The Educational Psychology Service - Stockton-on

Educational Psychology Service (EPS)
Service Overview
The Educational Psychology Service (EPS) is part of the Engagement and Learning Team (EPS,
Portage, Attendance and Exclusion, Inclusion). The EPS aims to support and promote positive
outcomes for all children and young people (0 – 25 years old) living in the Borough. We work with
vulnerable children and young people and those who have complex and additional needs. All
Educational Psychologists (EPs) apply psychology to help understand how to remove barriers to a
child or young person’s development and learning. These barriers may relate to the broad areas of
needs within the SEND code of practice i.e. communication and interaction, cognition and learning,
social, emotional and mental health difficulties, sensory and/or physical needs. We work closely
with other team members in the Engagement and Learning Team, schools, health, SEN and,
where, appropriate social care professionals. The service we provide is designed to promote the
best possible outcomes in terms of learning, social and emotional development and Inclusion. To
do this we work directly with children and young people, offer advice and consultation, training and
development for professionals and information and guidance for parents.
As applied psychologists we have an overall understanding of all aspects of child development.
The EPS respond to requests for involvement from schools/academies/free schools, the Pupil
Referral Unit (PRU), Further Education (FE) settings and other Local Authority services. The EPS
does not accept direct referrals from parents or young people. Before any work with children or
young people is undertaken, signed parental consent must be obtained. If the young person is
over 16, s/he can give signed consent if they have capacity and understanding to do so.
Children and young people with the highest level of need will be prioritised. The following is used
as a guide for those making a request for involvement:
 Children who already have a statement of Special Educational Needs/Education, Health
and Care Plan
 Children and young people who are going through a full statutory assessment
 Children with complex difficulties where there are significant barriers to learning
 Child in Need, those on Child Protection plans, Looked After Children, and /or belonging to
vulnerable groups including; those at risk of exclusion, new arrivals, and young carers
Free Service
The range of our free service includes:
 Individual case work for those children and young people undergoing Statutory Assessment
initiated by the Authority
 Individual case work for those children and young people who already have a Statement of
Special Educational Need/Education, Health and Care Plan at the request of the Authority.
This may also include, staff training, interventions and consultation with specific groups of
staff to support the placement of the child or young person
 Individual case work for those children and young people identified by the Local Authority
as requiring EPS involvement due to complex difficulties where there are significant barriers
to learning and inclusion, working with the Continuum of Need and Services and
Safeguarding (Child in Need, Child Protection, Looked After Children, attendance at ICPC
and Case Conferences, and related involvement and assessment) and/or belonging to
vulnerable groups include; those at risk of exclusion, new arrivals, and young carers, with
or without a Special Educational Need/Education, Health and Care Plan
 Psychological consultation/training focused on narrowing gaps in attainment, improving
academic progress, promoting inclusion, transition needs for children and young people
placed at Additional Resourced Provisions with or without a Statement of Special
Educational Need/Education, Health and Care Plan, and supporting the development of
school/academy staff
Costed Service
In addition to the offer above, it is possible for a school/academy/free school, FE setting and PRU
to purchase additional and bespoke EPS time but this is at the discretion of the school. This time
can be used for a variety of work, including: promoting psychological wellbeing and inclusion. Our
work can be focused on individual children, groups or classes, or at an organisational or systemic
level, this includes:
 Individual case work aimed at improving understanding of a child/young person’s needs
and working with others to remove barriers to development and inclusion
 Supporting whole school/academy systems and processes to support inclusion and
promote emotional wellbeing
 Training and project work related to direct involvement with individuals or groups of children
and/or young people who display similar difficulties
 Parent/carer consultations, either at school/academy/FE setting or during home visits,
aimed at developing a shared understanding and enabling full parent/carer involvement
When working with schools, EPs will usually observe the child/young person, talk to school staff,
talk to the young person and talk to the parent/carer. Sometimes individual assessment may be
done. The aim is to get an understanding of the barriers to a young person’s learning/development
and generate solutions with all those involved.
For further information please contact the Educational Psychology Service on 01642 527110
Stockton Portage Service
The Portage team provides a service for children with complex and/or multiple special educational
needs aged up to 5 years who: ‘Are experiencing significant developmental delay(s) and/or
sensory impairment’ e.g. difficulty with walking, talking, hearing, seeing, playing or coping with the
world around them.
‘Have a condition which has a high probability of resulting in developmental delay and/or
long term needs.’ (DfES 2003)
For Portage children accessing day care/nursery provision, the members of the team will work
together with the setting with the aim of improving outcomes for the child. This may include visits to
the setting, telephone contact or sharing of information sessions. This may also include work
around transition from room to room or Nursery to Reception as appropriate.
Portage is a step by step approach for children and is used as part of a weekly home visiting
service. Portage Home Visitors provide support and advice to enable parents to support their child
to enjoy and engage with play based experiential learning activities and to make progress.
Families receiving Portage may also join in with other group activities or receive support to access
leisure/recreational experiences with their child.
Portage is a centrally funded service and the team covers the borough of Stockton-on-Tees.
Key contact Bev Appleby
Senior Portage Home Visitor
01642 527817