Department of Interior/National Business Center RFQ:39409

Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
Project Title: JP Morgan Chase
Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
Pre-bid response due: 6/5/2013
Online through the Ariba website
(4) Attachments Provided: 1) Draft Services Schedule Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration- 2013, 2) Event Bid Worksheet, 3) Sales
Tax Matrix, 4) Service with Data Handler and Customer Contact (Master) 1 Nov 2012
Friday- 05/31/2013- 4:00pm
Monday- 06/03/13 at Noon EST
Wednesday- 06/05/13
Thursday- 06/13/13 at 1pm
RFP kick-off meeting with
Robert S., John S., Raj S.,
Christal T. and Cesar H.
Final day for vendors to
submit questions to JPMC
Initial Responses Due
Online Event – Reverse
Project Overview:
The purpose of this competitive bidding event ("Event") is for JPMC to obtain
information and bids from suppliers interested in performing property
inspection, preservation, violation resolution, and registration services
("Services") on pre-foreclosed, foreclosed and REO property serviced by JPMC.
Today Chase has two (2) suppliers servicing pre-foreclosure and foreclosed
property and six (6) suppliers supporting REO property. At the conclusion of this
Event, JPMC will implement a cradle to grave service model and intends to
select between two (2) to four (4) suppliers capable of servicing properties in all
fifty states.
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
Project Scope
Services for all Investors will be performed according to each Investor's published servicing standards.
JPMC requires the supplier to follow Fannie Mae's published servicing standards
Suppliers are financially responsible for all servicing errors, as determined by the Investor
Event consists of a two phase approach
1) Pre-Bid (6/5) - In the Pre-Bid portion, suppliers are required to answer a number of questions and to submit their initial bid
services that make up the six (6) service lots ("Lots").
for each of the 27
 Responses to the pre-bid component will be used to determine which suppliers are qualified to participate in the Competitive Bid/Reverse Auction
portion of the event.
2) Live online Competitive Bid event
 In the Competitive Bid portion, suppliers will have the opportunity to compete against other companies to improve their bids for each Lot when they
compare their bid to the other bids submitted.
 The auction will be used to determine a 'Market Price' for each of the 27 services contained within the Lots. The Market Prices will be used for all
Private Investors and Bank-owned property.
 Further negotiation may take place after the auction to finalize a market “standard” price for each service among the selected suppliers.
Volumes stated are representative of past volume and not guarantee of future volume for any period of time. Furthermore, volumes will be split among
selected suppliers.
Market Price for Inspections will be used for all Investors.
Fees: The fees payable for all other services not identified in the Lots will be either a) per an Investor’s published allowable fee schedule, b) an approved
quote by the Investor or c) an approved quote by JPMC.
JPMC will initially assign properties to the selected Suppliers by State. Over the following 24 to 36 months, JPMC is implementing a new system which
will have the ability to assign properties via a check digit, meaning suppliers will be required to service properties in all 50 states.
In addition to this competitive bidding event, selected candidate suppliers will be required to complete the following prior to being award business: 1) Sign the
attached Master Agreement ("Master") or if a Master Agreement had been previous signed, sign an amendment to the Master Agreement to incorporate terms
similar to those in the attached Master Agreement, if necessary.
2) Sign the attached Services Schedule ("Schedule"), as is without changes. 3)Complete JPMC’s Information Technology Risk Assessment. 4)
Complete JPMC’s Operational Risk Assessment.
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
In response to JPMC’s Property Inspection, Preservation and Vacant Property Registration Services Online Event, CooperCitiWest JV (Cooper-CitiWest) is hereby structuring its response as a consortium of 3 Field Servicing companies together with
Wingspan Portfolio Advisors (Wingspan). Listed below is a brief overview of each company:
 Cooper-CitiWest is a minority woman owned certified 8(a) small disadvantaged business specializing in Field Management
and REO Asset Management Services with offices in Atlanta, GA and Windsor, CT.
 Cityside Management Corporation is a national real estate management company specializing in property preservation,
rehabilitation, asset disposition, and property management with offices in Manchester, NH, Covington, LA, Corona, CA
and Sterling Heights, MI.
 HMBI is a minority owned real estate management and marketing company with offices in Dallas, TX, Charlotte, NC and
Seattle, WA.
 Wingspan Portfolio Advisors is an award-winning, diversified mortgage services companies, partnering with lenders,
servicers, investors, mortgage insurers, attorneys and real estate agents throughout the U.S. With multiple offices in Texas,
California and Florida, Wingspan’s team of experienced professionals provides a wide range of mortgage-related services.
This consortium structure will cover all states from 8 established and strategically located offices nationwide and will comply
with all JPMC’s security and confidentiality requirements.
This structure gives us the advantage of ensuring direct control and supervision of the inspectors and field service crews (no
Bid Aid
It also brings the expertise of Wingspan Portfolio Advisors who have current engagements with JPMC and are already
compliant with JPMC’s requirements.
Download the attached file, Attachment
input your pricing into the
highlighted cells which will
help calculate a total dollar
amount for each
corresponding section.
When complete, save the file
including your company
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
name and upload back to
this question before
submitting your prebid. Add
the file by clicking the
callout with the "+" sign.
