Exploratory Factor Analysis A collection of techniques for analyzing clusters of variables (items) that are being treated as indicators of underlying factors. Reason #1 for doing factor analysis: Identifying item clusters. Situation: We have responses to a large number of items. We want to see if these many many items represent just a few clusters of items. We try to identify clusters of items which a) correlate highly among themselves and b) correlate hardly at all with other variables The clusters become psychological constructs. Theys may represent important processes or structures within us. Factor Analysis 1 - EFA - 1 Example of a collection of behaviors: 1. Am the life of the party. 2. Feel little concern for others. 3. Am always prepared. 4. Get stressed out easily. 5. Have a rich vocabulary. 6. Don't talk a lot. 7. Am interested in people. 8. Leave my belongings around. 9. Am relaxed most of the time. 10. Have difficulty understanding abstract ideas. 11. Feel comfortable around people. 12. Insult people. 13. Pay attention to details. 14. Worry about things. 15. Have a vivid imagination. 16. Keep in the background. 17. Sympathize with others' feelings. 18. Make a mess of things. 19. Seldom feel blue. 20. Am not interested in abstract ideas. 21. Start conversations. 22. Am not interested in other people's problems. 23. Get chores done right away. 24. Am easily disturbed. 25. Have excellent ideas. 26. Have little to say. 27. Have a soft heart. 28. Often forget to put things back in their proper place. 29. Get upset easily. 30. Do not have a good imagination. 31. Talk to a lot of different people at parties. 32. Am not really interested in others. 33. Like order. 34. Change my mood a lot. 35. Am quick to understand things. 36. Don't like to draw attention to myself. 37. Take time out for others. 38. Shirk my duties. 39. Have frequent mood swings. 40. Use difficult words. 41. Don't mind being the center of attention. 42. Feel others' emotions. 43. Follow a schedule. 44. Get irritated easily. 45. Spend time reflecting on things. 46. Am quiet around strangers. 47. Make people feel at ease. 48. Am exacting in my work. 49. Often feel blue. 50. Am full of ideas. The above are 50 items from a common personality questionnaire. Do they represent 50 different, distinct aspects of behavior? 10? 5? 1? If I analyze each item separately, I’ll have to perform 50 separate analyses and interpret 50 different results. Will I be accused of “shotgunning” – doing a whole bunch of analyses in the hopes of finding a significant relationship. Will all those results be clearly different? If some of the items are highly correlated with each other, then the results for those similar items will be redundant. Factor Analysis 1 - EFA - 2 Example of the “identifying clusters” use of factor analysis The Big Five. Questionnaires with 100s of different descriptors were given to persons who were asked to say to what extent those descriptors applied to themselves. Five clusters of items were “discovered. They became known became known as the Big Five. The descriptors were taken from dictionaries, not devised based on theories of personality. For this reason, these kinds of study – ones employing descriptors taken from the language of the culture of the respondents are called lexical studies. In this conceptualization, factors are viewed as collectors or organizers of items. This use of factor analysis is a bottom up process: Going from items at the bottom to factors at the top. Factor Analysis 1 - EFA - 3 Reason #2 for doing factor analysis: Identifying items that indicate constructs that we believe exist for theoretical reasons. Situation: We have a theory about the relationship(s) between two or more psychological constructs. Alas, psychological constructs are internal states that are not directly observable. We can only observe the behaviors that presumably are the result of persons having those internal states. We want to identify as many specific behaviors that represent the constructs as possible so that the theory about the relationships among the constructs can be tested by computing the relationships among the behaviors. We try to think of specific behaviors, usually responses to items on a questionnaire to be indicators of a construct. These are behaviors which a) seem to be behaviors that arise from the presence of the construct of interest b) correlate highly among themselves and c) correlate less with other variables Such behaviors are often called indicators of the psychological constructs. A top down process, beginning with our interest in the dimensions and ending with items that we believe represent those dimensions. Example. Rosenberg (1965) said, “Clinical and experimental studies have provided valuable insights into the nature of the self-image . . . , but we still know every little about the nature and distribution of self-esteem, self-values a, and selfperceptions in the broader society.” From this belief in the importance of selfesteem, he identified 10 behavioral descriptors which became the Rosenberg Selfesteem (RSE) scale. There have been many studies factor analyzing just those ten items to codify the existence of the self-esteem construct, e. g., Marsh, H. W., Scalas, L. F., & Nagangast, B. (2010). Longitudinal Tests of Competing Factor Structures for the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale: Traits, Ephemeral Artifacts, and Stable Response Styles. Psychological Assessment, 22, 366-381. Factor Analysis 1 - EFA - 4 Ralph Hood’s M scale. In 1972 Ralph believed there were 7 dimensions of religious experience. He thought of items that represented each of the 7 dimensions. He then performed a factor analysis of all the items in the hope that 7 clusters would be identified in the analysis. Alas, the factor analysis identified 2 clusters, and these 2 have been the two dimensions of the scale of religious experience he has used for the past 40+ years. This is a case in which theory lead to a factor analysis whose results lead to a change in the theory. In this 2nd use of factor analysis, constructs are viewed as generators of items. Note that both definitions involve two major concepts: 1. A large number of observed variables. 2. A smaller collection of unobserved, factors/latent variables. Factor Analysis 1 - EFA - 5 Concepts Important for Factor Analysis Variance More than you ever wanted to know about variance. Variance of a single variable Suppose N = 4. Variance = Σ(X-M)2/N – a formula based on the differences between the scores and the mean. Pictorially A B C D M The above representation of the variance expresses it in terms of differences between scores and the mean. New information The variance of a set of scores can also be computed in terms of the differences between all possible pairs of scores. For N = 4, (A-B)2 (A-C)2 (A-D)2 (B-C)2 (B-D)2 (C-D)2 A B C D M It can be shown that Σ(Σ(Xi – Xj)2 --------------- is also the variance (n*(n-1)/2 So, the variance of a set of scores is the average of the squared differences between all possible pairs of scores. Factor Analysis 1 - EFA - 6 Example, from an Excel spreadsheet. Values of X are 1,2,3,4, and 5. x 1 2 3 4 5 m 3 3 3 3 3 x-m -2 -1 0 1 2 (x-m)^2 4 1 0 1 4 Σ(X-m)^2 x1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 x2 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 4 5 5 x1-x2 -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -1 (x1-x2)^2 1 4 9 16 1 4 9 1 4 1 ΣΣ((X-m)^2) / 10 50 (n-1) = 4 / (n*(n-1)) 20 Variance 2.5 = Variance 2.5 This result, while possibly interesting to those who are interested in things “mathematical” is not of much practical use if you have only one variable. If it were, it would be more well-known. But it is of value when you have two variables plotted in a scatterplot and are contemplating variation between the points in the scatterplot. Factor Analysis 1 - EFA - 7 4 Variance of a scatterplot. 