Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Program Goal Brisbane will be a clean, green and water smart city; a city that protects and supports our subtropical environment by sustainably managing and caring for our natural surroundings and resources. We will ensure Brisbane's open spaces and waterways are accessible and valued, now and for future generations, and our built form supports clean, green and water smart outcomes. Program Description Brisbane is a unique city, defined by its subtropical climate and diverse natural environment, the curving Brisbane River, waterways that criss-cross our suburbs, beautiful bushland and rolling hills. It is a modern city renowned for its successful blending of urban and natural environments. Council recognises that it is important to preserve and protect our natural assets now and for the future. Brisbane's natural environment, open spaces, parklands and waterways help define the subtropical lifestyle that contributes strongly to our city's success. These assets are not only important to the unique lifestyle that we enjoy but are also integral to the economic and social wellbeing of Brisbane. Council recognises that Brisbane is built on a floodplain and that flooding is a natural occurrence for the city. Council will continue to manage the risk of flooding to create a more resilient city, one that is safe, confident and prepared. Council understands that as our city grows and develops our built environment will need to support natural area outcomes, and provide green assets that support Brisbane’s liveability and lifestyle outcomes. Council is committed to supporting the community to connect with, participate in and better understand our natural assets and to be a city that sustainably embraces its environment. Council will continue to make decisions about waste management and recycling to help protect our waterways, open spaces and quality of life. This program is focused on managing the sustainable development of our city to provide for the future prosperity of Brisbane and to achieve Council's long term vision for Brisbane to be one of the cleanest and greenest of the world’s capital cities that is safe, confident and prepared for natural hazards. This will be achieved by: • acting to make Brisbane a low carbon, resilient city that prospers in the global economy • protecting and managing the city's natural assets, improving the health of Brisbane's open spaces and waterways and providing opportunities to enrich the lives of residents and visitors • connecting with our community to ensure our water resources and natural environment are used and managed sustainably to support Brisbane's subtropical lifestyle • managing our environment creatively and sensitively in urban spaces to further enhance Brisbane as a great place to live, work and visit • fostering partnerships with all levels of government, residents, community groups, land managers, business and industry • maintaining and enhancing a diverse network of clean, accessible and safe parks providing attractive shady spaces that contribute to Brisbane's liveability • maintaining a clean environment, managing collection of waste and recycling and encouraging waste diversion. Outcomes and services in this program contribute to the shared community aspirations identified as goals in the Brisbane Vision: • Our accessible, connected city • Our active, healthy city • Our clean, green city • Our friendly, safe city • Our New World city • Our smart, prosperous city • Our vibrant, creative city • Our well-designed, subtropical city. - 15 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Program Outcomes and Financial Summary Program Outcomes Anticipated Proposed Anticipated Proposed Anticipated Proposed 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 1.1 - Sustainability Leadership Expense 9,562 10,498 1.2 - Sustainable Brisbane 3,170 4,884 738 1,768 - - 1.3 - Biodiverse Brisbane 25,627 23,477 58,848 61,768 19,718 17,089 122,568 121,964 49,620 51,659 32,074 58,032 1.4 - Parks, Gardens and Recreation 1.5 - Sustainable Water Management Revenue 2,471 - Capital 6,746 342 2,907 2,764 1,402 3,495 6,635 11,487 1.6 - Focus on the River, Bay and Waterways 11,597 10,664 816 1,193 4,264 14,747 1.7 - Flood Management 77,719 73,751 19,180 17,657 44,852 50,085 1.8 - Pollution Free City 9,566 8,444 644 708 3,812 7,356 134,123 139,207 129,812 136,547 5,598 3,328 396,839 395,653 263,531 274,795 1.9 - Managing and Reducing Brisbane’s Waste and Litter Recurrent Operations Contracts 123,699 162,466 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 35,573 37,570 38,729 Outcome 1.1 Sustainability Leadership Outcome description Brisbane City Council will focus on the performance of our activities and operations to ensure that we are a sustainable and low carbon organisation that: • responds effectively and appropriately to maximise sustainability outcomes, reduce greenhouse emissions, and support the achievement of a carbon neutral council • is recognised as a leader in sustainability and uses its capacity to influence and support citywide and regional sustainability outcomes • manages Council's environmental performance effectively. Where we are now Brisbane City Council is acting on our commitment to make Brisbane Australia's most sustainable city. Council's planning, systems, investments and decisions take into account environmental and sustainability considerations. Council is moving towards carbon neutrality through the purchase of 100 percent GreenPower and carbon offsets. All electricity directly purchased by Council is emissions free GreenPower and emissions from vehicle, bus and ferry fleets are offset through the purchase of accredited carbon offsets. Combined, these measures reduce Council's carbon footprint by about 205,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year. Council's Environmental Management System (EMS) provides a systematic process to assess our environmental impacts and to develop risk-based operational, management and mitigation strategies. The EMS also ensures Council complies with environmental legislative requirements and applicable national and international standards. - 16 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Where we want to be We want to make Brisbane City Council a sustainable, low carbon organisation that meets the expectations of residents and progresses towards carbon neutrality. We will continue our significant reductions in greenhouse emissions. This will be achieved by appropriately investing and modernising operations to bring about efficiencies while accommodating growth in services. Council continues to be recognised as a leader in sustainability, using its capacity to support citywide and regional sustainability outcomes. Strategy 1.1.1 Carbon Neutral Council Make Brisbane City Council carbon neutral by measuring our emissions, reducing these emissions through improving energy efficiency, and using renewable energy and purchasing carbon offsets to negate our residual emissions. Service Greenhouse Gas Reduction Council will provide corporate leadership in sustainability research, planning and strategy development. We will seek to make innovative use of the opportunities afforded to Council due to its scale and scope of operations and ability to influence. In doing so Council will seek to maximise value for money and environmental outcomes. All electricity directly purchased by Council will continue to be emissions free GreenPower. Emissions from vehicle, bus and ferry fleets will continue to be offset through the purchase of accredited carbon offsets. Council will work to achieve further operational efficiencies to reduce emissions, contain costs and balance the emissions impact of delivering services to a growing community. Measurement and management of greenhouse emissions, including indirect emissions, will continue to ensure Council meets all its legislative requirements and the voluntary emissions reduction commitments that were adopted by Council. To achieve this, the service will: • maintain an annual inventory of Council's energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions to identify priority issues and inform opportunities for emission reductions through improved energy and operational efficiency, plant modernisation and/or fuel switching • provide capacity for Council to respond to administrative and cost implications associated with carbon policy and legislation • facilitate measures to reduce Council's energy use and carbon footprint • ensure Council complies with relevant legislation • purchase 100% GreenPower for all electricity directly purchased by Council • purchase accredited carbon offsets to negate greenhouse gas emissions from Council's vehicle and bus fleet and stationary fuel use • undertake to create recognised carbon credits from Council activities where it is cost effective to do so • use Council's influence to achieve effective regulation and remove barriers to sustainable practices • source alternative revenue through grants, subsidies and other government funding programs, particularly where these have an energy or carbon reduction outcome. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 1,017 - 885 - - 17 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Projects 100 Percent Green Power 25000 Street Lights Retrofit Program Brisbane City Council - Carbon Offsets Legislative Compliance and Administration Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 5,829 342 218 3,046 - 5,666 232 3,105 - 5,624 236 3,089 - 5,613 242 3,214 - Strategy 1.1.2 Improve Environmental Management Practices Manage Council activities and practices to reduce the environmental risks of Council's activities and operations. Service Integrated Environmental Management This service aims to provide a systematic approach to the assessment of Council’s environmental impacts and develop operational and management strategies that mitigate risk. To achieve this, the service will: • review and maintain Council's Environmental Management System (EMS) in a way that provides opportunities for further improvement • demonstrate leadership across Council in co-ordinating and communicating best practice environmental management activities and requirements • facilitate the development of strategies, operational procedures and guidelines across Council to deliver reductions in the environmental risks of Council’s activities and operations, to ensure compliance with environmental legislation and produce green and clean outcomes • provide relevant mitigation strategies through the monitoring, managing and reporting of environmental risks arising from Council's activities • co-ordinate and undertake Council's quarterly environmental performance reporting • further align energy, waste, transport and water performance efficiencies with corporate priorities to reduce costs and improve outcomes. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 501 - 520 - - 18 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Outcome 1.2 Sustainable Brisbane Outcome description Council engages and works in partnership with the community to guide and empower changes to lifestyles and practices that contribute to realising Brisbane’s sustainability aspirations. Where we are now The Green Heart program is delivering a broad range of behaviour change programs and initiatives to support residents, schools, businesses and community groups. Council continues to engage with the Brisbane community through its popular Green Heart sustainability events, and residents and schools can access information, tools and support, through Council's Green Heart Homes and Schools programs. Council's Environment Centres deliver onsite environmental education experiences and interpretive services to school children, residents and visitors. These complement other sustainability education and information services. Since its inception CitySmart Pty Ltd has been delivering new ways for business, industry, government and the community of Brisbane to work together to make Brisbane Australia’s most sustainable city. In broadening Council's sustainability agenda, it has helped reduce Brisbane's carbon emissions without sacrificing commercial outcomes and it continues to guide various sectors of Brisbane as they work together to strengthen the city’s response to the long-term sustainability challenges facing the city whilst maximising new business opportunities that arise from designing a more sustainable future. The provision of free native plants to ratepayers, residents, new citizens and through Green Heart events promotes the benefits of urban tree cover, and sustainable gardening that contributes to a more sustainable city. Where we want to be Brisbane's community will be educated, interested and actively involved in reducing the city's environmental footprint. All community members will be well informed about the crucial role they play in ensuring our city's sustainability for future generations and adopt best practice activities and behaviours in all that they do. Strategy 1.2.1 Green Heart Community Engagement Program Deliver initiatives that help residents understand environmental and sustainability issues and be able to make positive choices that help the environment and to live 'green' - reducing waste, protecting Brisbane’s native plants and animals and saving energy, water and costs. Service Green Heart Community Engagement Council continues to deliver behaviour change campaigns as a part of its Green Heart engagement initiatives with residents, schools and community groups. The objective of this service is to engage with and empower Brisbane residents to adopt lifestyles and practices that contribute to Brisbane achieving its long-term plan for a more sustainable city. To achieve this, the service will: • deliver the Green Heart Wisdom program to help low income seniors improve their energy efficiency and stay more comfortable in their homes • educate and encourage residents and students to live more sustainably through the Green Heart Homes and Schools programs • work with all areas of Council associated with environmental sustainability to provide integrated support for residents and schools • deliver the Green Heart Events program as a key means of providing face-to-face community interaction • continue to provide free native plants for ratepayers, community groups, new Australian citizens and schools • continue to work with CitySmart Pty Ltd to deliver sustainability projects that reduce the city's environmental footprint. - 19 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 435 - 834 - Projects Green Heart CitySmart Pty Ltd - Operations Green Heart Environmental Hubs Green Heart Homes and Schools Green Heart Sustainability Events Green Heart Wisdom Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 599 117 575 599 2,160 1,768 623 575 623 - 619 575 619 - 617 575 617 - Outcome 1.3 Biodiverse Brisbane Outcome description Brisbane values, protects and works, as a community, to sustain the diversity of Brisbane’s habitats, plants and animals. Where we are now Brisbane is currently recognised as the most biodiverse capital city in Australia. The city supports a unique diversity of ecosystems and wildlife. Located within the centre of South East Queensland, a fast growing region, Brisbane is presented with a number of significant challenges including protecting Brisbane’s biodiversity, and providing opportunities for the community to enjoy the city’s unique natural environment. Where we want to be Brisbane's natural environment contributes to the city’s aspiration to maintain its international status as a New World City that is clean and green and offers an enviable lifestyle. Council will continue to value, protect and restore the natural environment, ensuring there is a resilient, well-managed and accessible conservation reserve network. This will be supported by complementary voluntary conservation measures on private land to sustain our unique flora and fauna and through effective protection of significant vegetation on public and private land. Council has an integrated planning and regulatory framework that protects the city’s most important habitat areas. Council supports community involvement in the protection and restoration of biodiversity. Council is aiming to meet its 2031 target of natural habitat and open space cover within Brisbane. Council’s continuation of its program to protect and restore key sites will contribute to the improvement of both the quality and quantity of natural habitats in Brisbane. Strategy 1.3.1 Growing the Conservation Reserve Network Protect, manage and restore the city’s most significant habitat areas and to establish a network of resilient and well-connected conservation reserves. This includes managing and expanding conservation reserves, effectively implementing vegetation offset projects on priority sites, supporting community-driven revegetation projects and restoring other strategic sites like acquired bushland. - 20 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Service Conservation Reserves Consolidation This service aims to secure lands of significant biodiversity value using funds raised through the Bushland Preservation Levy. Council's program of acquiring land with significant biodiversity value to add to the city's conservation reserve estate will continue. Activities in this service include: • identifying significant lands for acquisition, in order to consolidate and connect the existing conservation reserve estate • sourcing property-related reports (legal and valuation) and biodiversity information to support land acquisitions and sustainable asset management • examining contemporary measures for protecting biodiversity through alternative and cost effective non-asset alternatives • improving the quality of the conservation reserve estate through management and maintenance of threatening processes and restoring habitats • supporting community involvement in protecting and promoting Brisbane's environmental assets. The activities of this service are funded by projects. Projects Bulimba Creek Acquisition Bushland Acquisition Program Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 711 14,039 1,225 15,264 14,826 1,250 16,076 15,614 1,275 16,889 15,909 1,300 17,209 Strategy 1.3.2 Brisbane's Urban Forest Management and Restoration Program Protect, maintain, improve and increase Brisbane’s urban forest assets, including Council owned or controlled conservation reserves, and native vegetation communities and significant landscape trees on public and private land. Brisbane’s urban forest supports a range of ecosystem services including biodiversity, recreation, education, economic vitality, waterway health, cooling urban heat island effects, outdoor lifestyle and contributes to the Brisbane Vision goal of a well-designed, subtropical city. Service Conservation Reserves Management The aim of this service is to manage conservation reserves to deliver an effective balance between sustaining their ecological values and enhancing their recreation and education values. Activities in this service include: • management of the natural, cultural and recreational values of the city's 108 conservation reserves, including reserves of historical significance such as Mt Coot-tha Forest and other areas of high significance that cover approximately 8000 hectares • bushland maintenance, access, rehabilitation, infrastructure and weed, pest and fire management • strategic natural asset management • community engagement in natural areas • implementing Council’s Invasive Species Management Plan • delivery of environmental education and interpretation services through Council’s Environment Centres. • • • • • • • • • The service will focus on: providing access to the reserves for residents and visitors implementing the Outdoor Recreation Management Strategy active risk management, including establishing and maintaining fire management infrastructure, reducing fire hazards and wildfire suppression building on Council's improved approach to the management and activation planning of the reserves managing the impacts of pest animals and plants on Conservation Reserves continuing the delivery and improvement of Council’s evidence based and targeted approach to effective reserve management funding for Council's ongoing partnerships with community groups dedicated to conserving our environment. - 21 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 10,818 35,329 11,015 37,233 Projects Brisbane Invasive Species Management Plan Implementation Community Conservation Assistance Conservation Reserves Management Program (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Natural Areas Risk Management Wipe Out Weeds Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 1,066 1,066 797 797 3,050 1,018 4,068 127 2,909 2,909 1,107 1,107 817 817 3,409 1,043 4,452 131 2,981 2,981 1,120 1,120 838 838 4,433 1,070 5,503 130 1,588 1,588 1,118 1,118 859 859 3,904 1,096 5,000 133 1,628 1,628 Strategy 1.3.3 Protecting our Bushland and Water Catchments through Partnering Protect and restore our biodiversity by sound planning and appropriate regulation to consolidate and connect habitat and by partnering effectively with residents, private landholders and community groups. Service Community Partnering for Conservation This service aims to promote involvement in bushland and habitat regeneration and caring for Brisbane's wildlife through: • fostering recognition of our diverse fauna, flora and ecosystems and promoting involvement in bushland regeneration • providing a rescue and rehabilitation service for sick, orphaned and injured wildlife within Brisbane • providing support for the efforts of Brisbane residents and community groups including Creek Catchment Officers, Habitat Brisbane Groups and the Wildlife Conservation Partnerships Program, to achieve improved environmental outcomes through sustainable behaviours, participation in bushland restoration and caring for Brisbane's wildlife • encouraging and maintaining conservation partnerships with private landholders that complement protection of biodiversity on public lands. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 434 - 454 - - 22 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Projects Community Conservation Partnerships Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Lord Mayor's Community Sustainability and Environment Grants Native Animal Ambulances and Wildlife Carers Grant 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 2,940 432 462 131 - 3,076 499 483 136 - 3,113 1,468 490 136 - 3,203 3,149 502 135 - Service Biodiversity Planning This service aims to protect and sustain biodiversity through planning and statutory instruments including: • the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2031, Brisbane City Plan 2014 and Neighbourhood Plans and input into development assessment processes and decisions • local laws including permits, breaches and requests for information • plans, management strategies and guidelines for the protection and restoration of biodiversity, including environmental offsets, wildlife movement solutions and threatened species management. Operating Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 619 - 622 - Expense Revenue Outcome 1.4 Parks, Gardens and Recreation Outcome description Brisbane's parks and public open spaces reflect our subtropical lifestyle and are available to all. Our parks, open spaces and streetscapes are attractive and the shady spaces provide valued visual, recreational, heritage and cultural amenity to a diverse Brisbane. Where we are now The Brisbane community regards shady and attractive streets and accessible and diverse parks as an important part of the city's image and recognises their contribution to the liveability of its suburbs. Tree planting programs continue to target the most shade-hungry footpaths and park pathways. Brisbane has an extensive and expanding park network of over 2000 parks, currently covering more than 6000 hectares in urban parks and more than 8000 hectares in conservation reserves. Parkland acquisitions continue to focus on alignment between population growth and access to a range of outdoor activities, translated to cost effective public park infrastructure network planning. The community remains highly engaged with our city's parks and playgrounds, with around one-third of Brisbane residents visiting parks once or more per week. Where we want to be Brisbane's open spaces are important to our city. As Brisbane grows, community appreciation of, and need for, accessible public parks with a greater diversity of facilities becomes more evident. Council is committed to maximising community benefit from our green and open spaces and aims to deliver an accessible and connected network of public and private open space. The challenge is to deliver an integrated network that provides for a broad range of recreation opportunities and promotes our subtropical outdoor lifestyle while integrating with the Brisbane Vision to provide water-smart, accessible and inclusive, and active and healthy outcomes. The program will ensure effective and sustainable management practices and accessible infrastructure that is matched to community needs. Street and park trees are a valued subset of Brisbane’s urban forest and make a major contribution to Brisbane’s open space network. Their sustainable management is based on up-to-date knowledge of the extent, composition and needs of the resource and the needs and priorities of the community, including: - 23 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City • • • • preservation of significant trees and high quality landscapes in Council projects and private developments, especially urban consolidation sites enhancement of our subtropical city with shady, tree lined, pedestrian friendly streets support of alternative transport uptake and healthy lifestyles by greening and shading pathways, bikeways and walk to school routes expanding local community and industry involvement in amenity tree planting and maintenance programs. Strategy 1.4.1 Enhancing and Maintaining Park and Street Trees Strategically add to and proactively manage our street and park tree assets to optimise and sustain their environmental, economic and social benefits, in the most cost effective way. Service Managing Trees on Public Land Just over half the city’s tree canopy cover is growing in public parks and road reserves, and includes an estimated 575,000 street trees. This service aims to plant, maintain and protect street and park trees to sustain a healthy, low risk, fit-forpurpose, resilient asset of optimum community benefit for current and future generations. Activities in this service include: • efficient and targeted delivery of local street and park tree planting and proactive maintenance programs to manage risk and meet local priorities and targets • delivering Neighbourhood Shadeways, in partnership with the community, other program partners and Queensland Government agencies, by planting shade trees to support walking, cycling and waterway health • supporting integrated delivery of Subtropical Boulevard treatments along arterial entry roads and suburban routes • rededication of the Balmoral Park Avenue of Honour, and planning for restoration of memorial tree plantings • promoting the multiple values of street and park trees and informing the community of schedules • succession planning and planting for significant trees in the city’s parks • providing support and resources for tree proactive and reactive tree maintenance in response to customer requirements. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 14,044 262 13,828 269 Projects Boulevards and Shadeways Park Tree Management Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 1,040 378 915 - 1,052 397 930 - 1,129 171 937 - 1,190 140 960 - Strategy 1.4.2 Grow and Improve Brisbane's Network of Urban Parks Adopt a planned approach to acquiring and developing new parks and improving existing ones to optimise community benefits and meet the diverse recreational and cultural needs of an increasing population. - 24 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Service Park Development and Planning Brisbane has an expanding network of over 2000 parks providing more than 6000 hectares of urban parkland for residents. This service aims to enhance the parks network by acquiring and developing new parks and improving existing parks.It leads the forward planning for the city's open space and parkland estate using improved understanding of the community's expectations for parkland provision, activities, facilities and quality. Activities in this service include: • the ongoing review of the city's open space network and its representation in the Priority Infrastructure Plan (PIP) in Brisbane City Plan 2014 • improving policies, rules and guidelines for development, use and management of the city's parks and public space areas • reviewing planning guidelines • providing technical advice and assistance on open space issues for citywide, local and neighbourhood planning • planning and design for the development of sport and recreation parks and facilities and the activation of existing parks • master planning, designing and constructing parks and facilities to required standards • improving community understanding and appreciation of our natural area parks by constructing a new Environment Centre experience at Karawatha Forest • opening a major new district recreation park and playground at Frew Park, Milton • continuing to improve the accessibility of all of Brisbane's parks and playgrounds. Ongoing projects such as the Parks Infrastructure Charges Program and City Parks Trust contribute towards the acquisition of new parkland in this service. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 2,225 - 1,825 - Projects Build Karawatha Forest Environment Centre City Parks Trust Frew Park Milton Key City Park Upgrades Parks Infrastructure Charges Program Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 6,183 78 693 6,005 165 36 10,436 903 6,843 19,817 299 16,743 3,010 87 10,019 379 3,228 20,800 989 22,202 3,566 1,391 1,329 21,419 1,002 23,561 3,661 1,417 22,311 1,002 25,190 Strategy 1.4.3 Provide Well Maintained, Clean, Safe Parks Ensure that we provide well maintained and clean facilities, lawns, gardens, playgrounds and general amenities so that people can make the best use of our parks and public spaces for a wide range of active and passive recreational activities including sports, jogging, walking, picnics and barbeques. Service Parks Maintenance and Enhancement This service aims to maintain, refurbish and replace park assets so they are fit for purpose, well utilised and accessible to all of the community. - 25 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City The service will provide: • clean and safe parks, with well maintained facilities and activity spaces • accessible parks so that Brisbane's residents and visitors can make best use of our public spaces • play precincts in each region that provide a diverse range of opportunities for users of all abilities • quality green assets such as heritage gardens, botanic gardens, attractive landscaping, trees and shrubs. Activities in this service include: • design and construction of parks and facilities to required standards • park maintenance and operation, including cleaning, litter and rubbish removal, grass cutting, tree maintenance, infrastructure maintenance, visitor services and emergency response • liaison with sporting groups about best practice maintenance of sporting fields, including efficient and alternative water use strategies and use of alternative surfaces • support and advice for community management of sporting field facilities • involving the community through regular liaison and feedback • park asset rehabilitation schedules based on condition and community priority. Ongoing projects provide for the periodic refurbishment and replacement of park infrastructure and facilities such as dog off leash areas, toilets, picnic areas, playgrounds, boardwalks, utilities, memorials, recreation facilities and pathways. The Metropolitan and District Playgrounds and Upgrade Key Neighbourhood Parks projects contribute towards the upgrade and provision of new park facilities and park improvements. The Additional Cuts Parks Grass project will provide additional grass cutting in popular parks. The frequency of cuts will continue to take into account weather conditions and the needs of park users. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 62,184 166 64,804 208 Projects 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 Additional Cuts - Parks Grass 1,896 353 184 79 965 957 1,016 848 3,062 276 2,768 1,045 - 1,972 364 174 1,161 767 1,404 544 2,876 414 2,597 892 - 2,017 366 178 1,241 751 2,591 869 2,658 492 2,519 924 - 2,061 367 162 1,268 751 1,582 217 2,350 438 2,580 935 - Capital Expense Revenue Dog Off Leash Area Refurbishment Capital (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Expense Revenue Maintain Lakes Systems in Parks Capital Expense Revenue Memorials & Heritage Restoration Capital (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Expense Revenue Metropolitan and District Playgrounds Capital Expense Revenue Park Access Assets Maintenance and Rehabilitation Capital (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Expense Revenue Park Infrastructure Facility and Landscape Upgrades Capital (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Expense Revenue - 26 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Play Safe Upgrades 981 140 4,980 591 - Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Upgrade Neighbourhood Parks (Refer Appendix of Schedules) 1,013 144 4,692 495 - 1,039 147 3,848 494 - 1,040 146 4,526 494 - Strategy 1.4.4 Regulate Parks and Reserves to Ensure Public Enjoyment and Safety Uphold and enforce Council's local laws for parks, facilitating enjoyable and safe park experiences for visitors and protecting people and park assets from the impacts of illegal and non-permitted activities. Service Parks and Reserves Compliance This service regulates unlawful activities within parks to help deliver safe and enjoyable experiences for all. Activities in this service include: • undertaking investigations and compliance action in parks regarding breaches of Council's local laws relating to Council lands and assets, including parks • providing advice to the public and disseminating educational material about Council's local law for parks and park assets. Operating Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 502 - 252 - Expense Revenue Strategy 1.4.5 Manage Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens Manage and promote the Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mt Coot-tha as a significant horticultural, leisure, learning and tourism destination that aspires to international standards while retaining its relevance and value as a key city park that is well used by residents and visitors. Service Manage Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mt Coot-tha This service aims to ensure the Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mt Coot-tha is efficiently and effectively managed, promotes sustainable horticultural practices, provides quality visitor services and facilities that are well utilised, provide learning for life opportunities and contribute to Brisbane’s sustained prosperity. Activities in this service include: • maintaining, repairing, refurbishing, replacing and operating garden assets • designing, developing and establishing new features and infrastructure to enhance the experience of visitors and garden operations • maintaining landscape elements including grass, gardens, botanical displays, trees, shrubs, public art, ponds and water features • conducting educational, recreation and tourism programs, including volunteer guided tours • providing technical advice and promoting sustainable gardening and amenity horticulture. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 4,212 146 4,042 133 Projects Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens - Refurbish Assets Capital Expense Revenue - 27 - 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 619 148 - 718 152 - 95 - 95 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Strategy 1.4.6 Manage Roma Street and South Bank Parklands Manage and maintain Roma Street and South Bank Parklands as important horticultural, leisure and tourism destinations while retaining relevance and value as iconic park assets well used by residents and visitors. Service Manage Roma Street and South Bank Parklands This service aims to ensure Roma Street and South Bank Parklands are efficiently and effectively managed, well utilised by the community and promote sustainable horticulture practices. Funding for provision of these services is provided by the Queensland Government. Activities include: • maintaining, repairing, refurbishing, replacing and operating garden facilities • maintaining landscape elements including grass cutting, gardens, displays, trees and shrubs, ponds and water features • conducting educational and tourism programs, including volunteer guided tours • promoting the parklands' facilities and services • organising public events in the parklands • providing technical advice and promoting sustainable gardening and amenity horticulture. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 29,048 29,014 27,426 27,426 Outcome 1.5 Sustainable Water Management Outcome description In partnership with the Brisbane community, Council will sustainably manage Brisbane's water resources through the integrated management of our water supply, wastewater, stormwater and waterways. Through this integrated approach, we maximise community benefit and help ensure the sustained liveability and economic prosperity of Brisbane and the South East Queensland region. Where we are now Council employs a whole of water cycle approach to water management. Council's WaterSmart Strategy provides strategic guidance for sustainable water management within the goals of a water smart community, a welldesigned subtropical city and sustainable water use. Brisbane's Total Water Cycle Management Plan identifies a range of new opportunities to ensure water is managed effectively across Council's business. In recent years, Brisbane's community has experienced the most sustained drought in over 100 years and the largest flood in over 35 years. Brisbane's community responded effectively to drought, the Brisbane River flood of January 2011 and the 2013 Australia Day Storm Event. The breadth of flexibility and resilience demonstrated in these past events highlights our capacity to be a water smart community. In contributing to a well-designed subtropical city, Council considers water resource issues broadly across the city, integrating water resource management with land use and infrastructure planning. Where we want to be Brisbane's community will connect to water, participate in decision making and take actions to manage water sustainably. Our community will have a greater awareness of water smart concepts and will demonstrate water smart behaviour. Brisbane will be a flood-informed community with Council ensuring that it is well prepared to deal with the issues and challenges presented with major flood events. Council and Brisbane’s community will support and use a diverse mix of water sources, improving the city’s resilience to future unfavourable climatic events. Brisbane will deliver key actions in Brisbane’s Total Water Cycle Management Plan that will guide waterway planning and delivery. Brisbane will support development in a way that ensures our built environment minimises adverse impacts on our environment and maximises the benefits the community receives from our local water resources. All major infrastructure projects will include appropriate engagement with stakeholders in the implementation of water smart design. - 28 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Strategy 1.5.1 Integrated Water Cycle Management Responsible and efficient management of the total water cycle. Service Water Smart This service aims to engage the community, key partners and Council as an organisation, with initiatives that will help achieve Brisbane’s vision to be Australia's most water smart city. This service will provide: • water smart communications and stakeholder engagement • increased community awareness of catchment management and broader water cycle outcomes • support for community networks, festivals, events and forums • strategic investigations and advice in relation to water issues across Council • instruments and tools to support policy development and delivery in flood management, regional and local waterway health and other components of the water cycle. Activities in this service include: • reviewing strategic and legislative documents, including Queensland Government legislation, Council's plans and strategies and land use planning documents • initiating activities that support the local and regional management of the urban water cycle with input from stakeholders including the community, all levels of governments and their agencies • supporting local and national events, festivals and forums that celebrate water and waterways, and advance water smart science, technology and practice • providing compliance and regulatory services for greywater and blackwater treatment, from education to enforcement. Key initiatives to be delivered include: • supporting community festivals, events and activities that celebrate water and waterways • engaging, collaborating and partnering with the community, industry bodies, local business, government agencies and regional partners in shaping our water future • participating in research and education initiatives to progress water smart innovation, science and technology • partnering with external agencies to implement water smart education campaigns to raise awareness of how our community can live with water and take action to manage water sustainably • implementing the Brisbane Total Water Cycle Management Plan to deliver water smart solutions across the city • continued work on the Coorparoo Creek Park Project, demonstrating the multiple values of waterways in contributing to liveability in an urban environment delivering stormwater harvesting in partnership and re-use projects at seven locations across Brisbane to demonstrate integrated water cycle management solutions for the city • furthering the Norman Creek 2012-2031 Master Plan, which will provide Australia's first local government example of integrated urban water resource management on a whole-of-catchment scale • developing an integrated, outcome-based master plan and undertake key implementation initiatives for the Oxley Creek Catchment in collaboration with the community and key stakeholders that considers environmental, social and economic values of the catchment and identifies key activities to support the delivery of the master plan. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 949 362 913 371 - 29 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Projects Coorparoo Creek Park - Stage 1 Norman Creek 2012 - 2031 Stormwater Harvesting Water Smart Communication and Engagement Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 2,945 59 2,210 362 6,332 34 3,124 54 - 3,035 59 2,630 407 2,497 39 1,000 57 - 2,904 59 3,192 425 56 - 1,601 57 3,287 427 58 - Service Integrated Water Cycle Implementation This service aims to implement integrated water cycle planning solutions to deliver Council's WaterSmart Strategy and support Council's planning. To achieve this, the service will develop plans, information and programs that support and prioritise the implementation of Council's WaterSmart Strategy and Brisbane’s Total Water Cycle Management Plan. Key activities in this service include: • preparing plans to meet Council's legislative obligations as identified by Queensland and Federal governments • preparing studies and plans that provide information to support Council's land use planning activities, particularly the Brisbane City Plan 2014, neighbourhood planning and urban renewal plans • providing customer support to respond to queries concerning our water smart outcomes, guidelines and standards • continuing to fund customer service obligations for clearing blockages in combined drains • supporting development assessment teams with policy advice on high level applications and key legislative changes. Key initiatives include: • working with partners and industry to develop and implement tools that deliver water smart outcomes and embedding these within sustainable and subtropical planning and design • aligning the Brisbane City Plan 2014 with changes in the Queensland Government's regulatory and legislative regimes. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 1,291 - 1,341 - - 30 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Outcome 1.6 Focus on the River, Bay and Waterways Outcome description The river, bay and waterways of the city support the liveability and lifestyle of Brisbane. Waterways support multiple uses and are widely used, enjoyed and appreciated by the community as recreational, economic and environmental assets. Water is an important factor in the design of Brisbane’s built form and is managed as an economic asset to deliver value to business, industry, residents and nature alike. Where we are now The community recognises the value of protecting, enhancing and improving the river, bay and waterways, with 95% of residents believing waterways are important to Brisbane. They are widely visited for a variety of uses. Council actively engages with stakeholders and the community in its catchment and waterway management activities. The river, bay and waterways support over 50,000 migratory shorebirds of 34 species as well as six of the seven species of sea turtle and iconic Australian species such as the platypus. Council is committed to meeting increasing community expectations for improving the health of our waterways and maintaining world-class access to waterways, for all residents, to enjoy them as an open space resource within a growing city, recognising Brisbane as a River City. Over the last 10 years the health of the Brisbane River has steadily improved as shown by the results of the Healthy Waterways Ecosystem Health Report Card. This is a result of improvements in various parts of the catchment. However, further investment in improving the ecological health of the river is required to address legacy issues including managing nutrient and sediment loads from existing and future land uses, coupled with managing construction impacts within urbanising catchments. Land use change presents an opportunity for new and improved sustainable and integrated water management, increased waterway activation and use, and for existing urban areas to retrofit water smart outcomes to comply with Queensland Government regulations that aim to secure waterway health improvements, while supporting integrated urban design, urban greening, city cooling and better amenity outcomes. The 2011 flood caused river bank erosion and slumping, posing a risk to both public safety as well as threatening private and public infrastructure. The 2013 Australia Day Storm Event and other extreme weather events reinforce a need to build resilience into our key natural system through focused management actions. Waterway