Objective: To provide a comprehensive introduction to the study of Management
Unit I
Management - an introduction – definition –Nature and scope of management process – Role
and function of manager – levels of management – management Art or Science – Basic
principles – scientific management and other schools of thought.
Unit II
Planning : Nature – Benefits – Importance- Types –Planning process – Comparison of
objectives, policies, procedures and methods –Types of policies, MBO, MBE ,Decision
making process – Types of decision –decision making environment- problems involved &
Unit III
Organization: Types of organization structure– Span of control -Staff units and committeesdepartmentalization – informal organization.
Unit IV
Delegation – decentralization and centralization –Authority- Responsibility Power – Line &
staff relationship –Conflict- Staffing - Source of recruitment – Selection process – Training –
on the job and off the job training methods.
Unit V
Directing – meaning – purpose – communication – formal and informal leadership style –
motivation – financial & non financial incentives – Control -control process – Budgetary and
non budgetary control. Co- ordination - need – types- Techniques.
Reference Books
1. Harold Koontz & Heinz Weirich
- Management
2. Peter F. Drucker
- Practice of management
3. Stoner & Wankel
- Management
4. P.C Tripathi & P.N Reddy
- Principles of management
5. Gupta CB
- Business management
Objective: To enable the students understand various economic concepts related to business
Unit I
Nature and scope of managerial economics: Definition, concept, scarcity definition, basic
economics problems. Difference between Micro and Macro economics. Methods of economic
analysis .Economic growth and Development: Definition, Distinguish between economic
growth development, Production possibility and economic growth.
Unit II
Demand analysis: Meaning of demand, Demand schedules and demand curves, Law of
demand, types of demand, demand determinants. Elasticity of demand Indifference curve
analysis. Markets forms: Market structure, market classification: Perfect competition –
Monopoly, Monopolistic competition, Duopoly and Oligopoly.
Unit III
Production and cost Analysis – Factors of production, Production function. Law of return to
scale and economics of scale, cost-output relationship and revenue curves of firms and supply
analysis. Pricing methods and policy: Objectives, factors, Methods of pricing, dual pricing,
price discrimination.
Unit IV
Macro economics: National income concept and measurements, factors determining national
income. National income and real income. Consumption saving and investment function:
Keenness law of consumption, Saving function, Investment function, Multiplier.
Unit V
Inflation: Theories of inflation, Deflation, Business cycle. Theories of rent, Wages, Interest
and Profit, Monetarism: Fiscalism, cost of living and standard of living, Industrial policy post
liberalization, contribution of noble prize winners to economics.
Reference Books
1. K.P.M Sundaram
- Economic Analysis
2. Varsheny and maheshwari
- Managerial Economics
3. Shankaran
- Business Economics
4. Mithani DM
- Fundamentals of business Economics
Objective: To have an understanding on the application of statistical Techniques in
solving business related problems.
Unit I
Statistics: Meaning, Scope & Importance- Data Collection, Presentation and Tabulation.
Measures of Central Tendency: Arithmetic Mean, Median and Mode, Geometric and
Harmonic Mean.
Unit II
Measures of dispersion- Range, Quartile deviation, mean deviation and standard deviation.
Skewness: Meaning, Measures of skewness: Karl pearson’s coefficient of skewness,
Bowley’s Coefficient of skewness, Kelly’s Coefficient of skewness.
Unit III
Correlation analysis – Meaning and significance of correlation- types and methods of
studying correlation – Karl Peasson’s co-efficient of correlation – Spearman’s rank
correlation. Bi-variate analysis of data.
Unit IV
Regression analysis – Meaning and significance. Difference between regression analysis and
correlation analysis, Solving regression equations ,Regression equation of X on Y and Y on
X, Solving regression equation using methods of least square.
Unit V
Index numbers-Meaning and uses- methods of construction-Calculation of various index
numbers: Laspeyres, Paasche’s, Fisher’s, Bowleys, Walsh, Marshall Edgeworth, Kellys Index
Numbers. Time reversal test and Factor reversal test.
Reference Books
1. S.P Gupta
- Statistical Methods
2. P.R Vittal
- Business statistics for management
3. S.C. Gupta
- Introduction to Statistics.
4. John Robert Stockton - Business statistics
5. Andy Francis
- Business Maths and Statistics
Objective: To enable the students to understand the basic concepts in functional
Unit I
Introduction – Nature and scope of management – Management process – Managerial skills
and management levels – Management principles.
Unit II
Marketing management: Meaning of market – distinction between marketing and sales –
Relationship of marketing with other functional areas- Evolution of marketing concept –
Marketing mix decision – Environmental factors affecting marketing functions.
Unit III
Production management : Scope and significance of production management –Plant location
– Factors affecting plant location – Plant Layout – Types of Layout- Plant MaintenanceTypes of maintenance.
Unit IV
Human Resource Management : Recruitment –Selection – Sources of recruitment- Selection
Process – Methods – Training – Performance appraisal- Remuneration – Motivation
Unit V
Financial Management: Scope of financial management – Functions – Cost – Volume –
Profit analysis – Capital budgeting – Inventory control –Working –Capital Management.
Reference Books
1. Tripathi
- Personnel Management
2. Gupta CB
- Business Management
3. Ramaswamy and Namakumari
– Marketing Management
4. O.P Khanna
- Production and Operation Management
Objective: To enable the students understand the nature and different forms of
Business and trade associations, chamber of commerce and organized
Unit I
Concepts and branches of business – business system – objectives: organic economic, social,
human objection against profit maximization and essential of successful business.
Unit II
Forms of business organization – a) Partnership b) Sole proprietorship concern c) Joint stock
company d) formation of company e) Co-operative enterprise f) Public enterprises g) Public
Unit III
Location of industry – Factors influencing location – Government policy on location – Size
of firm – factors affecting size – Optimum firm – economics of scale – small scale operations
– advantages - Industrial estate.
