College of Human Ecology Records Retention Policy STUDENT RECORDS *=office of record Record Series *Office of Record Period of Retention 1. Academic action documentation *CHE-Registrar 5 years from graduation or date of last attendance 2. Academic integrity code violations (findings of violation and related case files) *CHE-Registrar Permanent 3. Academic records (petitions, degree progress, actions, grade change forms, etc.) *CHE-Registrar 5 years from graduation or date of last attendance A. Students Who Do Not Enroll, Whether Accepted or Rejected *CentralAdmissions 2 yrs from date of start of application term B. Students Given Guaranteed Transfer If enrolled transfer to *CHE-Admissions Registrar and retain the same as if enrolled C. Students Who Enroll *CHE-Registrar 5 years from graduation or date of last attendance D. Students Who Withdraw *CHE-Registrar 5 years in Registrar's Office *University Registrar Permanent 4. Student folders Advanced placement records, applications for admission or readmission, correspondence that is relevant, entrance exam reports (ACT, CEEB, etc.), residency classification forms, transcripts-high school and others, student waivers granting permission to University Registrar to release data 5. Class enrollment 6. Curriculum change authorizations - ex: general and *CHE-Registrar other petitions 5 years from graduation or date of last attendance 7. Degree Recipients Permanent *University Registrar *CHE Registrar 8. Degree requirement exception/change petitions 9. Enrollment Change Forms *CHE Registrar 5 years from graduation or date of last attendance 1 year from date or enrollment 10. Fellowships a. Undergraduate 1. Background *CHE-Associate Dean's Office Permanent 2. Summary lists of recipients and remarks *CHE-Associate Dean's Office Permanent 1. Background *CHE-Associate Dean Permanent 2. Summary lists of recipients and remarks *CHE-Associate Dean Permanent b. Graduate c. SUNY 1. Background *Graduate School Permanent 2. Summary lists of recipients and remarks *Graduate School Permanent 11. Grade changes 12. Grades *University Registrar Permanent CHE-Registrar 5 years *University Registrar Permanent 13. Graduate programs a. Applications 1. Accepted ** *Graduate School Permanent 2. Rejected *Graduate School 2 years from start of application term ** Exception-Sloan applications (those accepted and for those who graduated) *CHE - Registrar 5 years from graduation or date of last attendance c. SUNY fellowships *Graduate School Permanent PAM Dept. (until accreditation granted) 14. Letters of recommendation *CHE-Admissions Until date of enrollment 15. Name changes *University Registrar 16. Recruitment material *CHE-Admissions Until date of matriculation 17. Release form for dean's certification *CHE-Registrar 5 years 18. Residency certificates *CHE-Registrar 5 years 19. Residency change documents (non-resident to resident) *University Bursar 5 years from graduation or date of last attendance 20. Schedule of classes and course offerings *University Registrar Permanent 5 years from graduation or date of last attendance 21. Statistical reports relating to enrollment, ethnicity, *CHE- Associate degrees Deans Permanent 22. Study abroad applications Retain course material in student folder, other material shred when done in program *CHE-Registrar 23. SUNY reports *Institutional Research and Planning Office Permanent 24. Theses/Dissertations University Libraries *University Archives Circulating copy 25. Transcripts *University Registrar 5 years from graduation or date of last attendance 26. Transfer credit evaluations *CHE-Registrar 5 years from graduation or date of last attendance 27. Withdrawal authorizations/leaves of absence *CHE-Registrar Last updated: 1/2014 Permanent 5 years from graduation or date of last attendance