Project EULAKES Ref. No. 2CE243P3 European Lakes under Environmental Stressors (Supporting lake governance to mitigate the impact of climate change) 4.1. Vulnerability Assessment Deliverable 4.1.1 Joint lake vulnerability and risk assessment methodology Part B: Lake Balaton Károly Kutics Gábor Molnár, István Hegedűs Lake Balaton Development Coordination Agency 1 Contents Executive summary .................................................................................................................... 3 1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 8 2. Methodology ........................................................................................................................ 9 2.1. Definition of Stressors ......................................................................................................9 3. Current impacts of Climate Change on Lake Balaton .................................................. 15 3.1. Situation in Hungary ......................................................................................................15 3.2. Situation in the Lake Balaton region ............................................................................18 4. Vulnerability to the effects of climate change - future scenarios ...................................... 30 4.1. Hydrology and water quantity ......................................................................................30 4.2. Lake water temperature .................................................................................................37 4.3. Water quality ..................................................................................................................38 4.4. Reed belt and peat bogs ..................................................................................................43 4.5. Fish and other macrofauna ............................................................................................45 4.6. Invasive species ...............................................................................................................47 4.7. Land use and agriculture ...............................................................................................50 4.8. Hunting ............................................................................................................................52 4.9. Tourism ...........................................................................................................................52 4.10. Infrastructure ................................................................................................................55 5. Assessment of potential economic impacts ......................................................................... 56 6. Summary of findings related to vulnerability .................................................................... 58 Literature................................................................................................................................... 62 2 Executive summary Vulnerability is the degree to which a system is likely to experience harm due to exposure to a hazard. The purpose of vulnerability assessment is to determine the hazards in the form of stresses or perturbations, sensitivity of the system towards these factors and resilience, i.e. the system's ability to return to the original/favourable condition on its own accord. The framework and methodology described in Part A: Lake Neusiedl was largely adopted. Available information on climate change predictions (various scenarios) has been analyzed and receptors of climate and other stresses were identified. The receptors are mostly based on the investigations of WP 6.1.3 but receptors deemed important to Lake Balaton were determinded as well. According to the meteorological data of the past decades, Lake Balaton watershed is warming, precipitation is slightly decreasing, and the water balance is showing higher variability. Future climate predictions invariably show increases in temperature, and reduction of water excess in the natural water balance (NWB or NWRC). Certain scenarios (Nováky, 2008) predict permanent negative NWB by as soon as 2050. It should be emphasized that there is a great deal of uncertainty in predictions on the regional scale. However, one of the most vulnerable receptor is water quantity. The NWB of Lake Balaton may be improved by water transfer from other watersheds, but this action would result in other stresses and vulnerabilities, such as water shortage on the other watershed, introduction of foreign species, conflicts of interests, etc. Lake water temperature is expected to increase in the order of a few oC. This would benefit tourism, especially on the beaches and water related sports, resulting in higher income for the tourism sector and reducing economic vulnerability in the region. However, at the same time, higher temperatures result in adverse effects, such as less favourable water quality, stress on the ecological system, less (or disappearance of) ice cover making reed management difficult, and human health problems. Water quality is very vulnerable due to the extreme shallowness of Lake Balaton. Climate change would bring unfavourable changes, such as more nutrient release from the sediment and increased erosion resulting in higher algae levels, increase of dissolved inorganic content due to increased evaporation and less (or negligible) water exchange. The reed belts would benefit from more frequent low water level and wide year-to-year level fluctuations, as it was experienced during the year 2000-2004 drought period. As long as the area of reed stands grow simultaneously with acceptable water level (i.e. above about 60 to 70 cm), the 3 ecological system benefits from the phenomenon (in case of extremely low water level reed stands dry up resulting in (at least temporarily) significant loss of aqueous habitat). However, advance of reed-covered area would have adverse impact on various uses of the lake, such as bathing, swimming, sail boating, etc. Fish population is declining and there are several non-indigenous species in the lake with high population. Prediction of changes in the fish population is difficult, but thermophilic species would advance with warming. It is expected that one of the problem species, silver carp still will not be able to spawn in the warmer water. Warmer and drier summer periods will not favor agricultural production in general. However, vineyards may benefit from warming due to the reduced damages from frosts and the, possibility to grow more Mediterranian species. Tourism may expect favourable changes on the short to mid-term due to higher water and air temperatures as long as water quality do not deteriorate. This would result in longer tourist seasons and more visitors engaging in water leisure activities. Table E1 shows the summary of the results of qualitative vulnerability assessment. Receptors (indicators) of very high and high vulnerability should be addressed during the development of measures based on the adaptive capacity at regional and national level. Table E1. Qualitative Vulnerability Assessment for Lake Balaton (up to ca. 2040) 4 Receptors Lake water level Current Stresses Precipitation deficits Vulnerability Assessment Projected Climate Change Impacts Sensit- Adaptive Capacity Vulnerivity Higher frequency of Very High drought periods Flooding High Slightly higher frequency of extreme events High Ice damage to Slightly higher shoreline frequency of extreme structures events Peat fires at More frequent peat High marshlands adjacent fires due to low water level and dry to the Lake conditions Water Temperature temperature increase Water quality Occasional algae blooms High Occasional algae blooms More frequent algae High blooms Very Growth of benthic Increase in filamentous algae frequency and mass High Cl. glomerata of Cl. glomerata Appearance of algae toxins Increased frequency Medium and conc. of algae toxins Pathogens Increased concentration and survival rate Flash floods Reed belt Grasslands Vineyards Changes in reed area, damage at extreme events Rare drought damage Drought damage ability Very high Outflow control, Water transfer, Water resources management at river basin level Increase Sió canal and Very high sluice discharge capacity, Increase Sió canal and Very high sluice discharge capacity Control water level of High marshlands Reduction of external Medium P load Reduction of external High P load, Management of Kis-Balaton Reduction of external High P load, Mechanical removal from beaches Reduction of external P load Low