The numbers from this sheet
should be used to input
pricing into 'Section 6
Pricing' of this event.
What percentage of the
time are your FHA
properties placed into
conveyance condition
within 25 days (vacancy
or recording of the deed)?
What Quality Control
measures can your
Company provide to
Chase to show investor
and regulatory
Cooper-CitiWest will leverage Wingspan’s compliance division in executing
regulatory compliance. We have a dedicated team of professionals who manage all
existing investor and regulatory guidelines related to preservation services. With
over 35,000 municipalities and townships throughout the United States, We work
diligently within our proprietary technology platform to proactively identify hightouch areas by volume, population, ordinance, and partner support.
- We rely on our extensive network of “boots on the ground” real estate
professionals, contractors, inspectors, and attorneys to stay close to local media
and government fluctuations to any currently tracked regulation
- We manage key areas of current or future volume by conducting daily
outreach to building inspectors, code officers, and local officials as questions or
variances in regulation arise
- Municipal websites are reviewed regularly (where applicable) to extract vital
data related to building and general code, upcoming potential changes in
guidelines and/or personal, and identified issues requiring escalated
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
- We work closely with MERS (Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems) as
well as internal data management and reporting to stay up to date on vacant
property registration ordinances. Conflicts of data received are immediately
communicated to client and local authorities in a timely manner assuring the
right steps are taken.
Does your Company
indemnify its Clients for
Investor "make whole"
and demands related to
servicing errors identified
as the fault of your
Explain the process that
your Company employs
when indemnifying a
client for an alleged
servicing error.
What Quality Control
measures can your
Company provide to
Chase to show Quality
Reviews are done
In the event of a potentially indemnifiable occurrence, claim, demand or action, the
Account Managers (AMs) of both Parties shall attempt to resolve the issue to the
satisfaction of all involved before escalation to the legal department of either
party. In the event the occurrence is not able to be resolved amicably by the AMs,
our RM shall notify our General Counsel (GC) of the potential claim. The GC shall
reach out to the AM designated by the other Party to attempt to negotiate the
matter. If the matter cannot to be amicably resolved, and upon presentment of a
claim for indemnification, our in-house legal department will investigate the merit
of the alleged servicing error and make recommendations to the company Principals
as to the best course of resolution. If it is established that loss, liabilities, damages,
costs or expenses are attributable to performance under a Master Agreement,
payment shall made in a commercially reasonable and agreed upon manner.
The Quality Control team will be the reporting directly to senior compliance
management. This added layer of independent review ensures the prevention of any
conflicts of interest between operations and relationships with vendors performing
the work.
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
consistently and poor
performance is dealt with
as needed?
All sub-contractors are held strictly to the quality of their performance. Failure to
meet or exceed expectations will result in temporary or permanent work
assignment. Due to the vast number of required high performing sub-contractors in
specific areas, the Procurement team continually conducts vetting and
establishment of new partnerships to assure during any corrective action all client
business can proceed as needed.
All sub-contractors are measured based on multiple levels of quality control
encompassing all vital areas of work performed:
- Timeline management
- Photo receipt (timeliness, volume and quality)
- Summary receipt (detail and professionalism)
- Work Performed (timeliness, specific service and overall property assessment)
Preservation scorecards are customized to fit each client’s needs, as well as
including up to date performance monitoring of all key metrics for work performed.
Health and safety related services, as well as all potential code violation and/or
property degradation related activity is separated on each scorecard for additional
escalated review by QC supervisor and compiling of data.
We understand the diverse and often changing climate surrounding investor,
municipality, state, and federal preservation and maintenance guidelines. By
utilizing dedicated in-house resources, industry leading technology, and
uncompromising attention to proactively addressing performance, we offer clients
and partners significant transparency into quality control.
To assure success, designated specific staff focuses on local/federal compliance
identification through multiple methods. This information is reviewed and
documented within a proprietary platform and efficiently implemented throughout
operations. Upon any data point integration, effective communication is delivered
both internally and externally. Updates or changes pertaining to any preservation
services performed are relayed to each external sub-contractor individually and with
required review and acceptance. In addition, monthly web based conferences are
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
performed to review recent changes to process, organizational alignment, and
technology. Best practices are also shared to further build nationwide partnerships,
celebrate successes, and identify areas of opportunity.
How many clients did
your company provide
Inspection Services in
March 2013?
How many inspections
did your company
perform in March 2013?
How many clients did
your company provide
Property Preservation
Services on preforeclosed property in
March 2013?
How many Property
Preservation Services did
your company perform in
March 2013 on preforeclosed property?
How many clients did
your company provide
Property Preservation
Services on REO
property in March 2013?
How many Property
Preservation Services did
your company perform in
March 2013 on REO
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
Explain how your
Company is position to
address scalability when
dealing with rapid shifts
in volume, either up or
down, with no
degradation in
performance standards?
How many weeks will it Number
take for your company to
ramp up to take on an
additional 150,000
inspection per month?
Explain what additional
resources would be
required to take on an
additional 150,000
inspections per month?