Unit IV
Business combination – meaning – causes advantages and disadvantages – horizontal &
vertical integration – meaning and functions of trade association – chamber of commerce.
Unit V
Commodity market – meaning – features – objectives – kinds of transaction – Speculation Vs
hedging – Securities market – working services – Regulation of stock exchange in India.
Reference Books
1. C.B Gupta
- Business Organization and management
2. Bhusan Y.K
- Business Organization
3. Prakash Jagadesh
- Business Organization
4. Vasudevan and Rashaswami
- Business Organization
Objective: To study the theoretical and conceptual aspects of accounting and to use
accounting as a tool for managerial decision making and control.
Unit I
Financial and management accounting – Definition – Functions – Difference between
financial and cost accounting – Scope –Objectives – Accounting principles and concepts.
Books and records: Journal – Ledger – Preparation of different subsidiary books – Trial
balance – Final account – Preparation of Income statement, manufacturing account – trading
account – profit and loss account and balance sheet.
Unit II
Cost of accounting – Definition – Scope – Objectives – Classification – Element of cost –
Pricing of material issue: FIFO and LIFO methods. Marginal Costing – Definition – features
– assumptions – advantages – limitations – Cost volume profit analysis: Fixed cost –
Variable cost – Contribution – Break-Even Point analysis – Margin of safety, Angle of
incidence and Break-Even Chart.
Unit III
Standard costing and variance Analysis – Definition of standard, standard cost and Standard
costing – Types of costing – Applicability of standard costing – Advantages and
Disadvantages of standard costing – Computation of variance analysis – Direct material
variance – Direct labour variance – Overhead variance – Fixed overhead variance – Sales
Unit IV
Budgeting and Budgetary control – Definition – Estimates - Forecast and budgets –
Distinction between budgetary control and standard costing – Advantages and limitations.
Forecasting: Techniques of forecasting – Classification of budgets – Sales – production –
Materials – Labour – cash – master flexible budgets and Zero based budget.
Unit V
Inventory control and computer accounting: Meaning – Objectives – Inventory control and
Techniques – Level of stock and Economic order quantity – ABC analysis – Just in Time
inventory – VED analysis – accounting packages in computer – Merits and De-merits of
Reference Books
1. Maheswari. SN
2. TS Reddy and Hari Prasad
3 Jain and Narang
4. Pillai and Bhagawati
5. Krishnaswamy
- Financial and management accounting
-Financial and management accounting
- Cost and management accounting
- Management accounting
- Principles of accounting
Objective: To cultivate communication skills and to understand various types of verbal and
non-verbal communication techniques. Knowledge about structure/layout of different types
of business letters, orders, tenders and quotation
Unit I
Business communication- Meaning, importance, Barriers to communication- methods of
communication- Oral and Written form of communication- Merits and demerits of oral and
written communication- Channels of communication
Unit II
Internal and external communication: Enquires- Types of enquires Technological
development in communication. Modern communication devices- Telephone, Cell phone,
Video conferencing, Intercom, Dictaphone EBPX, Visual ads etc.
Unit III
Written communication – Layout of letter- Application letters, Appointment letters, Order
enquiry letters, Letters of offers and quotations, Execution of orders, Cancellation of letters,
Letters of complaints, Collection letters.
Unit IV
Letters to the agency – Status enquiry- Letters related to bank correspondents, Export and
Import letters. Correspondence with Government Department and Public Bodies Tenders,
Insurance letters and letters to editors.
Unit V
Correspondents of Company secretary with shareholders and directors. Minutes, agenda of
meeting. Annual report.Communication through reports: Reports by individuals, reports of
committee, reports of executive, sales reports, production reports , press reports.
Internal communication: Memo’s, Circulars, Notices, Precise writing of letters and reports.
Reference Books
1. Rajendra pal & JS Korlahalli
- Essentials of Business Communication
2. Kapoor AN
- An Handbook of Commercial Correspondence
3. Mazumbar
- Commercial Correspondence
4. Ramesh MS & Pattan Shetty CC
– Effective Business English & correspondence
5. Bender
- Secrets of face to face communication
Objective: An in-depth understanding of marketing concepts and to relate the concepts in
the specific context of the environment in which it has to be practiced.
Unit I
Fundamentals of marketing – Definition – Evolution of marketing concept – Distinction
between marketing and selling – Marketing mix – Relationship of marketing with other
functional areas – Environmental factors affecting the marketing function and consumerism.
Unit II
Buyers behavior – Industrial goods and consumer goods – Buying motives – Buyer behavior
models – Factors influencing buyer behavior – India consumer profile – Consumer
classification based on economic status. Market segmentation – Need and basis of market
segmentation – Steps in market segmentation process – Marketing strategy – Market
targeting and positioning
Units III
Sales forecasting – Need – Methods of sales forecasting – Selection of appropriate
forecasting methods. The product – Product personality and its components – classification of
products – New product development process – Product life cycle – Product policy – Product
differentiation – Brand decision -Packaging.
Unit IV
Pricing – Meaning – Importance – Factors influencing pricing – Pricing objectives – Pricing
methods and strategies – Pricing procedures – Physical distribution – Patterns of distribution
channel and types of intermediaries – Distribution problems.
Unit V
Promotion – Advertisement – publicity – personal selling and sales promotion . Sales
Management – Sales policies – Size of sales force – Sales territories – Sales quota and targets
– Managing sales force – motivation – compensation and control.
Reference Books
1. Philip Kotler and Armstrong
2. Rajan Nair
3. Ramaswamy and Namakumari
4. Varshney RL and Gupta SL
5. Rajan Saxena
-Marketing Management
-Marketing Management
-Marketing Management
- Marketing Management
Objective: To inculcate basic financial concepts and to analyze the primary and secondary
Unit I
Introduction: Nature of financial management –Scope of finance. Functions of financial
management, Job of financial manager. Financial goals- Profit maximization verses Wealth
maximization. Organization of finance functions.
