ATTC01 – Associate Trainer Terms and Conditions

We have pleasure in setting out the terms and conditions governing your role as Associate Trainer
for JoCo Learning & Development Ltd.
Your role as Associate Trainer will be on the basis that:
a. Your contract will be reviewed annually.
b. All fees are paid to you and you will be responsible for accounting to the Inland Revenue, Contributions
Agency and/or Customs and Excise for all income tax, National Insurance and/or VAT liabilities (as
appropriate) in connection with delivery of JoCo Learning & Development Ltd. training.
c. You will be paid an hourly rate of £15 per hour to include the hours of training and an additional hour to
cover set up and clear away time.
d. You will be paid mileage for travel at a rate of £0.40p per mile
e. Other personal expenses can be claimed where applicable and previously agreed.
f. For the avoidance of doubt or confusion it is hereby declared and agreed that your role as an Associate
Trainer with JoCo Learning & Development Ltd. will be as a self-employed person and not as an employee.
g. You will not be entitled to any form of paid leave in respect of sickness, injury or holiday or any other
benefits which are available to employees of JoCo Learning & Development Ltd.
h. JoCo Learning & Development Ltd. is under no obligation to offer work to the Associate Trainer even if you
are available to work and similarly you are under no obligation to accept work when JoCo Learning &
Development Ltd. offers it to you.
Training Courses:
a. You must use all teaching methods written in to each course. You will need to hire/provide your own
projector and laptop/equipment for training delivery
b. Should you be asked to undertake training, JoCo Learning & Development Ltd. will contact you with details
of the training course including proposed dates, venue, number of delegates and any other details deemed
c. Should you then wish to undertake this training, the details will be confirmed in writing and you will be
required to provide an invoice for JoCo Learning & Development Ltd. Invoices must include any references
or purchase order numbers requested.
d. Prior to the course being delivered, JoCo Learning & Development will provide you with the necessary
materials for that course. Course reports should be completed and returned to JoCo Learning &
Development within five days of the course’s completion together with any Trainer Evaluation Forms used
for analysis purposes.
e. Feedback from trainers will be added to a list of course feedback for an annual review of course materials.
Course materials will not be reviewed after each programme is delivered unless there is an urgent need to
amend the programme.
Cancellation of Courses
a. Should JoCo Learning & Development ask you to run a training course which is then subsequently be
cancelled, the following cancellation terms will apply:
 Cancellation notified by midday 14 days or more before the course date – Nil payment due
 Cancellation notified by midday 13 days or less before the course date – 50% of payment due
 Cancellation notified by 10am on the day before the course date – 100% of payment due
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Communication and CPD
a. You will be required to attend at least one Associate Trainer meeting per annum. Failure to attend the
meeting may lead to cancellation of this contract. Dates will be planned in advance.
b. JoCo Learning & Development will observe an Associate Trainer in training annually.
c. Every Delegate must be asked to complete a Training Evaluation Form following completion of the course.
d. All course reports, documentation and Training Evaluation Forms must be returned to JoCo Learning &
Development within 5 working days from the training delivery date.
e. Training Evaluation reports will be provided to Associate Trainers on a quarterly basis to include an annual
overview of all training provided.
f. Where learners have evaluated training delivery as poor, JoCo Learning & Development will undertake a
support visit.
g. JoCo Learning & Development is required to give one month’s notice of its intention to terminate this
contract for the supply of training and development services.
Intellectual Property
a. All materials issued to the Associate Trainer from JoCo Learning & Development Ltd. are the property of
JoCo Learning & Development Ltd. and should not be used for any other purposes. The material cannot be
copied or altered in any form without prior written approval from the Managing Director and JoCo Learning
& Development Ltd. reserves the right to pursue breaches of copyright in accordance with the Copyright
Design and Patents Act 1998.
b. All reports, correspondence and training materials must be returned to JoCo Learning & Development upon
termination of this contract.
a. Whilst delivering JoCo Learning & Development Ltd. training courses you are acting as a JoCo Learning &
Development Ltd. representative and must attribute JoCo Learning & Development Ltd as the
producer/source of materials and are encouraged to market all other Joco Learning & Development Ltd.
products and services.
b. Confidentiality must be observed at all times.
c. As an Associate Trainer it is expected that you will undertake training delivery for other organisations.
Should you be in a position whereby you are asked to deliver a course you also deliver for JoCo Learning &
Development Ltd. you must inform the Head of Information & Systems in writing. JoCo Learning &
Development then reserves the right to remove you from the delivery team for that programme to avoid
any possible conflict of interest.
d. Your conduct must be professional at all times and you are to endeavour to communicate effectively and
be punctual. In addition the company’s dress code must be observed on each occasion where training is
undertaken. It is recommend that Associate Trainers wear smart business attire.
e. Whilst delivering courses for JoCo Learning & Development Ltd. you must take due account of the JoCo
Learning & Development Ltd. Equal Opportunities Policy, Personal Harassment Policy and Procedure and
Health and Safety Policy Statement. In addition, you are expected to abide by the Disciplinary Rules and
f. No public criticisms may be levied against JoCo Learning & Development Ltd. in any way, shape or form.
Should you have any problems or queries these must be detailed in writing to the Managing Director of
JoCo Learning & Development who will respond formally within 14 working days.
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