3 5 Suppose we have N pairs of scores on two variables. Total Variance: The average of squared distances between all nonredundant pairs of points. Scatterplot with large variance Y2 Scatterplot with small variance D B B C A D C A Y1 This is a practical application of the result shown above. It shows how to get a measure of the differences between points in space, no matter how many dimensions are represented. Partitioning the total variance. Using the Pythagorean theorem, it can be shown that each squared distance can be expressed as the sum of squared differences in the two axis dimensions. B H Y AA X (Recall H2 = X2 + Y2.) H = square root of (X2 + Y2). E.g., 5 = square root of (32 + 42) So, squared diagonal difference between A and B = Squared horizontal difference + squared vertical difference. That is, total variance = sum of individual variable variances = X variance + Y variance. The total variance can be partitioned (separated) into as many pieces as there are dimensions. Standardized Total Variance If variables are standardized (Z-scores), so Variance along each dimension = 1, then Standardized Total variance = standardized X + standardized Y variances Since standardized X variance = standardized Y variance = 1, Standardized Total Variance = number of dimensions. Factor Analysis 1 - EFA - 8 Concentration of Variance along a line Variance concentrated along 1 dimension Variance spread between dimensions D D B B C C A A Contrast the two figures above. Each has the same total variance – 2 if the variables are standardized. But the left hand figure has that variance concentrated along a line. That line is called a factor in the factor analysis literature. The important point about a line of concentration is that differences along that line represent most of the variation between the people represented by the points in the scatterplot. Note also that if the points are clustered near a line, the correlation between the two variables on which the persons are measured will be large So identifying lines of concentration allow us to identify dimensions that account for the most variation between people – whatever that line is, it’s what distinguishes people from each other. Simultaneously, identifying lines of concentration allows us to identify variables that are highly correlated with each other. If a scatterplot has a line around which the points are tightly clustered, that means the two variables are highly correlated. This is a way of thinking about factor analysis – each factor is a in a multidimensional scatterplot, around which points representing people cluster, so that variation along that line accounts for the greatest amount of variation between people. The amount of variance along a line divided by the total variance of the points is a measure of the proportion of total variance accounted for by the line. Factor Analysis 1 - EFA - 9 Proportion of variance Suppose we were to create a multi-dimensional scatterplot of all the variables in a collection. Suppose also that all the points in that scatterplot were concentrated along one line, forming a multidimensional sausage. The example below is a 3-dimensional sausage scatterplot. This situation would be a 1-factor solution. All of the variables were correlated highly with each other. There are as many possible factors in a solution as there are variables. A key quantity is the proportion of total variance along each of those lines. This quantity is analogous to R2, except that when there are multiple factors, there will be multiple lines of concentration, so you’ll have an R2 – a proportion of variance - for each factor. One of the things we routinely look for in a factor analysis is the proportion of all variance accounted for by the factors we’ve decided to work with. If the proportion is small, then our factor analysis has not done much for us. If it’s large, then that’s good. Factor Analysis 1 - EFA - 10 Eigenvalues. Eigenvalue: A quantity that is the result of the solution of a set of equations that arise as part of the factor analytic procedure. Also called the characteristic root of the equation solved as part of the factor analysis. There will be as many eigenvalues in a factor analysis as there are variables. Each eigenvalue is associated with a single factor in factor analysis. The size of the eigenvalue corresponds to the amount of variance along the line represented by the factor. The ratio of the value of the eigenvalue to the number of variables happens to equal the percentage of variance along the line corresponding to that factor. So eigenvalues and percentage of variance give the same information in different forms. Factor Analysis 1 - EFA - 11 Factor analysis equations. Suppose we have identified two factors that account for responses of four different items. Suppose the relationships between items (Ys) and Factors (Fs) are as follows Fs are characteristics of persons. Y1 = A11F1 + A12F2 + U1 Y2 = A21F1 + A22F2 + U2 There are two characteristics, F1 and F2, that cause 4 different behaviors, Y1, Y2, Y3, and Y4. Y3 = A31F1 + A32F2 + U3 Y4 = A41F1 + A42F2 + U4 In the above, the letter, A, is the loading of an item on a factor Loadings represent the extent to which items are related to factors. In some analyses they are literally correlation coefficients. In other analyses, they are partial regression coefficients. In either case, they tell us how the item is connected to the factor. Aitem,factor: The first subscript is the item, the 2nd the factor. The “U”s in the above are unique sources of variation, specific to the item. This variation is unobserved, random variation – errors of measurement, for example. In the above, the Fs are called common factors because they are common to all 4 variables. As mentioned above, many people view them as person characteristics. So, in the above, variation in two Fs determines variation in 4 items. There has been a 2:1 reduction in complexity. All that is needed to determine what values of Y1, Y2, Y3, and Y4 a person will have (within the limits of measurement error) is knowledge of the person’s position on 2 Fs. Factor Analysis 1 - EFA - 12 Reproduced correlations. One of the goals of factor analysis is to use the equations shown above to compute what the correlations among the Ys would be based on those equations. The correlations created from the equations are called reproduced correlations. Reproduced correlation : Correlation between two variables computed from the factor analysis equation. It could also be called a predicted correlation. Loosely, they might be called Y-hat correlations. This is based on the idea that we might use the equations above to generate Y-hats and then compute the correlations between the