REPORT TO EUROPEAN COMMISSION UNDER EC 1342/2008: SUBMISSION BY UK GOVERNMENT ARTICLE 13(5) OF REGULATION Background 1. Article 13(5) of Regulation 1342/2008 requires Member States to notify the European Commission of increases in fishing effort allocation consequent upon the utilisation of Article 13(2) of the Regulation. 2. This notification is to include details of the vessels involved, the fishing effort per effort category that Member States expect to be deployed by those vessels during 2013-14 and the conditions under which the effort of the vessels is being monitored. 3. This report is the response of the UK government. It is offered subject to the following comments: o o o o 4. Current figures include English administered and Northern Ireland administered vessels only. A revision will be submitted with Marine Scotland figures when available. In order to encourage take up of cod avoidance measures under Article 13(2)(b), the UK Government permits vessels to take up measures (and receive additional effort) for periods of less than twelve months. It is expected that uptake of optional measures under (13) (2) (b) will increase over the fishing year, although it is not possible now to estimate to what extent. Some vessels may also decide to cease participating in these measures (in which circumstances they will lose the additional days allocated). Accordingly, estimates are based on stated intentions for the 2013-14 period; and, The UK Government also intends to continue the development of further cod avoidance measures, and in particular more selective fishing gear. These further options are currently under discussion with industry across the UK with several pilot projects underway to establish the exact package of measures that will be introduced. While working to remain within the effort limits set for the UK as a whole, the Fisheries Administrations in the UK have in some cases adopted different measures in terms of the days at sea allowances made for the vessels they administer. Where these differences are present, the different allocations are detailed in this paper, with the request for increases in effort being collated requests for the UK as a whole incorporating the overall effect of different measures in each administration. The UK Government has made use of a number of the provisions of Article 13. Article 13(2) (b) – cod avoiding fishing trips 5. The UK Government has made use of this Article and has allocated additional effort. 6. Vessels administered in England that wish to benefit from extra effort under this criteria have to provide the MMO with a description of the measures that they are going to use to ensure that they catch (not just land) less than 5 per cent of cod. The measures described are assessed by a panel of experts and the extra days allocated where the vessel is anticipated to catch less than 5 per cent. The derogation is available to vessels using gears other than TR1 and TR2, and for those using these gears the focus of their activity is on species other than cod. Vessels exceeding this limit face reverting to the basic allocation of days for their type of activity for the management period in question, which thus has the potential for penalties being imposed as a result if the vessels are regarded as having exceeded their revised allocations of days. 7. Although the level of additional effort allocated to these vessels differs between administrations, the common principle under each administration is that the flat rate allocation of effort made to vessels is significantly lower than the level of effort available if operating under the cod avoidance measures. This is to provide a significant incentive to encourage the maximum 1 number of vessels to engage in cod avoiding fishing trips. This level of these differences in allocations takes into account that not all vessels fish intensively and many will not utilise their full allocation. Therefore the basic effort allocation is set very low to ensure that even the less intensive vessels will be encouraged to adopt cod avoiding measures. In order to avoid any risk of excessive effort uptake by this group above the maximum allowable effort, effort uptake is monitored by administrations and discussed with the Effort Management Groups operated by each administration that are made up of industry, Government and science representatives. Allocations will be modified if necessary to control uptake. 