Wingspan has a proven track record of successful large scale deployments, in both
“build” and “buy” scenarios:
In 2012, Wingspan recruited, trained and deployed almost 700 professionals for a
Top 4 mortgage servicer project in less than eight weeks. This rapid deployment
was completed ahead of schedule and directly supported our clients’ remediation of
Loss Mitigation pipelines to lift a regulatory mandate.
In 2013, Wingspan acquired and integrated a full mortgage-servicing operations
facility with over 400 personnel from a JP Morgan Chase. This successful
absorption delivered a seamless transition as well as immediate access to best-inclass capabilities and a variable cost/capacity model for JP Morgan Chase.
Wingspan’s unrelenting focus on quality, process controls, and performance
management is the core foundation for every service we provide. This focus is
inherent and clearly visible in our how our management teams and production staff
apply rigorous, embedded, inline QA methodologies to every process.
Our culture is built to exceed KPIs and SLAs; We have incorporated a weekly
review of LOB scorecards along with regularly scheduled LOB management
meetings to ensure the work meets or exceeds both performance and quality
We would require additional human resources to be hired and trained for our 8
- 5 Property Management Supervisors
- 50 to 75 (depending on JPMC’s technology platform) property managers to assign
work orders and approve completed work
- 2 procurement analysts to recruit and train additional subcontractors
- 5 quality control staff members to track performance and ensure compliance
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
How many weeks will it
take for your company to
ramp up to take on an
additional 12,000 lawn
cares per month?
Explain what additional
resources would be
required to take on an
additional 12,000 lawn
cares per month?
How many weeks will it
take for your company to
ramp up to take on an
additional 100,000 repair
and preservation task per
Explain what additional
resources would be
required to take on an
additional 100,000 repair
and preservation task per
measures are being met.
Facilities and space for these additional employees have been identified and are
ready for immediate use.
We would require additional human resources: property managers, procurement
analyst and sub-contractors to take on an additional 12,000 lawn cares a month.
We intend to utilize the same additional staff resources identified in the response to to take on the 12,000 additional lawn cares per month.
We would require additional human resources: property managers, procurement
analyst and sub-contractors) to take on an additional 100,000 repair and
preservation tasks per month.
We intend to utilize the same additional staff resources identified in the response to to take on the 12,000 additional lawn cares per month.
Field inspectors and subcontractors upload inspections and preservation results in
our system of record using our proprietary data system via a secured web-based
portal to protect our clients’ information. The system allows for exterior and
interior photos to be uploaded in real time with date and time stamps. This ensures
compliance with both regulatory and client specific requirements.
How are inspections and
preservation results
uploaded to your system
of record?
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
Does your Company use
real time tools in the field
to collect data and record
results or is everything
paper driven and
uploaded in nightly
Does your Company have
clients using Lender
Processing Services
(LPS) Mortgage
Servicing Platform
Does your servicing
system have a direct
interface to a client using
the LPS MSP platform?
Drop Down
- Real-time
- Paper Batch
- Both
Drop Down
- Internally
- Third Party
- Both
Are your systems hosted
internally or with a third
Trade / Industry Relationships
What trade and/or
industry organization is
your Company a
We have access to technology that can ensure inspectors and sub-contractors are
tagged at a property at the time of photos being taken, ensuring the assigned
contractor is performing the work.
Cityside Management Corporation is a member of the Mortgage Bankers
Association and NAMFS.
HMBI is a member of the National Association of Realtors, the National
Association of Real Estate Brokers and the National Association of Hispanic Real
Estate Professionals.
Wingspan belongs to the Mortgage Bankers Association and is a major sponsor of
both the Five Star and AmeriCatalyst conferences.
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
Wingspan's subsidiary is a member of the US Foreclosure Network (USFN), the
Texas Mortgage Bankers Association and the California Mortgage Bankers
What leadership positions Text
have members of your
company held with
Document and Data Security
Has your company ever Y/N
participated in a risk
assessment with JPMC’s
Third Party Oversight
organization or an
independent organization
such as a public
accounting firm?
Does your company have Y/N
a formal policy and
procedures for document
retention (Detailing the
timeframes certain types
of documents must be
Does your company have Y/N
a formal policy and
procedure for document
custody practices
(Detailing where the
Dan Hanson, with Cityside Management Corporation, is the Education Chairman at
the National Association of Mortgage Field Servicers (NAMFS).
Wingspan is an active participant in the MBA national, servicing, technology, and
secondary market conferences and is a major sponsor of both the Five Star and
Americatalyst conferences.
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
historical documents are
Does your company have Y/N
a formal policy and
procedure documenting
controls for the handling
of secure information
(Confidential / Personal /
Proprietary / etc.)?
Provide a complete
description of your
network as it relates to
connectivity with clients.
We currently have the ability to connect to clients securely via::
- Secured Site-To-Site VPN (this option provides a secured and encrypted VPN
- Secured FTP (SFTP) servers available for File Transmission with Client.
- We can offer a secured Citrix session via a secured Web Portal.
- Secured – 2 Factor VPN authentication is available.