y-hats. Those correlation would be the reproduced correlations. The goal of factor analysis is to be able to generate reproduced correlations that are as close as possible to the actual, observed correlations from equations such as those shown above. In virtually all cases, the number of factors required to reproduce the correlations will be smaller than the number of variables. This is the “identification of clusters” goal of factor analysis. The factor analysis algorithms estimate values of the loadings that yield reproduced correlations between the Ys that are as similar as possible to the observed correlations between them. (Thanks, mathematicians.) Factor Analysis 1 - EFA - 13 Loading Tables and Loading Plots A loading table is a table of loadings (As) of each variable onto each factor. For example, suppose we had the following solution Variable Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Ai1: Loadings on F1 .88 .94 .29 .28 Ai2: Loadings on F2 .37 .24 .87 .88 A loading plot is a plot of loadings of each variable on axes representing factors. That is for the following situation . . . Y1 = .88*F1 + .37*F2 + U1. Y2 = .94*F1 + .24*F2 + U2. Y3 = .29*F1 + .87*F2 + U3. Y4 = .28*F2 + .88*F2 + U4. The loading plot would look like the following . . . F2 Y3 Y4 Y1 Y2 F1 What this particular table of loadings tells us and the loading plot shows us is that while all the variables are influenced by both factors, F1 has a greater influence on Y1 and Y2 while F2 has a greater influence on Y3 and Y4. So, when we consider loading plots, we’ll look for the extent to which the variables cluster around the axes of the plot. Factor Analysis 1 - EFA - 14 What loading plots show. When factors are uncorrelated, loading plots can show 1) Correlations of variables with factors and with other variables 2) Clusters of variables 3) Sense of # of factors Correlation from a loading plot. Draw a line from origin to each variable. F2 Y3 Y4 Correlation of Y1 with Y4 = r14 ~~ V1*V4*Cosine(Angle) V4 Angle Y1 V1 Y2 If the angle between two variables is 90 degrees, thenF1 the two variables are uncorrelated, r = 0 because Cosine(90°) = 0. If the angle is 0° the two variables are highly positively correlated. If the angle is 180° the two variables are highly negatively correlated. If V1 is small, this means that Y1 is not well-predicted by the factors – Y1’s errors of measurement are large. If V1 is large, this means that Y1 IS well-predicted by the factors – Y1’s errors or measurement are small. Factor Analysis 1 - EFA - 15 Simple Structure In exploratory factor analysis, the equations that are identified are not the only equations that can generate the reproduced correlations. In fact, it can be shown that there are an infinite number of equations which will yield the same reproduced correlations. In order to pick one set of equations, factor analysts usually pick that set for which the following criterion holds Each Y has a large loading on only one F and nearly zero loadings on all other Fs. This criterion is called simple structure. Alternatives to Simple Structure Note: Most factor analysts look for and hope for simple structure. If they find simple structure, this means that each response is influenced by only one factor. “Life is simpler when there is simple structure.” I call this type of situation a partitioned influence situation. The influence of factors is partitioned – split up with no overlap. Each item is influenced by only one factor. I’ll point this out as we progress through factor analysis. Another possibility is what I call shared-influence or parallel-influence or jointinfluence situations. In these situations, each item may be influenced jointly by two or more factors. Simple structure is not possible. Factor Analysis 1 - EFA - 16 Rotation Example It is possible to transform one set of equations into a different set without changing the reproduced correlations. Such a transformation is called a rotation of the factor solution. So, the following loadings F2 Y3 Y4 Y1 Y2 F1 yield the same reproduced correlation matrix as these F2 Y3 Y4 F1 Y1 Y2 Clearly, the top solution is one that makes more sense than the bottom solution. The top solution is closer to simple structure than the bottom one. Factor Analysis 1 - EFA - 17 Communalities of variables Please God, let this interminable introduction of factor analysis concepts end. Communality of a variable: Percent of variance of that variable related to the collection of common factors, the Fs. If Fs are thought of as predictors, it’s the Rsquared of Ys predicted from Fs. A variable with small communality isn’t predictable by the set of Fs. Probably is its own factor. Get rid of it. A variable with large communality is highly predictable from the set of Fs. Factor Analysis 1 - EFA - 18 SPSS Factor Analysis Example 1 (finally) A clear-cut orthogonal two-factor solution The observed correlation matrix Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y1 Y2 Y3 1.000 .607 -.130 1.000 -.116 1.000 Y4 -.240 -.167 0.588 1.000 Note that for a small correlation matrix such as this, we can identify the likely cluster “by eye”. I see Y1+Y2 and Y3+Y4. comment data from PCAN chapter in QSTAT manual. matrix data variables = y1 y2 y3 y4 /format=free upper diag /n=50 Don’t worry about the /contents = corr. syntax. Lines 2-4 are begin data. special because the 1.000 .607 -.130 -.240 data were correlations, 1.000 -.116 -.167 not raw scores. 1.000 .588 1.000 end data. factor /matrix = in(cor=*) /print = default correlation /plot=eigen rotation(1,2) /rotation=varimax. Communalitie s Init ial Ext ractio n X1 1.0 00 .80 2 X2 1.0 00 .80 5 X3 1.0 00 .80 4 X4 1.0 00 .79 1 Ext ractio n Me thod: Pri ncipa l Co mpon ent A nalysi s. This is the factor analysis syntax. Again, the “/matrix. . .” is specific to this particular example. A communality is the proportion of variance in a variable which is related to the common factors. It’s analogous to R2, if the factors are considered as predictors or causes of the variables. A variable with small communality is a “relationship outlier” unrelated to any of the other variables. Factor Analysis 1 - EFA - 19 Total Va rianc e Ex plaine d Ext ractio n Su ms of Squa red Loa ding s Init ial E igenvalues Ro tation Sum s of S quared Loa ding s % of Cu mula tive % of Cu mula tive % of Cu mula tive Co mpon ent To tal Va riance % To tal Va riance % To tal Va riance % 1 1.9 27 48. 184 48. 184 1.9 27 48. 184 48. 184 1.6 13 40. 321 40. 321 2 1.2 75 31. 879 3 .43 0 10. 738 90. 801 4 .36 8 9.1 99 100 .000 80. 063 1.2 75 31. 879 80. 063 1.5 90 39. 742 80. 063 “Initial Eigenvalues”: As many factors as there are variables. Ext ractio n Me thod : Prin cipal Comp onen t Ana lysis. Eigenvalues are quantities which are computed as part of the factor analysis algorithm. Each eigenvalue represents the amount of standardized variance in all the variables which is related to a factor. In the mathematics of factor analysis, there are always as many eigenvalues as there are variables. But they vary in size. In the “Extraction” columns, as many as the user requested are shown, beginning with the largest.. 