High Urban runoff control Swan population control Medium Increase of erosion High and pollutant load Land management, Urban runoff control High More damage at extreme events Low More frequent drought damage More frequent drought damage, more pests Low 5 High Water level management, reed harvesting practices None Species selection, good practices Low Low Low Receptors Vu nerability Assessment Current Projected Stresses Climate Change Sensitivity VulnerTable E1. Qualitative Vulnerability Assessment for Lake Balaton (up toAdaptive ca. 2040) Impacts Capacity ability (Continued) Agriculture in general Forestry Invasive species Fishery Tourism Human health Damage due to extreme events High More frequent drought damage, heat stress, erosion, new pests Damage due to extreme events, new pests Competition with indigenous species More frequent drought damage, heat stress, pests More favourable conditions for propagation Human health More favourable risks due to conditions for allergens propagation Occasional drying More frequent out of spawning drying out of areas spawning areas Reduced Even less possibility of eel possibility of eel removal at outflow removal Influence of extreme weather Medium Medium High Medium Medium High More frequent occurrence of low water levels, heat days, less ice cover Occasional water More frequent High quality problem water quality problem Medium Heat days, More heat days, allergens, algae spread of new toxins allergens, higher level of algae toxins 6 Species selection, good practices, melioration Medium Species selection, understorey management Removal and control efforts Medium Removal campaigns, good agric. practices Outflow control, water transfer Medium Outflow control Medium Outflow control, water transfer, attraction development, ice rinks High Medium Medium Medium Nutrient load reduction, algae removal Heat shelters, Medium allergen control, reduction of pollutant load, rising public awareness Receptors V nerability Assessment u (up to ca. 2040) Table E1. Qualitative Vulnerability Assessment for Lake Balaton Sensitivity Stresses Climate Change Adaptive Vulner(Continued) Impacts Capacity ability Infrastructure Current Projected Increased More erosion High erosion in built-up and pollution from area due to built-up area extreme events Erosion control Medium measures, rain water storage, treatment, reuse Damage to buildings due to ground water level changes Odour problem of sewer pumping stations More frequent and High larger ground water level changes More odor High problems due to higher water temperature and less flow Rain water storage, recharge, ground water level control High Odour control measures, switching drinking water resources from Lake to karstic water Medium Problem of ferry, boat and marina use due to low water level Damages to infrastructure due to extreme events (winds, heavy rain, snow and ice) Increase of frequency of problems High More frequent physical damages to infrastructure and buildings Medium Modification of Medium ferry ports, dredging of marinas, use of smaller boats Medium Development of disaster plans and measures 7 1. Introduction Lake Balaton and its surronding area are relatively well researched and studied region. However, global changes represent new challenges to this part of Hungary as well. Since the late 1960s the lake often struggled with algae blooms, but, thank to various water quality control measures and the radical drop of fertilizer use due to radical land ownership changes (privatisation) in the 1990s, significant improvement was achieved in the last 15 years. The severe drought and accompanying water level drop between year 2000 and 2004 drew the attention to the fact that Lake Balaton is a vulnerable system. At the same time, it became obvious that new situations and questions may emerge that neither scientists nor politicians or citizens are able to give simple and easy answers on the basis of our present level of knowledge. Similar situations such as low water level occured in the past several times (not because of negative natural water balance) but the lake and its neighbourhood was much less sensitive to such changes since the area's population, infrastructure and role in the national economy was a small fraction of the present time. In addition, natural environment of Lake Balaton was not, or was to a very small degree, under other stresses. Vulnerability of the Lake Balaton region is determined by two main factors. On one hand, how much the region is burdened in terms of environmental and socio-economic stresses. On the other hand, how the region is able to cope with the consequences of these stresses. The stresses may be related to changes both in the environment or the society, such as sewage load or demographic circumstances. Some of the stresses originate from inside the region, such as the loss of habitat due to construction, while others originate from outside the region, such as climate change. The natural, social and economic factors are closely interrelated, that is manifested, e.g. in the relation between the high quality environment (i.e. not crowded, not polluted, noise free, attractive and rich in natural values) and high-end tourism (i.e. high spending, long-staying tourists). At the same time, it should be recognized, that the external factors are also interrelated, which is clear from the global responses to climate change resulting in radical changes in the use of fossile energy resources (at least on the long run). 2. Methodology 2.1. Definition of Stressors Climate change parameters are real and legitimate stressor stressor of Lake Balaton region since impacts of climate change are already well documented in the region. Lake Balaton shows more 8 severe impacts as compared to the Hungarian average. While the western part of the catchment area (Zala river subcatchment) used to be the wettest region of the country, decrease in pecipitation was most significant there. The water balance of Lake Balaton is determined by inflow, direct precipitation on lake surface and evaporation. The considerable deficiency in precipitation and inflow between years 2000 and 2003 and the high evaporation resulted in significant level drop (some 70 cm). Therefore climate change can be identified as one of the the main stressors to the lake and its environment. Climate change has also strong socio-economic impacts, since the major economic sector is tourism in the region. Tourism revenues exceeding 1 billion Euro are realized in the Lake Balaton Priority Resort Area (LBRA) including the lake and 179 municipalities around it. 1.1.1. Climate scenarios Various climate scenarios are considered in drawing conclusions and assessing vulnerabilities of Lake Balaton and its region. - Climate scenario 2100 (period 2071-2100). This regional climate change scenario was developed by the AIT Austrian Institute oftechnology within the WP 4.3.2. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) provides a range of scenarios based on assumptions of the future development of technologies and society. Out of this the scenario A1B was selected because it represents a moderate increase of Green House Gases and is located in the centre of all assumptions (Refer to Part A: Lake Neusiedl for details). - Climate scenarios of the EU project PRUDENCE as applied in the Balaton Adaptation Project (2006 -2009) are used to evaluate water quality (eutrophication) - based on B2 and A2 emission scenarios - Specific scenarios used by researchers to evaluate water balance of Lake balaton (Novaky, Somlyody and Honti, Thacker). Climate parameters 2100 i. Temperature 9 Figure 1. Mean seasonal temperature for 30 year periods Figure 2. Change of mean seasonal temperature for 30 year periods as compared to 1971-2000 10 ii. Precipitation Figure 3. Mean seasonal precipitation in mm/year Change of Mean Seasonal Total Precipitation Sum - Lake Balaton % 3 2 E I 5 : 0 - i 2 0 -i 1 .! Hi 5 -15 0 -20 -30 jI CI 1- „ -10 1 -25 ■ 1- n-l F l I j ' f QQI inni - 1961 1971 iqg M1 n -> rr L 2 0 i 20 3 20 ( 20" L- -35 -40 E — ' : sprin 1 g summ er S autumn - Figure 4. Change of mean seasonal precipitation for 30 year periods as compared to 1971-2000 11 iii. Drought and Heat 1961/90 1971/00 1931/10 1991/20 2001/30 2011/40 2021/SO 2031/60 2041/70 20S1/80 2061/90 2071/00 Figure 5. Mean of maximum length of heatwaves for 30 year periods Figure 6. Change of mean of maximum length of heatwaves for 30 year periods as compared to 1971-2000 12 iv. Extreme Events 30y Mean of Heat Days (> 30°C) per Year - Lake Balaton days 95 90 8 5 s o 7 5 7 0 5 5 S O 5 5 5 0 4 5 4 0 