8. At the time of writing a total of 80 English administered vessels and 1 vessel administered by Northern Ireland have been allocated additional days in accordance with Article 13(2) (b). Estimates of the consequential increase in the effort likely to be deployed are included in the annexes along with details of the individual vessels allocated additional days in this way given in tables 3a, 3b and 3c. All landings of vessels are of course recorded. Article 13(2)(c) – TR2 - Cod avoidance and discard reduction using highly selective gears 9. 70 English administered TR2 vessels fishing in the North Sea have been allocated additional days in accordance with Article 13(2)(c) in return for using the NetGrid (Annex 3). Similarly, 15 English administered TR2 vessels fishing in the Irish Sea have been allocated additional days in accordance with Article 13(2)(c) in return for using the Seltra Trawl (Annex 4) Article 13(2) (c) – cod avoidance and discard reduction plans 10. The UK Government has made use of this Article and allocated additional effort. Additional effort has been allocated to UK vessels as a reward for compliance with Real Time Closures (RTCs) and seasonal closures. These are also granted for compliance with a voluntary cod spawning closure in the Eastern Irish Sea as well as the statutory cod spawning closure in the Western Irish Sea. Real Time Closures (RTCs) and seasonal closures 11. The UK Government RTC and seasonal closures programme builds on and expands the methodology operated in 2008 to 2012, with improvements designed to increase exponentially the number of closures and their effect in reducing cod mortality caused by fishing. Compliance with RTCs and seasonal closures is mandatory for all UK vessels. 12. Seasonal closures operate in the same way as previous years. Areas are predefined in collaboration with industry and marine scientists, where it can be predicted with a high degree of certainty that areas will have high abundances of cod within them during a certain period of time. These closures are mapped and published. Most closures will re-open automatically. One particularly sensitive area (in Area IVa) will only re-open after a sampling procedure has been carried out to ensure that there is no longer a high abundance of cod present. 13. Real Time Closures (RTCs) are triggered in two ways. Firstly, closures may be triggered by observation of catches at sea where the number of cod caught in an hour exceeds a specified level, which varies over the year in line with expected aggregations of cod. Secondly closures are generated by Landings per Unit Effort (LPUE) data, cross referenced against vessel satellite data and after a further series of quality assurance tests. Sea areas that are associated with significant cod landings are closed. RTCs remain closed for 21 days and then reopen automatically. 14. Compliance with RTCs and seasonal closures is monitored by the fisheries administrations (for example, Marine Scotland Compliance and the Marine Management Organisation). The positions of vessels are tracked and observed – and vessels of 15 metres or longer all have VMS installed. Vessels fishing in areas of RTCs are at risk of an administrative penalty in the form of removal of any additional effort that has been allocated. 2 Irish Sea cod spawning closures 15. Since 2000 there has been a statutory cod spawning closure from 14th February to 31st April. This is strictly enforced through VMS monitoring and regular sea going patrols. Northern Ireland administered vessels have not been allocated any TR1 effort for use in the Irish Sea during the period 1st February 2013 to 30th April 2013. 