100 * eigenvalue / No. of variables is the percent of total variance of all the variables related to a factor – concentrated along the line in a multidimensional scatterplot representing the factor. The Scree plot is simply a plot of eigenvalues vs. factor number. It’s used to give us a hint at how many factors are required for a data set. Bluff Scree Plot 2.5 Bluff 2.0 Cliff Cliff 1.5 Scree Eigenvalue 1.0 .5 0.0 1 2 3 4 Water Component Number An ideal scree plot is a horizontal line, a vertical line, then a diagonal line. Two factor-retention rules: 1) Retain all factors with eigenvalues >= 1. 2) Retain all factors making up the “bluff” above the scree in the scree test – two in this example. Factor Analysis 1 - EFA - 20 Scree Unrotated loadings Com pon e nt a M a trix Loadings are analogous to correlations. Co m p o n e n t 1 .7 2 5 2 .5 2 6 X2 .6 8 5 .5 8 0 X3 -.6 4 4 .6 2 4 X4 -.7 2 0 .5 2 3 X1 I don’t know what happened here. E xt ra cti o n M e th o d : P ri n ci p a l Co m p o n e n t A n a l ysi s. a. 2 co m p one n ts e xt ra cte d . Unrotated loadings are computed first. They’re computed so that the first factor accounts for the greatest percentage of variance. The unrotated loadings will be difficult to understand if you are hoping for simple structure (partitioned influence). This is because the first factor influences ALL of the variables. Plot of unrotated Loadings 1.00 comp2 0.50 The dashed lines were added by me to show the rotated loading plot on the same graph as the plot of unrotated loadings. 0.00 -0.50 -1.00 -1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00 comp1 FALecture - 21 Printed on 2/18/2016 Rotated loadings Rotated Com pone nt M atrix a Factors can be “rotated” or transformed without loss of ability to represent the correlations between the variables. A rotation is a systematic change in the loadings such that the points representing variables move in a circle about the origin of the loading plot. Co mpon ent 1 X1 .88 7 2 -.1 25 X2 .89 5 -5. 837E -02 X3 -3. 067E -02 .89 6 X4 .87 6 -.1 55 Extracti on M ethod : Pri ncipa l Com pon ent An alysis. Ro tation Met hod: Varim ax wit h Ka iser Norma lizat ion. a. Ro tation con verg ed in 3 ite ration s. It is common to “rotate” the loadings until the loading pattern has a pattern called simple structure. Simple structure: Loadings are as close to 0 or 1 as possible, with each variable having high loadings on only 1 factor. Perfect simple structure means that each variable loads on (is influenced by) only one factor. Note – X1 and X2 are each influenced primarily by Component 1 above. X3 and X4 are each influenced primarily by Component 2. Component Plot in Rotated Space 1.0 x4 x3 .5 Component Tra nsfor mati on Ma trix x2 x1 0.0 2 .69 4 2 -.69 4 Component 2 Co mpon ent 1 1 .72 0 .72 0 Ext ractio n Me thod : Pri ncipa l Com pone nt An alysis. Ro tation Met hod: Va rimax with Kaise r No rmali zation . -.5 -1.0 -1.0 -.5 0.0 .5 1.0 Component 1 Most analysts identify (e.g., name) the factors after rotation. A factor is named for the variables that have the highest loadings on it. In the above case, we’d look at the names of variables Y1 and Y2 and give the first factor a name that “combined” the essence of the two. We’d do the same for factor 2, naming it after variables Y3 and Y4. FALecture - 22 Printed on 2/18/2016 Exploratory Factor Analysis of a Big Five sample Data are from Lyndsey Wrensen’s 2005 SIOP paper Data are responses to 50 IPIP Big Five items under instructions to respond honestly. GET FILE='G:\MdbR\Wrensen\WrensenDataFiles\WrensenMVsImputed070114.sav'. factor variables = he1 he2r he3 he4r he5 he6r he7 he8r he9 he10r ha1r ha2 ha3r ha4 ha5r ha6 ha7r ha8 ha9 ha10 hc1, hc2r, hc3, hc4r, hc5, hc6r, hc7, hc8r, hc9, hc10 hs1r, hs2, hs3r, hs4, hs5r, hs6r, hs7r, hs8r, hs9r, hs10r ho1, ho2r, ho3, ho4r, ho5, ho6r, ho7, ho8, ho9, ho10 /print = default /plot=eigen /extraction=ML /rotation=varimax. Factor Analysis [DataSet3] G:\MdbR\Wrensen\WrensenDataFiles\WrensenMVsImputed070114.sav If we did not know that the data represent a Big Five questionnaire, then this would be an example of the first reason for doing factor analysis - bottom up processing – having a collection of items – 50 in this case - and asking, “How many dimensions do these 50 items represent?” On the other hand, it can also be considered to be an example of the 2nd reason for doing factor analysis – having a set of dimensions – 5 in this case – and attempting to identify items that are indicators of those dimensions. The point is that both reasons for doing factor analysis result in the same analysis. The difference is in the intent of the investigator. FALecture - 23 Printed on 2/18/2016 Communaliti es a Init ial .61 0 Ext ractio n .57 5 he2 r .63 2 .62 6 he3 .63 8 .74 9 he4 r .68 6 .70 5 he5 .68 3 .69 8 he6 r .62 5 .60 1 he7 .67 8 .57 4 he8 r .49 6 .34 1 he9 .62 4 .62 4 he1 0r .55 0 .46 3 ha1 r .39 2 .39 1 ha2 .59 6 .47 1 ha3 r .61 1 .50 2 ha4 .63 3 .63 9 ha5 r .54 2 .53 4 ha6 .54 8 .52 3 ha7 r .67 2 .63 6 ha8 .59 2 .48 5 ha9 .65 2 .72 4 ha1 0 .41 9 .33 5 hc1 .56 3 .57 7 hc2 r .60 2 .59 6 hc3 .63 1 .63 7 hc4 r .53 7 .50 3 hc5 .57 1 .51 6 hc6 r .57 9 .54 3 hc7 .60 2 .51 3 hc8 r .49 6 .33 3 hc9 .56 7 .49 5 hc1 0 .47 9 .34 4 hs1 r .64 2 .63 7 hs2 .57 7 .58 9 hs3 r .56 5 .55 1 hs4 .49 2 .78 0 hs5 r .52 5 .55 1 hs6 r .62 6 .66 0 hs7 r .77 1 .78 1 hs8 r .78 7 .85 3 hs9 r .62 8 .60 0 hs1 0r .56 3 .55 3 ho1 .65 7 .67 7 ho2 r .59 1 .60 0 ho3 .50 5 .48 0 ho4 r .49 1 .44 4 ho5 .62 8 .84 5 ho6 r .56 4 .56 4 ho7 .44 9 .39 1 ho8 .64 8 .71 7 ho9 .47 3 .45 9 ho1 0 .70 2 .68 4 he1 “Gray” area 0.000 Ext ractio n Me thod : Maximum Like lihoo d. a. On e or m ore comm unal itiy e stima tes g reate r than 1 we re en count ered durin g iteration s. Th e resu lting sol ution shou ld be interprete d with cau tion. FALecture - 24 1.000 Printed on 2/18/2016 Total Va rianc e Ex plained Ini tial E igenvalue s Fa ctor 1 Extractio n Su ms o f Squ ared Load ings To tal % of Va riance Cu mula tive % 6.9 35 13 .871 13 .871 To tal % of Va riance Cu mula tive % 6.1 66 12 .332 12 .332 Ro tation Sum s of Squa red L oadin gs To tal % of Va riance Cu mula tive % 3.6 28 7.2 55 7.2 55 2 5.2 25 10 .450 24 .321 4.9 00 9.8 00 22 .132 3.5 44 7.0 87 14 .343 3 4.6 78 9.3 55 33 .676 4.2 22 8.4 44 30 .576 3.4 30 6.8 59 21 .202 4 3.0 38 6.0 75 39 .751 2.4 52 4.9 03 35 .479 3.3 89 6.7 78 27 .980 5 2.6 49 5.2 99 45 .050 2.4 02 4.8 04 40 .284 2.3 81 4.7 61 32 .741 6 1.7 39 3.4 79 48 .528 1.2 72 2.5 44 42 .828 2.1 64 4.3 27 37 .069 7 1.5 61 3.1 22 51 .651 1.2 42 2.4 85 45 .313 1.6 63 3.3 25 40 .394 8 1.4 93 2.9 86 54 .637 1.1 08 2.2 16 47 .528 1.5 75 3.1 50 43 .543 9 1.3 87 2.7 75 57 .412 1.0 06 2.0 12 49 .541 1.2 64 2.5 29 46 .072 10 1.3 58 2.7 16 60 .128 .91 9 1.8 38 51 .379 1.2 57 2.5 14 48 .587 11 1.2 00 2.4 00 62 .527 .90 6 1.8 13 53 .192 1.1 98 2.3 97 50 .983 12 1.1 61 2.3 23 64 .850 .77 0 1.5 40 54 .732 1.1 97 2.3 93 53 .376 13 1.0 74 2.1 48 66 .998 .68 9 1.3 78 56 .111 1.1 08 2.2 16 55 .592 14 1.0 30 2.0 60 69 .058 .61 0 1.2 20 57 .331 .86 9 1.7 39 57 .331 15 .90 5 1.8 09 70 .867 16 .83 9 1.6 77 72 .545 17 .82 5 1.6 50 74 .195 18 .78 6 1.5 72 75 .767 19 .73 4 1.4 68 77 .235 20 .71 6 1.4 32 78 .666 21 .68 1 1.3 61 80 .028 22 .64 3 1.2 86 81 .314 23 .59 5 1.1 91 82 .505 24 .58 7 1.1 73 83 .678 25 .57 6 1.1 52 84 .831 26 .54 3 1.0 85 85 .916 27 .50 7 1.0 15 86 .930 28 .49 6 .99 3 87 .923 29 .47 9 .95 8 88 .881 30 .44 8 .89 7 89 .777 31 .43 5 .87 0 90 .647 32 .40 8 .81 5 91 .463 33 .37 2 .74 3 92 .206 34 .36 8 .73 7 