Unit II
Financial Statement Analysis – Ratio Analysis – Liquidity ratio, Leverage ratio, –
Profitability ratio – Activity ratio – Utility of ration analysis. Funds flow statements:
Concepts of funds – Objectives of funds flow management –Importance, Preparation of
funds flow statement- Schedule for changes in working capital – funds from operations –
Sources and applications of funds. Cash flow statements – Meaning and Importance –
Differences between funds flow and cash flow analysis – Advantages and Limitations of cash
flow statements. Preparation of cash flow statement- Cash from operation, sources and
application of cash.
Unit III
Capital Structure-Cost of capital. Capital Structure theories – Net income approach – net
operating income approach – M&M approach (Modigliani Miller) approach. Determining
component of cost of capital. Weighted average cost of capital. Capital budgeting – Meaning
and Importance, Types, Kinds of capital budgeting Methods of appraisal – Payback period
method – NPV method (net present value) – Average rate of return method and internal rate
of return.
Unit IV
Working capital management – Concepts –Needs of working capital, Determinants of
working capital, and Types of working capital. Management of cash – Facets of cash
management, motives for holding cash.. Preparation of cash budget. Management of
Inventory –Inventory management- Techniques – EOQ – ABC analysis and calculation of
various Stock Levels, VED Analysis.
Unit V
Dividend Theories and Lease Financing – Introduction – Theories of dividend policy –
Walter’s method - Gordon’s model – Dividend practices. Determinants of dividends policy.
Stability of dividends. Concept of leasing – Types -Advantages –Leasing decision. Lease
financing in India and future of leasing in India. Difference between leasing, higher purchase
and installment purchase.
Reference Books
1. IM Pandey
2. Prasanna Chandra
3. Khan and Jain `
4. Myddelton
5. Manmohan and Goyal
- Financial Management
- Financial Management
- Financial Management
- The Essence of Financial Management
- Principles of Management accounting
Objective: To understand the importance of quality and its application in different areas of
Unit I –Introduction to Quality
Definition-Dimensions of quality-Quality
People Philosophies of Quality Management- Leadership role-concepts-Dr Stephens seven
habits of effective people-Deming Philosophy-Juran Crossby 14 point programme-quality
council-quality statements
Unit II –Customer satisfaction and employee involvement
Quality –Motivation-Empowerment-Recognition and rewards-Gain sharing-Union and
employee involvement-Benefits
Unit III – TQM Process Improvements
Process – ADDIE or System Approach to CPI-Juran triology-Types of Problems-Quality
Improvement strategies-PDSA cycle-KAIZEN-BPR-5s Principle-Six Sigma--Supplier
Selection-Certification-Rating-Relationship Development
Unit IV – TQM tools and Techniques
Benchmarking – Reasons – Advantage-Process-QFD-Taguchi and Hoshin function-FMEASeven tools Quality- SPC- Management tools
Unit V-Management Systems and Case Studies
Quality management system-ISO introduction-Benefits-ISO 9000 series standard
Requirements-Implementation-Documentation- Environmental management system -concept
of ISO 14001 –Requirements-integration-implementation and operation –CRM - TQM and
CRM-E-CRM-advantages and limitations-Computers and Quality function – Technologies
for future.
Reference Books
1. TQM
-Dale H Besterfield and Carol Besterfield
2. TQM Text and Cases
- B.Janakiraman and R.K.Gopal
- B.Senthil Arasu and J.Praveen Paul
Objective: To have an in depth study of application of Electronic Commerce in Business
Related problems
Unit I
E-Commerce and Traditional Commerce-Advantage and Disadvantage-Value ChainAnatomy of E-Commerce Framework-Transition to E-Commerce in india-E-TransitionChallenges for Indian Corporates-Business Models.
Unit II
Internet and World Wide Web –FTP-Software Agents-Client Server ComputingCryptography-Designing of Web sites-Security threats-Networks and internet
Unit III
E-commerce Business Application- Consumer oriented E-commerce-E-tailing-E-marketingEDI-E-CRM-E-SCM-Corporate Digital Library
Unit IV
E-commerce Payments and Security –E-payments-Types of Payments-Digital token based Epayments-E-cash-Risk-Digital Signature-E-Security
Unit V
E-commerce issues and challenges-Legal and Ethical Issues- International Issues- Taxation
and electronic commerce-Mobile and wireless Computing – Multimedia and digital VideoMobile Commerce
Reference Books
1. E-commerce (Managerial Perspective) - P.T Joseph
2. Electronic commerce
-Elias Awad
3 Electronic commerce
- Gary P.Schneider –James T.Perry
4. E-commerce
- S. Jaiswal
5. Frontiers of E-commerce
– Ravi Kalakota and Andrew B.Whinston
Objective: To Understand the concepts and the factors influencing consumer
Unit I
An Introduction to consumer behaviour – Meaning, Significance and areas of application of
consumer behaviour, Consumer behaviour models.
Unit II
Buying Decision Process – Market Segmentation – Bases for Segmentation – Consumerism –
Industrial and Domestic consumer characteristics
Unit III
Cultural and Social factors of Consumer behaviour – Buyer’s black box – Culture –
Subculture – Social Class – Reference groups – Family- Role and Status.
Unit IV
Personal and Psychological factors of Consumer Behavior- Age and life cycle stageOccupation-Economic Circumstance- Life Style- Personality and Self Concept Motivation –
Learning – Perception- Attitude.
Unit V
Diffusion of Innovations – the diffusion Process – Innovation – Product characteristics that
influence diffuses- Channels of Communication – the adoption Process- Stages- LimitationsInnovative decision Process – profit of the Consumer Innovator.
Reference Books
1. Consumer Behaviour
– Leon .G.Schiffman & Leslid Lazer
2. Consumer Behaviour
- D.L.Loudon & Pella Bitta
3. Consumer Behaviour
- Angus Deaton
4. Consumer Behaviour
- John Muellbauer
Objective: To understand the ethical values in business management
Unit I
Role and importance of business ethics and value in business – Definition of business ethics
–Impact of business policy and strategy – role of CEO – Impact of business culture.
