Report To Portfolio Holder for Strategy 31 July 2013 Subject: Report on Sites C,E and F and purchase of property within Basing View Status: Open Report Ref: Ward(s): Eastrop Key Decision: Yes Key Decision Ref: 836/SC Report of: Strategic Project Manager Contact: Simon Hope – Tel 01256 845560 Email Appendix 1 – Site Plan The following Appendices are Confidential and not for publication by virtue of paragraph of Schedule 12A of Local Government Act 1972 Appendices: Papers relied on to produce this report Confidential Appendix 2 – Site Plan for Acquisition Property Confidential Appendix 3 –Phase Proposal Drawings Confidential Appendix 4 – Phase Proposal Financial Implications and Heads of Terms Confidential Appendix 5 Purchase Terms for Acquisition of Property within Basing View Confidential Appendix 6 – Risk Schedule Report to the Basing View Executive Committee 25 October 2011 Report to the Basing View Executive Committee, 31 July 2012 Phase Proposal submission from Muse Developments Ltd submitted 25 July 2013 (Confidential document) SUMMARY 1 This Report 1.1 Outlines the basis of the first scheme proposal (Phase Proposal) submitted by Muse Developments Ltd (Muse) under the regeneration partnership between the council and Muse. 1.2 Outlines how the scheme fits within the wider Basing View regeneration strategy. 1.3 Outlines the financial and legal implications relating to the Phase Proposal. 1.4 Provides an update and recommendation on the proposed acquisition of property in Basing View. 1 of 9 2 Recommendation 2.1 It is recommended the Portfolio Holder: 2.2 Agrees Site F is approved as an “additional site” under the terms of the Development Agreement (DA), dated 19 December 2012. 2.3 Approves the Phase Proposal submitted by Muse for Sites C, E and F. 2.4 Agrees the Strategic Project Manager shall, in consultation with the Head of Resources and Head of Legal & Democratic Services, be given the delegated authority to progress the required legal documentation, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, relating to the Supplemental Agreement, Head Lease and Agreement for Lease through to exchange of contracts, subject to proceeding in accordance with the heads of terms in Confidential Appendix 4. 2.5 Approves the unconditional purchase of property identified in Confidential Appendix 2, subject to the terms set out in Confidential Appendix 5 and the release of £681,200 from capital programme provisions into the Property and Finance Capital Programme. 2.6 Requests Council to approve the release of £125,000 from uncommitted Growth Point Grant earmarked for Basing View Regeneration to fund the costs mentioned in Confidential Appendix 5. 2.7 The Portfolio Holder notes the details of the council’s financial return as explained in Confidential Appendix 4. 2.8 Agrees the Strategic Project Manager shall, in consultation with the Head of Resources and Head of Legal & Democratic Services, be given the delegated authority to conclude the legal documentation in respect of the property purchase, subject to the strategy and terms set out in Confidential Appendix 5. 2 of 9 3 Contribution to Council Priorities 3.1 This report accords with the council’s Budget and Policy Framework and directly supports the Council Plan priority of improving economic vitality. GLOSSARY OF TERMS Term Definition DA Development Agreement BVEC SA Basing View Executive Committee Supplemental Agreement JLP John Lewis Partnership Ltd LPA Local Planning Authority DETAIL/MAIN CONSIDERATIONS 4 Background 4.1 The council and Muse entered into a Development Agreement (DA) in December 2012 for a multi-site regeneration project following the selection of Muse in a developer selection competition in 2011. 4.2 The 15 year DA allows the council to work with an experienced, wellresourced partner, who will pro-actively seek, secure and deliver new occupier led investment to lead the transformation of Basing View. 4.3 The basis for the partnership was set out in the report to BVEC on 25 October 2011. In summary, the structure of the DA enables Muse to draw-down and develop sites following the council’s approval of a business plan for each phase of development. The DA sets out the financial and legal requirements for the draw-down of sites. 4.4 Following the appointment of Muse (for the multi-site partnership), Muse have been working on proposals for the vacant sites where there is identified occupier demand and a basis for viable development. 4.5 Site C (see Appendix 1) has been an area of focus for Muse following discussions with Waitrose. Initially Waitrose indicated a requirement to Muse for a standalone store of circa 40,000sqft (3,720sqm) on Site C. Discussions between Muse and Waitrose have subsequently evolved as a result of John Lewis Partnership expressing a desire to locate a new combined store format in Basing View, comprising Waitrose and John Lewis at Home. 4.6 Muse, together with their design team, has been working with the retailer to explore how a larger store format could be accommodated with the western area of Basing View (Site C and adjoining land). The discussions have now reached an advanced stage, enabling Muse to submit a compliant Phase Proposal to the council under the terms of the DA. This report contains details of the Phase Proposal. 