- Secured Email – All email is received first by our Barracuda SPAM/AntiVirus server. Once the email has been approved by the Barracuda SPAM/AntiVirus server, it is sent to our Email Server Environment. The Email Server
Environment also has Symantec Anti-Virus Protection. Email leaving the
Wingspan environment will pass through our Zix Email Server. The Zix Email
Server will automatically encrypt emails if certain data is detected in the email
(ex. Social Security Numbers)
Wingspan currently houses a majority of their virtual and physical servers at
military-grade COLO facility, the COLO facility is equipped with multiple points
of entry into the building, backup power, backup cooling, and 24/7 physical
security. Wingspan also has a mirrored backup data center at their Disaster
Recovery Site (DR). Data is scheduled to replicate from COLO to DR to maintain a
consistent copy of data at the DR site. The DR site also has backup power, cooling,
24/7 physical security, redundant communication to the COLO, and dual points of
entry into the facility. The Wingspan facilities all have dual points of entry into the
building , backup power, dual core data switches, redundant Cisco Firewalls with
Intrusion Prevention (IPS), redundant Internet web filters, backup/spare data
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
Has your company
experienced an actual or
suspected security breach
or unauthorized access?
Risk Management Practices
Does your company
conduct periodic risk and
control self assessments?
Describe controls in place
to ensure your
compliance with all laws
and governing regulatory
requirements for these
switches, and redundant phone servers. Wingspan also has dual connections from
each site to the COLO facility for backup connectivity.
In support of Cooper-CitiWest, Wingspan will overlay a governance function to
serve as the focal point for compliance with all laws and governing regulatory
impacted under this contract. In addition to providing full time support scanning
for all new requirements, trends, and reported issues, Wingspan will align its multilayered company-wide approach with Cooper-CitiWest to ensure compliance
visibility at the highest levels of management.
The components of our compliance management include:
- The Executive Compliance Committee reviews compliance policies and
approves changes as necessary.
- Our General Counsel oversees all aspects of the compliance department as
well as our legal and licensing department.
- The Compliance Team manages and oversees all licensing requirements,
documents policies and communicates all regulatory and compliance matters
and policy developments to the rest of the company.
- The Quality team regularly reviews and assesses department and project level
work to determine compliance with work procedures as well as regulatory and
legal compliance
Wingspan utilizes an outside specialized compliance counsel that provides opinion
and advice on new regulatory requirements and reviews new business operations
for compliance. Senior Managers from our different operations areas regularly
meet and receive communications from our Compliance team regarding
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
updates/changes to regulatory or licensing related items. In addition, our Operations
Management personnel regularly sponsors training courses that disseminate
information to their line-level staff.
Human Resources
Are any of your major
shareholders partially or
fully employed by
All employees are subject to criminal, credit, and work history background checks
based on the position, client and business requirements. All applicants are required
to sign a release form authorizing the necessary background checks. Any applicant
who refuses to sign a release form is no longer considered as an eligible candidate
for employment.
Background checks are conducted by a reputable third-party vendor. The vendor
runs the applicants through the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked
Persons databases. Any applicant who provides misleading, erroneous or willfullydeceptive information on an employment application or resume is immediately
eliminated from the consideration process.
Describe your process for
performing background
checks prior to on
boarding new employees?
If an applicant is denied employment wholly or in-part based on information
obtained in a background check, the applicant will be informed and given the name
and phone number of the vendor to contact regarding the results.
Describe your training
process for new
We support periodic random sampling efforts by the client to verify adherence to
background check requirements. Results from the background checks are kept in
personnel file for 7 years.
New hire employees are required to attend a 40 hour new hire training which
includes a combination of classroom training, side-by-side observation, hands on
activities and nesting with an emphasis on desk and field training consisting of:
- Contract statement of work
- Client specific policies and procedures
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
- Proprietary database system operation
- Quality Control Processes
- Specific job functions.
- Mandatory training: FDCPA, Reg B, Sexual Harassment
The key to our quality control practices lies in our comprehensive training of our
vendors and the consistent monitoring of completed deliverables. The main topics
included in property preservation training program include:
- Securing
- Winterization
- Debris Removal
- Lawn Maintenance
In addition, each employee attends a semi-annual refreshing training session to stay
abreast of regulatory and industry changes
Our training provides an in-depth knowledge of FHA guidelines and controls, FHA
Property and Preservation Guidelines, recent regulatory changes and a clear
understanding of job requirements to prepare new associates for their roles and
responsibilities. During this time, staff is also tested on materials discussed using
hands on the job training.
All Supplier employees
and Supplier's
subcontractor employees
having access to JPMC
physical sites, networks,
or systems must be drug
tested by the Supplier and
fingerprinted by JPMC
prior to being assigned to
Our side-by-side observation program allows associates to shadow current
employees during their daily jobs and ask questions during the process.
No response is required.
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
work on the JPMC
Does your company agree Y/N
to drug test all employees
and subcontractor
employees having access
to JPMC physical sites,
networks, or systems?
Does your company agree Y/N
to allow JPMC to
fingerprint its employees
and subcontractor
employees having access
to JPMC physical sites,
networks, or systems?