3 5 5 0 2 5 2 0 1 5 j hUyJ yu iuu 11 1961/90 1971/00 19S1/10 1991/20 2001/30 2011/40 2021/50 2031/60 2041/70 2051/80 2061/90 2071/00 Figure 7. Mean of number of heat days for 30 year periods days 30y Mean of Frost Days (< 0°C) per Year- Lake Balatori 110 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------100 ' 90 80 ■■ ----------------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------- — I I 1 I -----------------------------60 -50 v I ----- ^m-------- — —_ 1961/90 1971/00 1931/10 1991/20 2001/30 2011/40 2021/50 2031/60 2041/70 2051/80 2061/90 2071/00 Figure 8. Mean of number of frost days for 30 year periods 13 d3y5 30y Mean of Heavy Precipitation Days [> 20 mm/d) per Year - Lake Balaton 1961/90 1971/00 1981/10 1991/20 2001/30 2011/40 2021/50 2031/50 2041/70 2051/80 2061/90 2071/00 Figure 9. Mean of number of heavy precipitation days for 30 year periods 1.2. Definition of Receptors Receptors or indicators of change were selected based on the issuesmost relevant to Lake Balaton. The set of receptors is similar to that of Lake Neusiedl but there are some differences too, reflecting the difference in importance and utilization of the two lakes. Not only the lake itself, but its catchment as well as the resort area surrounding it are considered. The receprors include environmental-ecological and socio-economic receptors as well. The following receptors were selected: - Lake hydrology and water quantity - Water quality - Water temperature - Reed belt and peat bogs - Fish and other macrofauna - Invasive Species - Land use and agriculture - Hunting - Tourism - Infrastructure This list of receptors is based on the investigations of WP 6.1.3. Within this work package 14 a comprehensive multicriteria assessment matrix was elaborated to describe the influences on the ecosystem of the lake. Experts of different fields (nature conservation, agriculture, regional planning, hunting management and science) worked out the criteria for the matrix. 3. Current impacts of Climate Change on Lake Balaton 3.1. Situation in Hungary Global climate change is an ongoing process supported by ample monitoring data. The overall situation in Hungary can be described by Figure 10 to Figure 13. In the last 30 years, annual average air temperatures changed between +1 and +1.8 oC in various regions of the country. In the Lake Balaton watershed the change is between +1.2 and +1.5 oC. Precipitation during the last 5 decades decreased by a few percent in the country overall, but the change is much larger in the Lake Balaton watershed where some 15 to 25 percent reduction has been experienced. The long term trend of the annual average temperature increase is shown in Fig.11, while the seasonal variability is shown in Fig.12. It is remarkable that the anomalies as compared to the 1971-2009 period increase, and, in the last 15 years, there was only 1 year (1995) when the anomaly was negative (though almost negligible). The seasonal picture is similar, with Spring and Summer showing the largest temperature increase. Precipitation anomalies are shown in Figure 13. The change is negative for almost the whole area of the country, while the largest decrease in precipitation is experienced in the Lake Balaton watershed. The most severe decrease is in the Zala river watershed (largest and dominant tributary of Lake Balaton) with as much as 15 to 25 % decrease in the last 50 years. These findings set the stage for the evaluation of climate change and climate impact in the Lake Balaton Region. 15 Figure 10. Changes in the annual average temperatures in Hungary during the 1980 -2009 period (Hungarian Meteorological Services, 2011) Figure 11. Annual average temperature anomalies in Hungary between 1901 and 2009 as compared to the average of the 1971- 2000 period. (Hungarian Meteorological Services, 2011) 16 Figure 12. Seasonal average temperature anomalies in Hungary between 1901 and 2009 as compared to the average of the 1971- 2000 period. (a) Spring, (b) Summer, (c) Autumn, (d) Winter. (Hungarian Meteorological Services, 2011) 17 Figure 13. Changes in the annual precipitation in Hungary during the 1960 -2009 period (Hungarian Meteorological Services, 2011) 3.2. Situation in the Lake Balaton region 3.2.1. Characteristics of the lake and it s catchment Lake Balaton is large, extremely shallow lake with 588.5 km2 surface area and 3.36 m average depth at the mean water level of 75 cm (zero point of the level gauge is 103.41 m above Baltic Sea level), and 605 km2 surface area and 3.52 m average depth at 100 cm water level (Figure 14 shows the bathimetry of the lake). Area of the lake changes little with increasing water level due to the constructed (concrete) shoreline that occupies about 46 % of the total. Extending to 3 counties in western Hungary, Lake Balaton catchment area is 5774.5 km2. The largest subcatchment is that of Zala river in the West with an area of 2622 km2. 18 Figure 14. Bathimetric map of Lake Balaton (at 75 cm mean water level) Figure 15. Lake Balaton catchment area with its tributaries Drought is a main concern for Lake Balaton. The unprecedented drought from 2000 to 2003 resulted in extreme low water level, loss of some 22 % of lake volume, and no outflow from the lake for more than 5 years. Such a situation happened for the first time in the recorded history of the lake. 19 Another concern is the drop of groundwater level resulting in the sinking of ground and damage to the built environment as well as the reduction of agricultural production. Additional impacts are the increase of extreme weather events resulting in occasional flooding and erosion of the steep terrain along the northern shore. 3.2.2. Documented effects of climate change in the catchment area The extrordinary drought from 2000 to 2003 is demonstrated by the cumulative precipitation deficit as shown in Fig.16. Figure 16. Cummulative deficit of precipitation (mm) relative to the long term mean during the 2000-2003 extreme drought period (Source: Kravinszkaja G, Pappné-Urbán J., Varga Gy.:Száraz és nedves időszakok hatása a Balaton 2000-2005 közötti vízháztartására, 2006) 20 In the watershed of the largest tributary of Lake Balaton (Zala river, representing some 55 % of annual inflow on the long term), the precipitation deficit exceeded 700 mm, i.e. more than the annual average precipitation of the region. The multiannual low precipitation resulted in an even more severe reduction in the runoff from the watershed. Year Table 1. Precipitation and runoff during and after the drought period (Varga, 2007) Precipitation on the watershed Inflow to the lake as percenage of the long term multiannual average 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 69 81 82 74 103 114 88 63 41 34 34 63 78 88 15228731 Figure 17. Long term annual runoff trend for Lake watershed (blue bars: annual precipitation in mm, red line: 5-year moving average, black line: linear trend line) 21 The long term trend of runoff is negative, but fluctuation is very significant. The last 2 decades show repeatedly low runoff values. Precipitation to Lake Balaton shows similar trend with almost lmm/year decrease in the last 9 decades, resulting in some 90 mm decrease overall. Figure 18. Long term annual precipitation trend for Lake Balaton (blue bars: annual precipitation in mm, red line: 5-year moving average, black line: linear trend line) As a result of the drought, the natural change of water balance, i.e. Precipitation + Inflow Evaporation became negative in year 2000 for the first time since reliable monitoring have been introduced in 1921, and remained negative for three more years (Fig.19). Since water withdrawal from the lake is insignificant (corresponds to some 30 mm annually) regulation of water use is not a viable measure to prevent the dropping of the water level. Figure 20 shows the change of water level in the drought years. The minimum level was 23 cm as opposed to the optimum 90 to 100 cm. Consequences of low water level Level drop for extended periods result in dried-up shoreline, formation of sand shelves, loss of spawning area. 22 In addition, low levels inconvenience bathing tourists since they have to walk several hundred meters to find water deep enough for swimming. Low levels result in extreme shallow water where filamentous benthic algae (such as cladophora) can grow in large masses. Wind action moves such algae mats to the shore or to the rip-rap, where they decompose resulting in smell and aesthetic problems. Figure 19. Annual Variation of the Natural Change of Water Resources (NCWR = Precipitation + Inflow - Evaporation) for Lake Balaton. 