Unit II
Type of ethical issues - Bribes – Coercion – Deception – Theft - Unfair Discrimination.
Unit III
Ethics internal – Hiring - Employees – Promotions – Disciplines – Wages – Job description –
Exploitation of employees – Ethics external – Consumers – Fair prices – False claim
Unit IV
Ethics external – Environmental protection – Natural - Physical – Society – Relationship of
value and ethics – Indian ethos – Impact of ethics on performance.
Unit V
Social Responsibility of business towards Shareholders – Employees – Customers – Dealers
– Vendors – Government – Social audit.
Reference Books
1. David .J. Fritsch
- Business Ethics
2. Velasquez
- Business Ethics
3. R.V. Badi & N.D. Badi
- Business Ethics
4. D. Senthil Kumar &
- Business Ethics and Values
Objective: To study the conceptual and practical aspects of all essential topics in production
And materials management
Unit I
Scope and significance of production management – Production and productivity – Plant
location – Factors affecting plant location – Urban-sub, Urban-rural locations- consideration
of cost for different location – make or buy decision – Plant layout – Principles of good
layout – Objectives – Basic types of layout.
Unit II
Principles of material handling – Material handling equipments – Plant maintenance –
Objectives and importance – Types of maintenance – Plant maintenance schedule.
Unit III
Work study: Need , advantages of work study – method study - Objectives - Procedure –
Objectives of work measurement – Quality control – types of inspection – Centralized and
Decentralized- P-chart, X-chart, R-chart construction control – TQM- JIT.
Unit IV
Material management – Definition and function – Importance of material management –
Inventory control – Classification – Objectives, Inventory models, EOQ, ABC, VED, FSN
Unit V
Store keeping – Objective – function – Purchasing procedure – Buying techniques – receipt
and issue of material – Codification of material.
Reference Books
1. Chunnawall and patel
- Production and Material Management
2. O.P .Khanna
- Industrial Engineering and Management
3. S.N Chary
- Production and Operation Management
4. Gopalakrishnan
- Material Management
5. Buffa
- Production Management
Objective: To study the changing business environment and the role played by operation
Research concepts in decision making
Unit I
Concepts of Operation Research –Meaning, Scope and Characteristics – Models in Operation
Research. Linear programming problems(LPP): Formulation of LPP – Graphical solution of
LPP model – Simplex methods of solving LPP, Merits and demerits of Linear Programming
Unit II
Transportation model – Definition – Formulation and basic feasible solutions of
transportation model – different methods of solving transportation model – North west corner
rule – Leas cost method – Vogel’s approximation method(VAM) .
Assignment model and Assignment algorithm – Formulation and solution for minimization
and maximization problems
Unit III
Network analysis – Critical Path Method(CPM) – Work breakdown structure, Construction of
network – Identification of critical path –Calculation of floats(Total, Free & Independent
floats) and merits and demerits of CPM.PERT (Programme Evaluation Review Techniques) –
Calculation of estimated time – Standard deviation & Variance
Unit 1V
Sequencing Problems –Definition-Sequence for n jobs on 2 machines (Johnson’s Method)Sequence for n jobs on 3 machines- Processing of two jobs on n machines -Processing of n
jobs on m machines.
Unit V
Decision theory – Introduction, steps, Types of decision making environments. Decision Tree
Analysis. Risk and Uncertainty in decision making – Minimax, Maximini and Regret criteria
– Hurwitz and Laplace criteria in business decision –making.
Game Theory : Meaning and Characteristics, Pure and mixed strategies – Saddle Point,
Dominance Property Rule , Graphical method and different methods of solving game theory.
Reference Books
1. Vittal PR
2. VK Kapoor
- Introduction to Operation Research
- Introduction to Operation Research
3. Premkumar Gupta and Hira DS -Operation Research
4.. Sharma SD
- Operation Research
5. Kanti Swarup, Gupta RK and Manmohan - Operation Research
Objective: To impart sound knowledge in Indian Retailing and to build a carrier in the retail
Unit I
Introduction to retailing –Meaning and definition –Characteristics-Scope-Social and
Economic significance of Retailing-Opportunities-Retail Organization and formats-Types of
Retailers -Retail strategy-Trends in retailing-Retail Environment--Consumer buying
behaviour-Buying Process-Types of buying decision.
Unit II
Location and Site Planning-Location planning-Decision on location-Types of Location-site
selection-Shopping centres and other locations
Retail store planning -Store planning –Importance-Types of Store Layout –Store design and
retailing image mix-Space mix-Retail space management- Floor space management –Store
Unit III
Product and Merchandising Management-Product and Brand Management-Merchandise
management- Branding Strategies-Merchandise Buying System –Merchandise Planning and
Forecasting-Inventory Planning -Supply chain management-Types of Suppliers -Selection of
right vendor- Merchandise mix –Factors affecting Merchandise Mix.
Unit IV
Retail communication and Promotion-Retail communication mix-Retail marketing and
advertising -Direct Marketing-Micro marketing-Retail marketing mix-marketing strategiesAdvertising in retailing- customer service and Relationship management- Retail promotion
Strategy-Retail Pricing- Human resource management
Unit V
Globalization of Indian Retailing – Retail in Indian Business Scenario –International
Retailing- Retail management information system and research –Visual merchandising and
Display -Internet retailing.
Reference Books
1. Dr.Rajiv Kumar Jain
- Retail management
2. Chetan Bajaj and Rajinish Tuli
- Retail management
3. Dr Harjit Singh
- Retail Management
4. Michael Levy
- Retailing Management
5. Barry Berman and Joel R Evans - Retail Management Strategic Approach
6. Gibson G Vedamani
-Retail management functional Principles and Practices
Objective: To study the Indian capital market and the role played by financial markets in
economic growth.