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
Business Continuity Plan
Please attach a document Attachment
to describe your Business
Continuity Plan (“BCP”)
with respect to the
services and/or products
for which you are making
a proposal. The BCP
described should be a
service included in your
proposed pricing. Not an
additional cost.
Please provide
information regarding
programs in place in the
event that your company
experience a disaster
(e.g., redundant
equipment, alternate
In the event of business impacting disasters we will immediately activate our
Business Continuity and Recovery Plan (BCRP) to address the source and severity
of the situation. All team members and/or alternates will be engaged through the
activation and execution of the process.
The BCRP will engage all impacted department leadership to assess the source,
severity and impact of the disastrous interruption. Recovery skilled employees and
/or contract resources will be dispatched to restore systems and facilities for safe
resumption of business operations.
BCRP will monitor progress and the need for additional resources to complete the
restoration confirmation after Action Review to ensure all restoration is complete
and sustainable.
We have an designated Emergency Disaster Recovery Coordinator responsible for
providing periodic updated assessments during the business recovery process. The
Emergency Disaster Recovery Coordinator collects updates from departments and
delivers final assessment to the Client and our Principals at the time of full reestablishment of business operations.
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
We have implemented several additional measures that we provide in case of a
disaster impacting the data center is that Our Database, Digitized Documents and
Accounting Systems are stored on a server in a remote location outside our offices
(San Antonio, TX). Therefore, they can be accessed from anywhere. The server is
backed-up by another server in another remote location (Herndon, VA). The backup server acts as a mirror server at any time in case the main server is down. The
servers are located in two distant geographic areas.
The affected office’s telephone calls are immediately forwarded to another office
by remote programming.
Please provide
information regarding
programs in place to aid
JPMC in the event that
JPMC or your company
experience a disaster.
All staff are cross-trained, operations are easily re-directed to another office in case
of emergency.We run annual practice drills order to minimize the impact of
disasters on operations.
In the event that JPMC experiences a disaster, we offer infrastructure-related
services in conjunction with our applications that include secure network
connectivity, data center hosting, Tier 4 classified and disaster recovery. Wingspan
facilities contain enterprise grade technologies that are designed to be resistant to
single points of failure and are highly standardized to avoid compatibility issues.
All systems are monitored 24/7/365 and are maintained by our internal IT staff.
In addition, see response to
Legal Disclosure
Does your company have Y/N
any past or present legal
action or threatened legal
action (whether civil,
criminal or
administrative, and
whether brought or
threatened by
governmental, association
or industry oversight
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
entities or by private
sector entities or
individuals, regardless of
jurisdiction, venue or
forum) with regard to any
material matter involving
your company's
(including any
predecessor in interest
and/ or any of your
employees or
independent contractors)
business operations, use
or development of
programs, use or
modification of hardware
or equipment, provision
of a system or services,
intellectual property,
maintenance or updates.
Has your company ever Y/N
had any breach of
confidentiality or alleged
breach of confidentiality
by you or any
independent contractor
you have engaged?
Does your company or
your parent company,
affiliate or subsidiary
have an existing
contractual agreement
with JPMC or a JPMC
Yes, Wingspan has an existing contractual agreement with JPMorgan Chase.
Wingspan intends to leverage its JPMorgan, program management, rapid response
and startup experience in support of the consortium formed by Cooper-CitiWest
whose considerable experience with inspection, property preservation, repairs and
registration complements the Wingspan experience. Together, Cooper-CitiWest
and Wingspan will provide the all-important infrastructure, corporate requirements,
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
affiliate. Please list the
full legal name of the
contracting entities, the
product or service
referenced in the
agreement, the term of
the agreement (effective
date and expiration date)
and the JPMC officer or
customer who executed
the agreement and the
respective JPMC
relationship manager.
and value added execution demanded by JPMorgan.
The Master Contract CW542457 was executed February 25, 2013 between
JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association and Wingspan Portfolio Advisors,
LLC. Wingspan provides staffing to support mortgage processing and operations
in accordance with JPMC's allocation of portfolios of work to the Supplier Location
(Melbourne FL) and at the volume of FTE indicated by JPMC. These services shall
continue until August 24, 2014.
JPMorgan Chase Bank National Association was represented by Regina A. Miller,
Executive Director. Wingspan Portfolio Advisors LLC was represented by Steve
Horne, President and CEO. Kim Lande, Vice President, serves as the JPMorgan
relationship manager; Cesar Hernandez serves as the Wingspan Relationship
Account Management
Your company will be
responsible for
establishing an Account
Manager (“AM”) and an
Account Team (“AT”)
that meets the following
JPMC requirements:
Your company will
assign an AM that will
have full authority across
all of your lines of
business including, but
not limited to, pricing,
logistics, SLA
compliance, and all other
areas involved in
servicing JPMC’s
account. The assigned
No response is required.
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
AM may be required to
travel as necessary.
JPMC has the right to
interview and approve the
AM and/or all potential
AT members. JPMC must
be informed as soon as
possible of any
modifications to the AT
and/or the AM. JPMC
will work jointly with
your Company in
transitioning the AT
members and/or the AM.
Your company must
provide contact
information for the AM
and for all AT members,
including office phone
numbers and address, cell
phone numbers, and email addresses.