3 of 9 5 Summary of the Phase Proposal 5.1 The proposed combined store scheme will encompass the eastern half of the site area known as Site C and the whole of Sites E and F, see Appendix 1. Creating the site area required for the John Lewis and Waitrose store will necessitate the realignment of Norn Hill. 5.2 The location of the store will enable the residual part of Site C (see Confidential Appendix 3) to be reserved for a future business class hotel opportunity. 5.3 The proposed development will comprise a building of approximately 10,000sqm (107,500sqft), with the John Lewis at Home store 6,000sqm (64,500sqft) and the Waitrose 4,000sqm (43,000sqft), together with approximately 420 car parking spaces located on the roof of the building. 5.4 The development is designed to make use of the gradient of the site, with cars entering the site from the top of Norn Hill/Upper Basing View. Lifts and travelators will take customers to street level on Lower Basing View to the store entrances. Service access will be from Lower Basing View to the rear of the store. The scheme plans are contained in Confidential Appendix 3. 5.5 The two stores will comprise a full sized Waitrose trading from ground floor, the John Lewis at Home store will trade from ground and mezzanine level. The John Lewis store is primarily focused on selling furniture, furnishing accessories, electrical and home technology. A Click and Collect service will also available, which covers the full range of John Lewis products. The joint store will also feature a café in the atrium, together with dry cleaners and a cash machine service. 5.6 To date John Lewis Partnership has only opened one of the new format combined store developments, in Ipswich last year. Basingstoke is planned to be one of the next stores to open. 5.7 To create the site for the development will involve re-positioning Norn Hill to the west of its current location. Muse and their design team have and are continuing to review design options for the junction arrangements from Eastrop roundabout and Norn Hill/Lower Basing View. The scheme proposals will be evolved in discussion with the highway authority. The highway plan attached in Confidential Appendix 3 shows an illustrative option. An important aim is to provide a strong connection to the town centre whilst maintaining a high level of vehicle capacity to accommodate existing and future retail and business traffic on Basing View/Norn Hill. 5.8 Given the importance of the site as a gateway location to the Basing View business area, the development will play a key role in setting a positive tone for the wider regeneration project. 5.9 The proposed scheme will provided much needed amenity to occupiers in Basing View and signal positive change with a high quality occupier, which alongside other measures, such as the public realm works and rebranding, will act as a catalyst for regeneration. 5.10 Significant emphasis is being placed by the council (as landowner), Muse and the retailer on designing a building with civic presence. Enhancing the pedestrian connections to the town centre is an important aspect that Muse 4 of 9 and their design team are seeking to address to ensure the connectivity of the scheme to the town centre and station is maximised. 5.11 Indicative scheme drawings are contained in Confidential Appendix 3. These drawings will provide the basis for a subsequent planning application, though the schemes design development will evolve through discussions between Muse, the council as landowner and the local planning/highway authorities. It should be noted Muse are responsible for leading the scheme design process and obtaining planning permission for the development. This work will be funded by Muse. 5.12 The council in its capacity as landowner will have an opportunity to comment and approve (subject to consent not to be unreasonably withheld) the planning application drawings, prior to submission to the LPA, under the terms of the Supplemental Agreement between Muse and the council. 5.13 Setting the Phase Proposal in context with the Basing View Regeneration Strategy 5.13.1 The masterplanning work undertaken by the council and subsequently Muse, has highlighted the need to introduce additional complimentary mixed-uses into Basing View. The masterplanning undertaken in 2007 and 2010 endorsed by BVEC, highlighted the opportunity for larger floor plate retail provision at the western end of Basing View. 5.13.2 Attracting JLP at Home/Waitrose represents an opportunity to secure a leading retail brand which is complimentary to the Basing View regeneration strategy approved previously by BVEC. Securing JLP is not only an important endorsement for Basing View as a location, but also Basingstoke as a town. The retailer’s presence provides an important opportunity for the town to attract and retain more shoppers and support the economic development strategy for the borough. 5.13.3 In terms of Basing View, securing the retailer as a first phase sends a positive message to attract new companies to the area, as well as encouraging existing companies to remain and invest. The 100,000sqft retail development at the west end of Basing View, combined with the proposed 150,000sqft Network Rail campus at the eastern end, provides tangible evidence of high quality occupier activity to act as a springboard for further phases. 5.13.4 A continued objective of the regeneration project remains securing a business class hotel. Although it is acknowledged there are presently challenges making a hotel scheme viable, the hotel advisers for Muse and the council believe the retail scheme should assist the hotel business case by increasing the opportunity for attracting corporate office occupiers and the brand profile of the location generally. 