23 11I 11 1 iij 11 130 f n .a so 7 0 V iii■ 111111111 ii h iAlL.. i m/U ft IT * h!1h [Aiy 11, J y J J i i-fV- T :T : :T iii 1 1 III 1 111 ____j__r r1 ii 20 i i■ ii i Jr rv i .h i^r jf^l 1 i | i V I 1j 1 !/ 3 i iii iii 3 1 Tl■ nap.1all•3va. = CO Io ft —? - - also sz. sz_ in 3 | 1.... 1 r 1111 11I111 r II 1 I j i 3= « j= » , "9 .3 IS .2 ^ I 13 I = ID —7 fU ' — I /J Pi ! r i 111111 11 11I111 -op(. f. sz. Jis Q 13 3s 3 323 i I -? i D i/l 3 Figure 20. Seasonal change of water level (gauge) during and after the drought years (Thick blue line: daily average water level, cm; thin blue line: lower control limit; thin red line: upper control limit; thick red line: legal maximum level) Water balance of the Lake is shown in the figure below. It can be observed that the long term balance is positive, i.e. there is a considerable outflow from the lake, therefore salt content did not build up, and there is an outflow of nutrients as well (10 to 20 t/year of TP). However, it is clear that in recent decades the outflow decreased, and it was practically zero for the drought period from 2000 to 2003. The indicated 2 mm outflow is negligible and it was necessary to prevent anoxic and odorous conditions in stagnant water of the outflowing Sio Canal in summer. 24 Inflow Precipitation Evaporation A B ABC ABC C 900 850 400 618 600 500 920 950 980 YY\ VVV Outflow Water use A 50 BC 50 50 A B C 610 500 2 Figure 21. Water balance of Lake Balaton in lake mm A: long term average (1921-2003); B: average between1986-2003; C: average between 2000-2003. 25 Figure 22. Excessive growth of filamentous algae Cladophora glomerata in extremely shallow water (< 40 cm) Due to the lack of outflow some 10 to 20 tons of phosphorus (i.e. some 10 to 15 % of total P load) was not discharged from the lake - thereby worsening the nutrient situation. The lack of outflow had two other serious adverse effects. One is the impossibility to catch eel with eel-traps placed at the outflow sluice. In an average year the Balaton Fishing Company could catch some 100 t of eel at very low cost (almost free). Since there was no outflow for 5 years, the fishing company suffered huge losses. The other is the impossibility of the traffic of boats and ships through the Sio canal connecting Lake Balaton and the Danube river. Due to the low level, a considerable part of spawning surfaces and aqueous habitats dried up. Figure 23 and 24 show the difference of water covered shore line at 0 cm and 120 cm water level. At low water level, yachting and commercial shipping becomes difficult. Some larger ships and yachts are stranded, load restrictions should be applied and harbours should be dredged frequently. At low water level, wind induced resuspension of the sediment is more effective resulting in higher turbidity and potential problems of the feeding of zooplankton. 26 Surface area of water-covered substrate (m2) 0 cm vízállás esetén : .10000,0 --— _ -- 10000,1 20000,0 20000,1 30000,0 300001 40000,0 40000,1 50000,0 50000,1 60000,0 60000,1 70000,0 70000,1 80000,0 80000,1 90000,0 \ A Figure 23. Distribution of estimated water covered shore surface area (potential substrate) at 0 cm water level (Paulovits et al., 2007) Surface area of water-covered substrate (m2) 120 cm vízállás esetén 0.0 0,1 10000.0 10000,1 -20000,0 — 20000,1 - 30000,0 — 30000,1 - 40000,0 — 40000,1 ■ 50000,0 50000,1 - 60000,0 60000,1 - 70000,0 ------- 70000,1 - 80000,0 ------- 30000,1 - 90000.0 X/ Figure 24. Distribution of estimated water covered shore surface area (potential substrate) at 120 cm water level (Paulovits et al., 2007) Dry weather also affects vineries and other agricultural production. During the experienced extreme dry year from 2000 to 2003, vineries considered building water retaining facilities and irrigation systems and applied soil cover by mulch-like materials to reduce evaporation. 27 Effects of high water level Due to the increase of extreme weather, occasional increases of lake level due wind action as well as seasonal high levels due to excessive precipitation are experienced. As a consequence of wind action, level displacement of as much as 1 m was experienced causing damage to transportation infrastructure. Winter high levels caused ice damage to the shoreline concrete structures (beaches) as well as flooding of low-lying areas in the south-western end. Flooding threatens houses close to the shoreline. Effects of increased temperature Németh et al. (2007) analyzed the thermal bioclimate and applied the physiologically equivalent temperature (PET), the well-known and one of the most frequently used bioclimate index based on the human energy balance models (Höppe, 1993, 1999, Matzarakis et al., 1999, VDI, 1998). For calculating PET they used the RayMan model (Matzarakis et al., 2001, Matzarakis and Rutz, 2005). For the calculation they need to possess four meteorological parameters (air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and cloudiness) as well as some standard physiological parameters (age, genus, bodyweight, height, average clothing and working). The daily PET series (at 12 UTC) were calculated for the period 1966-2006 (Some of the results are shown in Figure 25 and 26). ------YEAR ----------------- Linear trend (Year) Figure 25. Mean annual PET for the town of Siofok, period 1966-2006 Figure 26. Variation of hot days at Siófok (Németh et al., 2007) 28 While the annual and seasonal means of PET are increasing, the number of comfortable days is on the decrease. If these trends will continue in the next years, we should expect both positive and negative results. The increasing demand for the waterside (beaches) as well as the increasing length of the tourism season are the possible positive results. Negative impacts may be the overcrowded beaches, the ecological problems resulting from the crowd, and the increasing frequency of certain extreme weather events (heat waves, storms, droughts, vegetation fires, etc.). These possible impacts mean that the tourism industry needs to draw up adaptation plans on behalf of the sustainable tourism. Figure 27: Mean daily temperature in the Zala catchment (1960-2002) (From Thacker, S.: Climate Change, Water, and the Possible Impacts on Riverine Habitats: A Case Study for the Zala Catchment (Hungary), Master Thesis, Potsdam Institute für Klimafolgenforschung, August, 2011) 4. Vulnerability to the effects of climate change - future scenarios 4.1. Hydrology and water quantity In case of Lake Balaton alarming reports (in the media) appeared in 2002 and 2003, talking about the shrinking or even the disappearance of Lake Balaton. Due to the potential impacts of extended low level periods, Lake Balaton Development Council initiated studies about water transfer to the lake from other watersheds. It has been proven that such water transfers are technically possible (from at least 3 rivers) but the ecological impacts of such a step are largely unknown, just as the extent of adverse economic impacts. 29 Novaky (2008) studied the impact of climate change on the water balance of Lake Balaton by using IPCC emission scenarios and climate models. He found that increase in annual temperature by 1.58 oC and decrease in annual precipitation by 5% are likely to lead to considerable decrease in water recharge of lake. If an increase in annual temperature by 2.88 oC is coupled with a decrease in precipitation by 10%, Lake Balaton could turn into a closed lake without outflow. It is concluded that „despite the uncertanties involved, climate change will be a great challenge for Lake Balaton" Figure 28. The interval of variability of annual NWCR (red line) with 98% probability is indicated for present and unchanged climate by the straight (blue lines) and for changed climate by the broken (blue) lines. (Novaky, 2008) 30 Change of the relative frequency of daily average flows below 2 m3/s as well as 3 m3/s (Zala river at Zalaapati) 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Years Figure 29. Zala river extreme low flows Change of the relative frequency of daily average flows over 10 m3/s as well as 20 m3/s o Ö u& £ 15 tó 31 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Years y = -0.0008 x + 1.6811 Figure 30. Zala river extreme high flows 32 Change of runoff In figure 31, runoff from the catchment area of Lake Balaton is shown in 40 km2 cells for the reference period of 1961-1990. A similar figure (Fig.32) has been constructed for the B2 climate scenario, for 2025. S H Runoff: mm | 0-25 25-50 51-75 76-100 101-125 | 126- | Figure 31. Mean annual runoff in catchment of Lake Balaton for present climate (1961-1990). (Novaky, 2008) B2SRES. Had CM3. 2025 Runoff, mm C-25 25-5C 51-75 7i-1 CO 101-125 Figure 32. Mean annual runoff in catchment of Lake Balaton for changed climate 33 (2025). (Novaky, 2008) 34 Table 2. Results of the modeling of Lake Balaton water balance (P+R-E is the Natural Change of Water Resources; Novaky, 2008.) Period of years Emission scenario Climate model Hutu, Rim* P + i? E,itc P■RE 1961-90 612 111 959 1,571 S74 697 2025 A2 HadCM3 594 82 709 1.303 948 355 ECHAM4 588 78 675 1,263 974 289 HadCM3 572 66 571 1,143 981 162 ECHAM4 594 79 683 1,277 978 299 A2 HadCM3 548 50 433 981 1,024 B2 HadCM3 565 55 476 1,039 1,023 B2 2050 <0 16 P&o precipitation over the lake; Ka^ui runoff from catchmcnts; s^ catch mens ru no ii converted to the lake's surfacc; evaporation from the lake's surfacc. 35 Month ----------1960-1979 ----------------------- 1980-2000 ----------------------- 2011-2030_Low .................... 2011-2030_Mid ----------201 l-2030_Higt l 2031-2050_Low 2031-2050_Mid 2031-2030_High Figure 33: Discharge for the Zala Catchment STAR +2 Degree Rise (Monthly Averages) (Low, Mid and High correspond to 10th, 50th and 90th rank of precipitations from 100 runs, with 2 oC temperature forcing) Figure 34. Changes in monthly average inflow to Lake Balaton Reference period 1970-1990. A2.B2 scenarios 2020-2040 120 0 -I ------- T ----- T ----- T ----- T ----- T ----- T ----- T ----- T ----- T ----- T ----1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 Month (Source: Kutics and Szalay, 2006) 36 Initiated by concern of low water level between 2000 and 2003, Honti and Somlyody (2005) studied the necessity of water transfer as well as the probability of filling up of the lake to normal level at present and under changed climate. The changes considered until 2035 are as follows: Average temperature increases by 1.58C and 0.58C in the winter and summer respectively. This induces an increase in evaporation. Rainfall on the whole watershed increases by 5% in winter and decreases by 15% in summer. This directly appears in the precipitation falling onto the lake surface (P) and indirectly in the inflow (I). They assumed a linear relationship between rainfall and runoff. Figure 35. Lake Balaton and Rába River watersheds indicating the potential transfer (Somlyody & Honti, 2005) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2003 37 2004 2005 2006 Figure 36. The effect of climate change on the restoration of lake level starting from December 2003. Mean and 80% confidence interval from 1500 predictive simulations. Dots indicate observed water levels in 2004 (Somlyody & Honti, 2005) They concluded that water transfer is not necessary in the short run, but the events of extreme drought may become more frequent, i.e. their probalility increases almost an order of magnitude (from once in 100 year to once in a few decades). Their conclusion that the low level causes no adverse changes in the ecological status is arguable (e.g. excessive benthic algae growth is undesirable - refer to the photo) Another conclusion that keeping spring water level higher (and thus storing water in the lake) is also subject to criticism since low laying areas are already in danger of flooding at the present 110 cm maximum level. They emphasize the great deal of uncertanties involved in prediction and decision making. Figure 37. Annual minimum water level probabilities during the Monte-Carlo simulations with the three climatic scenarios ("Present", Nova' ky and CLIME). White circles indicate the corresponding probabilities derived from the 1921-2006 NCR database. All simulations utilized the „0verflow1100" water level regulation strategy (i.e. keeping water level at maximum 110 cm when water is abundant) (Honti, M. and L. Somlyody: Stochastic water balance simulation for Lake Balaton (Hungary) under climatic pressure Water Science & Technology 59, 3, 2009) In yet another paper, Honti and Somlyody conducted a stochastic simulation study of the water balance of Lake Balaton under climatic pressure. The comprehensive statistical analysis proved that the water budget of Lake Balaton remains positive under all of the expected climatic scenarios, so 38 the lake will no dry out in the following decades. In this sense, there is no justification for artificial water transfer. However, extremely low levels may occur during drought periods and the degree of climate change will significantly alter the frequency of low levels in the future. All the climate change studies on Lake Balaton point out the vulnerability of this extremely shallow lake to climate changes and the great deal of uncertanties involved in climate scenarios and modelling. In general, it can be concluded that the expected direction of climate change (i.e.considerable warming and less precipitation) will have adverse effects on the water balance of the lake, and requires adaptation steps to reduce these effects. 4.2. Lake water temperature Lake water temperature is going to follow air temperaure changes, except in winter since no negative water temperatures occur. The correlation between air and water temperatures is shown in figure 38 for non-negative air temperatures. Figure 38 Correlation of non-negative air and water temperature at Siofok basin lake centerline (1977-2005 n=1033) 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Air temperature. oC The measurements were carried out from 1977 to 2005 in the middle of the Siófok basin. Air and water temperatures were measured simultaneously in the framework of the regular water quality monitoring process, in the morning hours. In beaches, water temperatures approaching 30 oC can be measured in shallow waters but in the middle of the lake at about 4 m depth the temperature values are lower. 39 4.3. Water quality In case of Lake Balaton eutrophication and accompanying algae blooms constitute the challenge of water quality control. Eutrophication started in the 1960s as a result of reckless nutrient management in agriculture and the absence of appropriate sewage treatment. After the large scale blooms of 1982, serious nutrient control measures were introduced and after a two decades water quality seemed to stabilize. However, during the extreme drought period between 2000 and 2003 higher temperatures and low water levels resulted in less favourable water quality in terms of chl-a (Figure 39) Figure 39. Temporal and spatial change of annual maximum chla-concentrations in lake Balaton. The key nutrient responsible for eutrophication is phosphorus. The external total phosphorus (TP) load was considerably reduced through sewer development and sewage treatment with P precipitation, diversion of treated effluents to other watershed and the radical (though partly unplanned) reduction of agricultural use of fertilizers. The lake responded to the TP control measures with some delay, as it can be seen in figure 40. 40 Figure 40. Change of TP load and Chl-a concentration in the most eutrophic basin of Lake Balaton Change of complex water quality of the most important tributaries is shown in figure XYX. The complex water quality indicator (5 is worse, 1 is best) is calculated from the concentration of nutrients (P, N), BOD5, COD, Chl-a and suspended solids (SS) . The general trend is that the water quality slowly improves since the mid 1980s. Chl-a concentration has stabilized after the mntioned drought period, and it is generally acceptable in all four basins of Lake Balaton (Figure 41). Water level is an important factor in determining algae concentration in the lake. Vörös 41 studied the relation of themass blooms of benthic filamentous algae Cladophora glomerata and water level. He found that below 50 cm level, large masses of the algae can be expected. The 50 cm level means that at some parts of the lake (especially along the shallow southern shore) the effective water depth is reduced to a few 10s of cm. Cl. glomerata has high light radiation tolerance (including UV) and proliferates in the shallows. Wind action moves the algae mat from the bottom to the rip-rap along the shores resulting in an unpleasant view and occasional smell. Kutics (2008) determined a logistic curve to qunatitatively describe the relation between Cl. glomerata mass and water level. 3.5 3 2.5 £ 2 ra tM.5 £ rz 51 T—r—T—i—i—T—T—1—i—r—T—T—r—1—i—1—t—T—i—r—r—i—T—1—i—T—T—T—r—i— r—1—i—T—I—~i—T -•— Fenek puszta Z a l a ' Z a l a a p a t i Egerviz —■—Ny jgati Övcsatorna —»—Tapolca patak 0.5 0 C O < C □ o CJ -r O N O O f fc tU C <0 e0 5 O o O) cr O C cn > > ) F > C D o <\ -a O O i O oo cn O O l (?) C O) m J> ( C o O O Ol O Ö i pi (?