The AM will be the
principal owner of
JPMC’s account and will
be responsible for
managing the delivery of
all goods and/or services
for the entire account and
your AT. The AM’s
responsibilities include,
but are not limited to:
No response is required.
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
Customer relations with
JPMC Management
reviews and all
Planning and managing
resources, as required.
Meeting and/or exceeding
the Service Level
Acting as the escalation
point for problem and
issue resolution if issues
cannot be resolved at the
first line management
Providing and conducting
regularly scheduled
reports, meetings and
reviews as defined in the
Reports and Meeting
section below.
AM Requirements: Is
your company able to
meet all of the
requirements listed in this
section for the AM
AM Location: What is
the primary work location
of your proposed AM?
AM Authority: JPMC
expects that the AM will
The primary location of our proposed AM team is:
3800 Camp Creek Parkway SW
Building 1800, Suite 114
Atlanta, GA 30331-6061
We do not foresee any limitations that will impair the Accout Managers’ ability to
make decisions or resolve issues on behalf of JPMC.
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
have full authority and
accountability for all
aspects of JPMC’s
account. Describe any
limitations that will
impair the AM’s ability
to make decisions or
resolve issues on behalf
of JPMC.
If you have alternative
methods or processes in
which you can meet
JPMC’s requirements,
describe them.
Executive Sponsor: The
Executive Sponsor will
be the focal point for
JPMC’s senior business
executives and be
available for escalation of
Technology Account
Manager (“TAM”): The
TAM will be responsible
for all managing all
We have leveraged any number of creative approaches to optimizing the use of
deep, broad management resources, the outreach to community leaders to recruit
and hire the best and the brightest, and an ongoing culture that keeps associates
highly engaged with low turnover.
Wingspan’s management team brings considerable top 3 bank experience and need
little training on how best to optimize ramp up time(s) and processes while meeting
all OCC and other regulator criteria.
Wingspan is also a leader in providing real time client accessible reporting, taking
the guesswork out of status reporting.
Wingspan and Cooper-CitiWest have a successful track record and proven ability
to provide effective surveillance of state and local regulatory trends and ordinances.
We will provide JPMC with robust governance oversight, support and training to
ensure creative, compliant execution of this contract.
No response is required.
No response is required.
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
technical related
resources. The TAM’s
responsibilities include,
but are not limited to:
1) Single Point of Contact
for all technical matters.
2) Consult with JPMC on
all updates, upgrades,
installations and
TAM Requirements: Is
your company able to
meet all of the
requirements listed in for the TAM
AT: Pursuant to the
requirements information
provided in Section
4.4.13, define the
structure of the AT that
will support JPMC’s
account. Ensure that there
are clear lines of
responsibility and
reporting structure in
your description.
Describe the roles and
responsibilities of each
AT member specifying
the number of accounts
for which each AT
We have assembled an experienced Project Management Office (PMO) to provide
services to JPMC. The team will consist of Property Team Leaders,
Accounting/Invoicing Managers, Procurement Managers, the QC Manager,
Facilities Manager, and Information Technology Managers. All Members of the AT
report to the Account Manager (AM). The project team is structured to provide
JPMC with: 1) the right mix of skills, functional expertise, and related property
preservation and inspection experience; 2) in-depth understanding of JPMC
requirements and; 3) a high level of quality control and oversight. Project team
roles and responsibilities are identified below.
Account Managers will oversee the account team (AT) and provide oversight of the
overall project and deliverables.
Property Team Leaders will be responsible for a maximum staff of fifty property
managers who handle up to 500 properties each for a specific geographic region:
- Ensure that the property management teams’ deliverables meet or exceed
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
member is responsible.
client’s service level agreements.
- Provide technical advice and guidance to property managers related to work
required by contract.
- Ensure property management staff is current on all regulations.
- Analyze subcontractor performance and verifies that work meet contract
- Work with accounting manager to ensure timely and accurate invoicing of
- Review bids and negotiates pricing with vendors in conjunction with the
Procurement Team.
- Prepare department budget and monitors spending.
Direct Reports: Property Managers (one staff member for each 500 properties)
Accounting/Invoicing Manager will be responsible for directing and managing all
accounting, budgetary, and financial reporting activities to support REO
management. The Accounting/Invoicing manager will:
- Utilize, monitor, and train staff on invoice presentation and workflow tool.
- Ensure invoices are timely and compliant with client specifications and state
and federal tax requirements.
- Develop internal controls to ensures the integrity of accounting data and
accounting processes.
- Provide analysis, interpretation and trend information of the department
- Ensure sub-contractors and vendors are paid in a consistent and timely
Direct Reports: Account and Invoicing Staff Members (one staff member for
each 1000 properties)
Procurement Manager: Responsible for staffing and supervising qualified
inspectors and field service staff. Other duties include:
- Verify that subcontractors meet state and local licensing and insurance
- Negotiate pricing with subcontractors.
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
- Assign coverage territory to inspectors and field service staff.
- Plan and develop comprehensive standard maintenance programs.
- Maintain records and files of all orders and receipts for inspectors’ supplies.
