Fall Meeting (October 2nd) - Georgia 4-H

Georgia 4-H Counselor Alumni Association Fall Board Meeting
October 2, 2011
Krannert Building, Rock Eagle 4-H Center
President Jenn Townsend called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone. Jenn said they
will email the minutes from the previous winter meeting and will approve them via email.
Treasurer’s Report:
Jenn then gave the Treasurer’s Report and the group discussed the different ways to promote
getting more dues paid. The group discussed getting dues paid online but also will continue to
send out hard copy reminders. Though online payments present a convenience, there is still an
importance of mail correspondence. Arch Smith said that most gifts to the 4-H Foundation were
through hard copy solicitation. Jenn stressed the importance of having accurate addresses for the
Counselor Alumni.
Old Business
Pageant Night: Good turnout to the Pageant, but not to the Alumni “Meet and Greet”.
Small Camp Baskets: Good success and were well received and appreciated. Jekyll Island
counselors got gift cards to Target, and this was appreciated also. Board Members will start
getting baskets and gifts together at the Winter Meeting.
Rock Eagle Sunday Meals: Cheryl Varnadoe and some of the District Officers who were at
DOT helped serve the meal this year.
Twilight on the Lake: This was a fun event, but not well attended. Again, need a hard copy
reminder to let people know about upcoming events.
Counselor Alumni engagement to retain Jr/Sr. 4-Hers: Male and minority counselor
numbers were actually up in 2011, with a lot of quality counselors. This was not a big of a
problem as previously thought. There are more females in 4-H and the College of Agriculture
overall, so this is not that surprising of a trend.
The topic turned to volunteer leaders. Males generally volunteer less, and the volunteering that
males do participate in is to raise money, which surprised the Board. The thinner agent pool
needs more volunteers to help continue county programs and judging teams. A question was
raised to make getting certified to be a chaperone easier. Arch said that a test is available online
to exempt test to be a chaperone. We need to let people know how to get chaperone tested and
the certification only last 5 years. The guidelines are determined by the Board of Regents, not
Georgia 4-H. Counselors are left on payroll so they can be used as chaperones if necessary.
New Business
Counselor Selection Weekend: Counselor Selection will be January 7th and 8th at Rock
Eagle. Brandon Ashley and Beth Stewart will help participate in the interviews.
Leadership Presentation: The “All Counselor” Training weekend will be February 24-26th.
The night of February 24th someone from the GCA board will attend to share for 3-5 minutes
with the group what being a counselor is like, ways to survive summer camp, and promote GCA.
After the short talk, gifts will be presented to the Leadership Counselors.
Newsletter and Dues: Kaycie Rogers is working with Mary Ann Parsons to get a PDF copy of
the newsletter online.
Winter reunion: The group wants to have a counselor alumni sometime this winter in February
or March. There is to be a “fun day” on Saturday and then try to have Jenny Jordan do
Chaperone training on Sunday so the alumni can go be able to volunteer in their counties. The
Board wanted to look at having the Alumni reunion at either Rock Eagle or at Fortson (so the
group can see the improvements made at that Center). The idea was presented to have a service
project so people can have something to do while they are there. No date was set yet.
New Board Members: Jenn passed around the current roster of board members. She asked to
get the current board to help find names of people that might would want to serve on the board to
fill expiring seats and empty slots. She asked current board members to recommend names or
volunteer again themselves. Officers rotate back on the board automatically, even if the term is
Other: Ina Hopkins informed the group she is working on a book on the history of Rock Eagle,
and she wants to make a list of each person that has worked at the camps through the years to
include in the book as a chapter or appendix. She is missing some years and can’t do it unless
she has a complete list, and has asked the board to help her fill the gaps.
Summer Camp and 4-H Report
Charlie Wurst was not in attendance and Arch Smith gave a combined summer camp and general
4-H report.
Camp/Center Update: Arch said that 9,200 kids attended camp in 2011, a 20% increase from
the previous year. In 2012, Jr. camp will be at Burton, and Senior camp will remain at Rock
Eagle. E.E. Programs continue to be strong, and E.E. attendance was up 5% from the previous
year, which according to Arch is something to be very proud of considering how much the
school systems have cut back. E.E. financial revenue records were broke for the 2010-2011 year
at every center except Rock Eagle. Rock Eagle has found new ways to make revenue through
weddings and catering services.
4-H Update: Arch spoke about the first week in October being 4-H week and went into detail
on some of the activities going on this upcoming week
There are going to be some significant renovations to the Jekyll Island Center.
Private giving is up, and Arch went into detail on some reorganizing in the Georgia 4-H
Construction will begin within 6 weeks or so on around 5 new cabins at Rock Eagle, and Arch
gave updates on renovations at other Centers.
Jenn gave the Board 3 potential dates for the spring/winter meeting, with the choices being
March 11, 18, or 25.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Brandon Ashley