5.13.5 The remaining part of Site C not required for the retail scheme will be reserved initially for 18 months as a potential location for a hotel scheme, see plans in Confidential Appendix 3. During this period, Muse will commit to prepare a hotel business case and continue to explore the level of operator and investor demand. 5.14 Phase Proposal – Outline Programme 5 of 9 5.14.1 Exchange of conditional contracts for the Agreement for Lease and Supplemental Agreement is anticipated by mid-September. 5.14.2 Muse propose undertaking formal planning consultation in early/midSeptember. 5.14.3 Muse is targeting submission of a planning application in October. 5.14.4 Subject to the progress of the planning application it is anticipated works could start on site in summer 2014, with completion of the scheme by autumn 2015. 6 Proposed Property Purchase 6.1 The council exchanged a conditional contract to buy the subject property identified in Confidential Appendix 2 in October 2012, based on terms approved by BVEC on 31 July 2012. BVEC recommended that Full Council agreed to the purchase, which Full Council resolved to do on 11 October 2012, subject to the terms of the BVEC report. 6.2 BVEC agreed Portfolio Holder consent would be sought prior to the end of the conditional contract period to determine the appropriate course of action. 6.3 The proposal is to for the council to proceed to purchase the property unconditionally subject to the purchase terms approved by BVEC in July 2012 and the Basing View Invest to Grow budget of £681,200 approved by Council. 6.4 In the report to BVEC of July 2012 it was agreed in Confidential Appendix 4 that Portfolio Holder consent would be sought on the recommended course of action prior to the end of the 12 month conditionality period. Subject to approval to the recommendation in this report, notice will be served by the council to waive the contract condition that entitled the council not to proceed with the purchase until planning permission had been obtained. This would enable the council to complete the purchase 3 months from the date when the council serves notice to complete the unconditional purchase. 6.5 Following completion of the purchase, subject to obtaining statutory permissions, the intention will be to demolish the property in preparation for the regeneration works. The estimated costs of holding and demolishing the property are £125,000 and Council is recommended to agree that this is met from uncommitted Capital Growth Point Grant allocated to Basing View Regeneration. 6.6 Officers are recommending the council proceed to acquire the property unconditionally, subject to the terms set out in Confidential Appendix 5. 7 Financial Implications 7.1 John Lewis Properties plc (JLP) will acquire the new store on the terms set out in Confidential Appendix 4, subject to a head lease from the council. Muse will build the development to a pre-agreed specification in part from its own equity resources and in part from payments received from JLP during the building process at pre-agreed milestones. 7.2 Details of the council’s indicative financial return are explained in Confidential Appendix 4. The financial return is calculated in accordance with the DA 6 of 9 between the council and Muse and subject to the scheme specific aspects, which will be documented within a Supplementary Agreement (SA). 7.3 The calculation of the council’s land receipt is subject to two valuation stages. The Initial Appraisal Stage, i.e. now at the Phase Proposal stage and secondly, the Final Appraisal stage prior to the SA reaching the point of unconditionality. Beyond the council’s land receipt, the council is entitled to a 50% share of any surplus profit in the scheme (emanating from the construction phase) over and beyond a pre-agreed priority profit to Muse. 7.4 It should be noted the council’s land receipt will be fixed at the Final Appraisal stage. In the meantime the council’s land receipt can fluctuate (up and down) between the Initial (i.e. now) and Final Appraisal stages, reflecting a more accurate assessment of the costs by the Final Appraisal stage. However the council’s land receipt is subject to a minimum value test. The land value generated by the scheme must be equal to or higher than the council’s book value and the receipt must meet the best consideration requirements of S123 of the Local Government Act 1972. 7.5 Once the Final Appraisal has been completed this will set a minimum value for the capital receipt due to the council. This amount could increase if there are savings in construction costs, but will not reduce. The timing of the land receipt is addressed in paragraph 8.4. 7.6 The use of the capital receipt generated from the sale of the site to JLP will be considered as part of the council’s budget strategy process. 7.7 As explained in Confidential Appendix 4, the council has been advised on the Muse costs contained in the Phase Proposal by Mace Group Limited. This advice was funded from the revenue budget for Basing View. 7.8 Funding for the proposed property acquisition was agreed by Council following a report to the Basing View Executive Committee on 31st July 2012. The additional costs of demolition of £125,000 can be funded from uncommitted Growth Point Capital Grant already allocated for Basing View Regeneration. The funding will be repaid by Muse when the Supplementary Agreement becomes unconditional. This is expected to be during 2014. The purchase of the property increases the value of the wider site as set out in Confidential Appendix 4. 