corridors are currently protected from development and this will, along with integrated stormwater management, continue in the Brisbane City Plan 2014. Council participates in the South East Queensland Healthy Waterways program to develop and maintain regional strategic and local activities that improve the condition of our natural water assets. Where we want to be We want people to continue to value and appreciate the multiple benefits provided by Brisbane's waterways, particularly the high ecological and social values of our waterways that support sustained economic prosperity for Brisbane. We want to actively support integrated planning and design outcomes that provide wider multiple outcomes and the liveability benefits of water in the city. We want cost effective, best practice asset management. Council is committed to taking a leadership role through its own actions and by contributing to Federal and Queensland governments, regional initiatives and partnering in programs that demonstrate Council's sustainable water management that supports the liveability of Brisbane. Key activities in this service include: • integrating water cycle services, such as flood conveyance, flood risk management and mitigation measures, stormwater harvesting, biodiversity and park outcomes with waterway health outcomes • meeting the water sensitive urban design objectives of Queensland Government policy, with a refocused effort around cost effective, integrated solutions that support good design and liveability outcomes, providing welldesigned sustainable spaces and places that reflect subtropical design which are resilient to climate variability • providing sustainable management of our catchments in partnership with the community and other stakeholders - 31 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City • • • • integrating water smart outcomes and environmental best practice in all aspects of Council operations and capital works, urban planning, natural resource management and urban design developing asset management frameworks for our water smart and waterway assets, supporting improved and integrated asset planning managing development impacts, including sediment control of construction works evidence-based decision-making through local waterway evaluation, with a stronger emphasis on key indicators such as sediment load and high value assets. Strategy 1.6.1 Active Partnerships and Regional Waterway Management Participation in partnerships that support regional water planning activities and improvement of the condition of regional waterways. Service Regional Water Quality Management This service aims to work with regional partners to assist the planning and implementation of management actions to achieve improved water quality and wider liveability outcomes associated with water and waterways in South East Queensland and the upper catchments of the Brisbane River. This service also supports the development and delivery of best practice water quality management. This service will provide: • leadership in research that translates into integrated delivery opportunities for Council and all regional partners • strategic policy integration, interpretation and issue management with Federal and Queensland governments and regional partners in water quality management • stakeholder engagement with all regional partners • capacity building around current best practice requirements. Key activities in this service include: • linking Council’s projects and programs with key findings from the Water Sensitive Cities Cooperative Research Centre, a national research partnership that involves investigation of policy frameworks, new technologies and knowledge requirements to manage water sustainability from an urban perspective • continuing to develop strategies for regional water sensitive urban design retrofit and water quality offsets in partnership with surrounding local governments • erosion and sediment control research and policy development, systems improvement and capacity building • contributing to the South East Queensland Healthy Waterways program delivering the Ecosystem Health Monitoring Program (EHMP) and Report Card, regional recreational waters Human Health Program and the Healthy Waterways River Clean-up Program • supporting, as a foundational partner, the activities of the International River Foundation • reviewing implementation and management strategies to reduce stormwater pollution. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 1,232 - 859 - Strategy 1.6.2 Protecting Waterway Health Actions to improve the quality of stormwater and waterway health. Service Improve Ecological Health and Liveability of Waterways Waterway rehabilitation and enhancement works will continue to be undertaken to improve the resilience of our waterways to the impacts of a growing city. This service aims to support multiple outcomes for our waterways including their social, economic, environmental and recreational values to support the sustained liveability of Brisbane, and ensures the built environment cost effectively mitigates adverse impacts on waterways and supports wider liveability outcomes through integrated design solutions. - 32 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Key initiatives include: • waterway rehabilitation and enhancement works in key locations, including developing future integrated design solutions • developing waterway and water smart asset registers, classification manuals and strategic asset management plans to support optimised delivery and service level planning • developing a waterway multiple use framework to support integrated delivery planning, guiding water smart interventions across the catchment • delivering 10 water smart asset renewal projects over two years to support improved asset management • supporting the Brisbane City Plan 2014 stormwater code implementation and waterway health outcomes through neighbourhood planning activities • construction of creek filtration systems to improve stormwater quality flowing to waterways • ongoing maintenance of water smart assets, including a risk assessment to support a prioritised asset management program • integrating the results of sediment source studies within project planning, evaluating high value aquatic assets, and ongoing citywide recreational waterway health monitoring • enhanced erosion and sediment control compliance by maintaining a strong Council field presence and supporting planning frameworks • implementation of healthy waters commitments, legislative and regional requirements through Brisbane City Plan 2014 and other planning instruments. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 3,319 656 3,811 672 Projects Creek Filtration Systems Trial Erosion and Sediment Control Compliance Project Local Waterways Health Assessment and Evaluation Oxley Creek Improvement Program Waterway Human Health and Safety - Site Monitoring Waterways Health Enhancement (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 529 34 469 160 505 361 361 111 3,840 - 532 39 488 160 614 361 361 121 4,141 - 496 160 505 361 361 126 4,256 - 500 160 514 361 361 128 4,424 - Strategy 1.6.3 Access and Use of Waterways Ensuring that the river, bay and waterways can be safely accessed and are widely used as recreational, economic and environmental resources. Service Wharves, Jetties and Pontoons This service aims to provide safe and improved access to Brisbane's waterways to help achieve recreational, economic and environmental outcomes. - 33 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Activities in this service include: • improving the provision of safe access to the Brisbane River, bay and waterways for residents and visitors • ensuring Council's waterway assets are maintained at an appropriate level to optimise operation and access to creeks, the river and the bay • continue to provide safe facilities that deliver Zero Harm • continue to maintain and seek improvement in the delivery of services according to Council’s service standards. Key initiatives in this service include: • constructing new wharves, jetties, pontoons, fishing platforms and associated land improvements (such as car parks) for recreational purposes • maintaining and rehabilitating existing wharves, jetties, pontoons and fishing platforms to ensure safe operation and optimum access to waterways • resurfacing of ramps and access points • enhancing and improving parking and storage facilities. A key project within this service is the rehabilitation of Shorncliffe Pier. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 347 - 338 - Projects CBD Marina Shorncliffe Pier Wharves Jetties Pontoons and Fishing Platforms (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 218 11,521 1,335 - 7,123 527 - 533 - 551 - Service Sea and River Walls This service aims to provide structures that improve the use of, access to, and the protection of Council land adjacent to Brisbane’s creeks, river and bay. The service will provide: • effective planning and work, that takes into consideration unexpected climatic events, to enable and ongoing protection of foreshore and riverbank public infrastructure from damage by tidal waters and erosion • safe community access and use of parks and Council land adjacent to the Brisbane River and Moreton Bay • high standards of service and continuous assessment of existing assets and identification of required rehabilitation or replacements. Activities in this service include: • constructing sea and river walls • maintaining and rehabilitating sea and river walls in a safe, functional and visually appealing way. Key initiatives to be delivered include: • increasing erosion immunity to adjoining Council land, infrastructure, and natural assets • providing a first line of defence against storm surge • where possible, implementing innovative engineering solutions that protect assets from natural processes • using public shared paths and other facilities to extend existing passive recreational uses. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 126 - 118 - - 34 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Projects Sea and River Walls Rehabilitation (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 1,361 - 1,489 - 1,062 - 1,094 - Outcome 1.7 Flood Management Outcome description Manage the risk of flooding by making Brisbane a city that is safe, confident and prepared for flooding. This means ensuring flooding is expected, designed and planned for. Brisbane will be prepared for flooding and will respond and recover effectively from flood events. Where we are now Like many cities around the world, our climate and landscape make flood experiences an ongoing reality for Brisbane. Brisbane's FloodSmart Future Strategy sets out Council’s approach to flood risk management to help reduce the risks of flooding and its impacts to people, property and infrastructure. The strategy integrates a range of activities including: • structural measures to reduce flood risk, including improving the flood immunity of infrastructure and enhancing and maintaining the stormwater drainage networks • developing land use planning policies that steer inappropriate development away from areas at risk and regulating development pursuant to these policies • raising community awareness, access to and understanding of, flood information • continually improving emergency response plans and our capacity to respond to floods. A program of flood studies and associated catchment floodplain management plans is underway and will provide the basis for ensuring that flooding is managed as effectively as possible. Council will continue to take action to minimise the risk of flooding and its impacts on people, property and infrastructure with a program of flood studies and associated catchment floodplain management plans and infrastructure solutions including Council’s Priority Infrastructure