> o ** O C J D o Q o Q o o < C r> C M J j 1 Year Figure 41. Water quality indicator for the most impoerant tributarioes of Lake Balaton 42 Figure 43 Relationship between Cladopliora biomass and water level in Lake Balaton (after Voros L , 2007) ,45 ! ----- 5 (So 0 , - 20 40 60 SO 100 120 OKIR, KDT KTVF Database) Water level (H). cm The relation between water level and phytoplankton chl-a is shown in figure 44. As it can be seen, higher water level results in less algae, most probably due to more light limitation. 43 Figure 44. Water level vs. phytoplankton Chl-a concentration Kutics et al. (2008) studied the effect of water temperature increase on expected annual peak chl-a concentration through a P cycle model developed by Wake et al. (JICA, 1997, 2003) and modified by Kutics and Szalay (2006). Two local climate scenarios corresponding roughly to the IPCCs B2 and A2 scenarios were tested with external P loads kept unchanged . The results are shown in figure 45. Simulations show that both scenarios result in water quality deterioration, with BALALONE (A2) resulting in as high as 35% increase in chl-a level in the cleanest (Siófok) basin of the lake. These finding indicate the importance of further reduction of external P load to the lake. 44 Figure 45. Effect of climat e change on summer peak chl-a concentration (simulation) 4.4. Reed belt and peat bogs The reed belt behaviour was studied by Herodek et al. recently in light of the extreme drought period. It was found that water level change assists the advance of reed towards the open water, which can be attributed to the possibility of proliferation through seeds as well as the reduced wave action (less mechanical stress). It can be seen in figure 46 that the reed front moves when water level is low or variable, and receeds when the water level is fixed at high value. One would state that low water level is favourable, but from other aspects the low level poses threat to reed itself due to the increased risk of reed fires that are difficult to control due to the slow and difficult accessibility (mostly from boat). On the other hand, low water level results in less habitat and spawning area for fish and other fauna. 45 Figure 46. Movement of reed front at different time intervals (water level was variable between 1952 and 1982, mostly constantly high (controlled) from 1983 to 1999, and low between 2000 and 2003). (Source: Herodek S.: A Balaton vízszintváltozásának hatásai a tó ökológiai állapotára, Balatoni Partnerségi Program, Csopak, 2007. március 13.) There are extensive peat bog areas around Lake Balaton since in the past the lake extended to as much as 900 km2 area, with vast marshlands that connected to the lake (Figure 47). These peat bogs are especially vulnerable to dry weather and low water level. In the dry year of 2003 some 250 ha of peat burned out south of the lake and near the shore line. People had to be evacuated in the vicinity of the town of Fonyód, traffic on main roads was stopped due to extensive smoke and extingusing the fire would take several weeks and much human and other resources. Since peat mining is still going on at some places, the market value of the burned peat can be estimated at 10 billion HUF. Reed and peat fires are generally interconnected and can be caused by negligence, focused sun heat or lightning. 46 Figure 47. Marshlands (pink circles) that are still functioning or became peat bogs 4.5. Fish and other macrofauna Lake Balaton, as the largest freshwater lake in Central/Eastern Europe, is a critical site for migratory species. Ducks Anas platyrhynchos, A. clypeata, A. penelope, Aythya ferina, A. marila, A. fuligula , Bucephala clangula, Melanitta fusca and Mergellus albellus, geese Anser anser and A. fabalis, swan Cygnus olor, coot Fulica atra, and diver Gavia arctica, use the site as a staging area, and over 1% of the global Anser fabalis population can be found on the lake. Among endangered resident species, the black stork (Ciconia nigra) and black woodpecker (Dryocopus martius) are prominent. Some other ecologically important protected species include Egretta alba, protected since 1922, E. garzetta, Ardea purpurea, Ciconia nigra, and Grus grus. The lake itself contains about 2000 species of algae, 1200 species of invertebrates and 51 species of fish. The flora and fauna of the surrounding landscape are particularly diverse due to the mild, Mediterranean-like climate. A large number of rare and protected plant species can be found in the area, including several rare, sub-mediterranean plant species, such as Sternbergia colchiciflora and Scilla autumnalis on grasslands surrounding the lake. The area is especially rich in insects: over 1,000 species have been identified. About 800 species of butterflies occur, some of them are extremely rare, such as the ruby tiger (Phragmatobia fuliginosa) and the red underwing (Spialia sertorius). The Kis Balaton, as a huge wetland habitat is unique in the whole of Europe, which is why it has always been recorded by international nature conservation. In recognition of its importance for 47 biodiversity, Lake Balaton has been designated a seasonal Ramsar site between October 1 and April 30 each year, while the adjoining Kis-Balaton, a reconstructed wetland and water pollution control structure in the westernmost end of the lake received year-round designation and protection (Ramsar Convention 2003a, Ramsar Convention 2003b). The Uplands Balaton several basins, (Pecsely basin, Kali basin, Tapolca basin), representing unique ecosystems. According to the national red data book around 30 important plant species are currently or potentially endangered and fall under the protection and / or strict protection regimes Commercial fish catch in Lake Balaton is declining since the end of the 1950s. (The increase experienced in the first half of the 20th century is due to the improvement of fishing equipment and enlargement of the operations - Figure 48.) The declining catch may be attributed to the loss of spawning area due to the developement of shoreline protection concrete and stone structures (Figure 49). Although, probably it is not the only factor, it has been recognized that constructed shoreline structures increase the vulnerability of the lake ecosystem, and no more such construction was done in the last decade. rSb Aqfbq<bc&oSb £> A/ft/ft A rS> Figure 48. Five year average fish catch from Lake Balaton (Bercsényi, 2005) 48 Relation between the length of constructed (concrete) shoreline and annual fish catch (1970-2000) 1600 1400 & (Source: LB Fishing Co.., Pannon University: Dr. Bercsényi Miklós) 1200 o o E y = -18.86x +2,693.59 R2 =0.78 ^1000 800 600 ■ - (Total shoreline length: 235.6 km) 400 200 0 65 115 75 85 95 105 Lenght of constructed shoreline, km Figure 49. Constructed shoreline vs. annual fish catch 4.6. Invasive species 4.6.1 Plants Perhaps most important invasive plants are ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) and goldenrod ( (Solidago canadensis scabra ), as well as tropical, nitrogen fixing blue-green algae (Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii). During mass algae blooms in the past (e.g. in 1982, 1992, 1994), C. raciborskii was the dominant algae species. It constitutes risks due to potential toxin production. Ragweed causes problems due to competition to agricultural products (e.g. sunflower) and due to its highly allegenic nature. Unfortunately, historically the most ragweed-infected area is the Lake Balaton region (Figure 50). 49 1922-1926 1927-1945 Figure 50. Historical advance of ragweed in Hungary (Source: Priszter 1957 1960, Béres Hunyadi 1991). Recent situation of ragweed pollution is shown in Figure 51. We can see, that in most of the watershed, ragweed constitutes a moderately serious to serious problem. 50 Figure 51. Incidence of ragweed in 2003 in the Lake Balaton Watershed Green:0-1%, yellow: 2-10%, orange: 11-25%, red: over 25% (Source: Hungarian Soil and Plant Protection Services) It is expected that ragweed would become more competitive with climate change therefore serious control measures should be introduced. 