1 Return To: Dr. Robin Rooney FPG Child Development Institute 517 South Greensboro Street, Carrboro, NC, 27510 robin.rooney@unc.edu The NC Social-Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (SEFEL) Program 2014-2015 The NC SEFEL program, funded through the 619 Preschool Disabilities grant for the purpose of improving child outcomes and preschool LRE opportunities, has been in existence since 2009. The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) Office of Early Learning continues to provide training, consultation, and on-going support to implement the SEFEL Pyramid Model district-wide throughout the state. The assurances outlined in this document include goals, activities, and expectations for implementing SEFEL in your LEA. The assurances also propose a budget to be provided by DPI. Please review this document so you can mark training events, confirm your LEA’s continued participation and ensure financial support. GOALS, ACTIVITIES & ASSURANCES 2014-2015 LONG TERM OUTCOME: To improve child outcomes and LRE opportunities through district-wide implementation of the SEFEL Pyramid Model for supporting social and emotional competence and preventing challenging behavior in children. GOALS 1. Increase knowledge & skills of the SEFEL implementation team (i.e., staff who will be coaches & trainers) to provide effective coaching, consultation and training to classroom staff on the SEFEL Pyramid Model. 2. Implement the SEFEL strategies in targeted classrooms. 3. Train all teaching staff in Tiers I, II and III according to the LEA implementation plan 4. Establish a SEFEL professional learning community for teachers, coaches and trainers. 5. Establish an LEA SEFEL implementation team to develop an implementation plan for district-wide implementation and sustainability. 6. Collect data and conduct end of year program self-assessment and review STATE ACTIVITIES Training for new staff/coaches/trainers: Pyramid Model Tiers I and II Pyramid Model Tier III SEFEL Coaching I (Mindful Coaching ) SEFEL Coaching Institute II (SEFEL TPOT Training & Certification) Date & Location TBA Date & Location TBA Date & Location TBA Date & Location TBA 1 2 Support for coaches: On-going web-based seminars and regional support meeting focused on coaching, problem-solving related to implementation of pyramid model and resource sharing (Date & Location TBA) Support for leadership team: LEA ASSURANCES Assist in the development of a leadership team and the development of a written plan for district-wide implementation plan. Provide a Leadership Summit Develop and assist leadership teams in conducting end of year program self-assessment and program review Please check items to ensure agreement with implementation criteria: Establish cadre of LEA coaches/trainers and ensure training is completed Ensure time is available for coaches to implement SEFEL pyramid model to fidelity in targeted classrooms Ensure time is available for coaches and trainers to participate in Coaching Webinars and Coaching Institutes and regional support meetings Establish/continue a SEFEL Professional Learning Community Conduct regularly scheduled leadership team meetings to facilitate work of the implementation teams and continue to develop plan for the district-wide implementation Ensure Leadership team attendance at annual Summit Complete or update and submit the following documentation: LEA Implementation Plan (due date TBA) End of year DPI survey (date TBA) End of Year Program Self-Assessment and Review with supporting documentation/data (date TBA) STATE ASSURANCES Funding for: Travel related expenses to attend state conducted training(s) and meetings Substitute pay for staff attending LEA conducted training or coaching, when appropriate (as agreed upon by regional consultant) Classroom supply funds for SEFEL related materials for new targeted classrooms As appropriate, funding for other required assessment tools for data collection 2 3 Budget LEA will complete and submit the attached NC SEFEL program spending plan template The NC SEFEL Program is supported by the Office of Early Learning with PRC 119 funds for training and support to the LEA implementation and leadership team(s). The total number of coaches, trainers and administrators projected to attend the training(s) and the projected number of new targeted classes, and/or assessment tools as appropriate, in this LEA will determine the amount allotted below. Once the signed assurances are received, the state will send the approved allocation amount to the DPI finance department. When the approved allotment appears in PRC 119 directors should submit the planning budget to finance for submission into the BAAS. The BAAS will then be approved by the state. These funds are considered “add-on” or supplemental and may not be used to supplant or replace existing funding sources. The provision of a free and appropriate public education for any child with a disability found eligible for special education may not be contingent upon the receipt of these funds by the LEA. NOTE: The budget year begins July 1, 2014 and ends June 30, 2015 When entering in budget in the BAAS please include the code SF in the Justification line to designate that these funds are for the NC SEFEL Program. Signatures Assurances: The signatures below provide assurance that the LEA administration agrees to accept the terms of this agreement and will fulfill the responsibilities and activities described above. __________________________________________________________ Signature of the Exceptional Children Director __________________________ Date __________________________________________________________ Signature of the Preschool Coordinator(s) __________________________ Date 3