16. The relatively small size of the Irish Sea combined with the presence of the large statutory cod spawning closure renders a real time closure system similar to that operated in other sea areas impractical. However, we are continuing to examine closure mechanisms and possible amendments to the existing closed areas in the Irish Sea that may be more effective than the existing areas in reducing cod mortality. Specified selective gears 17. The UK Government has also offered vessels the opportunity to be allocated additional days at sea as a reward for fishing exclusively with specified selective gears. To date, several vessels have taken up the option to use specified gears, including ‘Orkney Cod avoidance trawls’ for vessels using TR1 gear, and in the Irish Sea for TR1 gear these include a large mesh (600mm plus) Eliminator Trawl with a 120mm plus cod end. For TR2 gear these include a 120mm SMP or a large or twin discard reduction SMP (see Annex 2). Vessels taking up these options receive additional effort allocations as necessary – the vessels involved are listed in tables 5a, 5b and 5c. 18. The UK Government continues to work closely with industry representatives and net makers to encourage further development of gear with high escapement potential. We expect there to be increasing interest and take up of these options over the coming year. 19. The Northern Ireland Administration requires all vessels using TR2 gear to fish with specified highly selective gears capable of delivering significant reductions in cod mortality and reduced discards of other non-target species. Vessels must use a specified highly selective gear wherever they operate within the CRZ. Failure to comply results in the vessels CRZ authorisation being withdrawn until the appropriate gear is fitted. Fully Documented Fisheries (Catch Quota Management Scheme) 20. The UK Government trialled the use of CCTV cameras to record the catches of certain vessels in 2010-11. The trial proved successful and was rolled out for 2011-12 and again in 201213 and 2013-2014. 12 vessels administered in England are taking part in scheme being managed by the Marine Management Organisation, receiving extra days of effort in addition to their normal allocation of effort as a reward. The European Commission has received details of the Catch Quota Schemes that have been implemented in the UK with vessels involved listed in tables 6a and 6b. 21. Vessels that do not adhere to the terms of the Scheme will be returned to the normal effort management regime. Deep Water Effort in the North Sea 22. The UK Government permits relevant TR1 vessels to fish in deep water in the North Sea and not have such time deducted from their allocation of days at sea. 23. The UK Government cannot estimate the effect in terms of effort uptake of this arrangement. We are aware nonetheless of the need to operate within the effort ceilings noted at the Annex and will manage effort to seek to remain within these ceilings. 3 24. Compliance with these arrangements is ensured by VMS with additional monitoring capability provided by patrol vessels and surveillance aircraft. Article 13(2) (d) – fishing to the west of the French line 25. The UK Government makes use of this Article by permitting relevant vessels to fish west of the French line and not have such time deducted from their allocation of days at sea. 26. The UK Government cannot estimate the effect in terms of effort uptake of this arrangement. We are aware nonetheless of the need to operate within the effort ceilings noted at the Annex and will manage effort to seek to remain within these ceilings. 27. Compliance with these arrangements is ensured by VMS with additional monitoring capability provided by patrol vessels and surveillance aircraft. Explanatory tables 28. Annex 1 contains six sections of explanatory tables as annexes to this paper. Where appropriate, within each section there are separate tables showing the position for each fisheries administration within the UK Table 1 Estimates of additional effort in respect of actions under Article 13. Table 2 Basic and additional annual days at sea allocated to UK vessels. Table 3 Vessels allocated additional days at sea because of catching less than 5 per cent cod. Table 4 Vessels allocated additional days at sea for take up of highly selective gear measures with TR2 gears. Table 5 Vessels allocated additional days at sea as part of the Catch Quota Management Scheme. 