PPG Minutes July - Hughenden Valley Surgery

Patient Participation/ Reference Group
Twenty third meeting – 14th July 2015
In attendance : Sheila Pearson, Angela Townsend, Victoria Bellamy
Elizabeth Carless, Jeremy Pinner and Dr Amin Kanji
Francis Wall, Lucy Milton and Brian Humphries.
The Group welcomed Dr Kanji who had not joined us for some time.
1 Patients who do not turn up for appointments = DNA’s
The June figure was 109 missed appointments over both ends of the
Practice. This equates to 20 hours 3 minutes of G P’s time. The present
figures have not been calculated.
2) Attracting new members to join the Patient Group.
Victoria Bellamy put an article on the Hughenden Valley Face Book Page to
encourage Patients to come forward to join the group.
Elizabeth Carless took forms to a Naphill Village Hall function and the Speen
Science evening. AT number present gave their email addresses to become
VIRTUAL Group PPG members when it is up and running.
3) Discussion on Baby related problems and Obstetric Care
Baby clinics continue on a needs basis.
Mr Pinner informed us that the number of pregnancies in our Practice are
lower than the National Average between the ages of 24 – 34.
Dr Kanji explained the “Shared Care Policy” during Pregnancy between the
Midwives and the GP’s.
After diagnosis of the pregnancy, the Midwives are informed, who then
contact the new patient usually between 7 -8 weeks to make arrangements
to visit them in their home to get to know them.
Scans are arranged to check dates and for any possible diseases of the
mother or foetus. Routine follow up checks are shared between the GPs and
the midwives. The Midwives arrange for the birth either to be at home or
The Birthing Centre at Wycombe / Stoke Mandeville Hospital. There are no
doctors available at the Maternity Unit at High Wycombe. Emergencies are
taken by ambulance to Stoke Mandeville.
Bereavements of babies – counselling is available but sometimes over the
telephone which has caused distress. The Rosie Trust is available locally.
The GP is informed of mother and baby’s discharge within 6 hours, who they
then see. The Midwives call regularly to give advice on feeding and field any
problems with the mother i.e. mastitis / depression etc. and check baby’s
health. The mother and baby have a routine six week check up with the
There was a discussion about Foetal Alcohol Syndrome ( FAS), which was
bought up at the last meeting. There are very few known if any cases in the
Practice. The condition comes to light over a number of years when a child
presents with difficult behaviour or non achievement of childhood milestones.
Patients are given advice and the recommended guidelines for drinking
alcohol during their pregnancy by the midwives and GP.
We were informed that Stoke Mandeville Hospital Maternity Department
were having an increasing number of babies suffering from Drug overdose
problems. The babies were having to be given Methadone and weaned off
drug. In the process they were going through distressful withdrawal
symptoms “ cold turkey” problems.
Their mothers rarely owned up to
taking drugs either before or after the birth.
4) Alzeimers Disease.
At the last meeting some thought was given to Alzeimers Disease and
the relevance to our area of South Bucks where we are lower than the
National average. Rest of UK = 67% South Bucks have gone up 40% to
51%. We were informed that Patients suspected of suffering with
Dementia undergo the Standard Dementia Memory Screening Test. If
they score low on the memory test they undergo a Blood Test to see if
they have low vitamin B12 and iron score.
Dr Kanji says most patients and relatives are well informed and seek
The Practice has a list of Clinics and Help organizations for Patient care and
Relative support. This needed updating and Heather Dempsey, one of the
PPG group, has now kindly updated the information. The Safe Haven
Dementia Centre at Totteridge Baptist Church has been added to the list.
There is also support for carers by Carers Bucks who hold regular sessions
at the surgeries.
5) Pharmacy News.
Jeremy Pinner informed us that the Pharmacist Manager’s post has been
advertised and they are interviewing for the post.
6) Shingles Vaccine ( Zostavac)
There has been good uptake of the Shingles vaccine. Shingles( Herpes Zoster)
is caused by the chickenpox virus. The vaccine is thought to be effective for
at least 6 years.
Dr Kanji said that there is an emergency eye clinic for any corneal scarring
and patients can undergo corneal inplants if their sight is badly affected.
The next meeting is to be held on 22nd September 2015 at 6.30pm at
Hughenden Surgery.
Elizabeth Carless
Any issue you wish to raise for discussion – please advise.