7.9 There is a potential risk that the council acquires the property but the Muse scheme does not proceed or is delayed. In this case the council’s ability to recover the sunk costs would be deferred until a development scheme progresses. 8 Legal Implications 8.1 Under the governance arrangements approved by BVEC on 25 October 2011, the drawdown of sites and approval of site specific scheme proposals under the partnership is dealt with by: 8.1.1 The Steering Group approving the terms of the proposal; 8.1.2 Following approval of the Steering Group, Portfolio Holder consent is then sought. 7 of 9 8.2 If the Portfolio Holder approves the Phase Proposal, the council and Muse will then enter into a conditional Supplemental Agreement (SA) to cover the legal obligations relating to the proposed transaction. In parallel, Muse will proceed to submit a planning application. 8.3 The legal agreements governing the development of the site will be a conditional Supplemental Agreement to the Development Agreement exchanged on 19 December 2012, together with the conditional Agreement for Lease. Muse will be under an obligation to fulfil the contract obligations within the long-stop dates specified in Confidential Appendix 4. The council will also be under obligations under deliver vacant possession of the site and land assembly. 8.4 Assuming the pre-conditions contained in the SA and Agreement for Lease have been met, the SA and Agreement for Lease become unconditional. This is the point at which Muse will commence construction and the council will receive its land payment and reimbursement for property acquisition and demolition costs set out in Confidential Appendix 5. 8.5 In the event there are material variations to the financial and legal terms set out in Confidential Appendix 4 (prior to the SA and Agreement for Lease becoming unconditional), the material variations will be reported to the Portfolio Holder for approval or otherwise. 8.6 The council will sell a long leasehold interest to JLP. The terms are contained in Confidential Appendix 4. Muse will be granted a Licence to occupy the site to undertake construction of the scheme, including constructing the re-aligned Norn Hill. 8.7 As JLP are acquiring the effective freehold of the site, the council’s ability to impose long term restrictions on the future use of the development is more limited and explained in Confidential Appendix 4. 8.8 To create the development site will require the inclusion of Site F, as well as Sites C and E, which are designated as “core” sites included within the DA. The DA between the council and Muse contemplated other “additional” sites within Basing View becoming part of the regeneration partnership to help deliver a comprehensive approach. Site F meets the financial and land use criteria for being classed as an “additional site” and the site is recommended for inclusion within the Phase Proposal. 8.9 The proposed property purchase would be undertaken by the council serving notice on the vendor under the terms of the purchase contract. The council are not required to complete the purchase until the vendor has delivered vacant possession of the property. 9 HR Issues None 10 Equalities As this decision does not create or amend a policy, strategy or service, no equality impact assessment has been carried out. 8 of 9 11 Risks Identified 11.1 Confidential Appendix 6 identifies the principal risks and comments on the controls that are proposed to mitigate the risks in an acceptable manner where possible. Key risks highlighted include: 11.1.1 The council’s financial return will be affected by the complexities associated with the enabling works to create the development site. This involves a significant amount of civil engineering and service diversions. However, the council’s land receipt will be fixed prior to construction works commencing. 11.1.2 Remediation costs of the former gas works site will be assessed following the site investigation works and may have an impact of the level of the council’s financial receipt. 11.1.3 The timing of the council’s land receipt and reimbursement of costs will depend upon the progress made by the developer to meet the contract conditions, including obtaining planning permission and a road closure order. 11.1.4 The level of the council’s financial return will, subject to meeting the stated minimum requirements, be dependant upon the eventual tendered construction costs. 12 Conclusion 12.1 This scheme represents an important first phase for the Basing View regeneration project and has the potential to act as a significant catalyst for attracting further investment into Basing View. 12.2 Attracting the new format John Lewis at Home and Waitrose store will represent an important investment for the town as a whole, bringing added value for the town’s wider economy. The scheme will deliver in the region of 300 jobs and help attract more retail and leisure expenditure for the town centre. 12.3 The scheme is in line with the vision and project objectives of the Basing View Annual Business Plan and meets the financial and legal requirements of the Development Agreement. 12.4 It is recommended the Phase Proposal and property acquisition is approved, and that the council proceeds to conclude the required legal agreements (and agree that Site F is accepted as an “additional site”) to facilitate both transactions in accordance with the terms set out in this report. 9 of 9