Unit –I
An Over View Of Financial System- Constituents Of Financial Systems, Significance And
Growth Of Financial Markets In India, Capital And Money Markets- Meaning, Capital Vs
Money Market.
Capital Markets- Significance Of Capital Market, Market Players- Investors And Companies,
Securities , Laws/ Regulatory Framework Governing Indian Capital Market , An Overview
Of Indian Capital Market, Capital Market Instruments
Unit III
Primary Market-Meaning, Various Agencies And Institutions Involved In Primary Market,
Role Of Intermediaries- Merchant Bankers ,Registrars, Underwriters, Bankers To Issue,
Portfolio Managers.
Unit IV
Secondary Market –Meaning, Significance, Functions And Scope Of Secondary Market,
Secondary Market Intermediaries- Stock Brokers, Sub- Brokers, Advisors. Secondary
Market Institutions-Stock Exchanges, Functions And Significance Of Stock Exchanges ,
Operation Of Stock Exchanges, Classification And Listing Of Securities.
Unit V
Money Market- Growth Of Money Market In India, Its Structure And Institutional
Development, Money Market Instruements And Frame Work Of Markets- Call Money
Market, Short Term Deposit Market, Bill Market.
Reference Books
1. VK Kapoor
2. Gupta
- Financial markets
3. Satvatsan
4. Pillai
- Introduction to Financial markets
- Stock markets in India.
- Stock exchanges in India.
5. Bhagawathi
- Indian financial markets
Objective: To explain the concepts, nature and significance of industrial relation
Unit I
Industrial Relations: An introduction – concepts, approaches to the study of industrial
relations – Importance of industrial relations- Industrial Relation and human relationIndustrial relations Programme.
Unit II
Evolution of Industrial Relation and Industrial Conflicts- input of industrial system –
Industrial Conflicts- disputes- definition- essentials of a dispute- Classification of grievancesImpact of industrial disputes-causation factors-Government machinery- Techniques of
Strikes- Prevention of strikes.
Unit III
Conciliation, Arbitration and Adjudication, Mediation and Conciliation-functions and process
of mediation-kinds, essentials, conciliation machinery- conciliation practices in IndiaAdjudication-Importance, types- Labour court and Industrial Tribunal –Central Industrial
relation machinery in India.
Unit IV
Trade Unions and collective Bargaining.Trade unions and their growth, aim and objectives of
trade unions.Collective bargaining- meaning, Scope-methods and tactics- administration of
collective bargaining agreements
Unit V
Industrial Relation in the public sector-Evolution and objectives of public sector-growth and
working – employment in the public sector-labour problems in the public sector
Reference Books
1. Arun Monappa
- Industrial Relations
2. Tripathy
- Industrial Relations
3. O.P Khanna
- Industrial Relations
4. Industrial Relation
– C.B. Mamoria & Mamoria
Objective: To understand the process of Management Information System
Unit I
Data, Information, Information Needs, Sources of Information –Types of management
decisions and information need – Business and Technical Dimensions of Information
Unit II
System concept –System characteristics - The elements of systems –Input, Output, Process,
Feed Back, Control and boundary – System Classification-System Analyst-Role and
Unit III
System Analysis and Design: System Design – Data collection and Preparation – Detailed
system design – Implementation –Evaluation and maintenance of MIS.
Unit IV
Functional Management Information System: Production, Marketing, Financial, Accounting,
Personnel Information System, Interrelationalship of Functional Information Systems.
Unit V
E-business, E-governance, ERP, SCM, e-CRM, DBMS, RDBMS, OODBMS ,Data
warehousing and Data mining, Business Intelligence, Pervasive Computing, CMM
Reference Books
1. Rajagopalan
- Management Information System
2. Jawdehkar
- Management Information System
3. Sadagopan
- Management Information System
4. Gordon B. Davis
– Management Information System
5.Kenneth C Laudon and Jane Price Laudon - Management Information System
Objectives: To cover adequately every area in the entrance tests of the prominent
management institutes
Unit I
Basic features and facts about management education – Management Institutes in India –
Selection Procedure – Career Opportunities – Specialization – the organization – Consumer
Product, Industrial Product, Service Sector- Admission test format.
Unit II
English Usage: The article – Nouns- Pronouns & Antecedents- Adjectives- AdverbPrepositions – Sentence clarity – Verbal ability – Comprehension.
Unit III
Quantitative ability : Basic Arithmetical Operations Ratio , Variation, Proportion, time-speed
– Distance elements of geometry – Trignometry- Percentages – profit and Loss – Simple and
Compound Interest- Average – Probability – Quadratic Equation – Factors, HCF & LCM –
Annuity & Interest- Partnership- Square root, Cube Root.
Unit IV
Data sufficiency and data interpretation – Logical and Analytical Reasoning
Unit V
General Knowledge – Current Affairs – Group discussion – interview approach
Reference Books
1. Common Admission Test – CSR Publishers
2. Management Entrance Test Books
3. MAT Books
Objective: To help students understand the process of conducting research
Unit I
Meaning – purpose- Types of research - significance of research in social and business
Steps in Research: Identification, selection and formulation of research problem- Research
question-Research design
Unit II
Sampling Techniques – Sampling theories - Types of sampling - steps in sampling –
advantages and limitations of sampling.
Unit III
Data for research: Primary data – Meaning - collection methods - Observation , Interview –
Questionnaire- Schedule- Pretest-pilot study- experimental and case studies-Secondary datameaning- relevance, limitations and cautions.
Unit IV
Processing Data: Checking- Editing- Coding-Transcription and Tabulations, -Data analysismeaning and methods quantitative and qualitative.
Unit V
Research report: Types of reports, Contents, styles of reporting, steps in drafting reportEditing in the final draft - Evaluating the final draft.
