of dance as a hobby, have
told him, “If you want to dance for fun in college that is up to you, but you are going to study law or
medicine so that you can support yourself.” They have not really given him a choice, and P.J. has
accepted their decision even though it makes him unhappy. According to Marcia, P.J. is currently
a. identity moratorium.
b. identity foreclosure.
c. identity diffusion.
d. identity achievement.
____ 27. Patrick wakes up one morning before high school to find that he has developed an enormous pimple
right on the end of his nose. All throughout the day he is absolutely sure that everyone is staring at
the blemish, when in reality almost nobody cares enough about it to even look. Patrick’s certainty
that he is the focus of others’ attention demonstrates ________.
a. identity moratorium
b. adolescent arrogance
c. limited centration
d. the imaginary audience
____ 28. When parents set rules with little justification and enforce them without explanation, children are
more likely to remain in the identity ________ status. These teens are prevented from experimenting
with different selves, and simply do what they are told to do.
a. foreclosure
b. achievement
c. diffusion
d. moratorium
____ 29. Forming ideas about a career path is to ________ as actually entering the work force is to ________.
a. exploration; crystallization
b. implementation; specification
c. specification; exploration
d. crystallization; implementation
____ 30. Life-course persistent antisocial acts
a. emerge early in life and fade in later life.
b. emerge in midlife and continue throughout development.
c. emerge in midlife and fade in later life.
d. emerge early in life and continue throughout development.
Practice questions for Test 2 HGD
Answer Section