Plan (PIP) and Infrastructure Charges Plans. The development of these plans will inform Council’s delivery of effective flood management efforts. Where we want to be Council will continue to manage the risk of flooding and its impact on people, property and infrastructure through the ongoing the implementation of the Brisbane’s FloodSmart Future Strategy and associated actions from the Flood Action Plan. This involves integrating the approaches made to managing flood risk across Council including smart land use planning and building, the provision of good quality flood information to an educated and resilient community, world-class response and recovery planning and well-maintained and improved structural assets. The potential risks of flooding on future development will be minimised through planning and assessment processes. The risks of flooding on existing dwellings will be reduced by increasing community resilience to flooding as well as ongoing structural maintenance, rehabilitation and upgrades of the stormwater drainage network. Brisbane will be prepared for flooding and will respond and recover effectively from flood events. Up-to-date and reliable information on flood risk across the city will be easily accessible to all Council officers and the community. Flood and overland flow mapping information will be available free to the public and will provide fit-for-purpose, simple and accessible information which will clearly articulate how risks can be mitigated through recommended actions. Residents will be aware of the potential impact of flooding on their property and their local area from river, creeks, storm surge and overland flow and will be able to take appropriate actions to minimise the risks of flooding to themselves and their property. Strategy 1.7.1 Reduce Flooding - 35 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Investigation, design and construction of drainage schemes to relieve flooding. Service Drainage Investigation and Design This service aims to minimise the impacts of flooding through strategic forward planning of drainage infrastructure, both strategically and in response to community reports of flooding. A comprehensive view of water smart outcomes from across Council works are important to delivering best practice water smart and sustainable drainage practices, maintaining the health of our waterways, providing wider community benefits and minimising the costs associated with the maintenance of drainage infrastructure. Activities in this service include: • investigating and providing feasibility, option analysis, detailed design and cost estimates for local and major drainage and drainage rehabilitation projects • developing and upgrading local stormwater management plans to align with integrated water cycle management principles • delivering integrated water smart drainage outcomes through Council work schedules, that include developing improved screening protocols, business plans, support systems and the ongoing review of guidelines and practices • supporting water smart drainage investigation and design through focused delivery on achieving multiple outcomes, cost effective and innovative design solutions providing advice and flood information data. The activities of this service are funded by projects. Projects Drainage Design Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 2,380 219 - 2,517 183 - 2,519 180 - 2,517 186 - Service Gather and Provide Flood Information This service aims to ensure flood risk across the city is fully understood and information provided to the public and Council officers is fit for purpose, simple and accessible and links risks to action, so that flooding can be planned for effectively. The service ensures Council has robust, reliable and comprehensive flood information to inform its disaster response, planning, infrastructure design and construction activities as recommended by the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry. Council will also gather and provide flood information data to minimise damage to Council's assets during a flood event. The service will continue to: • implement recommendations from the Flood Action Plan • identify and analyse flood risk and potential catchment-based mitigation and management measures to reduce flood risk via priority creek Catchment Flood Management Plans (CFMPs) • undertake to collect stormwater network data which will inform Council's planning scheme and development assessment • maintain Council's hydrometric system of rainfall gauges and creek flood level gauges which provide the critical inputs to the FloodWise Information System and the Early Warning Alert System • provide flood information such as FloodWise Property Reports and flood awareness maps that are easy to access and understand. Flood information key messages will deliver simple, accessible, fit-for-purpose flood information that links identification of flood risk to action as recommended by the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry • provide public access to flood studies and flood information by ensuring copies of Council-commissioned flood studies are held in the Brisbane Square Library • regularly update flood awareness products to ensure reliability and currency as recommended by the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry • ensure Council's flood models provide flood risk data as needed for planning and development purposes as recommended by the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry • gather and maintain flood and rainfall data through telemetry, maximum height gauges and other related systems to inform stormwater policy, planning, investigation and design processes • ensure the telemetry network continues to be a reliable and functioning network and covers areas where flood risk information is needed. - 36 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Activities in this service include: • continuing to update Council's hydraulic flood models with the latest catchment changes which also align to the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry • making flood information accessible through an online 'flood hub' channel providing access to flood awareness maps, FloodWise Property Reports and other flood awareness information • operating Council's telemetry network • provision of warning devices at high flood risk road crossings to warn users of flooded roads • preparation of CFMP's in priority catchments • undertaking field surveys to obtain flood data for flood events. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 867 270 847 - Projects All Hazards Brisbane Ready for Summer Campaign Catchment Flood Risk Management Plans Flood Information Online Flood Smart Assets Gecko Drainage Data Update Maintain and Enhance Flood Models Telemetry Gauges and Warning Devices Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 435 270 1,275 218 24 67 1,046 62 11 - 437 270 681 113 23 79 1,044 13 - 429 270 704 113 27 85 1,095 14 - 435 270 716 117 25 87 1,114 14 - Service Flooding Investigations and Planning This service aims to implement the direct actions from the Flood Action Plan and to manage Council's flood and drainage investigation program to reduce the impact of flooding on people, property and infrastructure. The service will continue to: • implement actions from the Flood Action Plan • manage Council's stormwater relief drainage and flood investigation schedule to reduce flooding in high priority residential areas • work on stormwater and waterway policy development to plan and manage the city's stormwater and waterway network to reduce flooding in priority areas affected by river, creek, storm surge and overland flow flooding. • Activities in this service include: • developing an implementation framework for Brisbane’s FloodSmart Future Strategy • contributing to the Queensland Government led Brisbane River Flood Study project as recommended by the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry • managing the delivery of the rolling stormwater capital works schedule • input into Brisbane City Plan 2014 amendments based on the WaterSmart Strategy in alignment with the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry • preparing and reviewing planning and policy documents related to stormwater management. - 37 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 2,339 - 2,804 - Projects A Floodsmart Future Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 1,660 - 717 - 389 - 746 - Service Local Drainage The aim of this service is to minimise flooding impacts in local catchments by constructing drainage infrastructure, obtaining drainage easements and acquiring land. The service will manage and implement local stormwater drainage solutions to reduce flooding in high priority residential areas. Activities in this service include: • constructing new stormwater drainage • acquiring land for drainage easements • upgrading drainage for capacity aligned with Council’s drainage standards and compliance. The activities of this service are funded by projects. Projects Local Drainage Construction (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 4,803 62 - 4,906 68 - 5,302 66 - 5,420 66 - Service Major Drainage The aim of this service is to minimise flooding impacts to properties and associated infrastructure in drainage catchments by constructing new major drainage infrastructure, obtaining drainage easements and acquiring land. The service will continue to manage and implement Council's stormwater major drainage schedule to reduce flooding in high priority areas. In addition Council will continue its commitment to implementing the Lord Mayor's Taskforce on Suburban Flooding Report's Voluntary Home Purchase Scheme to purchase properties affected by frequent creek or local flooding. - 38 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Activities in this service include: • acquiring flood prone land to accommodate overland flow paths • constructing new trunk stormwater infrastructure • upgrading stormwater infrastructure for capacity as per Council’s relief drainage standards and compliance • voluntary home purchases as recommended by the Lord Mayor's Taskforce on Suburban Flooding and the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry. The activities of this service are funded by projects. Projects Lord Mayor's Flood Taskforce - Voluntary Purchase Major Drainage Construction (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 7,138 362 10,165 94 - 7,091 409 10,442 102 - 4,581 419 8,818 100 - 4,575 425 8,881 100 - Service Plan for Future Infrastructure This service aims to progressively provide new stormwater infrastructure as appropriate to support the growth and liveability of the city. The service will prioritise improvements to the capacity of existing flood infrastructure in areas where upgrades are identified as needed to meet the capacity requirements of future development within a catchment. The service will build on the previous investment made by Council to further extend the: • facilitation of the integration of stormwater drainage and water quality infrastructure, within a wider approach to water cycle management, to provide water availability, waterway health, protect the environment and improve the liveability of our city • facilitation of the construction of stormwater drainage and water quality infrastructure to meet sequenced stormwater planning for the city's development • development of integrated solutions that contribute to long term sustainability • delivery of new growth areas that are planned and built to align with development needs. Activities in this service include: • managing the delivery of new and upgraded infrastructure to support development • managing Council's support to the development industry in the construction of infrastructure to standards specified in development conditions • facilitating the delivery