Acting and musical theatre: Performance based assessment School Selection Category Troupe Monologue _ Judge _ Duet acting Group scene Student(s) Solo musical Duet musical Group musical______ Accomplished (4) Proficient (3) Partially proficient (2) Not evident (1) Professionalism: Slating/Opening Transitions Final moments D Slating and opening: Clearly held the moment to end, clear slating articulation of name and piece. Transitions: Thoughtful, motivated, creative, and smooth transitions. D Final moments/exiting: Confident approach and exit, personable opening, clean solid conclusion, grounded exit from space, energetic. No errors. Character Development: D Brings individuality to character. D Active tactics connected to character. D Risks taken within framework of given circumstances. D Honest discoveries and realizations as the character. D Character makes a clear journey. D Strong depth of character. Character Relationships: D Clearly defined relationships with others in the scene. D Relationship is ever-changing and reactionary within the scene. D Relationships and reactions live in the moment and are fresh and new to the actor. D Utilizes adept vocal techniques with specific choices to find the voice of the character (intonation and connotation, subtext revealed, and vocal emotion). D The orchestration of vocal techniques solidifies director’s vision within the playwright’s intent. D Slating and opening: Somewhat clear articulation of name and pieces. Somewhat confident approach and personable. Somewhat clean and direct. A few errors. D Transitions: Somewhat smooth, thoughtful, creative, motivated transitions. D Final moments/exiting: Somewhat grounded exit from space and holding of the final moment. Somewhat confident exit. Clean conclusion Character Development: D Believable moments occur within piece. D Character development is evident. D Students exhibit three to four choices: obstacle, tactic, motivation, subtext, mannerisms, and physicality. D Character attempts to make a journey. D Character displays a flat single layer. Character Relationships: D Actors appear to be engaged in a monologue and not reacting to others within the scene. D Some interactions present, but the interaction appears to be forced. D Slating and opening: Unclear articulation of name and pieces. Limited energy and reserved approach. Could be more personable, clean, and direct. Several errors. D Transitions: Transitions could be more motivated, creative, smoother, and thoughtful. D Final moments/exiting: Did not hold the final moment. Somewhat clean conclusion. Exit not confident. Character D Slating and opening: Mostly clear articulation of name and piece(s), mostly clean and direct, minor errors, mostly energetic, mostly personable and confident approach. D Transitions: Mostly smooth, creative transitions, thoughtful and motivated transitions. D Final moments/exiting: Mostly confident exit, mostly grounded exit from space, mostly held the final moment, with a clean, solid conclusion. Character Development: D Sustained believability connected to the text. D All choices are well-defined: obstacle, tactic, motivation, subtext, mannerisms, and physicality. D Character makes a journey. D Character displays different layers. Character Relationships: D Demonstrated through conflict (opposing objectives, creating obstacles, and tension). D Portrayed through interactions: emotional, factual, physical, trust, listening, and silence. D Clearly projected, articulate voice, with vocal variety (pitch, rate, tone, tempo, volume, inflection), used throughout the scene. D Some difficulties in dialogue articulation, and projection, resulting in difficulty of understanding. Lack of vocal variety. D No projection and/or articulation. No vocal variety to express the character. Voice Character Development: D Characterization is not believable or present. D Student exhibits one to two choices: obstacle, tactic, motivation, subtext, mannerisms, and physicality. D No character journey. D No character layers present. Character Relationships: D Actors are not establishing any relationship outside of their characters sphere and strive to block others in pursuit of their own. D Actor actively chooses to ignore the interactions needed to be within the moment. Movement Overall presentation D Blocking, gestures, facial expressions create a new insight into the text and character. D Actor maintains a grounded presence, utilizes levels and positioning to create a believable character. D Dynamic, engaging, and connected stage compositions enhance production value. D Appropriate material within actor’s capabilities. D Lines and blocking well-executed in a creative manner and memorized. D Superior focus; never broke character. D Confident and poised. D Successfully orchestrated the performance (beginning, middle, and end) D Blocking, gestures, facial expressions, posture are motivated by the text. D Actor represents a character that is grounded, while demonstrating proper stage positioning. D Non-intuitive blocking and gesturing, and a disconnect from the text. D Actor demonstrates a character that is not grounded (posture and presence that is indicative of your character) within the scene. D No variety in movement and improvisational blocking of the scene. Frequent breakdown of traditional blocking rules, i.e. upstaging, not being open. D Character represents the student and not the textual identity. D Material not completely within actor’s capabilities. D Rarely demonstrated problems with lines and/or blocking. D Focus was frequently strong; slight character break. D Appeared confident. D Excellent attempt at orchestrating the performance (beginning, middle and end). D Questionable choice of material for this actor. D Often demonstrated problems with lines and/or blocking. D Often varying levels of focus and concentration demonstrated. Did not always showcase the student's talent. D More confidence needed. D Attempt to orchestrate the performance (beginning, middle and end). D Inappropriate material for this actor; did not showcase the student's talent. D Numerous problems with lines and/or blocking. D Lack of focus or concentration demonstrated. D Confidence lacking and not grounded. D Little attempt to orchestrate the performance (beginning, middle and end). Additional space for comments by the judge: A (4) Professionalism Character Voice Movement Overall presentation Final score P (3) PP (2) NE (1) Score Total X4 X5 X5 X5 X6 100 - 90 89 - 80 79 - 61 60 - 25