29. Annexes 2 to 4 contain information on the selective gears used. Defra/MMO – 30th April 2013 4 Annex 1 Table 1: Estimates of additional effort in respect of actions under Article 13 (kW days) # Action Article 13(2)(b) – under 5 per cent cod catch NS TR1 NS TR2 WoS TR1 WoS TR2 Irish Sea TR1 Irish Sea TR2 1,185,935 441,716 - 29,872 61,765 121,212 Article 13(2)(c) – Real Time and seasonal closures Article 13(2)(c) – TR2 Selective gears 239,571 256,747 23,402 44,624 7,130 24,664 - 389,846 - 208,665 - 2,088,716 Article 13(2) (c) – Catch Quota Management Scheme Article 13(2)(c) – Deep Water 455,107 - - - - - 1,880,612 1,088,308 23,402 283,161 68,895 2,234,592 Article 13(2)(d) – West of French line UK requested additional effort # Effort allocated to the other regulated gears has been maintained as per 2008, in line with the requirement to maintain effort within the ceilings set out under Annex IIA of the TAC and Quota Regulation 5 Table 2: Basic and additional annual days at sea allocated to Scottish vessels (days) Table 2a – Vessels catching less than 5 per cent cod Administration Scotland Gear category Basic allocation Supplementary allocation Total allocation TR1 TR2 Northern Ireland TR1 TR2 75 105 England TR1 100 100 TR2 100 100 180 200 200 Table 2b – vessels catching 5 per cent or more cod Table 2b.1 – Basic levels of allocations (days at sea for full 12 month period): Scotland Northern England Ireland All areas All areas N. Sea WoS Gear category TR1 TR2 TR3 BT1 BT2 GN1 GT1 LL1 Irish Sea Description Whitefish demersal trawls – equal to or greater than 100mm Nephrops demersal trawls – equal to or larger than 70mm and less than 100mm Demersal trawls, Seines of mesh size equal to or larger than 16mm and less than 32mm Beam trawls of mesh size of 120mm or greater Beam trawls of mesh size equal to or larger than 80mm and less than 120mm Gill nets and entangling nets, excluding trammel nets Trammel nets Longlines 75 100 75 100 82 82 228 228 152 152 152 152 140 170 140 172 140 172 75 6 Table 2b.2 - Options for additional days for adopting cod conservation measures Scotland Northern Ireland England TR1 TR2 TR1 TR2 TR1 TR2 Gear category Buy back options Specified 130mm cod end 8 selective gears – 300mm belly mesh whitefish (one Orkney Trawl, 20 option per Shetland Trawl, vessel) 200mm SMP or 600mm belly mesh Eliminator Trawl or 24 800mm belly mesh 120mm cod end 6 NI Eliminator Trawl 20 – 600mm plus belly mesh Specified 120/130mm SMP 8 selective gears – 160mm SMP Nephrops 200mm SMP Nephrops discard reduction panel(s) 120mm SMP 80mm cod end of 4mm twine thickness Swedish Grid 300mm NetGrid 20 Specified highly 125 selective gear Compliance with East Irish sea spring closed area Note: the UK Government intends to take active in-year management decisions in order that efficient use is made of effort allocations and to reflect changes in fishing patterns since the 2004-06 baseline period. This will involve the need to transfer effort between gear groups. However, where transfers are from a gear with a lower CPUE to one with a higher CPUE, the UK will ensure these are made using the conversion factors developed according to Article 17(2, 3 and 4) of the long-term management plan; and reflect the absolute necessity to remain within the effort allocations defined under Annex IIA of the TAC and Quota Regulation. 7 Table 3: Vessels allocated additional days at sea because of catching less than 5 per cent cod. Table 3b: Vessels administered in Northern Ireland: Rss Number A11781 Vessel Name ARCANE Admin Port Kilkeel Engine Power 428 Admin Port North Shields North Shields Fleetwood North Shields North Shields Fleetwood North Shields North Shields North Shields North Shields North Shields Fleetwood North Shields North Shields Hastings Brixham Brixham Brixham Hastings North Shields North Shields North Shields Scarborough Fleetwood North Shields Scarborough North Shields Brixham North Shields Milford Haven North Shields Hastings North Shields North Shields Hastings Engine Power 120 529 447 272 350 112 207 122 325 251 177 171 94 81 578 221 507 563 205 201 111 127 1325 741 393 1492 242 209 66 80 239 145 249 182 220 Table 3c: Vessels administered in England: Rss Number A10112 A10122 A10129 A10752 A10890 A12343 A12358 A12421 A12538 A12715 A13108 A13743 A14446 A14569 A14760 A14782 