4.6.2. Animals Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) and a Ponto-Caspian amphipod (Corophium curvispinum) were introduced to Lake Balaton by chance, through a barge from the Danube. Both are invasive species; very good filters of phytoplankton. D. polymorpha causes trouble by sticking to water withdrawal equipment, boats, piers, etc. Some oreign fish species were introduced to Lake Balaton intentionally . Purpose: Fish production (eel), eutrophication „control" (silver carp, grass carp). Results: Massive kills of eel; Excessive dependence of the fishing industry on eel catch/exports; Disturbances in the food web; aging population of silver carp ("biological bomb"); Loss or decrease in the population of indigenous species (e.g. pike, Esox lucius) . Eeel (Anguilla anguilla)is omnivorous and though no seedlings are introduced since the 1991-1992 mass kills, there is still a considerable population in Lake Balaton. White silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys moltrix) and spotted silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) are planktivorous. They grow up to 60 kg, has no natural enemies in Lake Balaton, and may die because of age. Very difficult to catch, jumps over nets like dolphins. Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) is herbivorous. Selective fishing for silver carp is an ongoing project. It is expected that climate change would not reduce (or rather, increase) the population of these species. 51 4.7. Land use and agriculture The distribution of main land use categories is shown in Table 3. Lake Balaton catchment has much less arable land than the national average, considerably more forests, vineyards and orchards and, of course more surface water. Table 3. Land use in the Lake Balaton catchment as compared to national figures Hungary Lake Balaton Lake Balaton direct Land use category catchment (total) catchment km2 % km2 % km2 % Built-up area 5589 6,0 334 5,8 184 5,8 Arable land 49002 52,7 1779 30,8 807 25,6 Vineyard, orchard 2118 2,3 265 4,6 193 6,1 Misc. Agricultural 3309 3,6 257 4,5 93 2,9 Pasture, meadow 11813 12,7 695 12,0 375 11,9 Forest 17960 19,3 1640 28,4 832 26,4 Marshland 1260 1,4 170 2,9 81 2,6 Surface water 1962 2,1 635 11,0 588 18,6 Total 93013 100 5775 100 3153 100 On Figure 52, CORINE land cover is shown. Most of the „plantation" category mean vineyard in the Lake Balaton region. Arable land is almost negligible in the northern part of the watershed, which is a stepp, hilly area with forests, meadows and vineyards. A study conducted by Kohlhebet al. (2009) on the desirable changes in land use taking the possible impacts of climate change into account resulted in the changed land use map shown in Figure 53. The changes include the increase of the area of forests and pastures/meadows and the extensive cultivation (i.e. less fertilizers and chemicals) of arable land. According to the proposed changes, intensive agricultural land use becomes almost negligibel in the catchment area. The proposed changes are in line with the qualitative picture, i.e. increase of forested and pasture/meadow area would be useful both for mitigation of and adaptationto the impacts of climate change. 52 Artif. Surface Arable land Pasture, meadow Plantation Forest Wetland Surface water Other Figure 52. Surface cover according to CORINE database. (Source: Szent István University, Environment and Landscape Management Institute,2009) Present forest Proposed forrest Present pasture Proposed pasture Extensive arable land Intensive arable land Figure 53. Proposed land use pattern under to alleviate the effects of climate change (Source: Szent István University, Environment and Landscape Management Institute,2009) Lake Balaton catchment area is highly vulnerable to erosion and surface movement of soil (e.g. loess walls collaps from time to time). The erosion potential map of the catchment area is shown in figure 54. The proposed land use changes would reduce vulnerability to erosion as well. This is very important since the combinded effects of 53 the increase of the frequency of extreme weather events and the change of the seasonal distribution of precipitation (less precipitation in the vegetation period) would increase the vulnerability. Figure 54. Classification of sub-catchments of Lake Balaton Catchment based on erosion potential Light pink: 0 to 20, pink: 20 to 40, red: over 40 tons/ha/year (Source: Máté, F.: Szabályozási alternatívák a diffúz foszfor terhelés csökkentésére a Balaton vízgyűjtőjén, 3/024/2001 NKFP research project, Pannon University) 4.8. Hunting The general tendency is that large game population is 2 to 10 times higher than desirable (depending on species), while small game is at about 50% of the favourable figure. The latter is due to the the high population of carnivores such as fox. It is unclear how climate change would influence hunting. Expected reduction of yield in agricultural production may result in tighter control of games and therefor reduction of the population of most damaging species such as wildboar and roe. 4.9. Tourism With more than 5 million guest nights annually, tourism is the most important sector of the economy in the Lake Balaton region. Therefore, the economy is vulnerable to 54 changes in environmental conditions, including climate change. Figure 55 shows the municipal GDP (estimated by a methodology developed by Lőcsei and Németh, 2005) as a function of registered guest nights. Unfortunately, many of the guest nights go unregistered for various reasons, including tax evasion. The real figure, including guest nights spent by „weekend house" owners, can be as high as 12 million/year. Figure 55 Relation between guest nights and local GDP in the towns of the Lake Balaton Priority Resort Area (1994-2004) 80 01 O J . P ♦ 0 ♦ 70 ____A--. 0 ♦ h 600 ffi o O o Ph Q p o ♦ •A--- y = 2.22x +228.49 R- = 0.8264 50 0 40 0 30 0 50 100 150 200 250 Guest night/permanent resident/year 200 10 One would expect that there is a clear correlation between summer temperatures 0 0 and guest nights.However, Figure 56 and 57 shows no apparent correlation in the period of analysis (1990 -2006). The effect of temperature is clear if number of people entering the beaches is analyzed. On a representative beach (Balatonalmádi), a strong correlation has been found, and an icrease of 1 oC in summer average water temperature result in about 8 to 10 % increase in the number of people buying entrance tickets (Figure 58) 55 Figure 56. Guest nights vs. summer average air temperature in the Lake Balaton Resort Area Figure 57. Guest nights vs. summer average water temperature in the Lake Balaton Resort Area 56 4.10. Infrastructure 4.10.1. Buildings In the extreme dry period from 2000 to 2003 the ground water table decreased by more than 1 m at some locations (e.g. near Kis-Balaton wetland). This resulted in the displacement of the foundation of buildings due to the shrinking of the underlying soil (clay, etc.). Subsequent wet weather and increase of ground water level resulted in some displacement again. The consequence was the development of cracks in the foundations and walls of buildings. Since the occurence of extreme periods is going to increase, buildings around lake Balaton become more vulnerable to such damages. Another type of vulnerability emerge from the the extreme weather events such as strong wind, storms, lake level displacement, falling down of trees, etc. 4.10.2 Roads and other linar infrastructure Highway No 7 runs along the southern shore of the lake, crossing the massive wetland „Nagyberek". Large scale water level changes in this wetland may damage the highway infrastructure. Extreme events increase the probability of erosion of unpaved or weakly paved surfaces in steep urban areas. Main sewer lines extend for about 40 km along the north-east shore of the lake, transferring raw and treated sewage to the Balatonfuzfo sewage treatment plant. High temperatures would aggrawate the already existing odour and corrosion problem of this infrastructure. Low water level causes problems in the operation of marinas and the ferry boat services. In case of extreme low level anticipated in the future, new docking infrastructure of ferries as well as regular and costly dredging of marinas becomes necessary. In addition, srew damage of motor boats of the Balaton Shipping Company would be more frequent. 