23 October 2015 meeting minutes

Prior Weston Primary School & Children’s Centre PTA Minutes
23rd October 2015
Sara Archer
Ric Boulton
Nargis Christopher
Marianne Connolly
Julia D’rozario
Kelly Ewers
Zoe Giannoulis
Gus Girard
Jenny Holland
Jenny Holland
Sabine Kahl
Kirsten Kaszubowska
Louise Ketley
Mark Lemanski
Jane Ann Negi
Nicole Scott
Mark Wilcox
Caroline Wright
Notes and Actions
Children’s SCRAP project
This is a school supplies charity that
collects unwanted stuff from businesses
and stores it in a warehouse. For an
annual membership fee the school can
have access to the supplies which are
useful for in-class art projects and crossschool projects (including PTA events)
Cost £500 per year
Next steps: Caroline to review if this is
something that will come out of the school
budget but if not she will ask the PTA to
cover cost.
Club payment and funds
Following the PTA survey a number of
parents responded that they would like
more after school-clubs. Nicole pointed
out that one of the reasons that there
were not more clubs is that teachers didn’t
get paid to run them although teachers
are contractually obliged to run one a
year. (They used to get £25 per session).
Secondly she pointed out that teachers
By When
mid Nov
are paying for supplies for the clubs from
their own pockets and that they should be
reimbursed for that.
Discussed that there might be potential to
charge for all clubs but that would be
down to school rather than PTA.
It was suggested that if we knew at the
start of the academic year what funding
was needed per club we could potentially
apply to local businesses to fund it.
Sara agreed to sit down with Caroline and
work out what funding might be needed
for specific activities throughout the year
to create a menu of options to apply for
Money in the bank
Last year the PTA raised £14,027, with
outgoings of £23,148. Making a loss of
There is approximately £23,000 in the
PTA bank account.
Sabine offered to talk to Treasurer Sara to SK/SH
explain the history of some of the
expenses that weren’t clear in the
To sustain our current expenditure we
need to find more ways of raising funds.
If we don’t manage to get more money in
we could look at how we allocate money
for school trips. In future people could
apply for different percentages of funding
for trips 100%, 50%, 25%, or we could
split the funds raised annually with each
of our three priorities and then the journey
places would be funded evenly across all
applicants for additional funds.
Jane Ann has got a donation from Scotia
Bank for £2,000. She plans to target
more local businesses to try to raise
money but we need to get our house in
order first. Mark and Louise to review
governance and charity name etc.
To get more corporate donations we will
need to group the things we are asking for
money for and create a ‘menu’ of discrete
Please could we review who we know in
the school and where they work so that
we can approach them.
Kirsten and Sara are trying to encourage
more people to join the lottery, but
following the letter that went out (that not
everyone received) there have been no
more applicants to join the lottery. Kirsten
asked that we all buy balls for the lottery
so it can start to generate money. And
that we encourage our friends to do so
too. A copy of the letter that went out is
attached to the minutes.
Kelly has a background in the voluntary
sector raising money and knows the
system so we can go about targeting
grants as well as getting support for
writing our requests.
It was agreed that a sub committee would
meet to work on fundraising. Kelly, Jane
Ann, Jenny, Nargis, Kirsten
Lantern procession
The lantern procession will be held on St
Martin’s Night, 11 November. It is a
German tradition and celebrates themes
of sharing and gratitude. Mark Lemanski
is the Project Manager
The budget of up to £920 was approved
by a vote but may not all be needed if
Mark L’s pitch for sponsorship goes well
(could be brought down to some £750
with luck)
Volunteers are needed to support the
The issue of crowd management was
discussed and CW suggested that ML
met with her to discuss the logistics so
11 Nov
that it was a safe and structured event.
For all events that a PTA Project Manager
is planning there should be early
involvement with the school who can help
design and structure the event so that it is
safe as well as enjoyable for all.
applications to
PTA Parents’
Fund (events)
to be
discussed at
next PTA
School disco
(This is unlikely to go ahead as a PTA
event as we do not have a viable Project
Manager. However the school may
contemplate running a disco in the future
with the assistance of PTA volunteers).
Quiz night (SK)
Xmas carols (MW)
International Food Evening (KE)
Next meeting: 27 November 2015