A14879 A14927 A14928 A17005 A17526 A17974 A18852 A18989 A19033 A20243 A22597 A23531 A23563 A24146 A24798 B10016 B10407 B11316 B11603 Vessel Name GOOD FELLOWSHIP BRISAN ISADALE FIDELITY HEADWAY ALBION SOLAN DIAMOND RACHAEL JAYNE III AQUARIUS ALAUNA COLINNE BORDER LASSIE CONSTANT FRIEND OUR MIRANDA HARM JOHANNES LLOYD TYLER JACOMINA JOANNA C GOLDEN FLEECE SANRENE ADAPTABLE GERT JAN SUFFOLK CHIEFTAIN AYR DAWN MIRANDA MADALIA GERRY ANN C STJERNEN NICOLA FAITH BARBARA ANNE SEIONT A NIMROD SAM LEWETTE II SARA LENA 8 B11621 B11731 B11814 B11925 B11998 B12216 B13137 B13307 B13488 B13756 B13822 B14092 B14489 B14574 B14900 C16184 C16214 C16271 C16584 C16874 C17441 C17457 C17641 C17670 C17723 C18064 C18304 C18314 C18561 C18690 C18981 C19001 C19045 C19094 C19213 C19242 C19434 C19448 C19588 C19878 C19911 C19943 C20107 C20130 C20298 NOVANTAE SUCCESS III JANE ELIZABETH SALLY JANE CHRISTINA WILHELMINA BARENTSZEE MAR BLANCO ANNEGINA MONTE MAZANTEU PORT OF AYR ENTERPRISE LAUREN ANNE JENNAH D SOLA FIDE ELIZABETH N HENDRIK BRANDS OUR ANNA KORNELIS JAN EBEN HAEZER JENNY G LOUWE SENIOR SUNLIGHT RAY HENDRIKA JACOBA KRISTENBORG EMULATE TRUI VAN HINTE SOLI DEO GLORIA MARTINE CHANNEL VENTURE II O GENITA SASHA EMIEL CATHARINA ANSGAR NICOLA ANNE KERRIE MARIE NEELTJE JUPITER GOOD HOPE LADY MAUREEN OUR LADY LOU BECKY LOU ANGEL EMIEL SARAH LOUISE CHARLES EDWARD Lowestoft North Shields Hastings Hastings Brixham Lowestoft Brixham North Shields Peterhead Fleetwood North Shields Peterhead Hastings Hastings North Shields Newlyn Lowestoft North Shields Scarborough Scarborough Poole North Shields Scarborough Scarborough North Shields Brixham Scarborough North Shields Brixham North Shields North Shields Brixham Brixham North Shields Lowestoft Brixham North Shields Lowestoft North Shields Brixham Brixham Brixham Brixham Brixham Unknown 201 470 180 201 745 1343 709 644 1790 298 551 1850 176 252 1500 220 1492 1450 1470 1471 294 746 345 1500 294 221 1470 1500 855 127 735.5 221 448 946 277 221 650 220 656 221 221 221 221 221 180 9 Table 4: Vessels allocated extra days at sea for using highly selective TR2 gear Table 4b – Vessels administered in England using selective TR2 gears: Rss Number Vessel Name Admin Port Engine Power A10166 A10206 A10538 A10745 A11129 A11419 A11434 A11511 A12116 A12175 A12347 A12376 A12509 A13184 A13282 A13557 A13646 A13779 A14649 A14803 A14831 A15687 A16634 A16729 A16753 A17951 A18269 A18456 A18509 A18625 A18645 A18686 A18824 A19575 A19892 A20475 A22174 A22991 A23545 A24129 A24265 A24699 AJAX SINCERITY S SCOTIA RELIANCE BONNIE LASS III PAMELA S GRENAA STAR HARVEST REAPER OUR JAMES GREEN PASTURES ZENITH STAR DIVINE RADIANT STAR GOVENEK OF LADRAM PATSY ANNE KINLOCH OUR LASSIE COPIOUS FORTUNE II PREVAIL OUR SARAH JAYNE DIANA TICINO THE WAY PROVIDING STAR MORNING STAR MAYFLY SEAGULL PORTUNUS LIBERATOR JANEEN JOBERT CATHERINE ANNIE LAUWERSZEE JOHANNA ABOUT TIME AKELA LUC SYRINEN CHALLENGE A ACHIEVABLE SINCERITY II Newlyn North Shields North Shields North Shields North Shields Scarborough North Shields Newlyn North Shields North Shields North Shields North Shields North Shields Plymouth North Shields North Shields Grimsby Scarborough North Shields Poole Hastings Lowestoft North Shields Belfast Poole Poole Poole Grimsby Grimsby Lowestoft Lowestoft Lowestoft Lowestoft Lowestoft Grimsby Ayr Hastings North Shields North Shields Grimsby Lowestoft North Shields 238 80 62 530 220 231 191 191 145 309 224.22 193 128 384 104 177 92 328 87 82.06 143 171 82 184.2 134 179 127 221 221 146.5 175 90 154 107 186 126.7 134 171 82 103 70 127 10 A24815 B10081 B10336 B10378 B10654 B10872 B10883 B11180 B11782 B11798 B12021 B12187 B12608 B12885 B14139 B14199 C16411 C17115 C17230 C17382 C17795 C17796 C17812 C17870 C17871 C18273 C18281 C18389 C18548 C18617 C18729 C19077 C19121 C19240 C19475 J10032 WHITE HEATHER GINA LOUISE SPARKLING LINE FREYA CRYSTAL SEA BOY ETHAN PROGRESS PROVIDER MELISSA CLARE LADY JEAN IMOGEN HANNAH D OLIVIA JEAN DEO VOLENTE REBECCAN SAJENN J.J. ITSIE BITSIE JACK HENRY SOPHIE LOUISE II SUSA UNO PIEDRAS GONPEZ I SPICA WILLIAM MARY HOLLIE J MANUEL LAURA TINA CHELARIS BOY LUKIE ELISABETH VERONIQUE FREM W SARAH LENA BALCARY INDIANNA L'ECUME II Newlyn Brixham Plymouth Lowestoft Newlyn Plymouth