Reference Books
1. Rummel & Ballalne
- Research Methodology
2. Emory William C
- Business Research Methods
3. C.R.Kothari
4. Seltiz
- Research Methodology
- Research Methodology
Objective: The course is designed to offer an overview of the Indian business market place
and provide a comprehensive insight in to INDIA’S Success story.
Unit I
Indian Business Environment –Evolution and History of trade practices in India – Features
of Indian Economy – Trends in Indian Economic scenario- Indian Economic System.
Unit II
Growth and opportunities in Indian Business - Economic Growth and Development –
Technological Environment –Investment Opportunities in Various fields (Capital Market,
Stock Exchange, Derivative markets) Foreign Direct Investment-Multinational Corporation’s
-Indian trade Policy-Managing Diversity
Unit III
Booming Sectors in Indian Business –In-depth analysis of Individual sectors-Industrial
sector-textiles-Electronics and Automobiles-FMCG-Chemical and Pharmaceutical –
Agriculture-Corporate Sector-Public Sector-Co-operative sector and others
Unit IV
Corporate Governance- Meaning of Corporate Governance- Difference between
Governance and Management – Purpose of Good Governance- Mechanisms of better
Unit V
Future of Indian Business –Rapid development in various sectors-International Strategic
Alliance-Mergers and Acquisitions-Green Marketing-Software revolution-Foreign
Collaborations-Vibrant financial markets
Reference Books
1. Business Environment
- Justin Paul
2. Business Environment
- Dr. C.B Gupta
3. Business Environment -Dr Saroj Upadhyay
4. Economic Environment of Business –M.Adhikary
5.Business Economics and Business Environment – S.K Misra and V.K Puri
Objective: To understand and update knowledge on current trends in the field of
Unit I
Seminar and Paper presentation: Topics related to Marketing, Finance, Human Resource
Management and Production management
Unit II
Group Discussion and case Analysis: Company cases , General cases, Departmental cases,
Economical cases, Entrepreneurial cases and legal related cases in management
Unit III
Quiz: Current developments in the corporate world, Entrepreneurs, Terminology, new
Products, Brand names, Logos, Slogans, Advertising agencies financial soundness, takeovers,
mergers, government policies, International Business Environment.
Unit IV
Management Games and Role-play, Mock interview: Situation based
Reference Books
1. Business related Magazines and Journals
2. Economic Times, Business Line, Business today.
Objectives: To understand the concept of strategic planning and formulation of corporate
Unit I
Objectives of business – business environment - socio-economic sector – government sector
– international environment – opportunities and threats from international activities.
Unit II
Corporate policy – meaning – definition – features of corporate policy – essential and
importance of corporate policy – Classification of corporate policies.
Unit III
Formulation and implementation of policies – importance of business policy – manpower –
planning policy – product policy – marketing policy - production and purchase policy –
financial policy.
Unit IV
Strategic planning process- changes in Indian business environment consequent to Economic
reform – ground work of strategic planning expansion strategy through intensification,
through diversification.
Unit V
Divestment strategy – strategic choice – routes of executing strategy –Startup Merge,
Acquisition, Takeovers, Joint ventures, Strategic Alliance, Expansion through Joint ventures.
Reference Books
1. VS Ramaswamy & S.Namakumari – Strategic planning
2. Memoria & Memoria, Subbarao
3. Acharya & Govekar
-Business planning and policy
- Business planning and administration
4. Lawrance, R Jauch and William F.Blucck - Business policy and strategic management
Objective: To understand computer languages FoxPro and tally and use them to solve
Business related problems
Unit I:
Brief history of computer – Application of computers in business-Teleshopping, Multimedia
application – Advantages – Data representation
Parts of computers - Input and output devices – Keyboard, Graphical Designs, CRT, OCR,
MICR, steps in programming - Algorithm - Flow chart – Ms word – Ms office –MS excel MS power point.
Unit II :
Introduction to Microsoft Word - Orientation - Introduction to Word Processing Keyboard, Mouse & Screen (Start Menu, Menu Bar, Ruler, Tool Bars) - Entering TextMoving with Cursor & Making Corrections - Saving and Retrieving Documents-Editing and
Undo - Delete, Insert and Replace Text - Cut, Copy and Paste.- Mail Merge ,Hyperlink,
Header, Footer, Word Art, Chart.
Unit III:
MS-Excel - Getting Started - Moving around in Excel - Entering data and selecting cells Formatting cells - AutoFill and Data Series - Cut, Copy, Paste, Insert - Inserting, deleting,
and moving - Printing - Page Setup - Calculations - Charting , Filter, Sort Order (Descending
& Ascending),Hyperlink, Conditional Formatting, Find & Replace, Format Painter, Merge
Cells, Data Validation, Subtotal, Concatenate, Protect Sheet & Workbook
Unit IV:
Working of MS-excel: Paste Special- Naming, Moving, Hiding, Grouping Worksheets –
Inserting, Deleting, Hiding and Un hiding Rows and Columns – Creating and using Formulas
– Freeze Panes – Split Windows, viewing multiple windows – Pivot table working – Inserting
Pictures, shapes – Sorting – Drop Down list – Locking and Unlocking cells
Unit V:
Power Point - Creating a Presentation with Microsoft PowerPoint - Modifying a Presentation
- Inserting Objects into a Presentation - Finishing a Presentation -Enhancing Charts Inserting Illustrations, Objects and Media Clips - How to print a power point presentation,
Slide Sorter, Slide Show, Protect Presentation.
Reference Books:
V. Rajaraman
- Fundamentals of computer
Alan Neibauer
- Office 2000 ( Publisher - McGraw-Hill)
- Microsoft Office XP Complete( Publisher – BPB publication)
Brain Underhaul - Ms Office 2000 ( Publisher-IDG Books India)
Objective: To understand computer languages FoxPro and tally and use them to solve
Business related problems
Unit I
Brief history of computer – Application of computers in business-Teleshopping, Multimedia
application – Advantages – Data representation
Parts of computers - Input and output devices – Keyboard, Graphical Designs, CRT, OCR,
MICR, steps in programming - Algorithm - Flow chart – Ms word – Ms office –MS excel MS power point.