5. Assessment of potential economic impacts Lake hydrology and water quantity Low water level between 2000 and 2003 caused quantifiable and non-quantifiable (or difficult to quantify) economic damages. Kutics (2004) estimated the economic impacts of low water level and the lack of outflow from the lake. 57 Commercial shipping: 1.0 to 2.0 million Euro/year Commercial fishing: 0.5 to 0.7 million Euro/year Dredging of harbors and bathing areas: 1.3- 1.6 million Euro/year Clean-up of cladophora biomass from shallow waters: 0.1 to 0.2 million Euro/year Reduction of entrance fee revenues of beaches: 0.5 million Euro/year Halt of shipping in Sio Canal: ? Ecological damages: ? The total quantifiable damages can be estimated to be in the 3.4 to 5.0 million Euro/year. Further potential damages that are difficult to quantify are - Decrease of the number of tourists (guest nights) - Yacht owners chose harbours at other lakes or the Adriatic due to the low level - Overall decrease of tourism related incomes (total such income is estimated at 1,300 million Euro/year) - Value reduction of homes and second houses due to the loss of popularity of Lake Balaton region (total value of the houses is estimated at 8.6 billion Euro) Water quality In case of mass blooms, regular removal of Cladophora glomerata biomass at ca. 50 beaches 50 x 10,000 Euro = 0.5 millio euro P load reduction measures : urban and agricultural runoff control - see at erosion control Water temperature Increased water temperature may result in unsuitability of Lake Balaton water as drinking water resources. In such a case, karstic water resources should be developed. Reed belts and peat bogs Reed belt and peat bog fires can potentially result in tens of million euros in losses due to the loss of reed and peat as commodities as well as loss of habitat. Fish and other macrofauna Costs of selective silver carp catch is in the order of 0.1 million euro annually. Eel can be eliminated only if there is (more or less) constant outflow from the lake. Invasive Species Amount of ragweed can only be reduced through national level action. Loss of agricultural production as well as work hours due to allergic reactions can go up to millions of euros. Land use and agriculture Change of land use patterns, forestation, irrigation of arable land and change of vinegrape species involve large sums in the order of 10 millon euros. Erosion control both agricultural and urban would cost at least 100 million euro for the lake-side municipalities. Tourism Tourism income in the region is in the order of 1 to 1.5 billion euros. If problems with water quality, quantity or other environmental problems occur, a 10% decrease would result in 100 58 million euro in losses for the businesses and subsequently less tax revenues for the municipal governments. Infrastructure The total value of houses is about 8.6 billion euro. Any percentage of damage due to grounfd water level changes or extreme events can be expessed in tens of millions of euros. 59 6. Summary of findings related to vulnerability Receptors Lake water level Water temperature Table 4. Qualitative Vulnerability Assessment for Lake Balaton (up to ca. 2040) Current Stresses Vulnerability Assessment Projected Climate Change Impacts Adaptive Capacity SensitVulnerability Existence of (semi) ivity quantitative assessment Precipitation deficits Higher frequency of drought periods Flooding Slightly higher frequency of extreme events Ice damage to shoreline structures Slightly higher frequency of extreme events Very High High High Peat fires at marshlands adjacent to the Lake More frequent peat fires due to low water level and dry conditions Temperature increase Occasional algae blooms High High 60 Very high Outflow control, Water transfer, Water resources management at river basin level Probability of drought, water balance Increase Sió canal and Very high sluice discharge capacity, Increase Sió canal and Very high sluice discharge capacity Control water level of High marshlands Reduction of external Medium P load Correlation eq. with air temperature Table 4. Qualitative Vulnerability Assessment for Lake Balaton (up to ca. 2040) (continued) Receptors Current Stresses Projected Climate Vulnerability Assessment Adaptive Capacity Change Impacts SensitVulnerExistence of (semi) ivity ability quantitative assessment Water quality Occasional algae blooms More frequent algae blooms High Growth of benthic filamentous Increase in frequency and mass of Cl. Very High algae Cl. glomerata glomerata Appearance of algae toxins Pathogens Increased frequency and conc. of algae toxins Increased concentration and survival rate Medium High Flash floods Increase of erosion and pollutant load High Reed belt Changes in reed area, damage at extreme events More damage at extreme events Grasslands Vineyards Rare drought damage Drought damage More frequent drought damage Low More frequent drought damage, more High pests Agriculture in general Damage due to extreme events More frequent drought damage, heat stress, erosion, new pests High Forestry Damage due to extreme events, new pests Medium Low More frequent drought damage, heat stress, pests 61 Reduction of external High P load, Management of Kis-Balaton Reduction of external P load, Mechanical removal from beaches High Reduction of external Low P load Urban runoff control Medium Swan population control Land management, Urban runoff control Water level management, reed harvesting practices None Species selection, good practices High Species selection, good practices, melioration Species selection, understorey management Medium Low Low Low Medium Simulation model for Chl-a and load scenarios Equation to estimate chl-a from lake level Table 4. Qualitative Vulnerability Assessment for Lake Balaton (up to ca. 2040) Receptors Current Stresses Projected Climate Vulnerability Assessment Change Impacts Sensitivity Adaptive Capacity Vulnerability Invasive species Fishery Tourism Human health Competition with indigenous species Human health risks due to allergens Occasional drying out of spawning areas More favourable conditions for propagation More favourable conditions for propagation More frequent drying out of spawning areas Medium High Medium Reduced possibility of eel Even less possibility of eel Medium removal at outflow removal Influence of extreme weather More frequent occurrence of low water High levels, heat days, less ice cover Removal and control efforts Removal campaigns, good agric. practices Outflow control, water transfer Medium Outflow control Medium Outflow control, water transfer, attraction development, ice rinks Existence of (semi) quantitative assessment Medium Medium High Occasional water quality problem More frequent water quality problem High Nutrient load reduction, Medium algae removal Heat days, allergens, algae toxins More heat days, spread of new Medium allergens, higher level of algae toxins Heat shelters, allergen Medium control, reduction of pollutant load, rising public awareness 62 (continued) Connection of spawning substrate to water level Otflow -eel catch relation Table 4. Qualitative Vulnerability Assessment for Lake Balaton (up to ca. 2040) Receptors Current Stresses Projected Climate Vulnerability Assessment Change Impacts Sensitivity Adaptive Capacity Vulnerability Infrastructure Increased erosion in built-up More erosion and pollution from High area due to extreme events built-up area Damage to buildings due to ground water level changes More frequent and larger ground water High level changes Odour problem of sewer pumping stations More odor problems due to higher High water temperature and less flow Problem of ferry, boat and Increase of frequency of problems marina use due to low water level High Damages to infrastructure due More frequent physical damages to Medium to extreme events (winds, infrastructure and buildings heavy rain, snow and ice) 63 Erosion control measures, rain water storage, treatment, reuse Rain water storage, recharge, ground water level control Odour control measures, switching drinking water resources from Lake to karstic water Modification of ferry ports, dredging of marinas, use of smaller boats Development of disaster plans and measures Medium High Medium Medium Medium (continued) Existence of (semi) quantitative assessment Literature AIT Austrian Institute oftechnology, WP 4.3.2. 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Somlyódy: Stochastic water balance simulation for Lake Balaton (Hungary) under climatic pressure, Water Science & Technology , 59(3), 2009. Ramsar Convention. (2003) Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Gland, Ramsar Convention. (2003 a) A Directory of Wetlands of International Importance. Hungary 3HU012. Lake Balaton. Gland, Switzerland: Ramsar Convention. <> Ramsar Convention. (2003b) A Directory of Wetlands of International Importance. Hungary 3HU004. Kis-Balaton. Gland, Switzerland: Ramsar Convention. < Dir/Hungary/HU004D02.htm>. Wake, A. et al: Hydrodynamic, thermodynamic and water quality model for Lake Balaton, JICA, 2003. Kutics, K., Szalay M.: A Balaton sérülékenység vizsgálata a klímaváltozás függvényébenModell vizsgálatok, Siófok, 2006. Kohlheb N., Podmaniczky L., Skutai J., Magyarország felszínborítottságának lehetőségei az éghajlatvédelemben, Körtáj Tervező Iroda Kft., 2009. 64