92 .943 35 .35 5 .71 1 93 .654 36 .33 1 .66 3 94 .317 37 .29 4 .58 9 94 .905 38 .26 9 .53 7 95 .443 39 .26 3 .52 5 95 .968 40 .25 9 .51 8 96 .486 41 .23 9 .47 8 96 .964 42 .23 4 .46 9 97 .432 43 .21 2 .42 3 97 .855 44 .19 5 .39 1 98 .246 45 .18 7 .37 5 98 .621 46 .16 8 .33 6 98 .957 47 .15 7 .31 5 99 .272 48 .14 6 .29 2 99 .564 49 .12 8 .25 6 99 .820 50 .09 0 .18 0 10 0.000 The program used the default “extracted all factors with eigenvalues >= 1”rule, resulting in 14 factors extracted. Extractio n Me thod : Maximum Likeliho od. There may be 14 different sources of influence. But all but 5 of those sources are of little interest to us now. FALecture - 25 Printed on 2/18/2016 Inspection of the scree plot suggests retaining 5 factors. The unusually large 1st eigenvalue suggests the presence of an overall factor, perhaps common to all items. I’ve spent the last several years studying that factor. FALecture - 26 Printed on 2/18/2016 Going with the 14 factor model. The unrotated factor matrix Fac tor M atrix a Factor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 he1 .07 4 .37 6 -.53 5 .06 5 .08 3 .02 6 .15 7 .01 8 .06 2 .17 6 .02 4 .14 8 .17 8 .12 9 he2 r .18 6 .48 0 -.40 5 .26 6 .03 0 .00 8 .20 7 -.00 6 .15 0 -.15 7 .08 3 -.13 4 -.07 4 -.07 1 he3 .42 4 .37 0 -.32 3 .17 0 -.01 1 .15 2 -.17 9 .23 5 -.33 8 -.04 1 -.10 4 -.18 3 .03 7 .16 4 he4 r .26 3 .34 0 -.52 7 .34 4 .13 1 .00 7 -.01 6 -.09 7 .19 8 .06 6 .08 2 .04 5 .16 5 -.13 5 he5 .37 2 .55 2 -.17 5 .26 4 .01 2 -.12 6 -.09 6 -.16 3 -.19 4 -.05 8 -.15 0 .01 3 -.19 5 -.03 2 he6 r .49 6 .42 4 -.15 8 .14 4 .04 2 -.12 8 .11 8 .01 7 .12 9 -.14 8 .06 9 -.10 7 -.20 4 -.01 7 he7 .25 1 .56 1 -.27 2 .23 8 -.02 2 -.03 6 -.02 6 -.03 8 .02 8 .07 6 -.04 0 .22 5 -.05 7 .02 0 he8 r .01 4 .26 4 -.39 8 .10 0 .00 4 -.03 6 .04 8 .00 3 .06 1 -.14 8 .04 3 .10 3 .19 3 -.15 4 he9 .13 2 .42 4 -.48 8 .06 0 .03 9 .09 5 .02 7 .03 6 .06 7 .28 6 -.09 7 .10 2 .24 9 -.07 4 he1 0r .41 6 .25 5 -.34 4 .23 1 .06 3 -.01 4 -.03 6 -.13 0 -.01 2 .01 2 .05 8 .01 3 -.12 7 .10 3 ha1 r .15 2 .13 0 .20 2 .11 4 -.17 2 .08 1 -.13 0 -.18 3 .00 5 .14 5 .17 5 .00 7 .26 7 .29 6 ha2 .28 9 .41 8 .11 1 .23 5 -.19 6 .19 3 -.03 4 -.05 7 -.06 9 .06 5 -.10 3 -.05 4 -.20 4 -.01 2 ha3 r .11 4 -.09 1 .49 2 .28 3 .00 4 .28 1 -.12 2 .08 3 -.00 1 -.04 1 .05 0 -.07 4 .21 0 .06 4 ha4 .14 9 .34 5 .51 0 .16 6 -.40 7 .05 7 .03 3 -.05 5 .10 9 .02 0 -.13 3 -.01 8 .05 3 -.06 7 ha5 r .18 7 .23 9 .38 2 .13 8 -.24 3 .09 2 .03 8 -.18 7 -.07 9 .13 6 .03 1 .17 1 .06 0 .33 8 ha6 .12 3 .27 5 .44 9 .05 1 -.37 8 .13 2 -.01 5 .10 2 .13 0 -.13 3 .00 9 .03 3 .08 0 -.12 3 ha7 r .37 3 .45 9 .28 7 .19 4 -.26 7 -.04 4 -.03 6 -.05 8 .08 2 -.07 7 .11 3 .21 6 -.11 9 .04 8 ha8 .20 8 .27 2 .40 3 -.07 6 -.23 4 .24 1 -.01 7 .22 0 .07 2 -.06 5 -.00 6 .06 4 .15 4 -.03 4 ha9 .11 1 .43 8 .50 3 .07 3 -.27 3 .12 0 .15 3 .14 6 .10 1 .27 2 -.05 5 -.12 9 -.03 0 -.15 2 ha1 0 .29 0 .40 3 .10 0 .09 4 -.12 9 -.07 0 -.03 4 .06 8 -.13 3 -.05 2 -.01 9 -.07 1 .04 7 .11 8 hc1 .16 7 -.06 9 .16 7 .04 8 .51 0 .14 4 .31 1 -.08 6 -.13 7 -.04 8 -.30 7 -.00 7 .04 7 -.10 7 hc2 r .19 0 -.24 5 .25 3 .18 4 .60 5 .02 1 .04 8 .00 3 .04 8 .08 1 .09 5 -.06 6 .07 9 -.06 8 hc3 .42 0 -.01 4 .25 7 -.04 8 .33 5 .32 7 -.02 7 .08 8 -.25 9 -.08 0 -.13 9 .26 6 .00 4 -.02 8 hc4 r .40 8 -.10 1 .24 6 .21 1 .34 7 -.08 8 .02 7 -.02 7 .13 3 .12 6 .19 9 -.08 6 .01 9 .09 6 hc5 .25 8 .01 8 .39 0 .16 1 .40 7 -.10 3 .15 7 .10 1 .12 0 .04 2 .05 8 -.01 0 -.07 9 hc6 r .33 7 -.12 5 .25 6 .26 6 .48 9 .03 5 .05 9 .11 4 .08 9 -.01 5 .11 1 .01 6 .01 1 .00 4 hc7 .29 2 .11 7 .43 8 .24 7 .17 9 -.03 7 .33 4 .06 6 -.02 1 -.02 2 .05 5 .03 4 .01 3 -.07 6 hc8 r .37 1 -.03 1 .08 9 .02 1 .12 0 .13 9 .01 0 -.01 2 .15 9 .03 8 .25 3 .16 4 -.03 7 .18 0 hc9 .21 1 .19 8 .32 8 .34 2 .31 9 -.05 4 .19 3 -.15 8 -.04 1 -.09 0 -.05 7 -.06 5 -.00 2 .05 8 hc1 0 .33 7 .05 1 .23 7 -.14 6 .19 0 .17 2 .11 4 .09 1 -.05 4 -.05 9 .09 6 -.20 7 .01 9 .07 2 hs1 r .49 6 -.31 9 -.13 7 -.11 5 -.06 5 .13 1 -.09 8 .17 1 .38 8 -.11 4 -.07 2 -.09 4 -.03 9 .13 2 hs2 .48 0 -.23 3 -.20 4 -.06 1 -.02 4 .10 2 .15 4 .31 9 -.09 8 -.02 8 -.29 9 .14 1 -.05 2 -.03 0 hs3 r .26 3 -.31 8 -.33 7 -.06 1 -.10 1 .06 6 -.01 7 .33 2 .22 0 -.08 1 -.24 8 .01 2 .12 9 .07 2 hs4 .27 8 -.35 3 -.09 5 .07 5 -.28 2 -.31 0 .39 2 .37 4 -.21 8 .05 4 .19 8 .05 9 -.01 8 .01 9 hs5 r .45 3 -.33 2 .00 3 -.03 0 -.02 8 .06 6 -.23 6 -.01 9 .19 0 -.29 4 .12 9 .18 1 -.01 4 -.03 5 hs6 r .38 9 -.45 3 -.19 6 .06 6 -.04 9 .22 9 -.07 5 .01 5 .17 6 .27 6 -.10 7 -.23 7 -.14 1 .07 4 hs7 r .60 6 -.53 6 .01 9 .12 6 -.17 1 -.08 4 -.00 5 -.21 9 -.01 0 -.12 2 -.01 4 .09 7 .02 5 -.01 0 hs8 r .62 1 -.56 2 .01 3 .12 0 -.13 7 -.09 7 -.03 4 -.24 3 -.12 0 .10 5 -.09 1 -.05 0 .09 4 -.06 0 hs9 r .54 2 -.35 7 -.08 8 .10 8 -.08 1 .24 8 -.01 3 .08 6 .21 0 -.08 2 -.02 5 .00 3 -.17 3 -.04 0 hs1 0r .52 5 -.18 1 -.10 9 .28 1 -.12 2 -.14 5 -.07 3 .15 2 .03 4 .05 7 .17 7 -.10 2 .10 8 -.17 8 ho1 .35 3 .08 0 -.15 2 -.37 5 -.14 2 .34 9 .36 0 -.23 1 -.11 1 -.18 5 .09 4 .00 5 .05 4 -.00 6 ho2 r .40 5 -.16 1 -.13 5 -.29 2 .14 1 .10 2 -.22 4 .12 4 -.12 5 .30 7 .22 5 .12 3 -.17 8 -.04 9 ho3 .31 7 .29 7 -.01 7 -.31 8 .06 7 .08 6 -.14 7 -.04 7 -.18 9 -.13 7 .15 1 -.24 6 .10 6 -.06 9 ho4 r .34 9 .11 6 -.05 5 -.29 1 .02 3 -.06 1 -.24 3 -.12 9 -.08 5 .23 6 .16 3 .08 4 -.15 9 -.13 8 ho5 .49 4 .33 5 .18 7 -.45 1 .08 7 -.43 8 .00 7 -.03 9 .12 1 .02 3 -.16 9 -.03 9 .04 3 .05 2 ho6 r .46 9 .28 2 .07 3 -.24 4 -.02 0 -.04 1 -.17 3 .09 0 -.20 4 -.09 6 .22 9 -.19 5 .11 5 -.06 8 ho7 .28 6 .05 1 .05 2 -.33 6 .14 1 -.01 0 -.00 9 .23 6 .07 8 .15 0 -.15 4 .25 0 -.00 1 -.00 3 ho8 .22 7 .08 5 -.28 9 -.49 4 -.07 5 .26 4 .41 2 -.24 4 .07 0 .07 3 .08 6 -.06 9 -.03 3 .05 6 ho9 .26 5 .14 7 .34 8 -.23 8 .06 3 .28 4 -.07 2 -.05 1 -.05 9 .22 8 .05 9 .07 1 -.11 2 -.14 4 ho1 0 .56 6 .32 8 .04 9 -.37 4 .13 4 .01 3 -.20 2 .12 8 .02 6 -.10 6 .11 7 .05 7 .07 3 -.06 5 Ext ractio n Me thod : Maximum Like lihoo d. a. 14 facto rs ext racted . 20 iterat ions required. Goodne ss-of-fit Te st Ch i-Squ are 68 1.869 df Sig . 61 6 .03 3 Clearly we need some theory here. FALecture - 27 Printed on 2/18/2016 .18 3 The rotated 14 factor matrix – looking for simplicity. Rotated Factor Ma trixa Factor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 he1 -.04 3 -.08 1 -.15 1 .67 5 .08 8 -.02 6 .01 2 .13 8 -.15 6 .07 9 .04 2 .06 2 .12 8 he2 r .01 6 .06 3 .05 2 .57 3 .38 1 .10 3 -.17 1 .15 4 -.11 3 -.07 0 -.18 7 .02 3 -.16 8 .02 9 he3 .18 3 -.05 6 .00 2 .35 1 .45 3 .46 3 -.01 1 -.09 5 -.09 1 -.11 5 .26 6 .09 1 .11 8 -.21 7 he4 r .10 5 .08 2 -.07 2 .78 0 .18 8 .03 6 .01 4 -.02 7 .10 0 -.07 1 -.11 5 -.07 5 -.01 5 .04 0 he5 -.10 7 .03 1 .10 5 .36 1 .68 8 .16 6 .04 6 -.05 8 .13 5 .09 1 .08 4 -.06 2 -.01 2 -.00 3 -.08 7 he6 r .14 0 .21 0 .14 3 .34 7 .50 4 .21 8 .00 1 .11 7 -.03 9 .15 5 -.15 9 .08 7 -.11 6 .09 6 he7 -.07 2 -.02 4 .14 6 .56 5 .43 3 -.01 1 .10 2 -.03 9 -.05 3 .09 8 .06 0 -.01 3 .08 4 .06 5 he8 r -.05 5 -.12 8 -.05 2 .50 9 .02 6 .07 9 -.12 9 .02 2 .02 0 -.01 8 .00 2 .01 3 -.11 3 .14 8 he9 -.00 7 -.13 1 .00 6 .72 7 .03 4 .03 4 .11 2 .04 5 -.03 8 .07 4 .09 8 -.05 0 .04 2 -.20 4 he1 0r .16 0 .09 8 -.10 0 .40 3 .46 3 .09 4 .09 7 .05 9 .06 5 -.01 2 -.03 8 .01 4 .10 7 .04 3 ha1 r -.01 8 .05 4 .21 0 .04 6 -.00 2 .10 3 .02 0 -.00 8 .08 4 -.04 0 -.08 6 -.05 1 .55 8 -.00 1 ha2 .02 2 .02 3 .41 8 .13 0 .47 9 .05 7 .09 2 .03 6 .00 8 -.09 7 .05 2 -.07 8 .07 1 -.11 3 ha3 r .10 7 .32 2 .36 