Unit II
Introduction to Foxpro – Concept of database- file – Record field –Foxpro, Assist mode
database creation – Appending – editing – Sorting –Searching –Deleting – Display - list
Unit III
Locate-Find/Seek – Browse change –Delete –Recall- Pack –IF end IF – Do Case- End Case –
Commands –Structure –Procedure-Macros
Unit IV
Multiple data files – Mathematical commands and other functions – Arithmetic operation.program examples relating to business application in FoxPro
Unit V
Tally – Features of Tally – Tally Fundamentals-Tally Screen components, Maintaining
company data, Tally accounting – Tally inventory.
Reference Books
1. V. Rajaraman
- Fundamentals of computer
2. Dickler .H
- Programming FoxPro
3. Liskin
- Programming FoxPro
4. R.K Taxali
- FoxPro made Simple
5. Tally
- Self learning guide workbook. vol1 - Peutronics
LAB WORK: Computer application in management
1. Creation of database and various operation on them
2. Use and application of select statement
3. Nested Queries
4. Bank Information
5. Pay- Roll
6. Sales- territories
PowerPoint Presentation
1. Preparation of Final Accounts
2. Inventory Management
Objective: An insight into the nature and scope of entreneurship and to examine the process
of setting up a small- scale industry
Unit I
The entrepreneur – definition – characteristics of successful entrepreneur- Classification of
entrepreneur – Entrepreneurial scene in India – Case histories of Successful entrepreneur
Unit II
Entrepreneurial growth – Role played by government and non government agencies- ESP’s,
TIIC, SIDBI, IDBI, IFCI, etc – Problems and prospects of women entrepreneurs- Rural
entrepreneurs- Small scale and export entrepreneurs
Unit III
How to enter into market? Business ideas generation techniques – Identification of business
Opportunities- Marketing feasibility –Technical – Legal – Managerial and location feasibility
Unit IV
Small scale industries – Meaning – Classification of small industries-significance in Indian
economy- Problems and possibilities of ancillary industries- Sickness in small- scale
industries- Causes and remedies
Unit V
Setting up a small scale industries- Location of an enterprise- Steps for starting a small
industry- Selection of types of organization- Incentives and subsidies- Exploring export
Reference Books
1. Vasant Desai
- Dynamics of entrepreneurial development and
2. Khan
- Management of small scale industries
3. Hisrich Peters
- Entrepreneurship
4. Vasant Desai
- Management of small scale industry
5. David H. Holt
- Entrepreneurship new venture creation
Objective: To understand the legal aspects and procedures in business
Unit I
Law of contract - Terms, Forms, Capacity and Performs of contract, Agreement and contract.
Unit II
Contract on agency: Law of partnership, Registration of firms, Effects of non registration,
Definition and nature of partnership.
Unit III
Sales of Goods Act: Sales and Agreement to sell, formation of contract of sale, Performance
of contract of sale.
Unit IV
Negotiable Instrument Act: Negotiable Instrument, Promissory notes, Bill of exchange,
Parties, Maturity, Protection to paying bankers, Noting and Protesting.
Unit V
The Law of Trade Marks: Copy right, Patent, Designs, Tips, Cyber law, ITA, GATS
Reference Books
1. N.A Vijayashankar
- Cyber Laws for every Citizen in India
2. N.D Kappor
- Elements of mercantile law
3. Saravanavel.P & Sumathi S
- Legal Systems in Business
4. Aswathappa
- Principles of Business Law
5. M.V Dhandapani
- Business Law
Objective: To understand the characteristics of International business and recent trends in
Indian foreign trade.
Unit I
Characteristics of international business- Scope – International marketing Vs Domestic
marketing- International marketing environment - Controllable and Uncontrollable factorsMotivation to export – Difficulties in international marketing.
Unit II
International marketing decision - Marketing decision- Marketing selection decision, Market
entry decision- Market mixed decision- International marketing research Methodology for
marketing research -desk research and field research.
Unit III
International trade liberalization - UNCTAD, EU, GATT, WTO, ASEAN, SAPTA, APEC,
World trading services.
Unit IV
Indian foreign trade –Recent trends in Indian foreign trade- Institutional infrastructure for
export promotion in India- Export assistances- Export finance- Free trade zones - SSI export role of ECGC, EXIM bank.
Unit V
Overview of export import policy - Procedure for export of goods- Quality control and Pre
shipment inspection –Procedure for executing export orderProject exports - Exports joint ventures - Marine insurance, export payment and letter of
credit - World trade in India.
Reference Books
1. RL Bhattacharya and Varshney
-Internation marketing management
2. Farancis cherunilam
-International Business
3. Paul V Horn
- International trade Principles and Practises
4. Rathore, Jain
- International marketing
5. Rosenthal
- Techniques of international trade
6. Manab Adhikari
- Global Business Management
Objective: To have an in-depth knowledge about the Human Resource Management
Unit I
Introduction to HRM – Definition, Importance, Objectives, HR policies – Need, Types and
Unit II
Human Resource Planning : Long and Short term planning, Job analysis, Skill inventory, Job
description and job specification, Recruitment and Selection, merits and demerits of different
Unit III
Functions of Human Resource Management from Procurement of separation , Placement,
Induction, Transfer, Promotion, Disciplinary action , Termination of services, Resignation,
Dismissal, Retrenchment, Voluntary Retirement Service, Exit interview, Prevention of
employees turnover.
Unit IV
Wages and salary administration : Meaning – Calculation of Wage, Salary, Perquisities,
Compensation Package, Cost of living index and Calculation of dearness allowances,
Rewards and incentives, Financial and non financial incentives, Productivity – linked Bonus
– Compensation – Cafeteria.
Unit V
Employee’s safety and health: Preventive approaches including health, education, Audit of
safety programs and safety training. Work stress – causes and consequences, Stress
management program.