Scarborough North Shields Milford Haven Plymouth Newlyn Brixham Ayr Scarborough Lowestoft Hastings North Shields Grimsby Hastings North Shields Plymouth North Shields Plymouth Plymouth Hastings Scarborough Plymouth North Shields North Shields Lowestoft 179.04 134 233 95 399 163 179 134.28 122 172 187 187 749 221 187 174 128 130 220 216 720 500 535 531 219 223.8 721 62 221 155 Newlyn North Shields Hastings North Shields Lowestoft Plymouth 171 240 219 114 221 220 Table 4c: Northern Ireland Administered Vessels using Specified Highly Selective Gear Rss Number A11605 C20348 A13198 A19799 A13561 Vessel Name ABILITY ACHILLES ALISA ALISON MARY ALPHA Admin Port Kilkeel Kilkeel Ardglass Ardglass Portavogie Engine Power 447 559 208.88 215 134 11 A19737 A17811 B10423 A13942 A19778 A10840 A10599 C19259 A14077 C16038 A19736 A13907 A10391 A11506 A12183 B13061 A10563 A18824 A10714 C18150 A16756 A10737 A15123 A10207 A19735 A10760 A10433 A23196 C17105 A11786 A23573 A19693 A13567 A14169 A10733 C19052 A11806 C18504 A11659 A12308 A11796 A11719 A12273 A10509 A13284 A12315 AMBITIOUS AMELIA AMITY ANDRIAS ANTARES ARLANDA ASPIRE ATLANTIC AUBRIETIA BENAIAH IV BONA FIDE BONAVENTURE BONNIE LASS BOUNTEOUS BOY ANDREW BOY PAUL BOY STUART BRANDON JOHN BRIGHTER MORN CAAREEN CAROL ANN CONCORDE COWRIE BAY CRYSTAL TIDE DAY DAWN ELEGANT II ELLEN FAIRWAY TWO FAIRWIND FAITHFUL FRIEND V GALENA GERTRUDE ANN GIRL ANN III GIRL MARY GLENDEVERON GLENRAVEL GOLDEN EMBLEM GOLDEN RAY GOLDEN REAPER GOOD HOPE GREEN BRAE HERITAGE HIGHLAND QUEEN ILENE IMMANUEL VII INCENTIVE II Portavogie Kilkeel Kilkeel Kilkeel Kilkeel Kilkeel Portavogie Kilkeel Portavogie Kilkeel Kilkeel Ardglass Portavogie Ardglass Ardglass Redbay Portavogie Kilkeel Kilkeel Kilkeel Kilkeel Kilkeel Kilkeel Ballycastle Portavogie Portavogie Ardglass Ardglass Kilkeel Portavogie Kilkeel Kilkeel Portavogie Kilkeel Ardglass Kilkeel Portavogie Portavogie Portavogie Portavogie Londonderry Kilkeel Kilkeel Portavogie Kilkeel Portavogie 415 316.9 134 149 468.98 171.58 309 368 465.5 451 403 328 157 172 243 178 373 154 383 333 98 244 171 239 231 279 205 97 162 179.04 73 406 144 249 144 450 309 217 309 272 244 242 172 204 221 273 12 A19795 A12204 A17567 B10980 A13589 A10576 B10648 A10847 C18455 A14068 B10271 A11182 C17536 C18094 B10931 A17604 C17083 A12126 A19645 C19238 C17465 C19260 C19945 A19781 A10552 C16955 A13225 A10627 A17693 A12342 A10525 A19801 C19149 A13869 A13466 A10422 A10713 C20118 A10680 A10795 A10227 C18560 B13401 A10046 A11091 B10695 IRISH ENTERPRISE JENISKA KAREN KARIMA LADY ISLE LYNN MARIE MARANATHA MARINA MARY MARIA M. OF PORTAVOGIE MINCH HUNTER MORNING DAWN MOYUNA NEW DAWN NEW DAWN NEW VENTURE NEW VENTURE NIMROD NORTHERN DAWN NORTHERN QUEST NORTHERN VENTURE NORTHERN VIKING OCEAN DIVINE OCEAN HARVESTER OCEAN VENTURE OCEANUS ONWARD PILOT STAR PILOT US PROVIDENCE IV RAMBLING ROSE REBENA BELLE RESTLESS WAVE RHODANNA RIBHINN DONN II ROSEMARY ANN SAGITTARIUS SANCTA MARIA SAPPHIRE STONE SARDIUS SEA HARVESTER SEA MOURNE SHARON ANN SILVER DEE SILVER FERN SILVER HARVESTER Kilkeel Ardglass Ardglass Kilkeel Kilkeel Kilkeel Portavogie Ardglass Kilkeel Ardglass Kilkeel Ardglass Kilkeel Portavogie Kilkeel Kilkeel Ardglass Ardglass Kilkeel Kilkeel Kilkeel Kilkeel Portavogie Kilkeel Portavogie Kilkeel Kilkeel Portavogie Ardglass Portavogie Kilkeel Ardglass Donegal Portavogie Portavogie Kilkeel Portavogie Ardglass Portavogie Kilkeel Kilkeel Ardglass Ardglass Ardglass Ardglass Portavogie 309 179 208.79 559 137 220 221 128 240 179 220 238 170 339 211 304 177 201 335 324 431 420 120.85 490 298 368 221 111 171.58 279 272 82 81 272.29 171 131 146 316 290.39 298 239 174.86 192 172 122 500 13 B14963 A24549 A12355 A12332 A14163 A12275 A13042 A11148 B11630 A16729 A10763 A11196 B10082 A24111 C17614 A13609 A13410 C19587 A10621 A11465 SIOBHAN III SPARKLING SEA SPES MARIS STARDUST S'LIGHT SPLENDOUR STRATHMORE SUPREME SUPREME TEMERAIRE THE WAY TRIBUTE TRUE TOKEN TWO BROTHERS VAL G VERANN VILLAGE BELLE IV WATERLILY WILLING LAD ZENITH ZEPHYR Ballycastle Kilkeel Ardglass Kilkeel Portavogie Kilkeel Portavogie Ardglass Kilkeel Ardglass Kilkeel Ardglass Kilkeel Ardglass Portavogie Portavogie Kilkeel Kilkeel Kilkeel Kilkeel 179.04 525 177 317 317 533 172 171 298 184.2 198 220 100 271.54 253 221 74 441 351 181 14 Table 5: Vessels operating as part of the Catch Quota Management Scheme Table 6b: Vessels administered by England and allocated additional effort as part of the Catch Quota Management Scheme Rss Number A22669 A11530 C17874 C16843 A11820 A11644 C16926 C20122 C19580 C16090 A13191 B10654 Vessel Name Allegiance Artemis Aurelia Content Courageous III Emulator Farnella Jubilee Pride Jubilee Quest Jubilee Spirit Ocean Dawn Crystal Sea Admin Port Scarborough North Shields Scarborough Scarborough Grimsby Scarborough Grimsby Grimsby Grimsby Grimsby Grimsby Newlyn Engine Power 403 403 447 350.5 462 309.59 1880 145 448 347 619 399 15 Annex 2 Discard Reduction Panel(s) - TR2 Gear Panels are not adopted within EU Technical Conservation Regulations and must be fitted in addition to a Square Mesh Panel that meets the minimum specifications within the Technical Conservation Regulations, for the sea area in which the vessel is fishing. Specification for twin square mesh panel The window shall comprise of two rectangular sections of netting placed in parallel. The netting shall be single twine. The meshes shall be square meshes i.e. all four sides of the window netting shall be cut all bars. The mesh size shall be equal or more than 120mm. The length of the windows shall be at least 3m. Each window shall be at least 10 bars wide. The twin windows shall be separated along their entire length by a strip of single twine, diamond mesh netting of the same mesh size as the body of the net, 12 meshes wide. Location of the window The windows shall be inserted into the top panel of the net. The rear of the windows shall be no more than 8.85m from the front of the cod end extension. Insertion of the window into the diamond mesh netting There shall be no more than 5 open diamond meshes between the longitudinal side of the window and the adjacent selvedge at the narrowest point of the net adjacent to the panel. The strength length of the window shall be equal to the strength length of the diamond meshes attached to the longitudinal side of the window. The joining rate between the diamond meshes of the top panel of the net and the smallest side of the windows shall be 3 diamond meshes to one square mesh for an 80mm cod end, except for edge bars of the windows from both sides. or The joining rate between the diamond meshes of the top panel of the net and the smallest side of the windows shall be 3.5 diamond meshes to one square mesh for a 70mm cod end, except for edge bars of the windows from both sides. 16 Specification for single large square mesh panel The window shall comprise of a rectangular section of netting. The netting shall be single twine. The meshes shall be square meshes i.e. all four sides of the window netting shall be cut all bars. The mesh size shall be equal or more than 120mm. The length of the window shall be at least 3m. The window shall be at least 20 bars wide. Location of the window The window shall be inserted into the top panel of the net. The rear of the window shall be no more than 8.85m from the front of the cod end extension. Insertion of the window into the diamond mesh netting There shall be no more than 5 open diamond meshes between the longitudinal side of the window and the adjacent selvedge at the narrowest point of the net adjacent to the panel. The strength length of the window shall be equal to the strength length of the diamond meshes attached to the longitudinal side of the window. The joining rate between the diamond meshes of the top panel of the net and the smallest side of the windows shall be 3 diamond meshes to one square mesh for an 80mm cod end, except for edge bars of the windows from both sides. or The joining rate between the diamond meshes of the top panel of the net and the smallest side of the windows shall be 3.5 diamond meshes to one square mesh for a 70mm cod end, except for edge bars of the windows from both sides. 