Loma Park Elementary Physical Education/Health Lesson Plans Week of 2/2/2015 -2/6/2015 Day TEKS Objective Students will be able to: Mon. PreK-1st- students will learn/play a game capture the bean bag executing a variety of skills. Must show teamwork and listening skills. 2nd-5th- student will complete the district mandated FITNESS GRAM, with classroom procedures. Warm up activities! Daily exercises. Demonstrate stretches, jogging and walking. Introduce new game, and Students will demonstrate teamwork. TEKS: K.6A,K.6B,K.7B/1.6A,1.6B 1.7A,/2.7A,2.7B,/3.6A,3.7A/ 4.6A,4.7A,4.7B/5.6B,5.7A Students will be able to: Tues. PreK-1st- students will learn/play a game capture the bean bag executing a variety of skills. Must show teamwork and listening skills. 2nd-5th- student will complete the district mandated FITNESS GRAM, with classroom procedures. Warm up activities! Daily exercises. Demonstrate stretches, jogging and walking. Introduce new game, and Students will demonstrate teamwork. TEKS: K.6A,K.6B,K.7B/1.6A,1.6B 1.7A,/2.7A,2.7B,/3.6A,3.7A/ 4.6A,4.7A,4.7B/5.6B,5.7A Teachers: Ortiz/Gomez 3rd Materials balls Basketballs Footballs Kickballs Nerve balls Tennis balls Cones jump ropes scooters bean bags flags vest hockey sticks hula hoops other: parachute Procedure Intro/Focus: Intro/Focus: Skills: Student Demonstration Group Demonstration Lecture Media Presentation Guided Practice Other: balls Basketballs Footballs Kickballs Nerve balls Tennis balls Cones jump ropes scooters bean bags flags vest hockey sticks hula hoops other: parachute Student Demonstration Group Demonstration Lecture Media Presentation Guided Practice Other: nine weeks/week 2 Grades: PK – 5th Activity Skills: lead-up games exercises fitness testing team sports locomotor skills non-locomotor skills manipulative skills other: Running the track lead-up games exercises fitness testing team sports locomotor skills non-locomotor skills manipulative skills other: Running the track Modifications Student Code: Pacing Extended time required Allow breaks, vary activity Omit assignment Environment Define limits Reduce/minimize distractions Presentation of Subject Matter Emphasis: visual, auditory tactile, multisensory Use pictorial directions Reduce assignment to functional level Materials Use supplementary materials/manipulatives Evaluation Participation Teacher Observation Skills Test Performance (Skills) Conduct Other: Assignments Give directions in small distinct steps Lower difficulty level Give oral cues or prompts Allow students to use Guided discovery Allow students to work with peers Reinforcement/Self-Management Use positive/concrete Reinforcement Visual daily schedule Offer choices Repeated review/drill Give frequent reminders of Rules Provide frequent breaks Utilize behavior contract Participation Teacher Observation Skills Test Performance (Skills) Conduct Other: Day Day TEKS Objective TEKS Objective Students will be able to: Wed. PreK-1st- students will learn/play a game capture the bean bag executing a variety of skills. Must show teamwork and listening skills. 2nd-5th- student will complete the district mandated FITNESS GRAM, with classroom procedures. Warm up activities! Daily exercises. Demonstrate stretches, jogging and walking. Introduce new game, and Students will demonstrate teamwork. TEKS: K.6A,K.6B,K.7B/1.6A,1.6B 1.7A,/2.7A,2.7B,/3.6A,3.7A/ 4.6A,4.7A,4.7B/5.6B,5.7A Students will be able to: Thurs. PreK-1st- students will learn/play a game capture the bean bag executing a variety of skills. Must show teamwork and listening skills. 2nd-5th- student will complete the district mandated FITNESS GRAM, with classroom procedures. Warm up activities! Daily exercises. Demonstrate stretches, jogging and walking. Introduce new game, and Students will demonstrate teamwork. TEKS: K.6A,K.6B,K.7B/1.6A,1.6B 1.7A,/2.7A,2.7B,/3.6A,3.7A/ 4.6A,4.7A,4.7B/5.6B,5.7A Materials Materials balls Basketballs Footballs Kickballs Nerve balls Tennis balls Cones jump ropes scooters bean bags flags vest hockey sticks hula hoops other: parachute balls Basketballs Footballs Kickballs Nerve balls Tennis balls Cones jump ropes scooters bean bags flags vest hockey sticks hula hoops other: parachute Procedure Procedure Intro/Focus: Student Demonstration Group Demonstration Lecture Media Presentation Guided Practice Other: Activity Activity Skills: lead-up games exercises fitness testing team sports locomotor skills non-locomotor skills manipulative skills other: Modifications Modifications Testing Adaptations Student responds orally Modify test format Additional time on test Other: ___________________ Evaluation Evaluation Participation Teacher Observation Skills Test Performance (Skills) Conduct Other: Running the track Intro/Focus: Student Demonstration Group Demonstration Lecture Media Presentation Guided Practice Other: f Skills: lead-up games exercises fitness testing team sports locomotor skills non-locomotor skills manipulative skills other: Running the track Assistive Technology Devices Calculators Computer accessibility Auditory trainer Interpreter Decoders for TV and films Other: ____________________ Participation Teacher Observation Skills Test Performance (Skills) Conduct Other: Students will be able to: Fri. PreK-1st- students will learn/play a game capture the bean bag executing a variety of skills. Must show teamwork and listening skills. 2nd-5th- student will complete the district mandated FITNESS GRAM, with classroom procedures. Warm up activities! Daily exercises. Demonstrate stretches, jogging and walking. Introduce new game, and Students will demonstrate teamwork. TEKS: K.6A,K.6B,K.7B/1.6A,1.6B 1.7A,/2.7A,2.7B,/3.6A,3.7A/ 4.6A,4.7A,4.7B/5.6B,5.7A balls Basketballs Footballs Kickballs Nerve balls Tennis balls Cones jump ropes scooters bean bags flags vest hockey hula hoops other: parachute Intro/Focus: Skills: Adaptive PE Modifications: Student Demonstration Group Demonstration Lecture Media Presentation Guided Practice Other: Symbol lead-up games exercises fitness testing team sports locomotor skills non-locomotor skills manipulative skills other: Running the track J.E. 983593-- Participation Teacher Observation Skills Test Performance (Skills) Conduct Other: