Student Parking Application 2012-2013

11530 Beatties Ford Road
Huntersville, NC 28078
(980) 343-5988
Hopewell High School
Student Parking Contract and Vehicle Registration
School Year 2013-2014
Parking by students on the campus of Hopewell High School is a privilege, not a right;
and in consideration thereof, students must abide by following terms and conditions.
Student and parent must initial each term of the contract.
- Student must be considered a Sophomore, Junior or Senior at the beginning of the 20132014 school year. (____/____) *Student/Parent
- Student may purchase a parking permit if he/she is a licensed, driving Sophomore
Junior or Senior, for person’s vehicle only. (____/____) *Student/Parent
- Student who purchases or attempts to purchase a permit for another student will
have his/her permit revoked and face disciplinary action.(____/____) *Student/Parent
- Student must have a minimum 2.0 G.P.A., based upon the last completed school
Semester (half year). (____/____) *Student/Parent
- Student must have no outstanding school financial obligations.(___/___)*Studt/Parent
- Student must not have been suspended (ISS/OSS) during the last completed
semester. (____/____) *Student/Parent
- Parking permits are non-transferable. (____/____) *Student/Parent
- Parking permits cost $25. (____/____) *Student/Parent
- Registered Hopewell High School parking permit must be attached in the lower left
hand corner of the vehicle windshield. (____/____) *Student/Parent
- Parking is permitted only in numbered parking spaces. Illegally parked cars and
those without permits will be fined $10 for each offense and/or be subject to being
booted with a fine of $50, or towed from campus AT OWNER’S EXPENSE.
(____/____) *Student/Parent
- Cars parked in areas off Hopewell campus are subject to towing by property owners.
(____/____) *Student/Parent
- Driving across grass/dirt areas is a $35 fine and parking permit will be permanently
revoked. (____/____) *Student/Parent
- Student agrees to obey all state and local motor vehicle laws.
(____/____) *Student/Parent
- Student understands that he/she must be wearing a seat belt when operating or
riding in a vehicle on school grounds. Failure to wear a seat belt will result in:
1. First offense – Written warning
2. Second offense – Loss of parking privileges for 1 week
3. Third offense – Loss of parking privileges for 2 weeks
4. Fourth offense – Loss of parking privileges for one month
5. Fifth offense – Permanent revocation of parking permit
(____/____) *Student/Parent
-If student parks a vehicle without displaying a sticker in his or her assigned space, the
student must obtain a temporary parking pass from Colonel Puckett or he or she will
receive a parking ticket.
-If a student receives a parking ticket for any reason, he or she has one week to
protest/appeal the ticket before it becomes final.
Discipline Issues
- Student understands that, whether he/she is the driver or the passenger in a car
and in possession of a parking permit, leaving campus without permission will result
in the following consequences:
1. First offense – One day OSS and 30-day suspension of parking permit
2. Second offense – Three days OSS and permanent suspension of parking
(____/____) *Student/Parent
- Student agrees that he /she will not bring onto school grounds or keep in his/her
vehicle while on school grounds any (including but not limited to); gun, explosive,
blackjack, alcohol, drugs, weapon, chemical or biological agent, or contraband.
Permanent revocation of parking permit will occur if any of the aforementioned
items are found in the student’s vehicle. (____/____) *Student/Parent
- Student acknowledges his/her understanding that school authorities have the right
to open, enter, and search his/her vehicle and remove any unauthorized articles as
described in previous item, or any other articles that may endanger health, welfare,
or safety of students and school personnel. Any such articles may be retained and
used as evidence in disciplinary proceedings by school authorities, or delivered to
appropriate law enforcement officials at the sole discretion of the school
authorities. Permanent revocation of parking permit will result if any such items are
found in the student’s car. . (____/____) *Student/Parent
Parking stickers are assigned on a first come, first served basis. Parking space is limited,
and as such, all students who qualify cannot be guaranteed a space. Students wishing to
park on school grounds should complete their applications in a timely manner.
I have read and understand the above regulations. By signing below, I agree to abide
by them. In the event that I should disobey any of these rules, I understand that I
am subject to disciplinary action.
_______________________________ __________________________________
(Student Signature) (Print Name) (Date)
I have read and understand the parking regulations mentioned above. I hereby give
my son/daughter permission to obtain a parking permit and understand that failure to
abide by all rules will result in disciplinary action.
_______________________________ __________________________________
(Parent Signature) (Print Name) (Date)
Grade: _____________ Name:____________________________________________
Hopewell High School
11530 Beatties Ford Road, Huntersville, NC 28078
(980) 343-5988