0 -.19 4 -.12 6 .09 3 -.09 7 -.17 6 .04 1 -.27 0 .11 2 -.09 2 .24 4 -.00 1 ha4 -.06 9 .01 2 .74 2 -.07 0 .15 6 -.01 4 -.09 2 -.02 5 .11 4 .07 3 -.04 4 -.05 6 .14 2 -.03 4 ha5 r -.11 0 .09 0 .39 0 -.07 1 .20 8 -.06 9 .03 2 .08 3 .03 7 .04 5 .07 5 .02 1 .53 9 .01 8 ha6 -.00 2 -.03 5 .69 1 -.07 9 .01 5 .10 6 -.06 9 -.02 0 -.01 1 -.00 1 -.01 3 -.01 1 .05 1 .13 7 ha7 r -.03 6 .09 0 .54 0 .12 3 .40 8 .05 3 .09 7 -.01 7 .01 5 .11 1 -.05 0 .05 8 .21 1 .27 8 ha8 .05 9 .02 8 .61 1 -.03 4 -.06 8 .20 8 .02 0 .02 8 -.12 8 .03 9 .15 2 -.00 2 .10 7 .06 7 ha9 -.13 8 .11 5 .76 2 -.01 3 .07 9 .01 5 .10 3 .02 2 -.08 6 .05 5 -.08 5 .03 3 .00 4 -.27 3 ha1 0 -.05 2 .03 6 .27 7 .13 3 .32 0 .28 0 -.05 4 -.04 7 -.01 6 .10 9 .04 5 .09 1 .16 3 -.03 9 hc1 -.04 8 .51 2 -.07 7 -.02 3 3.1 0E-0 05 -.03 7 -.10 3 .19 3 .12 8 .05 3 .39 7 -.13 3 -.19 9 -.15 1 hc2 r .05 6 .70 4 -.15 5 -.05 6 -.16 4 .02 2 .08 6 -.10 1 .09 4 -.06 2 .05 8 -.07 9 -.04 9 -.02 7 hc3 .11 1 .37 4 .10 3 -.07 5 .06 9 .16 8 .21 8 .07 5 .02 6 -.01 9 .60 4 -.07 4 .01 8 .10 9 hc4 r .16 5 .62 5 -.00 3 .00 2 .04 2 .07 4 .12 9 -.06 9 .09 7 .04 8 -.13 2 .04 4 .15 7 .01 2 hc5 .02 6 .65 9 .07 3 -.10 5 .08 6 -.01 7 .01 3 -.06 0 -.12 6 .16 4 -.00 1 .05 5 .08 4 .00 8 hc6 r .15 7 .69 5 -.00 8 .01 1 -.00 3 .04 2 .05 9 -.11 5 .00 2 -.04 6 .08 6 .01 7 -.00 9 .08 5 hc7 -.09 2 .57 0 .33 8 -.02 0 .09 5 -.00 3 -.05 4 .05 5 .07 3 .03 3 .08 1 .18 8 -.02 5 .03 3 hc8 r .23 4 .30 7 .05 2 .06 0 .03 8 .02 9 .22 0 .12 7 -.07 9 .00 4 -.01 2 .03 5 .24 1 .21 2 hc9 -.15 9 .56 9 .14 4 .02 2 .26 5 .00 6 -.17 8 .00 3 .10 5 .02 3 .05 6 -.07 4 .05 8 -.00 9 hc1 0 .11 4 .34 8 .12 0 -.12 2 .01 5 .33 8 .05 4 .21 1 -.08 9 .02 0 .07 2 .01 5 .03 0 -.07 0 hs1 r .76 5 .06 0 -.01 2 -.01 6 -.02 9 .10 2 .02 6 .08 1 -.03 4 .13 4 -.04 7 -.01 3 .00 7 .08 4 hs2 .49 7 .02 3 -.02 6 .07 4 .08 2 .02 0 .05 9 .09 8 .05 7 .12 0 .43 0 .28 7 -.16 3 -.06 4 hs3 r .62 7 -.13 8 -.11 2 .14 1 -.14 7 .00 3 -.12 6 -.03 7 -.04 1 .12 1 .16 1 .13 0 -.07 9 -.03 5 hs4 .20 9 .01 9 -.04 1 -.06 1 -.02 3 -.02 9 -.01 4 .03 7 .12 4 .01 9 -.00 8 .84 3 -.03 2 -.00 2 hs5 r .50 6 .09 0 -.01 7 -.08 0 -.01 7 .12 6 .11 6 -.01 5 .18 0 -.00 1 .03 9 -.02 5 .03 3 .46 3 hs6 r .67 4 .07 2 -.13 2 -.05 1 .02 7 -.08 6 .19 7 .07 0 .14 0 -.12 2 -.07 3 -.01 3 .04 7 -.29 3 hs7 r .52 9 .14 3 -.05 2 -.15 3 .09 0 -.01 9 .03 5 .08 5 .57 0 .01 8 .05 7 .19 3 .13 8 .23 0 hs8 r .49 6 .15 5 -.08 7 -.14 7 .05 0 .02 5 .11 7 .04 2 .68 6 .01 5 .06 4 .18 3 .15 5 -.04 2 hs9 r .69 2 .15 0 .06 2 -.01 9 .10 8 -.02 4 .12 3 .11 2 .12 2 -.12 1 .05 3 .06 1 -.06 6 .11 6 hs1 0r .39 9 .16 6 .08 1 .20 1 .05 9 .18 5 .10 0 -.18 2 .32 5 -.08 8 -.13 8 .32 3 -.00 9 .03 2 ho1 .11 7 -.08 4 .06 9 .08 3 .03 9 .24 3 .03 7 .73 4 .08 6 -.01 9 .15 4 .03 8 .03 0 .10 2 ho2 r .25 8 .04 7 -.18 2 -.00 4 -.00 9 .19 9 .65 6 .04 1 -.01 0 .02 5 .10 2 .11 7 .03 0 .00 3 ho3 -.03 8 -.00 3 .04 8 .06 0 .09 7 .62 9 .13 4 .18 6 .02 6 .05 5 .01 4 -.10 6 -.00 1 .00 2 ho4 r .02 3 -.04 9 -.02 3 .04 7 .13 4 .22 4 .56 0 .06 2 .13 6 .16 7 -.04 4 -.03 5 .02 1 .05 0 ho5 .00 7 .13 9 .15 2 .01 7 .15 3 .35 0 .13 1 .10 1 .08 4 .78 7 -.04 4 -.00 5 .00 8 -.00 4 ho6 r .02 5 .15 8 .05 3 .12 5 .66 9 .19 6 .05 6 .06 2 .10 4 -.01 1 .09 3 .05 1 ho7 .16 1 .07 5 .07 2 .05 2 -.09 6 .05 8 .29 5 .03 4 -.13 4 .39 2 .27 3 .04 5 -.04 8 .00 7 ho8 .11 2 -.11 9 -.07 1 .14 7 -.02 6 .09 3 .14 9 .77 9 -.04 2 .12 4 -.04 3 -.00 2 .00 9 -.08 6 ho9 -.02 7 .16 5 .32 0 -.13 1 .00 1 .13 9 .46 4 .17 0 -.00 1 .02 2 .14 5 -.15 2 .03 1 -.04 8 .15 0 .11 8 .17 0 .16 1 .08 1 .56 0 .31 4 .08 8 -.06 5 .31 9 .12 1 -.05 5 .00 0 .20 5 ho1 0 .05 3 .04 9 Ext ractio n Me thod : Maximum Like lihoo d. Ro tation Meth od: V arim ax wi th Ka iser Norma lizati on. a. Ro tation converge d in 1 9 iteration s. Factors Fac tor Transforma tion M atri x Factor 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 .54 5 .33 2 .17 2 .16 7 .31 9 .35 3 .25 4 .16 5 .31 8 .21 8 .13 3 .17 9 .11 3 .07 7 2 -.46 8 -.05 7 .40 0 .47 5 .38 7 .26 1 .00 6 .04 2 -.31 6 .18 5 -.03 3 -.18 8 .02 7 -.04 2 3 -.22 8 .41 3 .58 1 -.60 7 -.12 1 .00 3 .01 4 -.12 3 .03 4 .10 0 .03 9 -.08 0 .14 3 .04 8 4 .03 9 .32 3 .12 2 .27 6 .32 3 -.33 9 -.30 5 -.44 1 .18 2 -.48 8 -.06 2 .09 7 .10 9 -.02 1 5 -.16 7 .69 6 -.49 0 .11 3 -.08 7 .08 7 .09 8 -.07 6 -.18 1 .08 3 .19 6 -.29 9 -.19 0 -.01 4 6 .24 7 -.01 3 .22 8 .03 7 -.12 0 .00 5 .12 4 .37 7 -.25 9 -.60 6 .35 1 -.37 5 .08 1 -.09 1 7 -.15 3 .27 8 .08 8 .09 8 -.05 8 -.30 3 -.30 6 .65 1 -.03 9 .06 5 .02 0 .45 9 -.17 4 -.14 9 8 .24 8 .00 8 .16 3 .03 5 -.19 3 .17 3 -.01 0 -.39 4 -.57 1 .00 5 .21 2 .48 6 -.25 9 -.11 8 9 .42 4 .12 4 .21 7 .21 7 -.24 6 -.32 0 -.08 5 .00 9 -.23 2 .28 0 -.50 1 -.34 0 -.08 1 .18 7 10 -.07 3 .04 2 .04 2 .16 1 -.15 7 -.30 6 .59 5 -.08 6 .05 5 .07 3 -.11 5 .09 1 .24 3 -.63 0 11 -.18 1 .15 8 -.07 7 .05 6 -.16 8 .25 7 .31 7 .11 6 -.14 4 -.38 8 -.50 3 .31 4 .20 5 .40 0 12 -.12 1 -.07 9 .04 7 .19 1 -.07 7 -.46 0 .28 5 -.05 6 -.02 2 .16 3 .47 7 .11 8 .15 7 .58 7 13 -.07 4 .01 8 .08 3 .37 0 -.63 5 .29 6 -.34 7 -.07 9 .28 0 .06 2 .15 4 -.01 0 .35 3 -.05 4 14 .13 3 .03 6 -.26 1 -.16 6 .21 0 -.05 2 -.24 6 .06 2 -.42 6 .16 6 .02 1 .04 8 .74 7 -.06 8 Ext ractio n Me thod : Maximum Like lihoo d. Ro tation Meth od: V arim ax wi th Ka iser Norma lizati on. There are five big clusters of variables and a bunch of little clusters. The miniclusters may represent small groups of items with similar wordings or meanings. This is typical of factor analyses of items. FALecture - 28 Printed on 2/18/2016 Restricting the model to 5 factors (Factor analysis was redone specifying only 5 factors.) Rotated Factor Matrixa Factor 1 2 3 4 5 he1 .612 -.108 -.177 -.113 .064 he2r .703 -.056 .057 .008 -.023 he3 .534 .117 .108 -.007 .263 he4r .745 .095 -.089 .051 -.034 he5 .643 -.013 .277 .079 .108 he6r .579 .118 .223 .161 .225 he7 .676 -.081 .207 -.015 .092 he8r .454 -.056 -.107 -.141 -.023 he9 .605 -.088 -.090 -.141 .125 he10r .599 .226 .025 .090 .082 ha1r .026 .049 .332 .036 .021 ha2 .322 .003 .500 .033 .083 ha3r -.254 .087 .374 .328 -.085 ha4 -.025 -.061 .782 -.005 -.037 ha5r .003 -.011 .544 .086 .010 ha6 -.100 -.048 .663 -.056 .074 ha7r .280 .025 .656 .083 .128 ha8 -.097 -.049 .527 .017 .277 ha9 -.005 -.221 .656 .078 .099 ha10 .286 -.034 .393 .049 .171 hc1 -.028 -.011 -.113 .506 .053 hc2r -.124 .091 -.179 .714 -.006 hc3 -.058 .137 .095 .417 .374 hc4r .041 .232 .072 .605 .060 hc5 -.036 .003 .130 .644 .057 hc6r .015 .157 -.008 .709 .050 hc7 .011 .003 .353 .537 .016 hc8r .073 .233 .091 .265 .210 hc9 .157 -.083 .256 .576 -.087 hc10 -.069 .058 .119 .318 .366 hs1r -.005 .585 -.052 .018 .227 hs2 .089 .482 -.083 .029 .223 hs3r .052 .461 -.216 -.150 .072 hs4 -.040 .416 -.015 -.023 -.053 hs5r -.075 .554 .014 .089 .203 hs6r -.023 .601 -.147 .043 .028 hs7r -.085 .811 .086 .133 .004 hs8r -.098 .787 .035 .157 .026 hs9r .038 .666 .031 .117 .113 hs10r .218 .545 .104 .141 .020 ho1 .107 .185 .051 -.134 .388 ho2r -.009 .308 -.194 .061 .473 ho3 .150 -.045 .078 .002 .547 ho4r .106 .124 .018 -.036 .462 ho5 .122 .018 .217 .120 .537 ho6r .151 .080 .223 .054 .556 ho7 -.026 .062 -.035 .078 .446 ho8 .129 .085 -.123 -.193 .377 ho9 -.148 -.034 .267 .169 .434 ho10 .195 .077 .157 .123 .752 FALecture - 29 I believe there is only 1 anomaly – only one item whose loading is largest on the “wrong” factor. Way to go, IPIP!!! Think about what this result means. Responses of the 166 persons to items he2r to he10r were highly correlated with each other and not very highly correlated with responses to the other items. Persons who were high in E tended to agree with those items. Persons low in E tended to disagree with those items. These simultaneous differences between people created the high correlations between the responses to the e items. The same argument can be made for each factor. I would argue that the presence of Extraversion in some persons caused them to agree with the e items. The absence of Extraversion in other persons caused them to disagree with the e items. So individual differences in Extraversion caused the high correlations among the e items. Printed on 2/18/2016 Methods for determining the number of factors . . . 