- Direct Reports: Procurement Specialists (one staff member for each 5,000
properties), Subcontractors, Inspectors
Quality Control Manager: Review each final deliverable prior to receipt by the
client; prepare, schedule, and collaborate with Account Manager to ensure the
appropriate delivery of the product; gather required information to identify ongoing
training opportunities, and act as a SME on quality-related matters. Reports
independently to senior compliance management to prevent conflicts of interest
between contractors and vendor management.
- Monitor all contract activities, coordinate reviews, conduct random and
targeted file and property selection, and analyze subcontractor report card
- Conduct a multi-level review process, inclusive of all areas of contractual
- Prepare monthly quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results of our
internal and external assessments and review and distribute report to Client,
Management and staff.
- Perform daily, monthly and annual statistical analysis of key performance
- Conduct training to ensure staff has been updated on current Client and
company policies and procedures.
- Responsible for technical writing of internal and external communication.
Direct Reports: QC Staff (one staff member for each 5,000 properties)
Facilities Manager is responsible for providing maintenance on all physical
facilities. Specific functions include:
- Supervise customer service staff and ensure that calls are fielded to correct parties.
- Supervise records maintenance staff, ensuring integrity of records maintenance
- Administer employee benefits programs.
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
- Security Systems Administrator for contracts.
- Conduct annual staff security training.
- Responsible for purchasing and maintaining office equipment.
Direct Reports Customer Service and File Maintenance Staff
AT Communication
Process: Describe the
communication process
within your AT team as it
pertains to distributing
and implementing pricing
changes, process and
procedure changes, and
technical problems and
resolutions to all AT
Information Technology Account Manager is responsible for the overall planning,
organizing and execution of all IT functions. This includes ensuring the continuity
of computer services and the development of new technical solutions.
Direct Reports: IT Staff
We have established a comprehensive communication process within our account
team. Our communications process is highly collaborative and iterative and
includes the following:
1) Team Meetings: Our initial starting point is a formal team meeting with AT
members to communicate new information or procedure changes. AT managers
lead the meetings, topics discussed include service delivery specifications and client
expectations. Such discussions and documentation becomes the basis of our project
and quality control plan for measurement and client reporting going forward. AT
status meetings are used to share projects, solicit team feedback, discuss
improvement opportunities and gauge performance vs. specifications
2) Internal Communication (Email): In addition to AT meetings we send detailed
project change via email to all AT staff informing them of the change, impact to
operations, and effective change date.
Issue resolution process
We have a robust and effective escalation process that can quickly address and
resolve any issues that may arise throughout this project. The specific escalation
process and individuals may change based on JPMC’s requirements and discussions
during project implementation; however, below is our standard escalation process:
- Project Lead – Day to day Primary Contact for any operations issues
- Operations VP – VP directly responsible for JPMC project acts as primary
point for unresolved operational escalations
- Client Liaison / Account Manager – Account Manager responsible for JPMC
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
relationship can address any contractual or compliance issues or concerns
- Operations SVP – Any issues unresolved within 72 hours by the Project Lead,
Operations VP, or Client Liaison is escalated to the Operations SVP
- Chief Operations Officer – Any major issues that need to be addressed
immediately or open unresolved issues are escalated to Wingspans COO
- Chief Executive Officer
Minimum Supplier
Meeting Requirements:
Weekly while
implementing the
Quarterly or as needed to
discuss issues, trends,
changes, etc..
Annually to discuss result
and direction, initiatives,
Is your company able to Y/N
meet all of the
requirements enumerated
for the Minimum
Supplier Meeting
Requirements in
JPMC uses LPS Invoice
Management as its
invoice presentation and
workflow tool. Each
No response required
No response required
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
supplier must establish a
relationship with LPS and
negotiate pricing in order
to invoice JPMC for
services performed. To
learn more, contact LPS
or call 904-854-5462.
Does your company have Y/N
a relationship with LPS to
submit invoices via the
LPS Invoice Management
Attached is a state matrix Y/N
of the property inspection
and preservation services
that JPMC has
determined to be taxable
in each state. Is your
company capable of
access, collecting, and
paying sales tax where
Sales Tax Matrix
Can your invoice to
JPMC include the
location where a service
was provided?
Can your invoice list the
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
charge for the services
provided, excluding sales
Can your invoice to
JPMC list sales tax, if
any, charged on the
service provided?
Can your invoice to
JPMC exclude sales tax if
JPMC provides a sales
tax exemption certificate?