of water quality infrastructure to meet Council's water quality objectives • developing and upgrading the stormwater network for neighbourhood planning and urban renewal planning strategies via amendments to the Priority Infrastructure Plan. The activities of this service are funded by projects. Projects Stormwater ICP Infrastructure (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Stormwater ICP Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 6,906 196 11,262 7,698 209 13,714 7,735 236 13,714 7,903 240 13,714 Service Manage Contributed Stormwater Assets The aim of this service is to ensure contributed stormwater assets meet Council design standards and regulatory assessment. The service will manage the contributed assets recognition and valuation process. Activities in this service include: - 39 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City • • • • • aligning Council's requirements to design standards providing guidance to developers on Council requirements updating inventory information valuing and recognising the contributions as revenue capitalising the assets to the stormwater network asset register. The activities of this service are funded by projects. Projects Drainage Contributed Assets Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 Strategy 1.7.2 Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Flood Management Assets Maintain and rehabilitate stormwater and flood mitigation assets. Service Maintain Enclosed Drains The aim of this service is to ensure that Brisbane's 3000 kilometre stormwater pipe network operates at its optimum capacity. The service will undertake a range of maintenance activities including: • cleaning stormwater gully inlets • desilting pipes • rehabilitating damaged stormwater gully inlets • replacing gully grates • repairing and raising manholes • repairing enclosed drainage • clearing blocked stormwater pipes, gullies, manholes, inlets and outlets. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 7,506 - 8,088 - Service Maintain and Rehabilitate Open Drainage The aim of this service is to ensure that Brisbane's open drainage network operates at optimum capacity to minimise the impact of flooding on people, property and infrastructure. A range of maintenance and rehabilitation activities will be undertaken within this service. Activated through responses to rainfall events and notified issues reported by residents these maintenance activities can eventuate as a mix of planned, cyclic works and incident responsive maintenance. Activities in this service include: • vegetation management in open drainage • desilting to remove accumulation of sediment likely to exacerbate flooding in locations including concrete-lined sections of open channels, low flow channels, inlet structures, access ramps and table drains • weed eradication in water courses • vegetation management in waterways at key locations where flooding conveyance is restricted. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 7,690 - 7,535 - - 40 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Projects Lord Mayor's Flood Taskforce - Major Waterways Vegetation Management (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 1,471 - 1,477 - 1,610 - 1,618 - Service Drainage Rehabilitation The aim of this service is to rehabilitate sections of the stormwater drainage network so it can operate to its design capacity thereby reducing the impact of flooding on people, property and infrastructure. To achieve this, works will be carried out under the drainage rehabilitation program to maintain asset performance and reduce flooding. Key activities in this service include: • replacing damaged and collapsed pipes • extending the remaining life of assets through innovative technology such as relining • repairing damaged inlets and outlets • prioritising and scheduling rehabilitation works to ensure the network can operate to its optimum capacity • upgrading the network for capacity and compliance. The activities of this service are funded by projects. Projects Stormwater Drainage Rehabilitation (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 5,090 56 - 5,170 62 - 5,127 60 - 5,472 60 - Service Mitigate Flooding The aim of this service is to reduce the impact of flooding on people, property and infrastructure from flood mitigated waterways. The service will: • inspect, survey, investigate and assess the condition of flood mitigated waterways • develop asset maintenance management plans • schedule and prioritise the maintenance and rehabilitation of mitigation works. Activities in this service include: • maintenance and rehabilitation works • grass cutting in and along flood mitigated creeks • bank maintenance • desilting • vegetation management • minor flood mitigation maintenance • cyclic desilting, which removes accumulated silt, sand and gravel from the beds and banks of creeks, with selective mangrove management to reduce the impacts of flooding on people, property and infrastructure adjacent to creeks. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 547 - 614 - - 41 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Projects Cyclic Desilting Waterways and Drains Flood Mitigation Studies and Investigation Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 771 348 - 836 404 - 902 294 - 922 302 - Service Manage and Maintain Assets The aim of this service is to manage a $2 billion portfolio of stormwater assets to ensure the most effective outcomes are achieved for Council and the community. Using Council’s Total Asset Management framework this service will provide for the strategic asset management of this large portfolio. Activities in this service include: • managing the assets on a day-to-day basis by responding to requests regarding stormwater assets • inspecting the assets • surveying pipes, gullies and inlets • scheduling maintenance, rehabilitation and enhancement works • ensuring maintenance and rehabilitation works programs are delivered • updating as-constructed stormwater infrastructure assets • undertaking financial management of the asset portfolio, including valuing and depreciating assets. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 45,820 -5,676 45,372 -5,876 Projects Dial Before You Dig Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 175 - 175 - 175 - 175 - Service Reconstruct Gullies The aim of this service is to reconstruct stormwater drainage inlets to ensure they can perform their function of capturing stormwater from roads and bikeways and are safe for pedestrians, bikes and vehicles. The service will: • reconstruct stormwater gully inlets that are in poor condition • replace gully grates that are not bike safe • replace stormwater gullies that impact on bike access in traffic corridors or are likely to adversely impact on pedestrians, bikes or vehicles. Activities in this service include: • inspection of gullies • repair of aged and damaged components • implementing upgrades for capacity and compliance including replacement of non-compliant grates with those suitable for pedestrians, bikes and vehicles. The activities of this service are funded by projects. - 42 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Projects Gully Reconstruction (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 1,541 - 1,590 - 1,789 - 1,947 - Outcome 1.8 Pollution Free City Outcome description Brisbane residents enjoy a clean and healthy environment. Environmental pollutants, contaminated land, closed landfills and dangerous goods are managed to prevent and minimise their impact on the community and the environment. Where we are now Compared to many major cities Brisbane has clean air. However, Brisbane has a high potential for smog due to the regional topography, climate and population growth. Air pollution, noise pollution and contaminated land from industrial, commercial, transport and residential sources can degrade the environment and significantly impact on the quality of life of residents. There are approximately 150 closed landfills in Brisbane, many of which are used as parks and sports fields. Many of these sites require ongoing remediation and maintenance as a result of natural settling, decomposition of waste and public use. Council implements a remediation and maintenance program to protect the community and the environment from safety hazards, water and air pollution generated by these sites. Where we want to be Brisbane's clean air is maintained and trends in smog and particulate pollutants are reduced. Brisbane's industries implement measures to minimise pollution and its impacts on the community and environment. Brisbane residents and businesses adopt low-polluting behaviours. Strategy 1.8.1 Pollution Prevention and Management To protect the community and the environment from pollution and chemical hazards. Service Reduce Pollution The aim of this service is to lead and co-ordinate efforts to maintain Brisbane’s achievement of clean air, and to prevent impacts on the community and the environment posed by air pollution, noise pollution and chemical hazards. Activities in this service include: • reducing red tape, improving useability for customers and officers and improving pollution outcomes • leading and co-ordinating the implementation of the Brisbane Clean Air Strategy • providing specialist scientific air quality, noise, and chemical hazards advice and support to enable delivery of Council’s regulatory services, neighbourhood planning and infrastructure projects • providing technical and policy advice for development assessment to enable Council to deliver timely, responsible and compliant development • developing and improving pollution prevention requirements for industry and the community in consultation with government, industry and the community • producing industry and community environmental education and assistance materials • conducting research to guide Council achieving pollution prevention outcomes • investigating and reporting pollution level and trend statistics. - 43 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Operating Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 953 - 929 - Expense Revenue Strategy 1.8.2 Maintain Closed Landfills Provide assessment and maintenance of closed landfill sites to reduce environmental and public risks. Service Closed Landfill Management The aim of this service is to prevent adverse impacts on the environment and community from Brisbane's closed landfills and ensure Council complies with environmental legislation. Activities in this service include: • monitoring sites • responding to risks to public safety and the environment • implementing a maintenance program • implementing capital remediation works such as capping, drainage, and installation of leachate and landfill gas collection systems • producing asset and environmental management plans to protect public safety and the environment • monitoring the effectiveness of the works. Operating Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 7,010 76 5,975 54 Expense Revenue Projects Remediation of Cannon Hill Community Links Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Restoration for Recreation 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 5,219 2,137 4 - 223 3,515 3 - 223 3,511 4 - 222 3,512 4 - Strategy 1.8.3 Environmental Regulatory Services Prevent impacts on the community by implementing the Environmental Protection Act 1994 and local laws. Service Environmental Licensing and Compliance The aim of this service is to prevent impacts on the community and the environment posed by pollution by implementing the Environmental Protection Act 1994 and local laws. Consistent with Queensland Government deregulation, the scope of Council’s activities in this service have been refined. However, consistent with Queensland Government legislation, Council will continue: • risk-based environmental audits of industry • risk-based investigation of complaints and incidents • enforcement and prosecution of offences. Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 1,603 568 1,536 654 - 44 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Outcome 1.9 Managing and Reducing Brisbane's Waste and Litter Outcome description Manage Brisbane's waste streams and infrastructure to: • maximise resource recovery • reduce waste to landfill • promote waste minimisation initiatives • keep the streets, roadways and footpaths of the city clean and litter free. Where we are now Council is regarded as leading the way for Australian councils in waste and litter management with a detailed waste management strategy ‘Towards Zero Waste’ and award winning infrastructure and collection, disposal and litter management services. Brisbane's waste and litter management meets key performance indicators and ratepayer satisfaction is high, but Council faces the challenges and demands of an expanding population and waste volumes growing as a consequence of 'throw it away' thinking, rather than resource recovery and re-use. The cleanliness of the busy public places within the Central Business District (CBD), the Valley and the entertainment precincts across the city requires ongoing attention to cleansing infrastructure and smarter use of available resources. In common with communities across Australia, Brisbane is grappling with issues such as littering from vehicles and illegal dumping, and the consequential diversion of resources to cleaning and patrolling rather than providing community infrastructure. Where we want to be Brisbane's stature as Australia's New World City will be evidenced by its leadership in resource recovery and citywide cleansing, providing best practice service integration, infrastructure and innovation. Strategy 1.9.1 Effective Waste Stream Management and Reduction Manage waste through kerbside collection of domestic waste, green waste and recyclables and the operation of engineered landfills and waste transfer facilities. Encourage people to reduce, reuse and recycle. Service Waste Stream Management and Reduction The objective of this service is to effectively manage Brisbane's waste streams in conjunction with the overall aims of increased recycling and reduced waste to landfill. The service contributes to the Brisbane Vision goal of a clean, green city. Council manages waste through the kerbside collection of domestic waste and recyclables, disposal of waste to engineered landfills and recycling facilities and the operation of four transfer stations. Key activities in this service include: • contract management of service providers • ensuring regulatory compliance and strategic asset management of key waste management facilities (four transfer stations and Rochedale landfill) • continuing minimisation of waste from Council's facilities and operations • producing industry and community education and information materials such as a resource booklet, fact sheets, recycling guide and recycling information on the Council website • working with industry stakeholders to ensure cleaner production, less packaging, and to promote recycling and re-use initiatives. Council will continue to implement initiatives under the Towards Zero Waste Strategy aimed at reducing the amount of waste going to landfill and maximising the city's recycling, including: • the Green Waste Recycling Service, providing a wheelie bin green waste service to residents • the Additional Household Recycling Capacity service, providing a larger recycling bin to residents of Brisbane • the Recycling Service for Businesses, providing a recycling service to commercial premises • Brisbane Tip Shops, reducing waste to landfill in partnership with the Endeavour Foundation • development of resource recovery centres at transfer stations • conducting hazardous waste collection events. Operating Anticipated - 45 - Proposed Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Expense Revenue 2013-14 $000 2014-15 $000 101,937 123,584 106,324 129,587 Projects Annual Kerbside Large Item Collection Enhance Public Place Recycling Green Waste Recycling Service Recycling Service for Businesses Tip Shops Towards Zero Waste Communication Education and Research Transfer Stations - Resource Recovery Centres Waste Contract Renewal Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 5,821 80 380 5,328 4,126 368 368 6,054 80 389 5,970 4,698 404 400 6,423 80 394 6,332 5,006 422 419 647 344 299 3,328 598 - 796 371 306 2,145 913 - 6,292 80 385 6,203 4,884 416 411 828 369 313 911 - 850 375 320 652 - Strategy 1.9.2 Keeping our City Clean Keeping our city clean and preserving the visual amenity by protecting our environment from waste and litter pollution. Service City Cleansing This service aims to ensure that the: • streets, roadways and footpaths of the city are kept clean and litter free, preventing potential pollutants from entering the environment • city's ecosystems are kept clean and healthy by preventing potential pollutants (litter and waste) entering our waterways. Activities in this service include: • emphasis on cleaning busy public areas (CBD and Valley Malls) • litter prevention services across the suburbs • waste collection to reduce litter and enhance the amenity of public space by providing additional bin capacity and collection services in parks and on roadsides • street cleaning and road sweeping on major roads, around shopping centres and industrial areas, and residential streets • street scrubbing machinery • pressure cleaning of streets • assessment of litter 'hot spots' • operation of gum removal vehicles • litter awareness promotions and campaigns. - 46 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Operating Expense Revenue Anticipated 2013-14 $000 Proposed 2014-15 $000 6,568 - 6,187 - Projects Additional Maintenance - Flying Gangs Citywide Litter Prevention Litter Prevention Awareness Street Sweeping Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue Capital Expense Revenue - 47 - 2014-15 $000 2015-16 $000 2016-17 $000 2017-18 $000 2,205 6,029 2,088 58 4,917 - 2,304 6,531 2,150 61 4,090 - 2,394 6,476 2,216 60 3,958 - 2,410 6,630 2,281 60 4,050 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Total Project Expenditure combined with Rolling Projects Project 100 Per cent Green Power 25000 Street Lights Retrofit Program A Floodsmart Future Additional Cuts - Parks Grass Additional Maintenance - Flying Gangs All Hazards Brisbane Ready for Summer Campaign Annual Kerbside Large Item Collection Boulevards and Shadeways Brisbane City Council - Carbon Offsets Brisbane Invasive Species Management Plan Implementation Build Karawatha Forest Environment Centre Bulimba Creek Acquisition Bushland Acquisition Program Catchment Flood Risk Management Plans CBD Marina City Parks Trust Citywide Litter Prevention Community Conservation Assistance Community Conservation Partnerships Conservation Reserves Management Program 2014-15 $000 5,829 342 1,660 1,896 2,205 435 2015-16 $000 5,666 717 1,972 2,304 437 2016-17 $000 5,624 389 2,017 2,394 429 2017-18 $000 5,613 746 2,061 2,410 435 5,821 1,418 218 1,066 6,054 1,449 232 1,107 6,292 1,300 236 1,120 6,423 1,330 242 1,118 6,261 711 15,264 1,275 218 693 6,029 797 2,940 4,068 3,097 16,076 681 6,531 817 3,076 4,452 16,889 704 6,476 838 3,113 5,503 17,209 716 6,630 859 3,203 5,000 3,004 563 771 175 537 3,094 571 836 175 538 2,963 902 175 544 1,658 922 175 529 12,000 2,599 380 469 12,000 2,700 389 488 12,000 2,699 385 496 12,000 2,703 394 500 218 348 24 6,170 67 599 117 575 599 2,160 5,328 1,541 113 404 23 79 623 575 623 5,970 1,590 113 294 27 85 619 575 619 6,203 1,789 117 302 25 87 617 575 617 6,332 1,947 11,339 10,398 4,957 5,078 3,046 3,105 3,089 3,214 58 61 60 60 (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Coorparoo Creek Park - Stage 1 Creek Filtration Systems Trial Cyclic Desilting Waterways and Drains Dial Before You Dig Dog Off Leash Area Refurbishment (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Drainage Contributed Assets Drainage Design Enhance Public Place Recycling Erosion and Sediment Control Compliance Project Flood Information Online Flood Mitigation Studies and Investigation Flood Smart Assets Frew Park Milton Gecko Drainage Data Update Green Heart CitySmart Pty Ltd - Operations Green Heart Environmental Hubs Green Heart Homes and Schools Green Heart Sustainability Events Green Heart Wisdom Green Waste Recycling Service Gully Reconstruction (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Key City Park Upgrades Legislative Compliance and Administration Litter Prevention Awareness - 48 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Total Project Expenditure combined with Rolling Projects Project Local Drainage Construction 2014-15 $000 4,865 2015-16 $000 4,974 2016-17 $000 5,368 2017-18 $000 5,486 505 614 505 514 462 483 490 502 1,471 1,477 1,610 1,618 7,500 7,500 5,000 5,000 1,046 1,044 10,259 1,044 1,161 10,544 1,095 1,241 8,918 1,114 1,268 8,981 957 767 751 751 1,864 767 131 1,948 870 136 3,460 95 136 1,799 95 135 127 2,572 361 3,338 131 3,037 361 3,290 130 3,617 361 3,150 133 3,714 361 2,788 3,813 3,489 3,443 3,515 915 20,116 1,121 930 21,789 1,157 937 22,421 1,186 960 23,313 1,186 368 5,219 2,141 1,361 404 223 3,518 1,489 416 223 3,515 1,062 422 222 3,516 1,094 11,521 5,146 7,123 5,232 5,187 5,532 6,366 7,102 2,536 7,907 7,971 8,143 4,917 73 647 344 4,090 13 796 371 3,958 14 828 369 4,050 14 850 375 3,328 5,571 2,145 5,187 4,342 5,020 (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Local Waterways Health Assessment and Evaluation Lord Mayor's Community Sustainability and Environment Grants Lord Mayor's Flood Taskforce - Major Waterways Vegetation Management (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Lord Mayor's Flood Taskforce - Voluntary Purchase Maintain and Enhance Flood Models Maintain Lakes Systems in Parks Major Drainage Construction (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Memorials & Heritage Restoration (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Metropolitan and District Playgrounds Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens - Refurbish Assets Native Animal Ambulances and Wildlife Carers Grant Natural Areas Risk Management Norman Creek 2012 - 2031 Oxley Creek Improvement Program Park Access Assets Maintenance and Rehabilitation (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Park Infrastructure Facility and Landscape Upgrades (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Park Tree Management Parks Infrastructure Charges Program Play Safe Upgrades (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Recycling Service for Businesses Remediation of Cannon Hill Community Links Restoration for Recreation Sea and River Walls Rehabilitation (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Shorncliffe Pier Stormwater Drainage Rehabilitation (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Stormwater Harvesting Stormwater ICP Infrastructure (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Street Sweeping Telemetry Gauges and Warning Devices Tip Shops Towards Zero Waste Communication Education and Research Transfer Stations - Resource Recovery Centres Upgrade Neighbourhood Parks (Refer Appendix of Schedules) - 49 - Program 1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City Total Project Expenditure combined with Rolling Projects Project Waste Contract Renewal Water Smart Communication and Engagement Waterway Human Health and Safety - Site Monitoring Waterways Health Enhancement 2014-15 $000 598 54 111 2015-16 $000 913 57 121 2016-17 $000 911 56 126 2017-18 $000 652 58 128 3,840 4,141 4,256 4,424 1,335 527 533 551 2,909 2,981 1,588 1,628 238,018 214,499 191,187 191,759 (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Wharves Jetties Pontoons and Fishing Platforms (Refer Appendix of Schedules) Wipe Out Weeds TOTAL - 50 -