1. Eigenvalues >= 1 rule. 2. Scree test. 3. Parallel Analysis. O’Connor (2000). O'Connor, B. P. (2000). SPSS and SAS programs for determining the number of components using parallel analysis and Velicer's MAP test. Behavior Research Methods, Instrumentation, and Computers, 32, 396-402. 4. R2-test. Nelson (2005). Reference in . . . Bowler, M. C., Bowler, J. L., & Phillips, B. C. (2009). The Big-5+-2? The impact of cognitive complexity on the factor structure of the five-factor model. Personality and Individual Differences, 47, 979-984. 5. Theory. Based on a theory, you know that there will be K factors. FALecture - 30 Printed on 2/18/2016 Using the Scree test – From Bowler, M. C., Bowler, J. L., & Phillips, B. C. (2009). The Big-5+-2? The impact of cognitive complexity on the factor structure of the five-factor model. Personality and Individual Differences, 47, 979-984. Whole sample The authors argued that the number of factors in a common Big-5 questionnaire might depend on the cognitive complexity of the respondents. They gave a Big-5 test (Goldberg’s 100 Unipolar Big Five Markers) to 700+ respondents. They also gave the ComputerAdministered Rep Test (CART), a questionnaire that yields a measure of cognitive complexity of the respondents. Respondents with low cognitive complexity The authors used the Scree test and the R2-test suggested by Nelson (2005) to determine number of factors. They determined the number of factors for the half of the sample with the largest cognitive complexity and again for the half of the sample with the smallest cognitive complexity. The data suggest 5 factors for the whole sample, 3 factors for the quarter of the sample lowest in cognitive complexity and 7 factors for the quarter highest in cognitive complexity. Or not. Respondents with high cognitive complexity FALecture - 31 Printed on 2/18/2016 Terri Rieth’s Dissertation Data Organization Effectiveness and Authority Boundaries The data factor analyzed here are from Terri Reith’s dissertation data. Terri was interested in the general concept of authority boundaries – the separation of levels of authority in organizations. She wanted to know whether or not the characteristics of authority boundaries within organizations were related to the effectiveness of the organizations. She created a questionnaire measuring Clarity, Permeability, and Firmness of Authority boundaries and also Perceived Effectiveness of the organization. Her intent was to regress effectiveness onto the authority boundary measures to determine the extent to which these measures accounted for effectiveness. In addition to the perceived effectiveness measures, she also measured turnover and number of patient visits per employee as objective measures of effectiveness. What a wonderful job she did. Below is the factor analysis of her data. Technical note: Her data were employees from 89 physical therapy clinics. Since her hypotheses were about between-clinic differences in effectiveness, the factor analysis was on the within-clinic relationships between the variables. That way, the factor analysis wouldn’t be tainted by the between-clinic relationships she was trying to examine. She hoped to discover 3 authority boundary factors and one effectiveness factor from this analysis. SAVE OUTFILE='E:\MdbR\Rieth\WithinGroupsrs.sav' /COMPRESSED. factor /matrix = in(cor=*) /method = correlation /analysis = cq1 to eq23 /print = default /plot=eigen /diagonal=default /criteria = factors(5) /extraction = ml /rotation = varimax. Factor Analysis – Orthogonal Factors solution Communaliti es CQ 1 Ini tial .66 5 Extractio n .71 8 CQ 2 .72 1 .79 7 CQ 3 .65 5 .70 2 CQ 4 .46 6 .45 8 CQ 5 .49 6 .49 4 PQ 6 .41 6 .38 6 PQ 7 .63 6 .67 9 PQ 8 .40 7 .37 8 PQ 9 .69 0 .82 8 PQ 10 .48 3 .46 4 PQ 11 .37 9 .39 4 FQ 12 .47 4 .58 1 FQ 13R .29 9 .35 5 FQ 14R .29 6 .31 7 FQ 15 .39 1 .39 2 EQ 16 .61 4 .68 0 EQ 17 .68 6 .81 7 EQ 18 .63 4 .69 3 EQ 19 .42 4 .45 7 EQ 20 .38 2 .38 8 EQ 21 .37 4 .40 3 EQ 22 .54 7 .63 6 EQ 23 .55 0 .64 2 C items: Clarity of authority boundaries P: Permeability of authority boundaries F: Firmness of authority boundaries E: Perceived Effectiveness of the organization./ Extractio n M ethod : Ma ximu m Likeliho od. FALecture - 32 Printed on 2/18/2016 Total Va rianc e Explaine d Init ial Ei genvalues Factor 1 To tal 8.1 22 Ext ractio n Su ms of Squa red L oadi ngs % o f Variance Cu mulat ive % 35. 313 35. 313 To tal 7.6 05 Ro tation Sum s of S quared Lo ading s % o f Variance Cu mulat ive % 33. 067 33. 067 To tal 2.9 74 % o f Variance Cu mulat ive % 12. 931 12. 931 2 2.3 34 10. 147 45. 460 1.9 48 8.4 69 41. 536 2.6 73 11. 623 24. 554 3 1.7 51 7.6 14 53. 074 1.2 91 5.6 15 47. 151 2.4 06 10. 460 35. 014 4 1.3 67 5.9 43 59. 017 .97 1 4.2 22 51. 373 2.3 38 10. 166 45. 180 5 1.1 81 5.1 35 64. 152 .84 1 3.6 57 55. 030 2.2 66 9.8 50 55. 030 6 .79 4 3.4 54 67. 606 7 .73 6 3.2 00 70. 806 8 .69 0 3.0 02 73. 807 9 .64 6 2.8 11 76. 618 10 .61 4 2.6 70 79. 288 11 .56 6 2.4 60 81. 747 12 .53 2 2.3 13 84. 061 13 .50 9 2.2 13 86. 274 14 .45 1 1.9 63 88. 237 15 .41 3 1.7 97 90. 034 16 .40 2 1.7 47 91. 781 17 .37 1 1.6 13 93. 394 18 .33 9 1.4 75 94. 869 19 .31 5 1.3 69 96. 237 20 .26 7 1.1 60 97. 397 21 .23 0 1.0 02 98. 399 22 .19 8 .86 2 99. 261 23 .17 0 .73 9 100 .000 Indicates 5 factors. We were expecting 4 – Clarity, Permeability, Firmness, and Effectiveness - but 5 is close. Ext ractio n Me thod: Maximum Like lihood . Scree Plot 10 The predominance of the 1st factor suggests to me that all the responses were influenced by a single, common factor. More on that later in the course. 8 6 4 Eigenvalue Indicates 5 factors 2 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 Factor Number FALecture - 33 Printed on 2/18/2016 Unrotated matrix of loadings. We usually don’t pay much attention to this matrix. Fa ctor M atrixa Fa ctor CQ 1 1 .69 2 2 -.2 61 3 .36 7 4 -.1 73 5 -7. 248E -02 CQ 2 .71 8 -.3 18 .37 8 -.1 74 -8. 000E -02 CQ 3 .67 5 -.3 33 .33 4 -.1 52 -2. 977E -02 CQ 4 .62 4 -.1 21 .15 5 .12 5 .12 1 CQ 5 .64 3 -.1 82 .20 7 2.8 50E-02 -6. 029E -02 PQ 6 .56 1 -9. 774E -02 -.2 32 5.4 40E-02 7.3 90E-02 PQ 7 .62 8 -.2 89 -.4 48 -1. 933E -02 1.6 87E-03 PQ 8 .43 8 -.2 59 -.3 14 1.2 89E-02 -.1 44 PQ 9 .68 5 -.3 02 -.5 08 -9. 251E -02 -8. 412E -04 PQ 10 .52 1 -.2 68 -.3 37 2.9 78E-02 -7. 951E -02 PQ 11 .53 0 -.1 09 -.1 03 .16 1 .25 2 FQ 12 .56 1 -5. 418E -02 .16 5 .26 6 .40 5 FQ 13R .34 5 -6. 571E -02 .15 6 .22 4 .39 7 FQ 14R .36 3 -3. 261E -02 .12 3 .21 4 .35 1 FQ 15 .52 0 -6. 263E -02 1.3 23E-02 .20 5 .27 3 EQ 16 .53 7 .58 0 -1. 013E -02 -.2 16 8.6 57E-02 EQ 17 .63 0 .60 6 -6. 496E -02 -.2 19 2.8 08E-02 EQ 18 .60 8 .55 1 -1. 