Emeritus or Emerita Status Nomination Form - Provost

Emeritus or Emerita Status Nomination Form
Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost
(revised June, 2012)
The title of emeritus or emerita is conferred on retired full professors, associate professors, administrative officers,
librarians with continued appointment, and senior extension agents who have given exemplary service to the university
and who are specifically recommended to the board of visitors by the president and approved (See University Policy 4405
and section 3.2.4 of The Faculty Handbook).
Emeritus appointments are recommended by the department head and approved by the dean, provost, president and
Board of Visitors.
A signed nomination form and draft resolution highlighting the contributions and achievements of the faculty member are to
be sent electronically in Word format for approval to the Office of the Provost – 330 Burruss Hall, (0132) c/o Judy Taylor
(taylor1@vt.edu). The Office of the Provost will finalize the resolution for submission to the Board of Visitors at the
appropriate quarterly meeting. Once approved by the board, a copy of the resolution and a certificate of appreciation are
provided to the emeritus or emerita faculty member.
Please attach to this form a draft resolution for board of visitors’ consideration. The samples below provide the
suggested appropriate length and possible content. The resolution should address the faculty member's contributions to
the instructional, research, and service missions of the university; outstanding achievements and awards; exceptional
professional service; and other noteworthy contributions.
Questions: Ellen Plummer, Assistant Provost 231-6122, eplummer@vt.edu
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Full Name and Virginia Tech ID Number
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Current Title (i.e., “Professor, Associate Professor,” etc.)
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Home Address
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Effective Date of Retirement
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Years of Service at Virginia Tech
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Proposed Emeritus or Emerita Title/Designation (i.e. “Professor Emeritus of ____”)
Department Head
Senior Vice President and Provost
WHEREAS, beginning in 1968 and continuing for 42 years, Dr. John Smith faithfully served Virginia Tech as a
faculty member in the Department of Physics in the College of Science; and
WHEREAS, he made significant contributions to the understanding of physics through his work in nuclear
physics focusing on precision measurements of extremely rare processes; and
WHEREAS, he ably served the scientific community as a leading member of productive collaborations at Los
Alamos National Laboratory, Jefferson Laboratories, and TRIUMF—a consortium of eleven Canadian
universities; and
WHEREAS, he supported the scientific research enterprise as a conference organizer and frequent reviewer
for national and international journals and funding agencies; and
WHEREAS, with dedication, he taught a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate courses ranging
across the full physics curriculum, placing strong emphasis on standards and student learning; and
WHEREAS, he advised numerous students on master’s and doctoral dissertations and helped them develop
successful careers in both academic and industrial settings; and
WHEREAS, he provided many years of distinguished contributions to the department, college, and university
through dedicated service on numerous committees;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Visitors recognizes Dr. John Smith for his
distinguished service to the university with the title Professor Emeritus of Physics.
That the above resolution recommending Dr. John Smith for emeritus status be approved.
June 4, 2012
WHEREAS, beginning in 1966 and continuing for 44 years, Dr. Jane Smith faithfully served Virginia Tech as a
faculty member in the Department of Plant Pathology, Physiology, and Weed Science in the College of
Agriculture and Life Sciences; and
WHEREAS, with dedication, she taught and lectured in undergraduate and graduate courses; and
WHEREAS, she directed 12 master’s and 11 doctoral students, and served on over 40 master’s and doctoral
committees in 11 university programs; and
WHEREAS, she was principal or co-principal investigator on grants researching plant viruses and virus
diseases in the commonwealth, nation, and world; and
WHEREAS, through her work in the Integrated Pest Management Collaborative Research Support
Program, she brought international visibility to Virginia Tech; and
WHEREAS, she authored or co-authored over 150 refereed journal articles, book chapters, and reviews; and
WHEREAS, she served on science advisory panels and proposal review panels for the United States
Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Institutes of Health, Environmental Protection Agency, and
National Science Foundation; and
WHEREAS, she held leadership positions in professional organizations, including as president of the
American Phytopathological Society (APS) and founding member of the APS public policy board; and
WHEREAS, she received many professional honors and awards, including an Alumni Award for
Excellence in International Research and elected as fellow in three scientific societies; and
WHEREAS, she provided many years of distinguished contributions to the department, the college, and the
university through dedicated service on numerous commissions and committees;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Visitors recognizes Dr. Jane Smith for her
distinguished service to the university with the title of Professor Emerita of Plant Pathology
That the above resolution recommending Dr. John Smith for emeritus status be approved.
June 4, 2012