17 Annex 3 Nephrops trawl incorporating a NetGrid to be used by TR2 vessels in the North Sea In order to qualify as a nephrops trawl incorporating a NetGrid, a conventional nephrops trawl ('trawl') must have been modified to the following specifications (as shown for illustrative purposes below). A wall of netting ('the NetGrid') must be attached within the trawl so as to create a physical barrier to fish while allowing the passage of Nephrops through to the cod end. The NetGrid must be situated between the cod end and the existing square mesh panel. The NetGrid must be fixed within a four-panel box section ('the box section'), which must be inserted into the two panel trawl. The NetGrid must be positioned at an incline, at the upper end of which, on the top of the box section, there must be a triangular fish escape hole, the base of which must be 28 meshes wide and formed by cutting along the bar from the outer ends till the sides meet. The netting barrier must be laced to the top and both sides of the box section. The lower end of the netting barrier must be laced to the bottom of the box section for 300 mm from the relevant selvedge (each bottom outside corner) towards the centre. The NetGrid must be constructed of 300 mm mesh of twisted twine and attached in a square mesh orientation in parallel with the box section. Two rigid pipes must be (loosely) attached vertically, either side of the NetGrid on the outside of the box section. These pipes may be unclipped to hang free on the trawl in order to facilitate being wound onto the net drum during hauling. The escape hole is a triangular opening with a flat apex cut in the top sheet of the trawl which allows the escape of fish too large to through the NetGrid. The escape hole is cut from 12 meshes from each corner where the NetGrid is joined to the top panel of the box section (all bar cut) and extends along the top sheet towards the headline into a triangle, leaving five meshes across at its apex. The escape hole should then be strengthened with nylon twine, pulled tight to form a triangle. 18 Annex 4 Seltra trawl incorporating a NetGrid to be used by TR2 vessels in the Irish Sea Specification of Seltra trawl to be used by TR2 vessels fishing for nephrops in the Irish Sea Box section extension The trawl shall include a box section (4 panel) extension to the cod end with the top panel of the box section made up of 300 mm square mesh. The specification is detailed below. Nets 70 mm or 80 mm with up to 120 open meshes Top panel Minimum of 4 metres long of square mesh of at least 300 mm mesh size. For knotted netting, this is measured as the distance between the centres of the two opposite knots in the same mesh when fully extended. The bar length shall be at least 150 mm between the centre of sequential knots. The panel shall be 4 bars wide. Bottom and side panels Each panel is to be made up of 70 or 80 mm diamond mesh, up to 30 open meshes wide plus selvedge meshes at each side. Length is to be the same as the top square mesh panel (maximum length to be no shorter than 3 per cent shorter than the equivalent square mesh panel). Location The box section is to be fitted between the end of the tapered section of the trawl and the cod end. The forward edge of the square mesh panel is to be within 1.5m of the end of the taper of the trawl. Nets 70 mm or 80 mm with up to 100 open meshes Top panel Minimum of 4 metres long of square mesh of at least 300 mm mesh size. For knotted netting, this is measured as the distance between the centres of the two opposite knots in the same mesh when fully extended. The bar length shall be at least 150 mm between the centre of sequential knots. The panel shall be 4 bars wide. Bottom and side panels Each panel is to be made up of 70 or 80 mm diamond mesh, up to 25 open meshes wide plus selvedge meshes at each side. Length is to be the same as the top square mesh panel (maximum length to be no shorter than 3 per cent shorter than the equivalent square mesh panel). Location The box section is to be fitted between the end of the tapered section of the trawl and the cod end. The forward edge of the square mesh panel is to be within 1.5 metres of the end of the taper of the trawl. 19 Strengthening the panel and stabilising the extension piece The panel may be fitted with strengthening ropes around its perimeter and one longitudinal strengthening rope laced along the centre bar of the panel if required. These ropes are to be no thicker than 12 mm diameter. 20