857E -02 -.1 35 4.6 09E-02 EQ 19 .54 2 .13 1 .13 2 .30 0 -.1 96 EQ 20 .54 9 .23 7 -6. 363E -02 .14 0 -8. 314E -02 EQ 21 .45 0 .29 5 2.2 97E-02 .25 8 -.2 15 EQ 22 .62 5 .17 5 2.7 47E-03 .41 9 -.1 98 EQ 23 .59 1 .27 4 7.0 72E-02 .39 8 -.2 31 Extractio n Me thod : Ma ximum Likeliho od. a. 5 f actors extra cted . 6 ite ratio ns re quire d. Goodne ss-of-fit Te st Ch i-Squ are 37 8.852 df 14 8 Sig . .00 0 FALecture - 34 Printed on 2/18/2016 Rotated matrix of factor loadings. C items: Clarity of authority boundaries P: Permeability of authority boundaries F: Firmness of authority boundaries E: Perceived Effectiveness of the organization./ Rotated Factor Ma trixa Fa ctor P C 1 E 2 E 3 F 4 5 CQ 1 .20 3 .76 9 .15 0 .13 8 .20 9 CQ 2 .23 1 .81 4 .14 6 .10 5 .21 8 CQ 3 .24 3 .75 1 .10 9 7.5 49E-02 .24 6 CQ 4 .23 3 .39 2 .24 6 .12 3 .41 7 CQ 5 .25 0 .53 4 .26 9 9.8 05E-02 .25 2 PQ 6 .49 0 .14 5 .16 8 .17 4 .25 8 PQ 7 .77 5 .16 4 .10 1 .10 2 .17 4 PQ 8 .57 6 .15 8 .14 7 -5. 506E -03 2.0 88E-02 PQ 9 .86 0 .18 9 6.5 82E-02 .15 7 .15 3 PQ 10 .63 3 .17 0 .15 2 2.7 11E-02 .10 7 PQ 11 .36 0 .13 7 .14 3 .11 8 .45 9 FQ 12 .13 3 .22 7 .18 9 .12 2 .67 9 FQ 13R 3.7 34E-02 .13 2 7.4 46E-02 3.9 85E-02 .57 4 FQ 14R 6.2 31E-02 .12 1 .10 6 7.3 51E-02 .53 1 FQ 15 .24 4 .16 5 .18 4 .12 1 .50 6 EQ 16 5.2 74E-02 9.5 35E-02 .20 3 .78 2 .12 3 EQ 17 .13 6 .11 1 .27 1 .83 8 9.7 34E-02 EQ 18 .10 5 .11 7 .29 7 .74 7 .15 2 EQ 19 .12 0 .23 8 .57 6 .14 9 .18 0 EQ 20 .22 9 .11 1 .42 5 .34 1 .16 4 EQ 21 9.3 04E-02 7.6 40E-02 .56 1 .25 9 8.0 58E-02 EQ 22 .23 4 .13 8 .69 1 .17 3 .23 5 EQ 23 .13 0 .13 8 .71 8 .23 1 .19 0 Anomalies The effectiveness items split into two groups which accounts for the 5 factors. Ex tractio n Me thod : Ma ximum Likeliho od. Ro tation Met hod: Varim ax with K aiser Norm aliza tion. a. Ro tation con verge d in 7 iteration s. Not a bad solution considering this was only the second analysis. The first analysis was with a small pilot sample of students – mostly MBA students, one which yielded only 4 factors (effectiveness was only 1 factor in that solution). Fa ctor Trans forma tion Matr ix Fa ctor 1 1 2 3 4 .51 0 .51 1 .39 7 2 -.4 08 -.4 04 3 -.7 49 .62 6 4 -.0 68 5 -.0 84 5 .43 0 .36 9 .31 4 .75 1 -.0 88 .09 7 -.0 91 .17 0 -.3 70 .67 7 -.4 69 .42 5 -.2 15 -.5 26 .15 2 .80 4 The factor transformation matrix is a matrix of values that were involved in the rotation of the matrix of loadings. Extractio n Me thod : Ma ximum Likeliho od. Ro tation Met hod: Varim ax with K aiser Norm aliza tion. FALecture - 35 Printed on 2/18/2016 Rieth Dissertation Factor Analysis – Oblique Solution (allowing factors to be correlated) factor /matrix = in(cor=*) /method = correlation /analysis = cq1 to eq23 /print = default /plot=eigen /diagonal=default /criteria = factors(5) /extraction = ml /rotation = oblimin(0). All of the output up to the Goodness-of-fit is the same as the orthogonal rotation solution. - - - - - - - - - - - F A C T O R A N A L Y S I S More on goodness-of-fit later on. Goodne ss-of-fit Te st Ch i-Squ are 37 8.852 df 14 8 - - - - - - - - - - - The pattern matrix is the matrix of standardized factor loadings. Use these to define factors. Each loading is the partial correlation of a variable with a factor – the correlation of the variable with the factor holding the other factors constant. Sig . .00 0 Pa ttern Matr ixa Fa ctor C E 1 P 3 1.6 30E-02 E .85 0 CQ 2 .90 0 2.0 08E-02 -6. 123E -03 -1. 741E -02 -1. 780E -02 CQ 3 .82 1 -2. 467E -03 -3. 891E -02 -5. 239E -02 3.9 39E-02 CQ 4 .31 7 1.4 93E-02 -7. 837E -02 .13 4 .31 1 CQ 5 .52 3 -1. 661E -02 -7. 690E -02 .17 4 7.4 41E-02 PQ 6 5.4 66E-03 .10 9 -.4 62 4.3 03E-02 .17 2 PQ 7 7.5 41E-03 3.9 11E-02 -.8 05 -4. 451E -02 5.4 78E-02 PQ 8 6.5 98E-02 -8. 191E -02 -.5 93 9.4 27E-02 -.1 01 PQ 9 3.0 44E-02 .11 0 -.9 01 -.1 18 1.5 92E-02 PQ 10 4.9 56E-02 -5. 412E -02 -.6 43 7.0 41E-02 -1. 267E -02 PQ 11 -1. 915E -02 4.3 23E-02 -.3 01 1.8 26E-02 .43 3 FQ 12 8.0 25E-02 2.4 80E-02 1.2 73E-02 6.0 32E-02 .68 3 FQ 13R 2.1 86E-02 -2. 174E -02 6.5 17E-02 -2. 045E -02 .62 1 FQ 14R 7.4 11E-03 1.0 24E-02 3.5 57E-02 1.3 61E-02 .56 2 FQ 15 2.1 26E-02 3.4 22E-02 -.1 50 7.3 07E-02 .48 6 EQ 16 2.7 97E-02 .83 6 4.1 24E-02 -2. 587E -02 1.4 71E-02 EQ 17 2.6 50E-02 .87 8 -3. 920E -02 3.4 88E-02 -4. 455E -02 EQ 18 2.6 15E-02 .76 1 2.9 57E-03 9.1 95E-02 2.5 01E-02 EQ 19 .14 6 -2. 843E -02 3.7 12E-02 .61 6 2.8 07E-02 EQ 20 -1. 211E -02 .24 3 -.1 36 .36 9 3.9 83E-02 EQ 21 -3. 030E -02 .11 9 1.8 31E-02 .60 1 -5. 026E -02 EQ 22 -2. 878E -02 -3. 916E -02 -9. 412E -02 .74 7 8.5 69E-02 EQ 23 -5. 631E -03 2.7 67E-02 2.6 84E-02 .78 3 3.3 78E-02 Ex tractio n Me thod : Ma ximum Likeliho od. Ro tation Met hod: Oblim in with K aiser Norm aliza tion. a. Ro tation con verge d in 7 iteration s. FALecture - 36 4 -1. 240E -02 F CQ 1 2 6.1 10E-02 5 -1. 753E -02 Loadings here are partial regression coefficients. Each loading controls for all other factors. CQ4 is now “on board” with the other CQ items, if only barely. PQ11 is still an anomaly – influenced more by F5 than by F3. The effectiveness items still form two factors. The correlation of these two factors is .555 (see below). Terri ended up analyzing the effectiveness items separately – as Perceived Cost effectiveness and Perceived Quality effectiveness. Printed on 2/18/2016 Str uctur e Ma trix Fa ctor 1 2 3 4 5 CQ 1 .84 5 .29 3 -.4 03 .38 9 .43 1 CQ 2 .89 2 .26 9 -.4 37 .39 3 .45 0 CQ 3 .83 6 .23 1 -.4 32 .34 8 .45 6 CQ 4 .58 1 .30 0 -.4 07 .45 4 .56 8 CQ 5 .67 2 .27 6 -.4 26 .46 3 .44 6 PQ 6 .37 2 .31 0 -.5 75 .36 9 .40 1 PQ 7 .42 0 .24 4 -.8 21 .33 0 .35 2 PQ 8 .32 1 .11 2 -.6 04 .27 3 .17 0 PQ 9 .45 8 .29 4 -.9 04 .32 8 .35 1 PQ 10 .37 3 .16 3 -.6 77 .31 7 .26 7 PQ 11 .37 3 .26 3 -.4 72 .34 6 .55 7 FQ 12 .46 3 .29 4 -.3 12 .40 7 .75 5 FQ 13R .29 6 .15 2 -.1 63 .22 5 .59 2 FQ 14R .29 1 .18 8 -.1 86 .25 7 .56 2 FQ 15 .38 9 .27 3 -.3 80 .37 7 .59 6 EQ 16 .24 8 .82 3 -.1 86 .44 0 .26 6 EQ 17 .29 5 .90 1 -.2 79 .53 0 .27 6 EQ 18 .30 1 .82 7 -.2 55 .53 6 .31 8 EQ 19 .41 1 .35 5 -.2 86 .66 3 .35 3 EQ 20 .31 2 .49 3 -.3 58 .57 1 .32 4 EQ 21 .24 0 .42 3 -.2 22 .62 4 .23 1 EQ 22 .38 6 .41 9 -.4 03 .78 8 .42 4 EQ 23 .35 9 .46 4 -.3 06 .80 0 .37 6 The structure matrix contains simple correlations of items with factors. It is less often interpreted. Extractio n Me thod : Ma ximum Likeliho od. Ro tation Met hod: Oblim in with K aiser Norm aliza tion. Fa ctor Corre lation Matrix Fa ctor 1 1 1.0 00 2 3 4 5 .29 2 -.4 88 .44 9 2 .29 2 1.0 00 -.2 61 .55 5 .31 5 3 -.4 88 -.2 61 1.0 00 -.4 04 -.3 73 4 .44 9 .55 5 -.4 04 1.0 00 .44 2 5 .51 9 .31 5 -.3 73 .44 2 1.0 00 Extractio n Me thod : Ma ximum Likeliho od. Ro tation Met hod: Oblim in with K aiser Norm aliza tion. .51 9 Intercorrelations of factors. All correlations are substantial. Note that the two effectiveness factors have the highest correlation – they’re separate but related. How do we use the results? 1. Most common use To create scales by summing the responses to items with highest loadings on a factor. This is a crude way of creating factor scores. This is what Terri did. She created 3 scales representing three different aspects of authority boundary and used these as independent variables. She created two scales representing two aspects of effectiveness and used these as dependent variables. FALecture - 37 Printed on 2/18/2016