Does your company have Y/N
Employers Liability
Insurance of at least One
Million Dollars
($1,000,000) for any one
Does you company have Y/N
Commercial General
Liability Insurance of at
least Two Million Dollars
($2,000,000) per
Does your company have Y/N
Automobile Liability
Insurance for any auto,
including owned, hired,
and non-owned
automobiles and other
vehicles with bodily
injury and property
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
damage limits of of at
least Two Million Dollars
($2,000,000) per
Does your company have Y/N
Commercial Blanket
Bond covering all
personnel with a limit of
not less than Ten Million
Dollars ($10,000,000)
with no coverage
limitations, exclusions or
warranties other than
standard exclusion for
war, nuclear accident and
Does your company have Y/N
Liability/Errors and
Omissions Liability
Insurance of at least Ten
Million Dollars
($10,000,000) per claim
covering loss arising from
claims alleging wrongful
acts, errors and omissions
committed by Supplier,
its employees, and
Does your company have Y/N
Privacy and Security
Liability Insurance of at
least Ten Million Dollars
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
($10,000,000) covering
providing protection
against liability for (a)
system attacks, (b) denial
or loss of service attacks,
(c) spread of malicious
software code, (d)
unauthorized access and
use of computer systems,
(e) crisis management
and customer notification
expenses, (f) privacy
regulatory defense and
penalties and (g) liability
arising from the loss or
disclosure of confidential
Attach a current
ATTACHMENT Upload combined attachment.
Certificate of Insurance
for each of the insurances
policies listed above
Insurance Coverage
stating your current
policy amounts.
If you responded No to
any of the above
insurance related
questions, is your
company willing and able
to procure insurance in
the amounts listed above?
Master Agreement and Schedule
Does your company have Y/N
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
one or more contracts
with JPMC?
List the JPMC Contract
No(s). These are ID's that
start with "CW" and
usually followed by 5 or
6 digits.
After reviewing the
attached Master
Agreement and Services
Schedules, will you
company sign both
without modification,
excluding pricing and the
yellow highlighted items?
Supplier Profile
Enter the address of your
corporate headquarters
company location.
How many years has your
company performed
Inspections services?
How many years has your
company performed
Property Preservation
services on Preforeclosed property?
How many years has your
company performed
Property Preservation
services on REO
3800 Camp Creek Parkway SW
Building 1800, Suite 114
Atlanta, GA 30331-6061
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
How many years has your Number
company performed
Registration services?
Will you provide JPMC
with a list of all
subcontractors including
providing copies of
Does your company
maintain a database of all
required licenses of
Does your company
maintain a database of all
the required insurance
policies enforce for each
Does your company
scorecard the
performance of each
REO Cleaning
What is your price to
perform the Initial
Interior cleaning per the
specification stated in
“Section 4 Property
Preservation in
SFR Vacant Non-HVA: $ 200.00
Condominium Vacant Non-HVA: $ 200.00
SFR Vacant HVA: $ 200.00
Condominium Vacant HVA: $ 200.00
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
Attachment 2 JPMorgan
Chase and Co REO
Vendor Matrix 2nd
Quarter Edition” for each
of the property types.
Please provide a dollar
amount after the '$' sign
provided for each type.
What is your price to
perform Recurring
Interior cleaning per the
specification stated in
“Section 4 Property
Preservation in
Attachment 2 JPMorgan
Chase and Co REO
Vendor Matrix 2nd
Quarter Edition” for each
of the property types
listed. Please provide a
dollar amount after the '$'
for each property type.
What is your price to
perform the Initial
Exterior cleaning per the
specification stated in
“Section 4 Property
Preservation in
Attachment 2 JPMorgan
Chase and Co REO
Vendor Matrix 2nd
Quarter Edition” for each
of the property types.
SFR Vacant Non-HVA: $ 75.00
Condominium Vacant Non-HVA: $ 75.00
SFR Vacant HVA: $ 75.00
Condominium Vacant HVA: $ 75.00
a. SFR Vacant Non-HVA: $ 150.00
b. SFR Vacant HVA: $ 150.00
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
Please provide a dollar
amount after the '$' sign
for each property type.
What is your price to
perform the Recurring
Exterior cleaning per the
specification stated in
“Section 4 Property
Preservation in
Attachment 2 JPMorgan
Chase and Co REO
Vendor Matrix 2nd
Quarter Edition” for each
of the property types.
Please provide a dollar
amount after the '$' sign
for each property type.
You acknowledge that
you read, understand and
agree to be bound by the
terms of this Online
Event. You represent,
warrant and covenant that
your response to each
section of this Online
Event is accurate,
Understanding of
complete, and has been
Online Event
submitted in accordance
with the terms herein.
You understand and agree
to be bound by your
responses to each section
of this Online Event,
a. SFR Vacant Non-HVA: $ 50.00
b. SFR Vacant HVA: $ 50.00
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
including, but not limited
to, any and all
documentation and
attachments. You have
full power and authority
to enter into an agreement
based upon the
information contained in
this Online Event; and the
person submitting on
your behalf has been
properly authorized and
empowered to respond to
this Online Event and
provide the information
required to respond to
this Online Event.
Total costs for
Inspections, Lawn Cuts
(initial and recut), debris
removal, other and VPR.
Use the spreadsheet in
section 4.3.1 to calculate
numbers for this section.
Enter Inspections Total
Cost (Cell F6)
Enter Total Lawn Initial
Cut Cost (Cell F14)
Enter Total Lawn Re-cut
Cost (Cell F21)
Bid Summary_Response Document JPMC Property Inspection, Preservation and Registration
Enter Total Debris
Removal Cost - per Cubic
Yard (Cell F23)
Enter 'Other' Total Cost Numbers
(Cell F35)
Enter Total Property
Registration Cost (Cell