Reference Books
- Human Resource Management
2. Dr. V.BALY
- Human Resource Management
3. Tripathy
- Human Resource Development
4. Aswathappa
- Human Resource Mangement
Objective: To understand computer packages tally and SPSS and use them to solve
Business related problems
Unit I
Introduction – Features of tally- Creation of company- Tally Basics-Screen Components
Basics of Accounting – Journal entry- Ledger entry- Voucher entry- Difference between
Computerized Accounting system and Manual accounting system.
Unit II
Tally Analysis and Interpretation –-Calculation of various ratios- Tally Inventory – Basics of
inventory management using tally- Defining and classification of Stocks- Creation of single
and multiple stocks- Inventory vouchers – Bill of Material
Unit III
Introduction to SPSS- Definition of research- Applied and basic research- research problemsResearch process, Scaling Techniques- Measurement scales and types of measurement
scales- types of sampling techniques.
Unit IV
Data files and Coding Data -- Learning about data files- Understand process of entering and
coding data into files- the process of entering data into the SPSS- Frequency Distribution
and Descriptive statistics: Mean Median Mode using SPSS- Drawing charts & Graphs.
Unit V
Data Analysis Tests: Cross-Tabulation, correlation analysis- simple regression analysis- ChiSquare test - t-test - one-way ANOVA. Non-Parametric tests: One sample test- two sample
test- man-whitney U-test , kurskal-wallis H-test.
Reference Books
1. Introduction to Tally
2. Tally for Everyone
3. Spss for you
- Srinivasan
- Roopa
- A.Rajathi and P Chandran
4. Introductory guide to data analysis using Spss – A.Faritha Asma
Objective: To equip the students in the field of training and development in the current
business scenario.
Unit I :
Introduction To Training Concept: Definition, Meaning, Need For Training,
Importance Of Training, Objectives Of Training, Concepts Of Education, Training
And Development, Overview Of Training Functions, Types Of Training
Unit II :
Process Of Training: Steps In Training, Identification Of Job Competencies, Criteria for
Identifying Training Needs (Person Analysis, Task Analysis, Organization Analysis),
Assessment Of Training Needs, Methods And Process Of Needs Assessment.
Unit III :
Designing And Implementing A Training Program: Trainer Identification, Methods and
Techniques Of Training, Designing A Training Module (Cross Cultural, Leadership, Training
The Trainer, Change), Management Development Program, Budgeting Of Training.
Unit IV:
Evaluation Of Training Program: Pre training Evaluation, Post training Evaluation,
Kirkpatrick Model Of Evaluation, Cost-Benefit Analysis, ROI Of Training.
Unit V :
Training scenario in Indian industry : Retail / FMCG sector, Banking / Insurances sector ,
Manufacturing sector and IT sector
Books Recommended:1.
Employee Training And Development – Raymond Noe
Every Trainers Handbook- Devendra Agochia
360 Degree Feedback, Competency Mapping And Assessment Centre- Radha Sharma
Training And Development- S.K. Bhatia
HRM-Biswajeet Pattanayak
Objective: To equip the students with marketing research techniques and tools from practical
Point of view for research
Unit I
Marketing research – an introduction –Meaning – Nature –Scope – Importance- Relationship
with other disciplines – Marketing research process –Research design.
Unit II
Survey Method –Sampling concepts- Probability and Non-probability –Sampling techniques
–Types of research – Exploratory- Descriptive- Experimental research.
Unit III
Data Collection –Primary data – Secondary data –Sources – Pros and cons – basic methods of
data collection - Questionnaire design- Formulation- Attitude measurement and scaling
Unit IV
Tabulation of collected data – Data analysis and interpretation – Test of significance –
Sampling statistics – Chi square analysis, Analysis of variance, Explaining observed
difference- Cross tabulation, Correlation and regression analysis- Identifying
interdependencies – Cluster analysis, Factor analysis, Conjoint analysis.
Unit V
Application of marketing research – Motivation research, Advertisement research, Product
Research, Sales control research.
Reference Books
1. H.W Boyd, R.Westfall & S.F Stasch
– Marketing research Text and Cases
2. Sharma D.D
- Marketing research
3. Majumdar
- Marketing research
4. Toll & Hawkins
- Marketing research
Objective: To introduce students to the importance of Service Marketing
Unit I
Marketing Services – Introduction growth of service sector- the concept of service Characteristics of service -Classification of service -Design of service Blue print using
technology, Human resources - Building service aspiration.
Unit II
Marketing mix in Service marketing – The Seven Ps : Product decisions –Pricing – Strategies
and tactics – Promotion of service and placing or distribution methods for services –
Additional dimension in service marketing – People – Physical evidence and process.
Unit III
Effective management in Service Marketing: Marketing demand and supply through Capacity
Planning and Segmentation, Internal marketing of service. External Vs Internal Orientation of
Service Strategy.
Unit IV
Delivery quality services: Cause of service, Quality gaps, the customers expectations Vs
Perceived service gap, Factors and Techniques to resolve this gaps, Gaps in services, Quality
standards, Factors and solutions, the service performs gap, key factor and strategy for closing
the gap. Developing appropriate and effective communication about service quality.
Unit V
Marketing service with special reference – a) Financial services b)Health services c)
Hospitality services d)Tourism marketing management – Travel plans – Restaurants –
Catering – Hotel Net booking – Educational services.
Reference Books
1. Ravi Shankar
- Service Marketing
2. S.Balachander
- Excellence In Service
3. Wood Ruffe
- Service Marketing
4. Christopher H. Lovelock, Lauren Wright
- Princiiples of service marketing and management
Objective: To acquire practical knowledge about the corporate world
Project work/ Industrial training to be done individually. The project work/ Industrial training
to be certified by the college authorities.
The Project/ Industrial training shall be evaluated externally. Viva will be conducted by the
external examiner. 50 Marks for the Project Report and 50 Marks for the Viva- Voice